SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _


absolute(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
absolute(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
absolute(int) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Move to the given 0-based position.
absolute(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
absolute(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Move to the given 0-based row in the result, or return false if the row does not exist.
absolute(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Throws an exception by default.
absolute(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
absolute(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
absolute(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
AbstractClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping.
Mapping from a class to a relational schema.
AbstractClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
AbstractCollectionFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.
Base class for collection mappings.
AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection.
Large result set collection.
AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection(AbstractCollectionFieldMapping) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection
AbstractCollectionFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
AbstractDataCache - class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache.
Abstract DataCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
AbstractDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
AbstractFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping.
Maps a persistent field to the relational schema.
AbstractFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener - class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener.
Abstract implementation of all InstanceLifecycleListener interfaces which delegates events to a single method.
AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener() - Constructor for class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
AbstractJDBCListener - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener.
An abstract implementation of the JDBCListener listener.
AbstractJDBCListener() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
AbstractJDBCSavepointManager - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.
Abstract SavepointManager implementation that delegates to the subclass for savepoint operations on the active Connection.
AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint.
A savepoint which provides access to the current transactional connection.
AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager, KodoPersistenceManager, String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
AbstractJDBCSavepointManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
AbstractLockManager - class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager.
Abstract LockManager implementation.
AbstractLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
AbstractLog - class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog.
A simple implementation of the Log interface.
AbstractLog() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
AbstractLRSProxyCollection - class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection.
A collection proxy designed for collections backed by extremely large result sets in which each call to AbstractLRSProxyCollection.iterator() may perform a database query.
AbstractLRSProxyCollection(Class, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
AbstractLRSProxyMap - class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap.
A map proxy designed for maps backed by extremely large result sets in which each call to AbstractLRSProxyMap.get(java.lang.Object) or AbstractLRSProxyMap.containsKey(java.lang.Object) may perform a database query.
AbstractLRSProxyMap(Class, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
AbstractManagementConfiguration - class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration.
Abstract class that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
AbstractManagementConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
AbstractMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.
Base class for map mappings.
AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap - class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap.
Large result set map.
AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap(AbstractMapFieldMapping) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
AbstractMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
AbstractPCData - class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData.
AbstractPCData() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
AbstractPCResultObjectProvider - class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider.
Abstract implementation of PCResultObjectProvider that implements ResultObjectProvider.getResultObject() by assembling the necessary information about the object to be loaded.
AbstractPCResultObjectProvider(KodoPersistenceManager) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Create a new provider for loading PC objects from the input into pm.
AbstractQueryCache - class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache.
Abstract QueryCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
AbstractQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
AbstractRemoteCommitProvider - class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider.
Abstract implementation of RemoteCommitProvider.
AbstractRemoteCommitProvider() - Constructor for class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
AbstractResult - class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult.
A Result implementation designed to be subclassed easily by implementations.
AbstractResult() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
AbstractSQLServerDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary.
Dictionary for the SQL Server databases (Sybase and MS SQL Server).
AbstractSQLServerDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
AbstractStoreManager - class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager.
Abstract store manager implementation to ease development of custom Kodo back-ends.
AbstractStoreManager() - Constructor for class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory - class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory.
PersistenceManagerFactory implementation for use with the AbstractStoreManager.
AbstractTransactionListener - class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener.
Abstract implementation of the TransactionListener interface that provides no-op implementations of all methods.
AbstractTransactionListener() - Constructor for class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
accept() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Accept a client request.
AccessDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessDictionary.
Dictionary for Access via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver.
AccessDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessDictionary
accessed - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
ACTION_BUILD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_BUILD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_CASCADE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Cascade any modification of the joined primary key columns to this table.
ACTION_CLEAN - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
ACTION_CREATEDB - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Set the local columns to their default values if the primary key columns are modified.
ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Mark the row for deletion.
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
ACTION_DROPDB - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Throw an exception if joined primary key columns are modified.
ACTION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Constant representing the InverseManager.ACTION_EXCEPTION action
ACTION_EXPORT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_EXPORT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_IMPORT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_IMPORT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_INCREMENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
ACTION_INSERT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Mark the row for inserttion.
ACTION_MANAGE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Constant representing the InverseManager.ACTION_MANAGE action
ACTION_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Logical foreign key; links columns, but does not perform any action when the joined primary key columns are modified.
ACTION_NULL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Null the local columns if the joined primary key columns are modified.
ACTION_REFRESH - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_REFRESH - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_RETAIN - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
ACTION_REVERT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Symbolic constant reserved for situations when a row operation is unknown.
ACTION_UPDATE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Mark the row for update.
ACTION_VALIDATE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTION_WARN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Constant representing the InverseManager.ACTION_WARN action
ACTIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
ACTIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
add() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Adds any components present in the schema repository but absent from the database.
add(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
add(Object, Class, Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Add the given values.
addAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
addAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Register an aggregate listener for the query.
addAlias(String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Add an alias to the beginning of the alias list.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Add the given attribute to the mapping information.
addBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
addBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
addBatch(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
addBatch(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
addBatch(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
addBeanField(BCClass, String, Class) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
addBoolean(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addClassConditions(Select, ClassMapping, boolean, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Add WHERE conditions to the given select limiting the returned results to the given mapping type, possibly including subclasses.
addClassIndicator(ClassIndicator, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Add a mapping.
addClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.util.MultiLoaderClassResolver
addClassMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Add a mapping.
addColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Add the given column to the database schema.
addColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Add a column to the index.
addColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Add a column to the primary key.
addColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Add a column to the table.
addDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
addDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
addDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Add a persistent or transactional field to this class.
addDouble(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
added(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
added(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
added(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Notify the tracker that the given object was added.
addException(Collection, Exception) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
Add the given exception to the given list, which may start out as null.
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Add a new expiration event listener to this cache.
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Add a new expiration event listener to this cache.
addExtension(String, Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
addExtension(String, Object) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Add a kodo vendor extension to this entity.
addExtension(String, Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
addExtension(String, Object) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
addExtension(String, String, Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
addExtension(String, String, Object) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Add a vendor extension to this entity.
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
addExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Add all the known extension keys to the specified collection; any implementation that utilized new extensions should override this method to include both the known extensions of its superclass as well as its own extension keys.
addExtensionKeys(Collection, Mapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
addExtensionKeys(Collection, Mapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
addExtensionKeys(Collection, Mapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
addExtensionKeys(Collection, Mapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Add any metadata extension keys that this MappingFactory uses to store mapping information.
addFetchGroup(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds group to the set of fetch group names to use when loading objects.
addFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds groups to the set of fetch group names to use when loading objects.
addFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds groups to the set of fetch group names to use when loading objects.
addField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds field to the set of field names to use when loading objects.
addField(FieldMappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Add the given embedded field to the mapping information.
addField(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
addFieldImplMethods(BCClass, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
addFieldMapping(FieldMapping, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Add a mapping.
addFields(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of field names to use when loading objects.
addFields(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of field names to use when loading objects.
addFields(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
addFields(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
addFile(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Register a filter listener for the query.
addForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Add a foreign key to the table.
addForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Add the given foreign key to the database schema.
addForeignKey(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Add a foreign key to the table.
addImplMethods(BCClass, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
addIndex(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Add an index to the table.
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
JDO 2.0 Preview.
addInstanceLifecycleListeners(PersistenceManagerImpl) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Add PMF-registered lifecycle listeners to the persistence manager.
addInt(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addListener(SchemaGenerator.Listener) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Adds a listener for schema generation events.
addListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Add a listener.
addLogFactory(LogFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
addMappingInfo(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Add the given class mapping's info to the set of mappings.
addMappingInfo(ClassMappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Add the given mapping to the set of mapping infos stored.
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Add all mapping attributes names used by this mapping to the given collection.
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
addMappingInfos(MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Add all the mappings in the given repository to the set of mappings stored.
addMappingInfos(MappingRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Add all the mappings in the given repository to the set of mappings stored.
addMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
addMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
addMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Add a metadata instance to the repository.
addMetaData(QueryMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Add the given query metadata to the repository.
addName(String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.NameSet
Attempt to add the given name to the set.
addObjectField(BCClass, String) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
addPlugin(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addPluginList(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addPrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Set the primary key for the table.
addPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Add the given primary key to the database schema.
addPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Set the primary key for the table.
addPrimaryKeyColumn(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Add the primary key column to the given table and return it.
addPrimaryKeyColumn(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Adds a listener for any property changes.
addRegisterClassListener(ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener) - Static method in class kodo.util.ImplHelper
Register a ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener.
addResult(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
addSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Add a schema to the group.
addSchema(ClassMapping, SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
addSchema(ClassMapping, SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
addSchema(ClassMapping, SchemaGroup) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SequenceFactory
Add any tables, etc needed by this factory for the given mapping to the given schema group, if they do not exist already.
addSchema(ClassMapping, SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SimpleSequenceFactory
addSchema(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Add a schema to the group.
addString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addStringList(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Add a table to the schema.
addToCollection(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Add the given value to the collection at the selected field.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Register a TransferListener that will be called as the persistence manager uploads objects to the server during flush operations and when objects are downloaded from the server as part of queries or loads.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener, long) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
addValue(Value) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Add the given value to the set of configuration properties.
addVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Add a mapping.
AFTER_BEGIN - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that a transaction has just begun.
AFTER_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Connection was just committed.
AFTER_COMMIT - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that the transaction has committed.
AFTER_CONNECT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a connection was obtained.
AFTER_CREATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement is being created.
AFTER_EXECUTE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement completed execution.
AFTER_FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that changes have been flushed to the datastore.
AFTER_FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
AFTER_PREPARE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement is being prepared.
AFTER_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a rollback just occured.
AFTER_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that the transaction was rolled back.
AFTER_STATE_TRANSITIONS - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that all state transitions have been made.
afterBegin(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
afterBegin(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that a transaction has begun.
afterBegin(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
afterCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterCommit(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
This method is part of the RemoteCommitListener interface.
afterCommit(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
This method is part of the RemoteCommitListener interface.
afterCommit(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitListener
Notification that a transaction associated with a different PersistenceManagerFactory has successfully committed.
afterCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
afterCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that a transaction has successfully committed.
afterCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
afterConnect(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterConnect(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterCreateStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterCreateStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
afterFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that a transaction has flushed all object changes.
afterFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
afterLast() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
afterPrepareStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterPrepareStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterReturn(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
afterRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
afterRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
afterRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that a transaction has been rolled back.
afterRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
afterStateTransitions(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
afterStateTransitions(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that JDO state transitions are complete.
afterStateTransitions(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
aggregate - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
AggregateListener - interface kodo.query.AggregateListener.
An aggregate listener aggregates data produced by a JDOQL query.
aggregateListenerPlugins - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
aggregateListeners - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
alias(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Alias the given setting.
allowConcurrentRead - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
This setting inserts "BYPASS" after every "SELECT".
allProceduresAreCallable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
allTablesAreSelectable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
and(Joins, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
AND the given joins together.
append(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
append(SQLBuffer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append all SQL and parameters of the given buffer.
append(SQLBuffer, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Append the given joins to the given buffer.
append(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
append(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
appendClause(Column, String, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a clause.
appendClause(Column, String, Object, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a clause using the column's alias in the given select statemenet.
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
appendInfo(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Append the SQL testing whether this value is empty to the given buffer.
appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is empty.
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Append the SQL testing whether this value is not null to the given buffer.
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not null.
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Append the SQL testing whether this value is null to the given buffer.
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is null.
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
appendIsNull(SQLBuffer, Select, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
appendNull() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
If this dictionary can select ranges, use this method to append the range SQL.
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
appendSize(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Helper method to add size properties to the specified type.
appendSize(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
appendSize(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
appendTo(SQLBuffer) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Append the first SQL element for this value to the given buffer.
appendTo(SQLBuffer, FilterValue[], ClassMapping, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.JDBCAggregateListener
Append the SQL for this aggregate.
appendTo(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue[], ClassMapping, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.JDBCFilterListener
Append the SQL for this expression or value.
appendTo(SQLBuffer, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Append the indexth SQL element for this value to the given buffer.
appendTo(SQLBuffer, int, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
appendTo(SQLBuffer, int, Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Append the indexth SQL element to the given buffer.
appendValue(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(boolean,Column) instead
appendValue(boolean, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(byte) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(byte,Column) instead
appendValue(byte, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(char) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(char,Column) instead
appendValue(char, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(double) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(double,Column) instead
appendValue(double, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(float) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(float,Column) instead
appendValue(float, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(int,Column) instead
appendValue(int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(long,Column) instead
appendValue(long, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
appendValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(Object,Column) instead
appendValue(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value for a specific column.
appendValue(short) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Deprecated. use SQLBuffer.appendValue(short,Column) instead
appendValue(short, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Append a parameter value.
ApplicationIdTool - class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.
Generates a class appropriate for use as an application identity class.
ApplicationIdTool.Flags - class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags.
Run flags.
ApplicationIdTool.Flags() - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags
ApplicationIdTool(JDOConfiguration, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Constructs a new ApplicationIdTool capable of generating an object id class for type.
ApplicationIdTool(JDOConfiguration, Class, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Constructs a new tool instance capable of generating an object id class for meta.
areRemoteEventsEnabled() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
Return true if remote events are enabled.
Args - class kodo.jdbc.query.Args.
A list of arguments to a multi-argument function.
Args - interface kodo.query.Args.
Interface representing a list of method arguments.
Args(Val, Val) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
arrayTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
ascending - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
assertActiveTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
assertActiveTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if there is no active transaction.
assertAllowedType(Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Used by proxy types to check that an attempt to add a new value is legal.
assertManaged(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Throw an exception if the given object is not managed; otherwise return its state manager.
assertNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
assertNontransactionalRead() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if there is no transaction active and nontransactional reading is not enabled.
assertNotFrozen() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Checks if the configuration has been frozen and if so throws a IllegalStateException, otherwise returns silently.
assertOpen() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
assertOpen() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Throw an exception if this persistence manager has been closed.
assertResolved() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
Throw an exception if this mapping has not been resolved.
assertSupport(boolean, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Assert that the given dictionary flag is true.
assertTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
assignDataStoreId(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Assign a new datastore identity to the given instance.
assignObjectId(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Ask the store manager to assign a permanent oid to this new instance.
assignObjectId(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
assignObjectId(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
assignObjectId(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Assign an object id to the given new instance.
attach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
attach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
attachAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
attachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
attachAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
attachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
ATTR_BLANK_AS_NULL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
ATTR_NULL_AS_BLANK - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
ATTR_PAD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
ATTR_TRIM_LEADING - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
ATTR_TRIM_TRAILING - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
ATTRIBUTE_ALLOWED_VALUES - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Attribute of returned Value property descriptors listing recognized values for the property.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property' hierarchical category.
ATTRIBUTE_ORDER - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's ordering in its category.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's type or category.
AUTO_INCREMENT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension indicating that this data store identity class has an auto-incrementing primary key column.
AUTO_INCREMENT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension indicating that this field uses an auto-incrementing column.
autoIncrementClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
autoIncrementSequenceName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
The global sequence name to use for autoincrement simulation.
autoIncrementTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
AutomaticManagedRuntime - class
Implementation of the ManagedRuntime interface that searches through a set of known JNDI locations and method invocations to locate the appropriate mechanism for obtaining a TransactionManager.
AutomaticManagedRuntime() - Constructor for class


BaseClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping.
Class mapping used for base classes in a persistent inheritance tree.
BaseClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
batchLimit - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
batchParameterLimit - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
BEFORE_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a connection was closed.
