SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Package serp.util



Interface Summary
Pool Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Pool module.
RefCollection Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceCollection.
RefKeyMap.RefMapKey Represents a key held by weak or soft reference.
RefMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
RefValueCollection.RefValue Represents a value held by weak or soft reference.
RefValueMap.RefMapValue Interface representing a map entry whose value is stored using a weak or soft reference.
ResourceBundleProvider A simple mechanism for looking up ResourceBundle instances across different potential sources.

Class Summary
AbstractPool Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Pool module.
CodeFormat Encapsulates some common Java source code formatting options.
CompressedString A CompressedString holds on to a compressed form of a String, as well as a Reference that caches the uncompressed version.
Files Utility operations on files.
IdentityMap Map type that hashes on object identity.
Localizer The Localizer provides convenient access to localized strings.
LookaheadIterator Iterator type used that looks ahead one element to allow dynamic removal of invalid elements from iteration.
LookaheadIterator.ItrValue This struct holds information about an item to return from the iterator.
LRUMap Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Collections module.
MapSet Set implementation that uses any given map for internal storage.
MultiClassLoader Class loader type that can be configured to delegate to multiple internal class loaders.
MultiIterator Iterator type that can combine multiple iterators into one logical iterator.
Options A specialization of the Properties map type with the added abilities to read application options from the command line and to use bean patterns to set an object's properties via command-line the stored mappings.
OrderedSet Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Collections module.
ParameterTemplate A template that allows parameter substitutions.
Pools Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Pool module.
ReferenceCollection A collection whose values may be stored as weak or soft references.
ReferenceMap A map whose keys and values can be stored as weak or soft references.
RefKeyMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
RefValueCollection Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceCollection.
RefValueMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
Semaphore Semaphore implementation.
Services Utility classes to locate services, as defined in the Jar File Specification.
SimpleLinkedList Deprecated. Use the Jakarta project's Commons Collections module.
SimpleLinkedList.Entry Doubly linked list element building block.
SimpleResourceBundleProvider ResourceBundleProvider that uses Java's built-in resource bundle lookup methods.
SoftCollection Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceCollection.
SoftKeyMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
SoftValueMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
StreamResourceBundleProvider ResourceBundleProvider that uses the ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String) method to load resources.
Strings String utiltity methods.
ThreadLock Lock implementation.
TypedProperties A specialization of the Properties map type with added convenience methods to retrieve and set options as primitive values.
WeakCollection Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceCollection.
WeakKeyMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
WeakValueMap Deprecated. Replaced by the ReferenceMap.
ZipResourceBundleProvider ResourceBundleProvider that expects the ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String) method to return a zipped input stream.

Package serp.util Description


This package contains generic developer utilities. Developers are also strongly encouraged to check out the Jakarta Commons project for great utilities. Many of the classes in this package have now been deprecated in favor of Jakarta equivalents.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

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