SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Class InClassNameClassIndicator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InClassNameClassIndicator
extends InValueClassIndicator

Determines the class of database records using a column holding the class name, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement. This mapping initializes the possible subclasses with a SELECT DISTINCT on the class column, and thereafter assumes it has a complete list of subclasses to work with.

Field Summary
static String TYPE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Class getClass(Object indicator, ClassLoader loader)
          Return the class for the given column value.
protected  Object getClassIndicator(ClassMapping mapping)
          Return the value the column should take.
protected  int getDataStoreTypeCode()
          Return the FieldMapping type code for the type of data stored by this indicator.
 String getMappingType()
          Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.
 void loadSubclasses(JDBCStoreManager store)
          Initialize the subclass list for our base class.
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.InValueClassIndicator
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
addMappingInfoAttributes, fromMappingInfo, getClass, getColumn, getColumns, getJDBCType, insert, map, select, setColumn, toMappingInfo
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
getClassLoader, getDefaults, newInstance, setSubclassesLoaded, subclassesLoaded, toString
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
delete, delete, getDBDictionary, getMappingRepository, getOwnerMapping, getTable, insert, isCustomDelete, isCustomInsert, isCustomUpdate, refSchemaComponents, reverseMap, setOwnerMapping, update, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String TYPE
Constructor Detail


public InClassNameClassIndicator()
Method Detail


public String getMappingType()
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.


protected int getDataStoreTypeCode()
Description copied from class: ColumnClassIndicator
Return the FieldMapping type code for the type of data stored by this indicator.
getDataStoreTypeCode in class ColumnClassIndicator


protected Object getClassIndicator(ClassMapping mapping)
Description copied from class: ColumnClassIndicator
Return the value the column should take.
getClassIndicator in class ColumnClassIndicator


protected Class getClass(Object indicator,
                         ClassLoader loader)
                  throws ClassNotFoundException
Description copied from class: ColumnClassIndicator
Return the class for the given column value.
getClass in class ColumnClassIndicator


public void loadSubclasses(JDBCStoreManager store)
                    throws SQLException,
Initialize the subclass list for our base class.
loadSubclasses in class ClassIndicator

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.