BEFORE_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Connection is about to be committed.
BEFORE_COMMIT - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that the transaction is about to be committed.
BEFORE_CREATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement is being created.
BEFORE_EXECUTE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement is about to be executed.
BEFORE_FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Event type signifying that changes are about to be flushed to the datastore.
BEFORE_PREPARE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a Statement is being prepared.
BEFORE_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Type code indicating that a rollback is about to occur.
beforeClose(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeClose(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
beforeCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that the next flush is for the transaction commit.
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
beforeCompletion() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
beforeCreateStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeCreateStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
beforeExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
beforeFirst() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
beforeFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
beforeFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.TransactionListener
Notification that a transaction is about to flush all object changes.
beforeFlush(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
beforePrepareStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforePrepareStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
beforeRefresh(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Prepare the instance for refresh
beforeReturn(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
beforeRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener
BEGIN - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
begin() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Kodo assumes that after this method is invoked, all data accesses through this store manager will be part of a single unit of work that can be rolled back.
begin() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
begin() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Begin a data store transaction.
begin() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
begin() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
beginOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
No-op implementation.
beginOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
beginOptimistic() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Notification that an optimistic transaction has started.
beginTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
Does nothing by default.
beginTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Notification that a transaction is beginning.
beginTransaction() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore
Begin a datastore transaction.
bigintTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
binaryTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
bitTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
BlobFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping.
Maps a single-column BLOB.
BlobFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
blobTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
booleanTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
BooleanValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue.
A boolean Value.
BooleanValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitProvider
Notifies other remote event managers in this JVM and on other machines of changes to the cache.
broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider
broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
build() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Re-execute all SQL used for the creation of the current database; this action is usually used when creating SQL scripts.
buildSchema(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Update the schema to match the tables and columns dictated by the mappings.
ByteArrayFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping.
Maps a single-column unserialized BLOB.
ByteArrayFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
ByteIdentity - class kodo.util.ByteIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for byte fields.
ByteIdentity(Class, byte) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
ByteIdentity(Class, Byte) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
ByteIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ByteIdentity


CacheDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.CacheDictionary.
Dictionary for Intersystems Cache.
CacheDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.CacheDictionary
CacheMap - class kodo.util.CacheMap.
A map that keeps hard references to a fixed number of elements and moves expired references to a soft reference map.
CacheMap() - Constructor for class kodo.util.CacheMap
Create a new CacheMap with an initial maximum unpinned object size of 1000.
CacheMap(int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CacheMap
Create a new CacheMap with an initial maximum unpinned object size of size.
CacheMap(int, float) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CacheMap
Create a new CacheMap with an initial maximum unpinned object size of size and a load factor of load.
CacheMap(int, float, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CacheMap
Create a new CacheMap with an initial size of size, load factor of load, and maximum unpinned object size of max.
cacheTables - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
Sets whether HSQL should use "CREATED CACHED TABLE" rather than "CREATE TABLE", which allows disk-based database operations.
calculateValue(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], Val, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
calculateValue(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], Val, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Calculate and cache the SQL for this value.
callAbstractPCData(BCClass, String, Class, Class[]) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
Add method which defers to AbstractPCData.
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns type if the specified column can be included in batch statements.
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyDictionary
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
canBatch(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
canCacheAnyFieldImpl(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
CANCEL_ALL - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
cancel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
cancel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
cancel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
cancelAll() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns false.
cancelAll() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
cancelAll() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Cancel all pending data store statements.
cancelAll() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Cancel all pending data store statements.
cancelAll() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
canConvert(Class, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Return whether an instance of the first class can be converted to an instance of the second.
canDelegateEmbeddedInfo() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
canDelegateEmbeddedInfo() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping
canDelegateEmbeddedInfo() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Returns true if this embedded mapping can delegate mapping to the types mapping information.
canOuterJoin(int, ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns if the given foreign key can be eagerly loaded using other joins.
canOuterJoin(int, ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
CanRetryException - exception kodo.util.CanRetryException.
Serializable extensions of the JDOCanRetryException.
CanRetryException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
CanRetryException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CanRetryException
catalogSeparator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
CENTI - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
CFMetaDataParser - class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser.
CFMetaDataParser() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
CHANGE_SETTINGS - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
changed(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
changed(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
changed(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Notify the tracker that the given object was changed.
changeInvalidatesQuery(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Returns true if modifications to any of the classes in changed results in a possible invalidation of this query; otherwise returns false.
changeJDOState(KodoStateManager, JDOState, JDOState) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
changeJDOState(KodoStateManager, JDOState, JDOState) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
changeJDOState(KodoStateManager, JDOState, JDOState) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Notification that the given state manager is about to change its JDO state.
ChangeTracker - interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker.
Interface for components that track changes to containers at a fine-grained level.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
CharIdentity - class kodo.util.CharIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for char fields.
CharIdentity(Class, char) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CharIdentity
CharIdentity(Class, Character) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CharIdentity
CharIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.CharIdentity
charTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
checkConsistency() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
checkConsistency() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
checkIndex(Mapping, String, int, Column[], int) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Check the index-related extensions on the given meta data, and make sure they are consistent with the schema.
checkNull(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
checkNull(Row, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Replace nulls with default values if the metadata says so; returns ColumnFieldMapping.DO_NOT_SET if you should not set the row because the column's default value should be used.
CLASS_IND - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to indicate the type of class indicator to use, or "none" for none.
CLASS_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Whether the class indicator is indexed.
CLASS_INDICATOR_VALUE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to specify the column class indicator value for this class.
CLASS_MAP - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to indicate the type of class mapping to use.
ClassAccessor - interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor.
A generic accessor that provides information about a class.
ClassAccessorFactory - interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessorFactory.
A factory that will provide a ClassAccessor instance for objects.
ClassDBSequenceFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory.
Specialization of the DBSequenceFactory that maintains a separate sequence count per-class.
ClassDBSequenceFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
classesChanged(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
classesChanged(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Tells the cache that all the classes in the classes set have been changed.
classesChanged(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
classForName(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
classForName(String, String, boolean, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
classIndicator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
ClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator.
Handles determining the object class of database records.
ClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
ClassMapping - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping.
Mapping from a class to a relational schema.
ClassMappingInfo - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo.
Holds information about a class mapping; this is used as an intermediate step during serialization and deserialization of ClassMappings to XML or some other format.
ClassMappingInfo(String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
ClassMetaData - interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData.
Contains JDO meta information about a persistent type.
ClassRefCacheMap - class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap.
A map that keeps hard references to a fixed number of elements and moves expired references to a soft reference map.
ClassRefCacheMap() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
ClassRefCacheMap(int) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
classResolver - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ClassResolver - interface kodo.util.ClassResolver.
Interface to customize the loading of classes under Kodo.
classResolverPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ClassSequenceFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory.
SequenceFactory implementation that uses a database sequences to generate numbers.
ClassSequenceFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
clean(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Removes all records stored for non-existant classes.
CLEAR - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is loaded (analagous to InstanceCallbacks#preClear).
clear() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
clear() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
clear() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Remove all data from this cache.
clear() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Remove all data from this cache.
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Clear the set of mappings stored.
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Reset the internal repository.
clear() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
clear() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Remove all metadatas from the repository and clear the parsed file cache.
clear() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Clear the cache of parsed metadata.
clear() - Method in interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader
Clear any internal caches that this loader might be maintaining.
clear() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Removes pinned objects as well as unpinned ones.
clear() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
clear() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
clearAttributes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Remove all attributes from the mapping information.
clearBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
clearBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
clearBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
clearCache() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Clear the caches of mappings and implementations.
clearData(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
clearData(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
clearFetchGroups() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Clears the set of fetch group names to use wen loading data.
clearFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Clear all fields.
clearFields() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Clears the set of field names to use wen loading data.
clearForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Clear the cache.
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Clear the cache.
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
clearInverseRelations(KodoPersistenceManagerSPI, KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, FieldMetaData[], Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Remove all relations between the initial value of fmd for the instance managed by sm and its inverses.
clearInverseRelations(KodoPersistenceManagerSPI, KodoStateManager, Object, FieldMetaData, FieldMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Clear all inverse the relations from val to the instance managed by sm.
ClearLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.ClearLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.CLEAR events.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Clear all listeners.
clearParameters() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
clearParameters() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
clearParameters() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
clearParameters() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Clear parameter values held by this value or its subcomponents.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
ClientConfiguration - interface kodo.remote.ClientConfiguration.
Configuration for client persistence manager factories.
ClientConfigurationImpl - class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl.
Configuration for remote clients.
ClientConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
ClientConfigurationImpl(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
ClientPersistenceManagerFactory - class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory.
Persistence manager factory type for use with Kodo's client/server execution mode.
ClientPersistenceManagerFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Default constructor; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
ClientPersistenceManagerFactory(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Construct the factory with the given option settings; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
ClobFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping.
Maps a CLOB.
ClobFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
clobTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
clone() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
clone() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
clone() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return a copy of the current configuration.
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Perform a shallow clone of this SQL Buffer.
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
clone() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Fetch configurations are cloneable.
clone() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Clone this data.
CLOSE - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
close() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Free the resources used by this object.
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
close() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Free the resources associated with this provider.
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
close() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultList
Close the list.
close() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
close() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
close() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Free the resources used by this cache.
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Close all caches.
close() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Free the resources used by this cache.
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
close() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
close() - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
close() - Method in interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitProvider
Close any resources used by this provider
close() - Method in class kodo.event.SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider
close() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
Close this manager and all registered listeners.
close() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
close() - Method in interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitListener
Close any resources used by this listener.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
Free the data sources.
close() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Invoked when the customer is done.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
close() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Free the resources used by this result; do not close the SQL connection.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Closes all eager results.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
Does nothing by default.
close() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Free any resources this store manager is using.
close() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Free any resources.
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
close(Iterator) - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
close(Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Close the given resource.
closeAll() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
closeAll() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
closeManagement() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
closeProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
closeProfiling() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
closeResources() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Close any results that are consuming resources.
closeResources() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
closeWithoutClear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
closeWithoutClear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
CollectionFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping.
Maps a collection of simple values.
CollectionFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class kodo.util.ProxySupplier
Column - class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column.
Represents a database column.
Column() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Default constructor.
Column(String, Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
ColumnClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator.
Abstract base class for class indicators that use a column to hold class information.
ColumnClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
ColumnCollectionFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping.
Base type for collection mappings that use a single column for their element value.
ColumnCollectionFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
ColumnFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping.
Base class for single-column mappings.
ColumnFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
ColumnMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping.
A map where both the key and value are single-column mappings.
ColumnMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
columnsMatch(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Return true if the given columns match the columns of this index.
columnsMatch(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Return true if the given columns match the columns of this key.
columnsMatch(Column[], Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return true if the given local and foreign columns match those on this key.
ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of single-column keys to related objects.
ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
ColumnVersionIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator.
Abstract base class for version indicators that use a column to hold version information.
ColumnVersionIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
com.solarmetric.conf - package com.solarmetric.conf
com.solarmetric.jdbc - package com.solarmetric.jdbc
Database Connectivity
com.solarmetric.log - package com.solarmetric.log
com.solarmetric.manage - package com.solarmetric.manage
Management / Monitoring
com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui - package com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Management / Monitoring JMX Tool
com.solarmetric.meta - package com.solarmetric.meta
Metadata Framework
com.solarmetric.remote - package com.solarmetric.remote
Remote Communication
com.solarmetric.rop - package com.solarmetric.rop
Result Object Provider Framework
Command - class com.solarmetric.remote.Command.
Base class for commands sent from the client to the server.
Command() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
CommandIO - class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO.
Manages command input and output.
CommandIO() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Default constructor.
CommandIO(ContextFactory, Log) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Commentable - interface kodo.meta.Commentable.
Implementations of this interface can be adorned with comments.
COMMIT - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
commit() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
commit() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
This is a no-op implementation.
commit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
commit() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Commit the current data store transaction.
commit() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
commit() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
commit(Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
commit(Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Perform a batch update of the cache.
commitAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a commit and then start a new transaction.
commitAndResume() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
commitMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest commit made on a Connection.
commitMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest commit made on a Connection.
commits - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of commits made on a Connection.
commitTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of commits made on all Connections.
CommonsLogFactory - class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.
LogFactory implementation that delegates to the commons logging framework.
CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter - class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter.
Adapts a commons logging log to the Log interface.
CommonsLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory
COMPARE_VERSION - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Columns order on name.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Order on name.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
compareVersion(KodoStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Casts v1 and v2 to Comparable, and invokes v1.compareTo (v2).
compareVersion(KodoStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
compareVersion(KodoStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Compare the two version objects.
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
Compare the two states.
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
We expect version objects that subclasses use will implement Comparable; simply use that mechanism for performing comparison.
compatibility - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
compatibilityPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
compile() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
conf - Variable in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
The configuration set by the system.
conf - Variable in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
The configuration set by the system.
conf - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Configurable - interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configurable.
This interface provides a mechanism for notifying interested objects when configuration events occur.
Configuration - interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration.
Interface for generic configuration objects.
ConfigurationImpl - class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl.
Default implementation of the Configuration interface.
ConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
ConfigurationImpl(boolean) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
configurePersistenceManager(PersistenceManagerImpl) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Configures the given PersistenceManager with the current factory option settings.
CONN_RETAIN_DEMAND - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Constant indicating that connections will be obtained as needed.
CONN_RETAIN_PM - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Constant indicating that each persistence manager will retain a single connection that it will use for its lifespan.
CONN_RETAIN_TRANS - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Constant indicating that connections will be retained for the life of each transaction.
connected - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
connectedConfiguration(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
This method is called when the dictionary first sees any connection.
connectedConfiguration(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
connectedConfiguration(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
connectedConfiguration(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
connection2DriverName - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connection2Password - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connection2Properties - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connection2URL - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connection2UserName - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ConnectionDecorator - interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.ConnectionDecorator.
A connection decorator can wrap Connections before they are returned to the user to add functionality.
connectionDecoratorPlugins - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
connectionDecorators - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
connectionDriverName - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactory - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactory2 - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactory2Name - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactory2Properties - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactoryName - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionFactoryProperties - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ConnectionInfo - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.ConnectionInfo.
Struct to hold data about the current connection state.
ConnectionInfo() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.ConnectionInfo
connectionPassword - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionProperties - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionRetainMode - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionURL - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
connectionUserName - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
CONS_NAME_AFTER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
CONS_NAME_BEFORE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
CONS_NAME_MID - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Constant - interface kodo.query.Constant.
Specialization of Value that represents a constant value in the AST.
Constraint - class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint.
A table constraint.
constraintNameMode - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
CONTAINER_META - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether collection/map mappings should use a metadata column to differentiate between null and empty containers.
ContainerFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping.
Base class for collection and map mappings.
ContainerFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
contains(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return true if the given or column is available in the result.
contains(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
contains(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
contains(Object) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Returns true if this cache contains data corresponding to oid; otherwise returns false.
contains(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return true if the given or id or column is available in the result.
contains(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
contains(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
containsAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Returns the indexes of the oids in this cache.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
containsColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return true if the fk includes the given local column.
containsColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Return true if the index includes the given column.
containsColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Return true if the pk includes the given column.
containsConstantColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return true if the fk includes the given local column.
containsConstantPrimaryKeyColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return true if the fk includes the given primary key column.
containsInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Return whether this result contains data for the given id or column.
containsInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
containsKey(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
containsPrimaryKeyColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return true if the fk includes the given primary key column.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
ContextFactory - interface com.solarmetric.remote.ContextFactory.
Component used to create the context for each command based on its client id.
convert(Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Convert the given value to the given type.
convertSchemaCase(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified schema name to a name that the database will be able to understand.
COPY_DATASTORE_ID - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
copy(FetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Copy the state from the given fetch configuration to this one.
copy(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
copy(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
copy(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.Proxy
Return an unproxied copy of the given instance.
copy(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
copyArray(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a new array of the same component type as the given array and containing the same elements.
copyArray(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
copyCollection(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a new collection of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained elements.
copyCollection(Collection) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
copyCustom(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a copy of the given object with the same information.
copyCustom(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
copyDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
copyDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
copyDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Copy the given object id value.
copyDate(Date) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a copy of the given date with the same information.
copyDate(Date) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
copyInto(RowImpl, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
copyMap(Map) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a new map of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained key/value pairs.
copyMap(Map) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
copyObjectIds - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
correctRelations(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Correct relations from the given dirty field to inverse instances.
count() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
count() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection
count() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
Return the number of entries in the map, or Integer.MAX_VALUE.
count() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
Return the number of elements in the collection, or Integer.MAX_VALUE.
CREATE - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is made persistent
createCapabilities() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
Create a new Capabilities for this license type.
createCapabilities() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
createColumn(Mapping, String, int, int, Table) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Create a new column for the given metadata.
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class
createDB() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Re-execute all SQL used for the creation of the current database; this action is usually used when creating SQL scripts.
createDefaultFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
Create a default FieldMapping instance for this mapping type.
createDefaultFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
createDefaultFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
createFactory(BCClass) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
createIdentityColumn - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
If true, then whenever the schematool creates a table, it will append an additional IDENTITY column to the table's creation SQL.
createIndex(Index, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Add the given index to the database schema.
createInstance(String, Class, Configuration, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
Allow subclasses to instantiate additional plugins.
createInteraction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
createInverseRelations(KodoPersistenceManagerSPI, Object, Object, FieldMetaData, FieldMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Create the inverse relations for all the given inverse fields.
CreateLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.CreateLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.CREATE events.
createManagedConnection(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class
createMessage(RemoteCommitEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Returns a new Message to send to the topic.
createPrimaryKeys - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
createRefForeignKey(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Creates the reference foreign key on the given secondary table.
createStatement() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Create a statement, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingStatement, which is the default.
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Create a statement, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingStatement, which is the default.
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createTable(ClassMapping, Schema) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Create a new table for the given mapping.
createTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Add the given table to the database schema.
createToken(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a timer token.
crossJoin(Table, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
crossJoin(Table, Table) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Perform a cross join on the given tables.
crossJoinClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
currentClassLoader() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
currentTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
customInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
This method is for class mappings that take over the insert process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.
customize(ClassMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Customize the given class information produced by the reverse mapping tool.
customize(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
customize(FieldMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Customize the given field information produced by the reverse mapping tool.
customize(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
customUpdate(KodoStateManager, Table, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
This method is for class mappings that take over the update process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.


data - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
DATA_CACHE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension key used to indicate that this class should be stored in a named L2 cache.
DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension key used to set an L2 cache timeout value for the class.
DataCache - interface kodo.datacache.DataCache.
Interface that must be implemented by any level 2 cache used by Kodo.
DataCacheImpl - class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl.
A PersistenceManagerFactory cache implementation.
DataCacheImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
dataCacheManager - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
DataCacheManager - class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager.
This type manages the system's data and query caches.
DataCacheManager(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Constructor; supply system configuration.
DataCachePCData - interface kodo.datacache.DataCachePCData.
Specialized PCData implementation for data caching.
DataCachePCDataGenerator.Timed - interface kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataGenerator.Timed.
Simple interface to give access to expiration time.
DataCachePCDataImpl - class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl.
Specialized PCData implementation for data caching.
DataCachePCDataImpl(Object, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
dataCachePlugins - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
dataCaches - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
DataCacheScheduler - class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler.
Cron-style cache eviction.
DataCacheScheduler(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
dataCacheTimeout - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
dataSourceMode - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
DATASTORE_ID_CLASS - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
DataStoreException - exception kodo.util.DataStoreException.
Serializable extensions of the JDODataStoreException.
DataStoreException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.DataStoreException
datePrecision - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
dateTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
DateVersionIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator.
Handles optimistic lock versioning via a lock column containing timestamps in the data store.
DateVersionIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
DB2Dictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary.
Dictionary for IBM DB2 database.
DB2Dictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
dbdictionary - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
DBDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.
Class which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.
DBDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
dbdictionaryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
DBMappingFactory - class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory.
Factory that uses an XML mapping definition stored in the database to record the system mappings.
DBMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
DBSchemaFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory.
Factory that uses an XML schema definition stored in the database to record the system schema.
DBSchemaFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
DBSequenceFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory.
SequenceFactory implementation that uses a database table for sequence number generation.
DBSequenceFactory.Seq - class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory.Seq.
Helper struct to hold sequence information.
DBSequenceFactory.Seq() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory.Seq
DBSequenceFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
DEBUG - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
DEBUG_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
debug(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
debug(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
debug(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
debug(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
DECI - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
decimalTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
declareClasses(BCClass) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
declareClasses(BCClass) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
declareImports(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
declareParameters(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
declaresField(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
declareVariables(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
decorate(BCClass, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
decorate(Connection) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.ConnectionDecorator
Decorate the given connection if desired.
decorate(Connection) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
decorate(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Decorate the given connection if needed.
decorate(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
decorate(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
decorate(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
decorate(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
decorate(InputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
decorate(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
decorate(Object, BCClass, int[]) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
decorate(Object, BCClass, int[]) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant to revert any setting back to its default value.
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
The name of the default data cache: default
defaultSchemaName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
DelegatingCallableStatement - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement.
CallableStatement that delegates to an internal statement.
DelegatingCallableStatement(CallableStatement, Connection) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
DelegatingClassMetaData - class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData.
Wrapper around an existing class metadata.
DelegatingClassMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
DelegatingConnection - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection.
Wrapper around an existing connection.
DelegatingConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
DelegatingDatabaseMetaData - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData.
Wrapper around a DatabaseMetadata instance.
DelegatingDatabaseMetaData(DatabaseMetaData, Connection) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
DelegatingDataSource - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource.
Wrapper around an existing data source.
DelegatingDataSource(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
DelegatingExtensions - class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions.
Wrapper around an existing Extensions instance.
DelegatingExtensions(Extensions) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
DelegatingFieldMetaData - class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData.
Wrapper around an existing field metadata.
DelegatingFieldMetaData(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository - class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository.
Wrapper around a repository.
DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
DelegatingJoinableMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping.
Delegates to another JoinableMapping after doing column translation.
DelegatingJoinableMapping(JoinableMapping, ForeignKey) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
DelegatingKodoQuerySPI - class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI.
DelegatingKodoQuerySPI(KodoQuerySPI) - Constructor for class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
DelegatingPreparedStatement - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement.
Wrapper around an existing statement.
DelegatingPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement, Connection) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
DelegatingResultSet - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet.
Wrapper around an existing result set.
DelegatingResultSet(ResultSet, Statement) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
DelegatingStatement - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement.
Wrapper around an existing statement.
DelegatingStatement(Statement, Connection) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
DELETE - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is loaded (analagous to InstanceCallbacks#preDelete).
DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action to use for the field, if it represents a foreign key to a related object.
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Delete the row for this object if the reference foreign key exists.
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Set the where values appropriately to delete the proper instance, and set all relations on non-secondary tables as updates.
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
delete(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Override this method to customize deleting the given mapping (used with embedded values only).
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Delete values for the mapping.
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
deleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
DeleteLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.DeleteLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.DELETE events.
deletePersistent(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
deletePersistentAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
deletePersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
deleteRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
deletesAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
DEPENDENT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark first class object fields that should be deleted when the owning object is deleted.
DerbyDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyDictionary.
Dictionary for Apache Derby (formerly Cloudscape).
DerbyDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyDictionary
derefColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Deref all columns in this key.
derefColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Deref all columns in this key.
destroy() - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
DETACH_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mode to detach all fields.
DETACH_FALSE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
This class is not detachable.
DETACH_FGS - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mode to detach all fields in the current fetch groups.
DETACH_LOADED - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mode to detach all currently-loaded fields.
DETACH_OID_FIELD - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension to indicate which field will be used to store the stringified object id.
DETACH_SERIALIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
This class is detachable, and automatically detaches on serialize.
DETACH_STATE_FIELD - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension to indicate which field will be used to store the version object.
DETACH_TRUE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
This class is detachable.
detach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
detach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
DETACHABLE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension used to mark this class as being capable of being detached.
detachAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
detachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
detachAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
detachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
directory - Variable in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags
DIRTY - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is dirtied for the first time.
DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener.
Extension to LifecycleListener system to listen to when a dirty flushed instance becomes dirtied again after flush for the first time, i.e.
DirtyLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.DirtyLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.DIRTY events.
distinct - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
distinctCountColumnSeparator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
distinctTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
divide(Object, Class, Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Divide the given values.
DO_NOT_SET - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
DOCTYPE_DEC - Static variable in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
doubleTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
DoubleValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue.
A double Value.
DoubleValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
DRAW_DISCRETE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_LINEAR - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_SAMPLEHOLD - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
driverDeserializesBlobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
Whether the driver automatically deserializes blobs.
driverVendor - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
drop() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drops all schema components in the schema repository that also exist in the database.
drop(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Remove the given mapping from the list.
dropColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the given column from the database schema.
dropDB() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the current database.
dropForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the given foreign key from the database schema.
dropIndex(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the given index from the database schema.
dropMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
dropMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
dropMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
dropMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Delete the given mappings.
dropPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the given primary key from the database schema.
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Drops the mapping table in the DB.
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Drops the sequence table in the DB.
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Drops the sequence table in the DB.
dropTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drop the given table from the database schema.
dynamicDataStructs - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
DynamicSchemaFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory.
Factory whose schema group dynamically fills itself with information mappings validate themselves in their fromMappingInfo method.
DynamicSchemaFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
DynamicStorage - interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage.
DynamicStorageGenerator - class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator.
DynamicStorageGenerator() - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator


EAGER_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark the eager fetch mode for this field.
EAGER_FETCH_MULTIPLE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.EAGER_PARALLEL
EAGER_FETCH_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.EAGER_NONE
EAGER_FETCH_SINGLE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN
EAGER_INNER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to batch the select using an inner join.
EAGER_JOIN - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant indicating to load relations and subclass data if possible without separate queries.
EAGER_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant indicating not to try to load subclass data and related objects when querying for an object.
EAGER_OUTER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to batch the select using an outer join.
EAGER_PARALLEL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to use a separate select executed in parallel.
EAGER_PARALLEL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant indicating to load relations and subclass data if possible using either "joins" or parallel queries.
eagerClone(Object, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return a select that will be eagerly executed with this one, or null if the select cannot be created for the given key and join type.
eagerFetchMode - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ECLEAN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
ECOPY - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
EDELETED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
EDIRTY - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
ELEMENT_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action to use for the element values of a collection, if they represent a foreign key to a related object.
ELEMENT_DEPENDENT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark first class object elements that should be deleted when the owning object is deleted.
ELEMENT_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether element columns are indexed.
ELEMENT_SIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the size of element data columns.
ELEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to indicate the type of elements held by a collection field declared to be of a generic interface or object type.
EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping.
Maps an embedded 1-1 relation.
EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
EmpressDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary.
Dictionary for Empress using ODBC server combined with their type 2 driver.
EmpressDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
endClass(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
endClass(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endClass(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endClassElement(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
endClassElement(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endClassElement(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endConfiguration() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configurable
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class
endConfiguration() - Method in class
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
Subclasses that need to perform actions in Configurable.endConfiguration() must invoke this method.
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Subclasses that need to perform actions in Configurable.endConfiguration() must invoke this method.
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
Subclasses that need to perform actions in Configurable.endConfiguration() must invoke this method.
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
endElement(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
endElement(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
endElement(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
endExtension() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endField() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
endFilter() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endJDOQL() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class
endpointDeactivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class
endQuery() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endResult() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endSQL() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
endTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
Does nothing by default.
endTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Notification that the current transaction has ended.
endTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Release all the locks held by this PersistenceManager.
endTransaction(Collection, Collection) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore
End the datastore transaction.
endTransaction(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
End the current transaction, making appropriate state transitions.
ENHANCE_AWARE - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
ENHANCE_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
ENHANCE_PC - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
enhance() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Perform bytecode enhancements.
ENONTRANS - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Ensures that this sequence generator has sufficient capacity readily available to provide count new sequence values.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.TimeSeededSequenceGenerator
ensureCapacity(int, ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
ensureCapacity(int, ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
ensureCapacity(int, ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SequenceFactory
Ensures that this sequence factory has sufficient capacity readily available to provide count new sequence values.
ensureCapacity(int, ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SimpleSequenceFactory
entryDeleted(MapEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Callback for when a QueryKey held by the tangosol query cache is deleted.
entryHardRefAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
entryHardRefAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
entryInserted(MapEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
entryRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
entryRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
entrySet() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
entrySet() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
entrySet(ProxyMap, Set, int) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Return a proxy for the given map key or entry set.
entryUpdated(MapEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
entryWeakRefAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
entryWeakRefAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Performs an equality check based on the properties returned from ConfigurationImpl.toProperties(boolean).
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
equals(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Determine equality based on identifying information.
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.StringIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.Id
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CharIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.LongIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.IntIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
equalsColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Tests compatibility.
equalsForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Foreign keys are equal if the satisfy the equality constraints of Constraint and they have the same local and primary key columns and action.
equalsIndex(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Indexes are equal if they have the same name, the same columns, and are both unique/not unique.
equalsPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Return true if the structure of this primary key matches that of the given one (same table, same columns).
ERROR - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
ERROR_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
error(IOException) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Notification that an IO occurred when using this channel.
error(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
error(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
error(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
error(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
evaluate(Collection, Class[], Collection, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.query.AggregateListener
Return the value of this aggregate.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
evaluate(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
evaluate(Object, Class, Object[], Class[], Object, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.query.FilterListener
Evaluate the given expression.
EVENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.event.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
Value returned from InstanceLifecycleEvent.getEventType().
eventManager - Variable in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
eventOccurred(InstanceLifecycleEvent, boolean) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
Should be implemented to handle the specific lifecycle event.
eventOccurred(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.AbstractJDBCListener
Catch-all for unhandled events.
eventOccurred(TransactionEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractTransactionListener
Catch-all for unhandled events.
evict(DataCache) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
evict(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
evictAll() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
evictAll(Class) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
evictAll(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
evictAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
evictAll(Extent) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
evictAll(Extent) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
evictAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction - class kodo.event.ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction.
Throw a javax.jdo.ObjectNotFoundException when an orphaned key is discovered.
ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction() - Constructor for class kodo.event.ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction
EXCLUDE_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Marker bitset to indicate that all field loads should be excluded in the getObjectById methods of this interface.
execute() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
execute() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
execute(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Execute this select in the context of the given store manager.
execute(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Execute this select in the context of the given store manager.
execute(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Execute this command using the given context.
execute(Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
execute(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
execute(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
execute(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
execute(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
execute(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Execute a command via the given channel.
executeBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeBatch() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executePreparedStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of PreparedStatements executed.
executePreparedStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of PreparedStatements.
executeQuery() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeQuery() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeQuery(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
Execute the query, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
executeQuery(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
Execute the query, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
Execute the query, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
executeQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Execute the query, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
executeQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
Execute the query, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
executeStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest Statement executions.
executeStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest Statement executions.
executeStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of Statements that have been executed.
executeStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time for all Statement executions.
executeUpdate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
executeWithArray(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
executeWithMap(Map) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
EXISTS - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
exists(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
exists(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Verify that the given instance exists in the data store; return false if it does not.
exists(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
expectsArguments() - Method in interface kodo.query.AggregateListener
Return whether this function expects to act on arguments.
expectsArguments() - Method in interface kodo.query.FilterListener
Return true if this extension expects arguments to act on.
expectsTarget() - Method in interface kodo.query.FilterListener
Return true if this extension expects a target to act on.
ExpirationEvent - class kodo.datacache.ExpirationEvent.
An event indicating the expiration of an object from the data cache, or an expiration of a result list from the query cache.
ExpirationEvent(Object, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.ExpirationEvent
ExpirationListener - interface kodo.datacache.ExpirationListener.
An entity that wishes to be notified when cache keys expire.
Expression - interface kodo.query.Expression.
Marker interface for a set of conditions that must be met for the query to be true.
EXTENSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The list of all the recognized extension keys.
EXTENSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
All the valid field-level extensions.
EXTENSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The list of all the recognized extension keys.
EXTENSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The list of all the recognized extension keys.
Extensions - interface kodo.meta.Extensions.
Manages metadata extensions.
EXTENT_RESULT - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
ExtentImpl - class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl.
Abstract Extent implementation that takes care of everything but creating and closing iterators.
ExtentImpl(KodoPersistenceManager, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
EXTERNAL_VALUES - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to declare constant external transformation values.
EXTERNALIZER - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to name the externalizer method for transforming the value of this field into a supported type.


FACTORY - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to name the factory method for transforming the externalized value back to the value of this field.
FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
FATAL - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
FATAL_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
fatal(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
fatal(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
fatal(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
fatal(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
FETCH_GROUP - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to name a custom fetch group for a field.
FETCH_GROUP_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Special fetch group name that is used by Kodo to indicate that all fetch groups should be loaded by this configuration.
fetch(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the externalized value of the field with the given index as an object.
fetchBatchSize - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
fetchBoolean(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchByte(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchChar(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
FetchConfiguration - interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration.
Allows configuration and optimization of how objects are loaded from the data store.
fetchDirection - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
fetchDouble(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchField(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the value of the field with the given index as an object.
fetchFloat(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchGroups - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
fetchInitialField(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the value of the field at the specified index as of the beginning of the transaction.
fetchInt(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchLong(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchObject(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchShort(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
fetchString(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Fetch the external value of the given field.
FIELD_MAP - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to indicate the type of field mapping to use.
FieldAccessor - interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor.
Accessor for setting and getting the value of a field.
FieldMapping - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.
Maps a persistent field to the relational schema.
FieldMappingInfo - class kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo.
Holds information about a field mapping; this is used as an intermediate step during serialization and deserialization of FieldMappings to XML or some other format.
FieldMappingInfo(String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo
FieldMetaData - interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData.
Holds metadata on a particular field.
FileMappingFactory - class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory.
Factory that uses multiple XML mapping files to construct the system mappings.
FileMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
FileSchemaFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory.
Factory that uses an XML schema file to construct the system schema.
FileSchemaFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
FileValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue.
A File Value.
FileValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
filter - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
FilterListener - interface kodo.query.FilterListener.
A filter listener extends JDOQL filters with custom functionality.
filterListenerPlugins - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
filterListeners - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
Filters - class kodo.query.Filters.
Helper methods for dealing with JDOQL.
Filters() - Constructor for class kodo.query.Filters
FilterValue - interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue.
The simplified public view of any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields.
finalize() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Close on finalize.
findColumn(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
findExportedForeignKeys(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Find all foreign keys exported by a given primary key (all foreign keys that link to the primary key).
findMetaData(Class) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
findObject(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Return the 1-based result set index for the given column or id, or a non-positive number if the column is not contained in this result.
findPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Find a pooled PersistenceManager, or return null if none.
findTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Find the table with the given name in the group, using '.' as the catalog separator.
findTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
findTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
findTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Find the equivalent of the given table in this schema group.
findTransactionalPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Find a managed runtime PersistenceManager associated with the current transaction, or returns null if none.
finish() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
finish() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
finish() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
finish(PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
FirebirdDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.FirebirdDictionary.
Dictionary for Firebird.
FirebirdDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FirebirdDictionary
fireEvent(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
fireEvent(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
fireEvent(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
Fire the given event to all listeners.
first() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
fixedSizeTypeNameSet - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
FKOID_ALL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
FKOID_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
FKOID_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
FlatClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping.
Mapping for subclasses that are stored in their parent class' table.
FlatClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
floatTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Flush mode where initialize will call {@KodoPersistenceManager#flush}
FLUSH_COMMIT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Flush in preparation of commit.
FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE
FLUSH_INC - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Incremental flush.
FLUSH_LOGICAL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Run persistence-by-reachability and other flush-time operations without accessing the database.
FLUSH_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Flush to check consistency of cache, then immediately rollback changes.
FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE
FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Deprecated. Use FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION
flush() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogOutputStream
flush() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
flush() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
flush(Collection) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Breaks down states based on the objects' current JDO states, and delegates to AbstractStoreManager.flush(Collection,Collection,Collection,Collection,Collection).
flush(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
flush(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Flush the given state manager collection to the datastore, returning a collection of exceptions encountered during flushing.
flush(Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Responsible for writing modifications happened back to the data store.
flush(Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
flush(Collection, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManager
Flush the given instances to the data store.
flush(Collection, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
flush(Collection, PreparedStatementManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
Flush the given collection of secondary rows.
flush(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Flush the transactional state to the data store.
flush(PreparedStatement, DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
flush(PreparedStatement, int, DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
flush(RowManagerImpl, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
Flush all rows of the given row manager.
flush(RowManagerImpl, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.TableLockUpdateManagerImpl
flushAllRows(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
flushAllRows(Row) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager
Flush the logical row.
flushAllRows(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
flushBeforeQueries - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
flushSecondaryRow(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
flushSecondaryRow(Row) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager
Flush the secondary row; after flushing the row is available for reuse.
flushSecondaryRow(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
FORCE_LOAD_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
FORCE_LOAD_DFG - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
FORCE_LOAD_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
FORCE_LOAD_REFRESH - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
ForeignKey - class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey.
Represents a database foreign key; may be a logical key with no database representation.
ForeignKey() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Default constructor.
ForeignKey(String, Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
foreignKeyConstraints - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
format - Variable in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags
forType(int) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
forUpdateClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
FoxProDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary.
Dictionary for Visual FoxPro via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver.
FoxProDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
free() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Free the resources used by this persistence manager.
freeze() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Freezes the configuration of this factory.
FROM_SELECT_ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
The alias to use for the from select, if any.
fromFile(File) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
fromFile(File) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Fill in properties from the given properties file.
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
The default implementation will raise warnings for any mapping attributes that are declared but not in the list of the valid attributes for this mapping.
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
The default implementation will raise warnings for any mapping attributes that are declared but not in the list of the valid attributes for this mapping.
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
The default implementation will raise warnings for any mapping attributes that are declared but not in the list of the valid attributes for this mapping.
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Deserialize this mapping from a simple MappingInfo instance parsed from XML or some other format.
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Fill in values from the given properties instance.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Set this Configuration via the given Properties.
fromStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
fromStream(InputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Fill in properties from the given properties stream.
fullClone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return a SELECT that is a complete clone of this one.


GemFireCacheWrapper - class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper.
GemFireCacheWrapper(Log, String) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
GemFireDataCache - class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache.
A PersistenceManagerFactory cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFireQueryCache - class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache.
A PersistenceManagerFactory query cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GeneralException - exception kodo.util.GeneralException.
Exception type for general JDO exceptions.
GeneralException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
GeneralException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.GeneralException
generateClass(String, Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Generate a new class with the given name.
generateCode() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Generates the sourcecode for the application id class; returns false if the class is invalid.
generateForeignKeys(String, String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generate foreign key information for the given schema.
generateForeignKeys(String, String, Connection, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generates table foreign keys.
generateIndexes(String, String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generate index information for the given schema.
generateIndexes(String, String, Connection, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generates table indexes.
generateMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Generate mappings and class code for the current schema group.
generateMetaData(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Generate the default metadata for the given class.
generatePCData(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
Return a PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData instance for the given scope, oid, and metadata.
generatePrimaryKeys(String, String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generate primary key information for the given schema.
generatePrimaryKeys(String, String, Connection, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generates table primary keys.
generateSchema(String, String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Add a fully-constructed Schema matching the given database schema to the current group.
generateSchemas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generate all schemas set in the configuration.
generateSchemas(String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Generate the schemas and/or tables named in the given strings.
generateSQL(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
generateStorage(int[], Object) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
generateTables(String, String, Connection, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Adds all tables matching the given name pattern to the schema.
GenericConfigurable - interface com.solarmetric.conf.GenericConfigurable.
Implementations of this interface may perform additional generic configuration with any key-value pairs that cannot be set into the object via the normal Options.setInto(java.lang.Object) means.
GET_NEXT_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
The internal value.
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
The internal value.
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
The internal value.
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
The internal value.
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
The internal value.
get() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
The internal value.
get(FieldMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.query.Path
Traverse into the given field of the current object, and update the current object to that field value.
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
get(Object) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Return the cached object for the given oid.
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
get(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
get(QueryKey) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Return a list of oids for the given query key.
getAccessPathMetaDatas() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the classes that affect this query.
getAccessPathMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Return the action for this row.
getAction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Return the action constant to use during relationship checking.
getAddColumnSQL(<>Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getAddColumnSQL(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given column to its table.
getAddDefaultConstructor() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class.
getAdded() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getAdded() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getAdded() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Return the collection of values that need to be added to the managed container.
getAddedClasses() - Method in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Return the unmodifiable the set of classes of persistence capable objects that were created in the transaction.
getAddedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made persistent in the current transaction.
getAddedClasses() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getAddedClassNames() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
For all event types, return the set of class names for the classes of inserted objects.
getAddedObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
When the event type is PAYLOAD_OIDS_WITH_ADDS, return the set of object IDs for added objects.
getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given foreign key to its table.
getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given primary key to its table.
getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getAggregateListenerInstances() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the query function listeners.
getAggregateListenerInstances() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getAggregateListeners() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.
getAggregateListeners() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getAggregateListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getAggregateListeners() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the aggregate listeners added to this query, or empty collection if none.
getAlias() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
When we're returning standard candidate instances rather than a projection or aggregate, return the alias for the instances in case a result class is set.
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getAlias(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Return the alias used for the column or id in the SELECT.
getAlias1() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getAlias2() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getAliases() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Aliases for the value in the form key1, value1, key2, value2, ...
getAliases() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the aliases for the result expressions.
getAliases() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getAllRowDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getAllRows(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
getAllRows(Table, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager
Return a logical row representing an update that should be made to all rows of the given table.
getAllRows(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getAllRowUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getArgs() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getArgs() - Method in interface kodo.query.Args
The values that this args list represents.
getArray(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getArray(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getArray(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getArray(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getArray(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getArray(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getArray(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getArray(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getArray(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getArrayInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getArrayInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getAscending() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return wheher each ordering is ascending.
getAscending() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getAsciiStream(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getAsciiStream(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getAsciiStream(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getAsciiStream(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getAsciiStream(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getAsciiStream(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getAsciiStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getAsciiStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getAssertAllowedType() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the JDO metadata.
getAssociatedEvent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the associated JDBCEvent for this event.
getAssumePCSuperclass() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Return whether user-defined superclasses are assumed to be PersistenceCapable.
getAttachFetchFields() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
If true, then when attaching a graph of detached objects, the graph will be analyzed to determine all of the instantiated fields and add them to the FetchConfiguration's fields in order to allow for more optimized loading.
getAttachFetchFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getAttribute(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Return the given attribute to the mapping information.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Return all attribute keys.
getAttributes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getAutoIncrementColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return this table's auto-increment columns.
getAutoIncrementSequenceName(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
Returns the name of the sequence that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior.
getAutoIncrementTriggerName(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
Returns the name of the trigger that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getBigDecimal(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getBigDecimal(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getBigDecimal(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigDecimal(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimalInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigDecimalInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getBigInteger(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getBigInteger(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigInteger(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getBigInteger(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigInteger(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBigIntegerInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBigIntegerInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getBinaryStream(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBinaryStream(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBinaryStream(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBinaryStream(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBinaryStream(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBinaryStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBinaryStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getBKColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
getBlankAsNull() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then 0-length Strings will be converted to null when reading or writing to the data store.
getBlob(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBlob(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBlob(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBlob(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBlob(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBlob(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBlob(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBlob(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBlob(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBlobAsObject() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to reverse-map blob columns as containing serialized Java objects, rather than the default of using a byte[] field.
getBlobInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBlobInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getBlobObject(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBlobObject(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getBoolean(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getBoolean(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getBoolean(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getBoolean(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBoolean(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBooleanExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getBooleanExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a boolean.
getBooleanExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getBooleanExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a boolean.
getBooleanInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBooleanInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getByte(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getByte(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getByte(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getByte(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getByte(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getByte(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getByte(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getByte(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getByte(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
getByte(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getByte(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBytecode() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return the bytecode representation of the class being enhanced.
getBytecodeWriter() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return the current BytecodeWriter to write to or null if none.
getByteInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getByteInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getBytes(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBytes(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBytes(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBytes(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBytes(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getBytes(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBytes(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBytesInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getBytesInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getCachedObjectById(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
getCachedObjectById(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this DataCacheImpl is using.
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this QueryCacheImpl is using.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCandidateAlias() - Method in interface kodo.query.Subquery
Return the candidate alias for this subquery.
getCandidateClass() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getCandidateClass() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the class of the objects that this query will return, or null if this information is not available / not relevant.
getCandidateClass() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
getCandidateClassName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Returns the candidate class name for this query.
getCandidateClassName() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the class if any which this query is running on.
getCandidateCollection() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getCandidateCollection() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
getCandidateExtent() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getCandidateExtent() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the candidate extent, or null if a collection was specified instead of an extent.
getCatalog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getCatalogNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the catalog name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
getCatalogs() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCatalogSeparator() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCatalogTerm() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getChanged() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getChanged() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getChanged() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Return the set of elements that have changed.
getChangeTracker() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getChangeTracker() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getChangeTracker() - Method in interface kodo.util.Proxy
Return the change tracker for this proxy, or null if none.
getChangeTracker() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
getChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
getChannel() - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
The channel to log to.
getChar(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getChar(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getChar(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getChar(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getChar(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getChar(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getCharacterStream(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getCharacterStream(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getCharacterStream(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getCharacterStream(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getCharacterStream(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getCharacterStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getCharacterStreamInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getCharInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getCharInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getClass(JDBCStoreManager, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return the class for the current result row.
getClass(JDBCStoreManager, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
getClass(JDBCStoreManager, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
getClass(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Return the class for the given column value.
getClass(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
getClass(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
getClassAccessor() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getClassAccessor() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The owning ClassAccessor for this field.
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessorFactory
Returns a ClassAccessor for the specified class
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
getClassAccessor(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessorFactory
Returns a ClassAccessor for the specified object's class
getClassAccessor(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
getClassCode(ClassMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return a code template for the given class, or null to use the standard system-generated Java code.
getClassCode(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getClassConditions(JDBCStoreManager, Select, Joins, ClassMapping, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return SQL to limit the classes selected as much as possible to the given base class, and optionally its subclasses.
getClassConditions(JDBCStoreManager, Select, Joins, ClassMapping, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
getClassConditions(JDBCStoreManager, Select, Joins, ClassMapping, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InValueClassIndicator
getClassCriteria() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
Whether to use the exepected type of the related object as a criteria when selecting it.
getClassCriteria() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Whether to use the exepected type of the related object as a criteria when selecting it.
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getClassIndicator() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
getClassIndicator() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the class indicator for this class.
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
Return the mapping info for the class indicator, or null if none.
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getClassIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
getClassIndicator(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Return the value the column should take.
getClassIndicator(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
getClassIndicator(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
getClassIndicatorIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getClassIndicatorIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class indicator indexed extension.
getClassIndicatorName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getClassIndicatorName() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class indicator name extension.
getClassLoader() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getClassLoader() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the current thread's class loader at the time this persistence manager was obtained from the persistence manager factory.
getClassLoader() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getClassLoader(Class, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.util.MultiLoaderClassResolver
getClassLoader(Class, ClassLoader) - Method in interface kodo.util.ClassResolver
Return a class loader that can be used to load classes and resources.
getClassLoader(Class, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.util.SpecClassResolver
getClassLoader(JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return a class loader from the configured class resolver, based on the owner mapping's described type and the given store manager's persistence manager's class loader.
getClassMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
If this is a path to a persistent object, return its class mapping, else return null.
getClassMapping(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the class mapping for the given table, or null if none.
getClassMappingDefaults() - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the set of default mapping types.
getClassMappingName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getClassMappingName() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class mapping name extension.
getClassMetaData() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return the ClassMetaData object for this class, or null if not persistence capable.
getClassName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
The plugin class name.
getClassName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
Return the name of the described class.
getClassName(Object) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getClassName(Object) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
getClassName(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return a Java identifier-formatted name for the given table name, using the default package.
getClassNames() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
The plugin class names.
getClassResolver() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.
getClassResolver() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getClassResolverInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The ClassResolver to use.
getClassResolverInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getClauseIndent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport client channel to communicate with a remote server.
getClientId() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
getClob(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getClob(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getClob(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getClob(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getClob(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getClob(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getClob(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getClob(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getClob(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getClobInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getClobInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getClobString(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getClobString(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getCloseConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Whether to close the backing connection when this result is closed.
getCloseOnManagedCommit() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends.
getCode() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Return the code generated for the application id, or null if invalid class or the, java.lang.String[], serp.util.Options) method has not been called.
getCodeFormat() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The code formatter for the generated Java code.
getCodeFormat() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
The code formatter for the generated Java code.
getColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Return the data column for this value.
getColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Deprecated. use ColumnVersionIndicator.getColumns() instead.
getColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
Return the column holding the collection data.
getColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Return the column used to hold class info.
getColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the local column joined to the given primary key column.
getColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the column with the given name, or null if none.
getColumnAlias(Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return the alias to use for the given column (this includes the table alias prefix, if any).
getColumnAlias(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the alias for the given column.
getColumnAlias(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the alias for the given column.
getColumnAlias(String, Table) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return the alias to use for the given column (this includes the table alias prefix, if any).
getColumnAlias(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the alias for the given column.
getColumnAlias(String, Table, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the alias for the given column.
getColumnName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the column's name.
getColumnNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the column name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
getColumnNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Return the columns used to hold version info.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return the data columns for this mapping.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
getColumns() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Return this mapping's columns.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the table's columns, in alphabetical order.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the local columns in the foreign key local table order.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Return all the columns the index spans.
getColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Return all the columns the primary key spans.
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find columns matching the given table and column patterns.
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getColumns(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
getColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCommandIO() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
getCommandIO() - Method in interface kodo.remote.ClientConfiguration
Return the command IO to use in sending commands.
getComments() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getComments() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getComments() - Method in interface kodo.meta.Commentable
Return a collection of all the comments associated with this instance.
getComparator() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getComparator() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
getCompatibility() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Plugin string describing whether and how this factory will act as a server to remote persistence managers.
getCompatibility() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getCompatibilityInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the KodoCompatibility instance associated with this configuration, which contains information about desired compatibility levels.
getCompatibilityInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConcurrency() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
Return the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the configuration provided on construction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the configuration supplied on construction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return the configuration for this runtime.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the configuration supplied on construction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the configuration for the repository.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Return the configuration for this factory.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the configuration associated with this persistence manager.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return the configuration for this factory.
getConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Throws a standard or nestable runtime exception by default.
getConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return an appropriate exception indicating a configuration error.
getConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConfigurationLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Reutrns the logging channel com.solarmetric.Runtime by default.
getConfigurationLog() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return the log to use for configuration messages.
getConfigurationLog() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the Connection for this event.
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
getConnection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns null.
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Return a database connection.
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
Return the current Connection for this savepoint.
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Return a connection to use.
getConnection() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return a connection to the data store.
getConnection() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection in use by the persistence manager, or a new connection if none.
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class
getConnection(DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Return a connection to use.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
getConnection2DriverName() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Class name of the non-XA connection driver.
getConnection2DriverName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnection2Password() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The password for the non-XA data store connection.
getConnection2Password() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnection2Properties() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.
getConnection2Properties() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnection2URL() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The URL for the non-XA data store connection.
getConnection2URL() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnection2UserName() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The user name for the non-XA data store connection.
getConnection2UserName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionDecoratorInstances() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getConnectionDecoratorInstances() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The ConnectionDecorators to use.
getConnectionDecorators() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getConnectionDecorators() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Class name of the connection driver.
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The connection factory, possibly from JNDI.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Override to create pooling transport if no connection factory has been set.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The name for the second data store connection factory.
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2Properties() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.
getConnectionFactory2Properties() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The name for the data store connection factory.
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Configuration properties for the connection factory.
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The password for the data store connection.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection password.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getConnectionProperties() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the persistence manager with respect to data store connections.
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection retain mode for this persistence manager.
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getConnectionRetainModeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants: KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_PM KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_TRANS KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_DEMAND
getConnectionRetainModeConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionURL() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The URL for the data store connection.
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionUserName() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The user name for the data store connection.
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionUserName() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection user name.
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getConstant(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the constant value assigned to the given local column.
getConstantColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the local columns that we link to using constant values.
getConstantPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the primary key columns that we link to using constant values.
getConstants() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the constant values assigned to the local columns returned by ForeignKey.getConstantColumns().
getConstantType() - Method in interface kodo.query.Constant
Returns one of Constant.TYPE_BOOLEAN, Constant.TYPE_NUMBER, Constant.TYPE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING, Constant.TYPE_STRING, or Constant.TYPE_UNKNOWN, as appropriate.
getContainerMeta() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
getContext(Command) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.ContextFactory
Return the context for the given command based on its client id.
getContextFactory() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
getCopyFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Return whether this savepoint should copy state into memory
getCopyObjectIds() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to copy identity objects before returning them to client code.
getCopyObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getCount(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return the count for the given query.
getCreateFieldMethods(int) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getCreateFieldMethods(int) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
getCreateIndexSQL(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given index.
getCreateIndexSQL(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
getCreateTableSQL(<>Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getCreateTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns.
getCreateTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getCreateTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
getCreateTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
getCreateTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCurrentLocation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getCursorName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getCustomClassIndicators() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return custom field mappings to use in reverse mapping process.
getCustomClassIndicators() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getCustomClassMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return custom class mappings to use in reverse mapping process.
getCustomClassMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getCustomFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return custom field mappings to use in reverse mapping process.
getCustomFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getCustomizer() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the customizer in use, or null if none.
getCustomVersionIndicators() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return custom version indicators to use in reverse mapping process.
getCustomVersionIndicators() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore
Return all datas for the base class of the given type.
getData(ClassMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore
Return the data for the given oid, or null if it does not exist.
getData(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
getData(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getData(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getData(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Return the data stored in the given field index.
getDatabaseMajorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseMinorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseProductVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDataCache() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.
getDataCache() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getDataCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the default data cache.
getDataCache() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDataCache() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the data cache for this class, or null if it is not cachable.
getDataCache(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the DataCache for the specified instance.
getDataCache(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the DataCache for the specified class in the context of the given persistence manager.
getDataCache(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the DataCache for the specified class in the context of the given persistence manager factory.
getDataCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the named data cache, creating it if needed.
getDataCache(String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the named data cache.
getDataCacheInstances() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the data caches specified in the DataCache plugin list string.
getDataCacheInstances() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getDataCacheManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
getDataCacheManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getDataCacheName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDataCacheName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the value of the ClassMetaData.DATA_CACHE extension.
getDataCacheNames() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return a list of the names of all datacache created so far.
getDataCacheScheduler() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the runnable which schedules evictions.
getDataCacheTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Default data cache timeout.
getDataCacheTimeout() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getDataCacheTimeout() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDataCacheTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the value of the ClassMetaData.DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT extension, or the system default if no extension is present.
getDataSource(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getDataSource(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the primary data source to use.
getDataSource2(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getDataSource2(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the non-xa data source to use.
getDataSourceMode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getDataSourceMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The mode of the JDBC data source in use.
getDataStoreActions(Map) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getDataStoreActions(Map) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query.
getDataStoreIdClass(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
getDataStoreIdClass(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
getDataStoreIdClass(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return the class used by this StoreManager for datastore identity values.
getDataStoreSavepoint() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
Return the stored savepoint object
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Return the type code of the data type that will be stored in the data column.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the type of the value stored in the data store for the value column.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the type of the value stored in the data store for the value column.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Return the FieldMapping type code for the type of the column.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
Return the type of the value stored in the data store for the element column.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Return the FieldMapping type code for the type of data stored by this indicator.
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Translate the given external field value to its datastore equivalent.
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Transform the given value into its datastore equivalent.
getDataStoreValue(Object, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object, Column[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the given column value(s) for the given object.
getDataStoreValue(Object, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Return the datastore value of the given object in the context of this value.
getDate(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getDate(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDate(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getDate(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDate(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getDate(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDate(Object, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getDate(Object, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDate(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getDate(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
getDate(ResultSet, int, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getDate(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDateInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDateInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getDateInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDateInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getDBDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getDBDictionary() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
getDBDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDBDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDBDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
getDBDictionary() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the dictionary that this mapping uses.
getDBDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Return the dictionary in use.
getDBDictionaryInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getDBDictionaryInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use.
getDBSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Return the database schema.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the number of decimal digits for the column, if applicable.
getDeclaration(FieldMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return a code template for the declaration of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code.
getDeclaration(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getDeclareColumnSQL(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the declaration SQL for the given column.
getDeclareColumnSQL(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
getDeclaredClass() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
getDeclaredElementType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredElementType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field.
getDeclaredElementTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredElementTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared type code of the described field.
getDeclaredElementTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
getDeclaredField(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredField(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDeclaredField(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given relative index.
getDeclaredField(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredField(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDeclaredField(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name, without including superclass fields.
getDeclaredFieldMapping(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredFieldMapping(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getDeclaredField(int) unnecessary.
getDeclaredFieldMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredFieldMapping(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getDeclaredField(int) unnecessary.
getDeclaredFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getDeclaredFields() unnecessary.
getDeclaredFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDeclaredFields() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDeclaredFields() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return only the fields for this class, without superclass fields.
getDeclaredIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredIndex() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the relative index of this persistent/transactional field.
getDeclaredKeyType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredKeyType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field.
getDeclaredKeyTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredKeyTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field.
getDeclaredKeyTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
getDeclaredPackage() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
getDeclaredPrimaryKeyIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredPrimaryKeyIndex() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the primary key index of this persistent/transactional field, or -1 if not a primary key.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field.
getDeclaredTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the declared type code of the described field.
getDeclaredTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getDeclaredTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getDeclaredTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
getDeclaredUnmanagedFields() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDeclaredUnmanagedFields() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return any fields that were added as non-managed.
getDefault() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
The default value for the property.
getDefault() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the default value set for the column, if any.
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getDefaultFetchGroupFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDefaultFetchGroupFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getDefaultFetchGroupFields() unnecessary.
getDefaultFetchGroupFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getDefaultFetchGroupFields() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDefaultFetchGroupFields() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the list of fields in the default fetch group, including superclass fields, or an empty array if none.
getDefaultLevel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The default level for unconfigured log channels.
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getDefaults() - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
Return the set of default version indicators.
getDefaults() - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return the set of default class indicators.
getDefaultTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
Return the wrapped statement.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Return the wrapped statement.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Return the wrapped connection.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Return the wrapped result set.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
Return the wrapped data source.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
Return the wrapped statement.
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
getDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
Return the wrapped metadata.
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
Return the wrapped metadata.
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
Return the wrapped repository.
getDelegates() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
Returns the delegates that this MultiLogFactory delegates messages to.
getDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getDeleteAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the delete action extension.
getDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the delete action for the key.
getDeleteActionConstant(int, boolean) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the foreign key delete action name for the given action.
getDeleteActionConstant(String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the foreign key delete action for the given name.
getDeletedClasses() - Method in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Return the unmodifiable the set of classes of persistence capable objects that were deleted in the transaction.
getDeletedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been deleted in the current transaction.
getDeletedClasses() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getDeletedClassNames() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
When the event type is PAYLOAD_EXTENTS, return the set of class names for the classes of deleted objects.
getDeletedObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
When the event type is not PAYLOAD_EXTENTS, return the set of object IDs for deleted objects.
getDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getDescribedType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDescribedType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the persistence capable class described by this metadata.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get a description of the statistic.
getDescription() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Useful for debugging.
getDetachable() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDetachable() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The detach constant for this class.
getDetachedObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the object id from a detached instance that uses datastore identity.
getDetachedState(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns an opaque object containg state information for detached instances.
getDetachFields() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
getDetachFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getDetachObjectId() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDetachObjectId() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The name of the detach object id field, or null if none.
getDetachObjectIdField() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDetachObjectIdField() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the detach object id field, or null if none.
getDetachOnClose() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
getDetachOnClose() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getDetachState() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDetachState() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The name of the detach state field, or null if none.
getDetachStateField() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getDetachStateField() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the detach state field, or null if none.
getDiagnosticContext() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
A string to prefix all log messages with.
getDictionary() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Return a statically stored dictionary
getDirectory() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
The base build directory to generate code to.
getDirectory() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The directory to write source to.
getDirectory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
The file to output the generated code to, or null for the current directory.
getDirty() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return a read-only mask of the indexes of all dirty fields.
getDirtyClasses() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made dirty in the current transaction.
getDirtyClasses() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getDocType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getDocType() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
getDocType() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
getDouble(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getDouble(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDouble(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getDouble(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDouble(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDoubleExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getDoubleExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a double.
getDoubleExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getDoubleExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a double.
getDoubleInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getDoubleInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getDoubleSpace() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
If true, then output two lines after multi-line statements.
getDrawStyle() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the preferred draw style.
getDriverMajorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverMinorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDropColumnSQL(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given column from its table.
getDropColumnSQL(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
getDropColumnSQL(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
getDropColumnSQL(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
getDropForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given foreign key from its table.
getDropIndexSQL(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given index.
getDropIndexSQL(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getDropPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given primary key from its table.
getDropPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getDropTables() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
If true, tables that appear to be unused will be dropped.
getDropTableSQL(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given table.
getDropUnusedComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether schema components that are unused by any mapping will be dropped from this tool's SchemaGroup, and, depending on the schema action, from the database.
getDynamicDataStructs() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.
getDynamicDataStructs() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getEager(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the eager result for the given key, or null if none.
getEager(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getEager(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the eager select for the given key, or null if none.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The eager fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in FetchConfiguration.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return the eager fetch mode.
getEagerFetchModeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: FetchConfiguration.EAGER_NONE FetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN FetchConfiguration.EAGER_PARALLEL
getEagerFetchModeConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getElementDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getElementDeleteAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element delete action extension.
getElementIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getElementIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element indexed extension.
getElementSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getElementSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element size extension.
getElementType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getElementType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the type of objects stored in the array/collection/map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field does not represent an array/collection/map type.
getElementTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getElementTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the type code of objects stored in the array/collection/map, or -1 if not an array/collection/map.
getElementTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getElementTypeMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Convenience method to make casting from FieldMetaData.getElementTypeMetaData() unnecessary.
getElementTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getElementTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getElementTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the element type, or null if not persistent.
getElementTypeName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getElementTypeName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
getEmbeddedExtensions(String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getEmbeddedExtensions(String, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return the embedded extensions under the extension with the given key.
getEmbeddedExtensions(String, String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getEmbeddedExtensions(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return the embedded extensions under the extension with the given key.
getEmbeddedMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
The embedded class mapping.
getEmbeddedMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
The embedded class mapping.
getEmbeddedMetaData(ClassMetaData, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getEmbeddedMetaData(ClassMetaData, int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getEmbeddedMetaData(ClassMetaData, int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the class metadata for the embedded value of the given field.
getEmbeddingMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getEmbeddingMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
If this is an embedded mapping, return the owning field.
getEmbeddingMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getEndIndex() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
The result end index.
getEndIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the end index for Query's range.
getEndIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getEndIndex() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based exclusive end index for the returned results, or Long.MAX_VALUE for no limit.
getEnvironmentClassLoader() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Return the persistence manager class loader to pass on to parsed metadata instances.
getEvaluationCapabilities() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getEventType() - Method in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
getEvictFromDataCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.
getEvictionSchedule() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
getEvictionTimes() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Return a comma separated list of scheduled eviction times.
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProviderInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the ExecutionContextNameProvider instance.
getExecutionContextNameProviderInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getExpectedRootName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getExpectedRootName() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
getExpectedRootName() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
getExpired() - Method in class kodo.datacache.ExpirationEvent
Return whether the expired object was expired naturally, or if the object was explicitly removed.
getExportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getExtension() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getExtension() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
getExtension() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
getExtensionComments(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getExtensionComments(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Retrieve the comment strings, if any, for the specified extension vendor/key pair.
getExtensionKeys() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getExtensionKeys() - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return all extension keys for vendor kodo.
getExtensionKeys(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getExtensionKeys(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return all extension keys for the given vendor.
getExtensionVendors() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getExtensionVendors() - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return all vendors who have extension keys at this level.
getExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getExternalizer() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getExternalizer() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
getExternalValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getExternalValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Convert the given field value to its external value through the provided externalizer, or return the value as-is if no externalizer.
getExternalValues() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getExternalValues() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Properties string mapping field values to external values.
getExtraNameCharacters() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getFactory() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getFactory() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
getFailedObject() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getFailedObject() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Return the failed object to include in optimistic lock exceptions.
getFetchBatchSize() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship.
getFetchBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFetchBatchSize() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return the fetch batch size for large result set support.
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this query.
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for loading objects from this persistence manager.
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this extent.
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getFetchDirection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getFetchDirection() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC fetch direction.
getFetchDirection() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getFetchDirectionConstant() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getFetchDirectionConstant() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.
getFetchGroup() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getFetchGroup() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the name of the custom fetch group for this field, or null if none.
getFetchGroups() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Returns a list of fetch groups with which all PersistenceManager objects obtained from a PersistenceManagerFactory should be configured.
getFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFetchGroups() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Returns the names of the fetch groups that this component will use when loading objects.
getFetchGroupsList() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The separated list of fetch groups.
getFetchGroupsList() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getField(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getField(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getField(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given absolute index.
getField(int) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Get the data for the field with the given index.
getField(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getField(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Return information on the given embedded field.
getField(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getField(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name.
getFieldAccess() - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getFieldAccessors() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getFieldAccessors() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getFieldCode(FieldMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return a code template for the get/set methods of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code.
getFieldCode(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getFieldCount() - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getFieldFlag() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getFieldFlag() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Returns the JDO flag type for this field.
getFieldMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
getFieldMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
getFieldMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Return the field mapping that owns this mapping's columns.
getFieldMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getFieldMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
getFieldMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
If this is a path to a persistent field, return its mapping, else return null.
getFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
Return the field mapping for the given metadata.
getFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the field mapping for the specified metadata.
getFieldMapping(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getFieldMapping(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getField(int) unnecessary.
getFieldMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getFieldMapping(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getField(int) unnecessary.
getFieldMappingDefaults() - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the default set of available field mappings.
getFieldMappingName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getFieldMappingName() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the field mapping name extension.
getFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getFields() unnecessary.
getFieldName(int) - Method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getFieldName(String, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return a default Java identifier-formatted name for the given column/table name.
getFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Return all embedded fields.
getFields() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getFields() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return all field metadatas, including superclass fields.
getFields() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Returns the names of the fields that this component will use when loading objects.
getFieldsInListingOrder() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getFieldsInListingOrder() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return all field metadatas, including superclass fields, in the order that they are encountered during parsing.
getFieldType(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the default field type for the given column.
getFieldValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getFieldValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the result of passing the given external value through the factory to get the field value.
getFileHandler() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
Return the XMLFileHandler associated with this configuration.
getFileName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
getFileName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
Return the XML resource defining this schema.
getFilter() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the filter for queries generated from this instance.
getFilter() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getFilter() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the filter that this query has been configured with.
getFilterListenerInstances() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the query filter listeners.
getFilterListenerInstances() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFilterListeners() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.
getFilterListeners() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFilterListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getFilterListeners() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the filter listeners added to this query, or empty collection if none.
getFloat(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getFloat(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getFloat(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFloat(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getFloat(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getFloat(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getFloat(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getFloat(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getFloatInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getFloatInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Returns whether or not Kodo should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The query automatic flush configuration.
getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Returns one of FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE, FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE, or FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION, as determined by parsing the string returned by JDOConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries().
getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getFlushed() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return a read-only mask of the indexes of all fields that have been flushed since they were last changed.
getFlushMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Return the flush operation to use on initialize.
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the map's key objects table.
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the map's value objects table.
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the related table.
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the related object.
getForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getForeignKey(Mapping, MappingInfo, String, Table, Table) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return a foreign key between the given tables, based on linking information in the given mapping info.
getForeignKey(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the foreign key with the given name.
getForeignKeyConstraints() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getForeignKeyConstraints() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints.
getForeignKeyConstraintSQL(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the declaration SQL for the given foreign key, or null if it is not supported.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return whether foreign keys should be manipulated.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return all foreign keys for the table.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
getForeignKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Return whether foreign keys should be generated.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Return whether foreign keys should be manipulated.
getFormat() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Return the MessageFormat string to use as for SQL generation.
getFrom(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the portion of the select statement between the FROM keyword and the WHERE keyword.
getFromSelect() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Another select instance that creates a temporary table from which this select pulls data.
getFromSelect(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the FROM clause for a select that selects from a tmp table created by an inner select.
getFullName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the table name, including schema, using '.' as the catalog separator.
getFullName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the full name of the constraint, in the form <table>.<name>
getFullName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the column's full name, in the form <table>.<name>.
getFullName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Return the index name, including schema.
getFullName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getFullName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the full name of the described field, in the form <>.<field>.
getFullName(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the full name of the index, including the schema (delimited by the result of DBDictionary.catalogSeparator).
getFullName(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
getFullName(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
getFullName(Table, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the full name of the table, including the schema (delimited by '.' if logical, else DBDictionary.catalogSeparator).
getGemfireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Gets the name of the GemFire region to use.
getGemfireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Gets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
getGeneratedKey(Column, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the last inserted auto increment value for the given column.
getGeneratedKey(Column, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getGeneratedKeySequenceName(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the sequence name used by databases for the given autoincrement column.
getGenerator() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getGenerator() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the generator to use to create default metadata.
getGrouping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the grouping SQL for this select.
getGrouping() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the grouping statement for the
getGrouping() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getGrouping() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the grouping expression for this query.
getGroupingClauses() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the grouping expressions.
getGroupingClauses() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getHaving() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the HAVING clause, or null if none.
getHaving() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the having clause.
getHaving() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the AbstractDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the AbstractQueryCache.get(kodo.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getHoldability() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getHost() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
getIcon(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getId() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getId() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getId() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the identifier for this state manager.
getId() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Return the id of this instance.
getId() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Getter for oid.
getIdentifierAliases() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Get the aliases for identifier columns that can be used in COUNT selects to find the number of matches.
getIdentifierQuoteString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getIdentityType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getIdentityType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the type of JDO identity being used.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default IgnoreCache setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.getIgnoreCache().
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
getIgnoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
Whether this extent will ignore the persistence manager cache.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getIgnoreErrors() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Return false if this tool is configured to throw an exception on an attempt to generate an id class for a type that does not use application identity.
getIgnoreErrors() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether and SQL errors should cause a failure or just issue a warning.
getIgnoreErrors() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
If true, SQLExceptions thrown during schema manipulation will be printed but ignored.
getIgnoreNonPersistent() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Return whether to ignore fields which are not persistent by default during field metadata generation by reflection.
getIgnoreVirtual() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
Returns true if virtually mapped (i.e.
getImplData() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
getImplData() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getImplData() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getImplData() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
An object that concrete back ends can associate with each instance.
getImplData() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Returns the instance-level impl data, or null if none.
getImplData(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
getImplData(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getImplData(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Field-level impl data.
getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to return foreign keys imported by the given table pattern.
getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getImportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getImportPackages() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Returns the collection of packages that need to be imported.
getImportPackages() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the import packages.
getImportPackages() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getImports() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the import statement for generated Query instances.
getImports() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getImports() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the import declaration.
getIncludeSubclasses() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return whether generated queries includes subclasses.
getIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Return the increment to us when updating the sequence table.
getIndex() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the foreign key's 0-based index in the owning table.
getIndex() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the column's 0-based index in the owning table.
getIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getIndex() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the absolute index of this persistent/transactional field.
getIndex(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the index with the given name, or null if none.
getIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the indexed extension.
getIndexedConstant(int) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the index type name for the given constant: Mappings.UNIQUE, Mappings.TRUE, or Mappings.FALSE.
getIndexedConstant(String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the constant index type for the given name: Mappings.UNIQUE, Mappings.TRUE, or Mappings.FALSE.
getIndexes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return whether indexes should be manipulated.
getIndexes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the table's indexes.
getIndexes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
getIndexes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Return whether indexes should be generated.
getIndexes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Return whether indexes should be manipulated.
getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find indexes matching the given table pattern.
getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getIndicatorValue() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
getInitialValue(FieldMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return code for the initial value for the given field, or null to use the default generated by the system.
getInitialValue(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
Return the base underlying data store statement.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Return the base underlying data store statement.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Return the base underlying data store connection.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Return the inner-most wrapped delegate.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
Return the base underlying database metadata.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
Return the inner-most wrapped delegate.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
Return the base underlying data store statement.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
Return the base underlying field metadata.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
Return the base underlying class metadata.
getInnermostDelegate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
Return the base underlying repository.
getInnerObjectIdClasses() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether or not to generate inner classes when creating application identity classes.
getInput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an input stream from the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getInserts() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getInt(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getInt(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getInt(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getInt(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getInt(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getInt(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getInt(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getInt(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getInt(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
getInt(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getInt(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getIntermediate(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
getIntermediate(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getIntermediate(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Use intermediate field data to store intermediate information that might be available before the field is fully loaded.
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Return the object for the given oid.
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Return the list for the given key.
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Return the internal string form of this value.
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
getInternalString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
getInterval() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
The interval time in minutes between cache checks.
getIntExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getIntExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as an int.
getIntExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getIntExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as an int.
getIntInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getIntInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getInverseLogical() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getInverseLogical() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the field marked as a logical inverse via the #INVERSE_LOGiCAL extension key.
getInverseManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.
getInverseManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getInverseManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getInverseManager() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the inverse manager in use.
getInverseMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getInverseMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getInverseMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getInverseMetaDatas() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return all fields to which this field owns or is owned in the inverse, or has simulated inverse behavior.
getInverseOwner() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getInverseOwner() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
getInverseOwnerMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getInverseOwnerMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getInverseOwnerMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getInverseOwnerMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the metadata for the field's inverse.
getInverseType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Return the type of inverse this 1-1 has.
getJavaValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
Transform the given database value to the value that should be stored in the Java field for this mapping.
getJavaValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
getJDBCConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return a SQL connection to the database.
getJDBCListenerInstances() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getJDBCListenerInstances() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBCListeners to use.
getJDBCListeners() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getJDBCListeners() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
getJDBCLockManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return the jdbc lock manager, or null if the lock manager does not implement JDBCLockManager.
getJDBCLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getJDBCLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
getJDBCMajorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getJDBCMinorVersion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Return the JDBC type of the column for this indicator.
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Return the JDBC type of the column for this indicator.
getJDBCType(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the preferred Types constant for the given JDBCTypes constant.
getJDBCType(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
getJDBCTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getJDBCTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the jdbc-type extension
getJDOHelper() - Static method in class kodo.util.ImplHelper
Return an instanceof the JDOImplHelper.
getJDOState() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the JDO state that this object is in.
getJoinableMapping(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getJoinableMapping(Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the joinable mapping for the given column.
getJoinableMapping(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getJoinableMapping(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getJoinedRow(RowManager, int, KodoStateManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Return the row to use for this field.
getJoinIterator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the top-level Join elements for this select.
getJoins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Return the joins for this value.
getJoins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the top-level joins for this select.
getJoinSyntax() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The join syntax to use.
getJoinSyntax() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
The join syntax for this select, as one of the syntax constants from Join.
getJoinTypeCode(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
getJoinTypeCode(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
getJoinTypeCode(Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Return the type code from JDBCTypes of the JDBC value returned from calls to JoinableMapping.getJoinValue(kodo.jdbc.sql.Result, kodo.jdbc.schema.Column[], kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey, kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins) for the given column.
getJoinTypeCode(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getJoinTypeCode(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
getJoinValue(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Object, Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Return the join value of the given column.
getJoinValue(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
getJoinValue(Result, Column[], ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Result, Column[], ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Result, Column[], ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Return the value for this mapping from the given result, using the given columns.
getJoinValue(Result, Column[], ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getJoinValue(Result, Column[], ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
getKey() - Method in class kodo.datacache.ExpirationEvent
Return the expired object id or query key.
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.StringIdentity
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.Id
Primary key.
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.CharIdentity
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.LongIdentity
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.IntIdentity
getKey() - Method in class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
getKeyColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the column holding the map key.
getKeyColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the column holding the map key.
getKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
getKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
getKeyColumns() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return the key columns for this mapping, or empty array if none.
getKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the type of the value stored in the data store for the key column.
getKeyDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the type of the value stored in the data store for the key column.
getKeyDataStoreTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Translate the given key value to its datastore equivalent.
getKeyDataStoreValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
getKeyDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyDeleteAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key delete action extension.
getKeyForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the map's key objects table.
getKeyIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key indexed extension.
getKeyJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getKeyJDBCType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the JDBC Types type of the column for this mapping.
getKeySequence() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The sequence of this join in the foreign key.
getKeySize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeySize() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key size extension.
getKeyType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getKeyType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The type of objects used as keys in the map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field is not a map.
getKeyTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getKeyTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The type code of objects used as keys in the map.
getKeyTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyTypeMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Convenience method to make casting from FieldMetaData.getKeyTypeMetaData() unnecessary.
getKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getKeyTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the key type, or null if not persistent.
getKeyTypeName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getKeyTypeName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
getKodoTables() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Whether to generate info on special tables used by Kodo components for bookkeeping.
getKodoTables() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Whether to act on special tables used by Kodo components for bookkeeping.
getLanguage() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the query language.
getLanguage() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getLanguage() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the language of this query.
getLeastDerivedMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getLeastDerivedMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata representing the least-derived persistence-capable type in this class hierarchy.
getLevel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
getLevel() - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
The level to log at.
getLevel(String) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
Returns a symbolic constant for the specified string level.
getLevelName(short) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
Returns a string representation of the specified log level constant.
getLexicalHandler() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getLexicalHandler() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
getLicense() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the license for the set license key.
getLicense() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLicenseKey() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The license key for Kodo.
getLicenseKey() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLineLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
getListener() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Listener for value changes.
getListingIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getListingIndex() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the index in which this field was listed in the JDO metadata.
getLoaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getLoaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getLoaded() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return a read-only mask of the indexes of all loaded fields.
getLocal(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
Convenience method to access fk.
getLocale(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getLocale(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLocale(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getLocale(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLocale(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getLocaleInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLocaleInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getLocalTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getLocation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getLocation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
getLocation(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
getLocator() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
getLock() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
The lock object set for this instance.
getLockGroup() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getLockGroup() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the name of the lock fetch group for this field, or null if none.
getLockLevel(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
getLockLevel(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Return the lock level of the specified instance, or KodoPersistenceManager.LOCK_NONE if not locked.
getLockLevel(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
getLockLevel(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.NoLockManager
getLockLevel(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Return the lock level of the specified object.
getLockManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for datastore lock management.
getLockManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLockManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getLockManager() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the lock manager in use.
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
getLockTimeout() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
getLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getLog() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
getLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and recieved a commands.
getLog() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the log configuration string to use.
getLog() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLog() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the log to write to.
getLog() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the log to use for messages.
getLog() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getLog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getLog(String) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return the log for the given category.
getLog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryAdapter
getLog(String) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.LogFactory
Return a log for the given channel name.
getLog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
getLog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
returns a Log impl that combines all logs.
getLog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.NoOpLogFactory
getLogFactory() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getLogFactory() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
The log factory.
getLogFactory() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class
getLong(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getLong(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLong(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getLong(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getLong(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getLong(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getLong(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLong(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getLong(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
getLong(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getLong(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getLongInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getLongInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getLRSSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getLRSSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
How to obtain the size of large result sets.
getLRSSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The large result set size mode to use.
getLRSSizeConstant() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getLRSSizeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the JDBCFetchConfiguration constant for the large result set size setting.
getManagedObjects() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a list of all managed instances.
getManagedObjects() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getManagedRuntime() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.
getManagedRuntime() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getManagedRuntime() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the managed runtime in use.
getManagedRuntime() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getManagedRuntimeInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.
getManagedRuntimeInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getManagedStates() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getManageLRS() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Return whether to manage LRS fields.
getManagement() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getManagement() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the management level for the field.
getManagementConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the ManagementConfiguration plugin string.
getManagementConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getMappedFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getMappedFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Returns an array of all the field mappings mapped by this class.
getMapping(Class, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Convenience method to make casting from MappingRepository.getMetaData(Class,ClassLoader,boolean) unnecessary.
getMapping(ClassMetaData, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Returns the requested mapping after generating and caching it if necessary.
getMapping(Object, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Convenience method to make casting from MappingRepository.getMetaData(Object,ClassLoader,boolean) unnecessary.
getMappingColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
getMappingFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getMappingFactory() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings.
getMappingFactoryInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getMappingFactoryInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.
getMappingInfo() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getMappingInfo() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the mapping info that was used to create this mapping, if any.
getMappingInfo(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Return the mapping info for the given class.
getMappingInfo(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the mapping info for the given class, or null if none exists.
getMappingInfoRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the system mappings.
getMappingInfos() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Return the set of mapping infos stored.
getMappingProvider() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the mapping provider.
getMappingRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getMappingRepository() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the mapping repository.
getMappingRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getMappingRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getMappingRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
getMappingRepository() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the mapping repository for this mapping.
getMappingRepository() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return the mapping's repository.
getMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the generated mappings.
getMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Convenience method to make casting from MappingRepository.getMetaDatas() unnecessary.
getMappings(Class, boolean, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Convenience method to make casting from MappingRepository.getMetaDatas(Class,boolean,ClassLoader,boolean) unnecessary.
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Return the type for this mapping.
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
getMappingType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
getMappingWriter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The stream to export the planned mappings to as an XML document.
getMaxActive() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The maximum number of sockets that this provider can simetaneously open to each peer in the cluster.
getMaxActive() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The maximum number of sockets that this provider can simetaneously open to each peer in the cluster.
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCatalogNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCharLiteralLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInIndex() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInSelect() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInTable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxConnections() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCursorNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getMaxIdle() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of idle sockets that this provider can keep open to each peer in the cluster.
getMaxIdle() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of idle sockets that this provider can keep open to each peer in the cluster.
getMaximizeBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
getMaxIndexLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxProcedureNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxRows() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMaxRows() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMaxRows() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getMaxRowSize() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxSchemaNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxStatementLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxStatements() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxTablesInSelect() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxUserNameLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the MBeanServer instance associated with this configuration.
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
getMBeanServer() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServerStrategy() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMessageListener() - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Returns a MessageListener capable of understanding and processing messages created by JMSRemoteCommitProvider.createMessage(kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent).
getMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return the metadata for the class being enhanced.
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Return metadata for the type we are generating an application id for.
getMetaData() - Method in class
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the underlying class metadata.
getMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return the underlying FieldMetaData for this mapping.
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.query.Value
Return any associated persistent type.
getMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Get the metadata for this instance.
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Get the metadata associated with the type of persistent object for which this data applies.
getMetaData(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Return the metadata, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingDatabaseMetaData, which is the default.
getMetaData(Class, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getMetaData(Class, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getMetaData(Class, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the metadata for the given class.
getMetaData(Class, String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return query metadata for the given class, name, and classloader.
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type type.
getMetaData(Object, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getMetaData(Object, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getMetaData(Object, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the least-derived class metadata for the given application identity object.
getMetaData(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaDataColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
Return the column holding the collection meta data.
getMetaDataFiles() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Returns the Set of Files to which metadata has been written.
getMetaDataLoader() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the MetaDataLoader implementation to use
getMetaDataLoader() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getMetaDataLoader() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getMetaDataLoader() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return the loader to use to load jdo metadata instances.
getMetaDataRepository() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The metadata repository of managed class information.
getMetaDataRepository() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getMetaDataRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return the cached query metadata.
getMetaDatas() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return all the metadata instances currently in the repository.
getMetaDatas(Class, boolean, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getMetaDatas(Class, boolean, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getMetaDatas(Class, boolean, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return all metadatas for the given class.
getMethodDescriptors() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the AbstractDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the AbstractQueryCache.get(kodo.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getMoreResults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMoreResults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMoreResults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getMultiLine() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
If true, then try to parse multi-line SQL statements.
getMultithreaded() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default Multithreaded setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getName() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the name of the statistic.
getName() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getName() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The name of the field.
getName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
getName() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Returns a string name that can be used by end-user-visible code to identify this cache.
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo
Return the name of the described field.
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the name of the table.
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the name of the constraint.
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the column's name.
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Return the name of the schema, or null if none.
getName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getName() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the name for this query.
getName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the name of the described field.
getName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Return the name for this savepoint.
getNewline() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
getNext() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Use instead. Implementations should ensure that the value returned is within the range of a long, and does not have a decimal part.
getNext() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.TimeSeededSequenceGenerator
getNext(ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
getNext(ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
getNext(ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SequenceFactory
Return a unique primary key value.
getNext(ClassMapping, DataSource) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SimpleSequenceFactory
getNext(ClassMapping, DBSequenceFactory.Seq, DataSource, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
getNext(ClassMapping, DBSequenceFactory.Seq, DataSource, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
getNextSequence() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getNextSequence() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getNextSequence() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
The next element sequence value for this proxy at load time.
getNextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Return the next version object, given the current one (which may be null for newly-persisted objects).
getNextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
getNextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default NontransactionalRead setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default NontransactionalWrite setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getNonVirtualMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getNonVirtualMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Returns the closest-derived list of non-virtual mappings for this mapping.
getNonVirtualOwner() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getNonVirtualOwner() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The non-virtual owner for the field.
getNonVirtualPCSuperclassMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getNonVirtualPCSuperclassMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the nearest superclass mapping whose ClassMapping.isVirtualMapping() method returns true will be skipped.
getNullableAsObject() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return whether even nullable columns will be mapped to wrappers rather than primitives.
getNullAsBlank() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then null Strings will be converted to blank Strings when reading or writing to the data store.
getNullIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getNullIndicatorColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
Return the column used as a null indicator for the embedded value.
getNullValue() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getNullValue() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
How the data store should treat null values for this field: FieldMetaData.NULL_NONE: leave null values as null in the data store FieldMetaData.NULL_EXCEPTION: throw an exception if this field is null at commit FieldMetaData.NULL_DEFAULT: use the database default if this field is null at commit Defaults to FieldMetaData.NULL_NONE.
getNumber(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the specified column value as an unknown numeric type; we try from the most generic to the least generic.
getNumberInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getNumBroadcastThreads() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of worker threads that are used for transmitting packets to peers in the cluster.
getNumBroadcastThreads() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of worker threads that are used for transmitting packets to peers in the cluster.
getNumericFunctions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getObject(Column, int, Object, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getObject(Column, int, Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getObject(Column, Map, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getObject(Column, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getObject(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(Object, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getObject(Object, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getObject(Object, Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getObject(Object, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getObject(ResultSet, int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getObject(ResultSet, int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getObject(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObjectById(Class, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getObjectById(Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectById(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectById(Object, FetchConfiguration, BitSet, Object, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectById(Object, FetchConfiguration, BitSet, Object, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the object with the given oid.
getObjectCount() - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getObjectExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getObjectExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value of a kodo extension.
getObjectExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getObjectExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value of an extension.
getObjectId() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the managed object's id.
getObjectId(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Implement this method to extract the object id value from the current record of the input.
getObjectId(JDBCStoreManager, Result, ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getObjectId(JDBCStoreManager, Result, ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getObjectId(JDBCStoreManager, Result, ForeignKey, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the oid value stored in the result.
getObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getObjectId(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectIdClass() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getObjectIdClass() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata-specified class to use for the object ID, or null if not specified.
getObjectIdClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectInput(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectInput instance from the given stream.
getObjectInput(InputStream) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
getObjectInternal(Object, int, Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Return the value stored in the given id or column.
getObjectInternal(Object, int, Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getObjectInternal(Object, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getObjectInternal(Object, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the persistence manager during PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) with the validate parameter set to false.
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectLookupModeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the object lookup mode as one of these constants: KodoPersistenceManager.LOOKUP_CHECK KodoPersistenceManager.LOOKUP_HOLLOW
getObjectLookupModeConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectOutput instance from the given stream.
getObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectsById(Object[], FetchConfiguration, BitSet, Object, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getObjectsById(Object[], FetchConfiguration, BitSet, Object, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the objects with the given oids.
getOneToManyRelations() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to generate inverse 1-many relations for all 1-1 relations.
getOptimistic() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default Optimistic setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getOrder(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getOrderColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Return the column holding the ordering data.
getOrdered() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
getOrdering() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the ordering SQL for this select.
getOrdering() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the ordering string.
getOrdering() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getOrdering() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the ordering expression that this query was configured with.
getOrderingClauses() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the ordering criteria.
getOrderingClauses() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getOrderingValue(Object, int, ResultObjectProvider) - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
Return the value to use for ordering on the given result value.
getOrdinateDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the ordinate description.
getOrphanedKeyAction() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
getOrphanedKeyAction() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getOrphanedKeyActionInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
getOrphanedKeyActionInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getOutput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an ouput stream to the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getOwner() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getOwner() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getOwner() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the owning metadata for this field.
getOwner() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the owning state if this is an embedded instance.
getOwner() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getOwner() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getOwner() - Method in interface kodo.util.Proxy
Return the owning object.
getOwner() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
getOwnerField() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the field number of the owning object if this is an embedded instance.
getOwnerField() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getOwnerField() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getOwnerField() - Method in interface kodo.util.Proxy
Return the owning field index.
getOwnerField() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
getOwnerMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getOwnerMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
Return the class mapping that uses this indicator.
getOwnerMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Convenience method to make casting FieldMetaData.getOwner() unnecessary.
getOwnerTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getPackageName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the default package for the generated classes, or null if unset.
getPad() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If non-zero, then Strings will be padded with whitespace or trimmed down so that they are the specific length when reading or writing to the data store.
getParameterCount() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getParameters() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Return the list of parameter values.
getParameters() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the parameters statement for generated Query instances.
getParameters() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getParameters() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the declared parameters.
getParameterTypes() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return a map of parameter name to type for this query.
getParameterTypes() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getParent() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the parent of this select, if it is a subselect.
getParser() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return the current QueryMetaDataParser.
getParseText() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getPayloadType() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
Return the event PAYLOAD constant for this RemoteCommitEvent.
getPCClass() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Implement this method to extract the type of the pc stored in the current record of the input.
getPCDataGenerator() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the PCData generator if configured.
getPCDataGenerator() - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
getPCSubclasses() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPCSubclasses() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none.
getPCSubclassMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPCSubclassMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return all the known subclass mappings for this mapping.
getPCSubclassMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPCSubclassMetaDatas() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPCSubclassMetaDatas() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none.
getPCSuperclass() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPCSuperclass() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the persistence capable superclass of the described type, or null if the metadata did not specify one.
getPCSuperclassMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPCSuperclassMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getPCSuperclassMetaData() unnecessary.
getPCSuperclassMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPCSuperclassMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPCSuperclassMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the persistence capable superclass of the described type, or null if the metadata did not specify one.
getPersistenceCapable() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the managed instance.
getPersistenceCapableClass(Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
getPersistenceCapableClass(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
getPersistenceCapableClass(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return the persistent class for the given data store identity value.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns the KodoPersistenceManagerSPI that this store manager is associated with.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return the PersistenceManager this StoreManager is owned by.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Return the KodoPersistenceManager associated with this savepoint.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return the persistence manager assiciated with this configuration; may be null if it has not been set or this object has been serialized.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the managing persistence manager.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Return the persistence manager this provider was constructed with.
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManager(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a PersistenceManagerFactory from the default configuration.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a persistence manager factory from the default configuration.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns a KodoPersistenceManagerFactory configured based on the properties resource named by the system property, or the resource if no system property is set.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getPersistenceManagerFactory(ClientConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a persistence manager factory from a configuration.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(JDBCConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a PersistenceManagerFactory from a configuration.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a PersistenceManagerFactory from properties.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a PersistenceManagerFactory from properties.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Factory method for constructing a persistence manager factory from properties.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
Override this method to customize how the servlet's persistence manager factory is created and configured.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getPersistenceManagerFactoryClass() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The PersistenceManagerFactory class name.
getPersistenceManagerFactoryClass() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPersistenceManagerImpl() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string of the PersistenceManagerImpl extension to create.
getPersistenceManagerImpl() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Plugin string describing whether and how this factory will act as a server to remote persistence managers.
getPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPersistenceManagerServerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The transport layer for remote persistence manager clients.
getPersistenceManagerServerInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPersistentClasses() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the class names of persistent types to register each time a persistence manager is obtained.
getPersistentClasses() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPersistentClassesList() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The separated persistent class names.
getPersistentClassesList() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getPinnedKeys() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Returns the keys to the objects currently pinned into memory.
getPKColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
getPKColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
getPlatform() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns a string name to identify the platform of this store manager.
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
getPMClassLoader() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPMClassLoader() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The class persistence manager loader used when parsing this metadata.
getPooledFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Return the pooled factory matching the given configuration, or null if none.
getPort() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
getPort() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The port that this provider should listen on.
getPort() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The port that this provider should listen on.
getPreferredType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the preferred Types type for the given one.
getPreferredType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
getPreferredType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
getPreferredType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getPreFlush() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager
Return whether to call KodoPersistenceManager.preFlush() when a savepoint is set.
getPrettyPrint() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getPrettyPrintLineLength() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the primary key for the table, if any.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Return the JDO instance that controls this row.
getPrimaryKey(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Return the primary key value for the given mapping.
getPrimaryKey(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
getPrimaryKeyColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The name of the table's primary key column.
getPrimaryKeyColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the primary key column joined to the given local column.
getPrimaryKeyColumnName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key column.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the columns this mapping uses to uniquely identify an object.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the foreign columns in the foreign key, in join-order with the result of ForeignKey.getColumns().
getPrimaryKeyConstant(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the constant value assigned to the given primary key column.
getPrimaryKeyConstants() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Return the constant values assigned to the primary key columns returned by ForeignKey.getConstantPrimaryKeyColumns().
getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the declaration SQL for the given primary key.
getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Convenience method to make casting from ClassMetaData.getPrimaryKeyFields() unnecessary.
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return primary key fields, or empty array if none.
getPrimaryKeyIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getPrimaryKeyIndex() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Returns the primary key index for the inheritance hierarchy.
getPrimaryKeyOnJoin() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return true if join tables are allowed to have primary keys, false if all primary key tables will be mapped as persistent classes.
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return whether primary keys should be generated.
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Return whether primary keys should be generated.
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Return whether primary keys should be generated.
getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getPrimaryKeySchemaName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key table's schema.
getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
getPrimaryKeyTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Returns the table this foreign key is linking to, if it is known yet.
getPrimaryKeyTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key table.
getPriority() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcedures(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcedureTerm() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcessed(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the processed data under the given key, or null if none.
getProcessed(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getProductName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Return the product name.
getProductName() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getProfilingAgent() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getProfilingAgentInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the KodoProfilingAgent instance associated with this configuration.
getProfilingAgentInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.manage.ManagementConfigurationJDBCProfilingGUI
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
getProperties() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
The plugin properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
The plugin properties.
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Subclasses should override this method to add a Platform property listing the runtime platform, such as: Kodo JDO JDBC Edition: Oracle Database
getProperty() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
The property name that will be used when setting or getting this value in a Properties object.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getProxyManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.
getProxyManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getProxyManagerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The ProxyManager to use.
getProxyManagerInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getProxyType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getProxyType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
getQueryCache() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.
getQueryCache() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getQueryCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Return the system query cache.
getQueryCompilationCache() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for caching of query compilation data.
getQueryCompilationCache() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getQueryCompilationCacheInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the Map to use in caching query compilation data using the configured plugin settings.
getQueryCompilationCacheInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getQueryMetaDataRepository() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The repository of named query information.
getQueryMetaDataRepository() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getQueryString() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
The full query string, or null if none.
getQueryString() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getQueryString() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return a single-string representation of the query, if applicable.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getQuotedNumbersInJDOQL() - Method in interface kodo.conf.KodoCompatibility
How to deal with single-quoted and double-quoted single-digit numbers in JDOQL.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getReadLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
getReadLockLevelConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The numeric read lock level.
getReadLockLevelConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getReadSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set to true to read the entire schema before mapping.
getRecordFactory() - Method in class
getRecoveryTimeMillis() - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying to reconnect to a peer after it becomes unreachable.
getRecoveryTimeMillis() - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying to reconnect to a peer after it becomes unreachable.
getRef(Column, Map, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getRef(Column, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getRef(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRef(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRef(Object, Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getRef(Object, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getRef(ResultSet, int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getRef(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRef(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRefDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getRefDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getRefDeleteAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The reference foreign key action.
getRefDeleteAction() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the ref delete action extension.
getRefDeleteAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getReference() - Method in class
getRefForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Return the foreign key linking this mapping to the parent table.
getRefForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
Return the foreign key linking this mapping to the parent table.
getRefIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getRefIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the ref indexed extension.
getRefInternal(Object, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getRefInternal(Object, Map, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getRefJoins(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Return any joins needed to get from the primary table to this table.
getRefJoinType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Return the reference join type.
getReinstallInfo() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether mappings should be re-installed into the mapping factory on record.
getRelationName(Class, boolean, ForeignKey, boolean, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return a default java identifier-formatted field relation name for the given class name.
getRemoteCommitEventManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.
getRemoteCommitEventManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRemoteCommitProvider() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for remote commit notification.
getRemoteCommitProvider() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRemoteCommitProvider() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
Return the RemoteCommitProvider that this manager uses.
getRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default TransmitAddObjectIds setting for all RemoteCommitEvents created.
getRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRemoved() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
getRemoved() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
getRemoved() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Return the set of values that need to be removed from the managed container.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the mapping repository used to hold generated mappings.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return the repository to use to access mapping information.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getRepository() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the owning repository.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
The repository this metadata belongs to.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Returns the repository for this parser.
getRepository() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
Returns the repository for this parser.
getRequiresExtent() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getRequiresExtent() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return true if the type requires management via extent.
getResourceAdapter() - Method in class
getRestoreMutableValues() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether mutable second class objects are restored on rollback.
getRestoreMutableValues() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRestoreValues() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default RestoreValues setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
Return whether to retain in-memory copies of field values for restore on rollback.
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getResult() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the result statement for the given Query.
getResult() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getResult() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the result expression set for this query.
getResultClass() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the import statement for generated Query instances.
getResultClass() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getResultClass() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Returns the result class that has been set through KodoQuery.setResultClass(java.lang.Class), or null if none.
getResultClauses() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the result expressions.
getResultClauses() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getResultObject() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
getResultObject() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Instantiate the current result object.
getResultObject() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
getResultObject() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
getResultObject() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
getResultObjectProvider(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
Return a result object provider for the given type.
getResultObjectProvider(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager.XMLExtent
getResultPackerProvider() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Returns the ResultPackerProvider currently in use by this query.
getResultPackerProvider() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getResults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getResults() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
getResults(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
Return results containing all keys and values for this map.
getResults(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
getResults(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
getResults(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
getResults(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
getResultSet() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getResultSet() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSet() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getResultSet() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Return the backing result set.
getResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
Get the last result set, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
getResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Get the last result set, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
getResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
Get the last result set, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingResultSet, which is the default.
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getResultSetInfo() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getResultSetType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getResultSetType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getResultSetType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getResultSetType() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC result set type.
getResultSetType() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getResultSetTypeConstant() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getResultSetTypeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the result set constant for the result set type.
getResultTypes() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return the type of each result clause.
getResultTypes() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getRetainValues() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default RetainValues setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to allow nontransactional instances to retain their values when modified in an optimistic transaction.
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getRetryClassRegistration() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed.
getRetryClassRegistration() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getRollbackOnly() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getRollbackOnly() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRow(Table, int, KodoStateManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
getRow(Table, int, KodoStateManager, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager
Return the row for the given table and owner object, or null if create is false and the row has not already been created.
getRow(Table, int, KodoStateManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getRow(Table, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
getSavepointManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for savepoint management.
getSavepointManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getSavepointManagerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the configured savepoint manager instance.
getSavepointManagerInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the schema for the table.
getSchema(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return the schema with the given name, or null if none.
getSchemaAction() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The schema modification policy.
getSchemaColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
getSchemaFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSchemaFactory() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
getSchemaFactoryInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSchemaFactoryInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return the schema group to reverse map.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Return the runtime schema.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return the schema group to use in mapping.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Return the current schema group.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Return the schema group the tool will act on.
getSchemaGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Return the schema's group.
getSchemaName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
The table's schema name.
getSchemaName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the column table's schema name.
getSchemaName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The column's schema name.
getSchemaNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the schema name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
getSchemas() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSchemas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSchemas() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.
getSchemas() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return all schemas.
getSchemasList() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSchemasList() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Modificable schema components.
getSchemaTerm() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSchemaTool() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Return the schema tool to use for schema modification.
getSchemaWriter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The stream to export the planned schema to as an XML document.
getScriptWriter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
The stream to write to for the creation of SQL scripts.
getSearchStringEscape() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSecondaryDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getSecondaryRow(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
getSecondaryRow(Table, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager
Return a row for the given secondary table.
getSecondaryRow(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getSecondaryUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getSelectAliases() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the aliases of all selected columns and all selected buffers, in the order they were selected.
getSelects(Select, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the portion of the select statement between the SELECT keyword and the FROM keyword.
getSelects(Select, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getSeq(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Return the appropriate sequence info object for the given mapping.
getSeq(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
getSequenceColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The name of the column that holds the sequence value.
getSequenceFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSequenceFactory() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.
getSequenceFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getSequenceFactory() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the sequence factory extension.
getSequenceFactoryInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSequenceFactoryInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The SequenceFactory to use.
getSequenceFactoryInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getSequenceFactoryInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the sequence factory for this type, based on its sequence factory metadata extensions.
getSequenceGenerator() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
The sequence generator plugin value.
getSequenceGenerator(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Throws a javax.jdo.JDOUnsupportedOptionException.
getSequenceGenerator(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
getSequenceGenerator(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Returns a SequenceGenerator for the specified class.
getSequenceGenerator(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
getSequenceGenerator(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns a SequenceGenerator for the specified instance.
getSequenceGenerator(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns a SequenceGenerator for the specified persistent class.
getSequenceGeneratorInstance() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
Return the SequenceGenerator to use for creating datastore identity values.
getSequenceName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Return the name of the default sequence for classes that do not list one in their metadata.
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getServer() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport server to listen for client connections.
getServletChannel(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
Channel built around an HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
getSet(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getShort(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getShort(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getShort(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getShort(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getShort(int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
getShort(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getShort(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getShort(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getShort(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
getShort(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getShort(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getShortInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getShortInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the size extension.
getSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the column's size.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
getSourceFile() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getSourceFile() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTracker
getSourceFile() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
getSourceFile() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Return the source file the table was parsed from, if any.
getSourceFile() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getSourceFile() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the source file the metadata was parsed from, if any.
getSourceFile() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
getSourceIsSystemId() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getSourceIsSystemId() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
Whether to set the source name as the system id when parsing metadata.
getSourceLocationMessage(SourceTracker[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTrackers
Create a message appropriate for display to the user describing the location(s) that trackers were loaded from.
getSourceName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getSQL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the SQL associated with this event; may be null.
getSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
Return a boolean SQL expression that should be added to the WHERE clause of an UPDATE to test whether the current database record matches our stored version.
getSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Return the SQL for this buffer.
getSQL(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Returns the SQL for this buffer.
getSQL(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getSQLKeywords() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSQLLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
getSQLStateType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSQLType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getSQLType() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The sql type name extension.
getSQLValue() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
If this is a constant, returns its value as it would be represented in the database in this context, else return null.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
Utility method to obtain a stack trace as a String.
getStartIndex() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
The result start index.
getStartIndex() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the start index for Query's range.
getStartIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getStartIndex() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based start index for the returned results.
getState(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Deprecated. replaced by KodoPersistenceManagerSPI.getStateManager(java.lang.Object)
getState(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Deprecated. see KodoPersistenceManager#getState(java.lang.Object)
getStateManager(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Deprecated. replaced by KodoPersistenceManagerSPI.getStateManager(java.lang.Object)
getStateManager(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getStateManager(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the state manager for the given instance.
getStateManager(Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Return the StateManager for the given instance or oid.
getStatement() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getStatement() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the Statement for this event, may be null for events unrelated to Statement execution.
getStatement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Return the statement that produced this result.
getStates() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Return a Map of states to savepoint data.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Get the statistic.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStorageGenerator() - Method in interface kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData
getStore() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
Return the XMLStore associated with this configuration.
getStoreManager(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Deprecated. replaced by KodoPersistenceManagerSPI.getStoreManager(boolean)
getStoreManager(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getStoreManager(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Return the store manager in use.
getStream() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The stream to write to.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The stream decorators to use with the persistence manager server.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Return a stringified version of this value.
getString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
Override to recognize aliases of the class name without the attached properties string.
getString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
getString(Column, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column.
getString(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getString(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getString(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getString(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id.
getString(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getString(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getString(ResultSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
getString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getStringExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getStringExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a string.
getStringExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
getStringExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Get the value as a string.
getStringFunctions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getStringInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getStringInternal(Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The subclass fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in FetchConfiguration.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return the subclass fetch mode.
getSubclassFetchModeConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: FetchConfiguration.EAGER_NONE FetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN FetchConfiguration.EAGER_PARALLEL
getSubclassFetchModeConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getSubclassMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSubclassMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses.
getSubselectPath() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the subselect path for this select, if it is a subselect.
getSuperTables(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSuperTypes(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSynchronization() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getSynchronizeMappings() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getSynchronizeMappings() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
getSystemFunctions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
Horizontal mappings have no table.
getTable() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return the mapping's primary data table.
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the table of this constraint.
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the table for the column.
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getTable() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Return the table for this row.
getTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Return the table with the given name, or null if none.
getTable1() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getTable2() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getTableAliases() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the set of all used table aliases.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
The name of the mapping information table.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The sequence table name.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Return the table name to run sequence queries against.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return the column's table name.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The column's table name.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
The name of the mapping information table.
getTableNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns the table name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
getTableNameForMetadata(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTables() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Return the schema's tables.
getTables(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Reflect on the schema to find tables matching the given name pattern.
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTableTypes() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTag() - Method in interface kodo.query.AggregateListener
Return the tag that this listener listens for.
getTag() - Method in interface kodo.query.FilterListener
Return the tag that this extension listens for.
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Returns the underlying NamedCache that this TangosolCache is using.
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTarget(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
Convenience method to access fk.
getTargetClass() - Method in class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity
Return the class which this id instance is representing.
getTargetClass() - Method in class kodo.util.Id
Target class.
getTargetClass(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.util.Id
Target class.
getTargetClass(JDOConfiguration, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.util.Id
Target class.
getTargetClassName() - Method in class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity
Return the class name of the instance this is representing.
getTargetClassName() - Method in class kodo.util.Id
Target class name.
getText() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
getTime() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the time the event was constructed.
getTime() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getTime(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getTime(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTime(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(Object, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getTime(Object, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTime(ResultSet, int, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getTime(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimeDateFunctions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTimeInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTimeInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getTimeout() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return the amount of time this key is good for.
getTimeout() - Method in class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
getTimestamp(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getTimestamp(Column, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(Object, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the value stored in the given column or id; may not be supported by results that are not backed by a SQL result set.
getTimestamp(Object, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTimestamp(ResultSet, int, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getTimestamp(ResultSet, int, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestampInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
getTimestampInternal(Object, Calendar, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
getTimeWatch() - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get the default TimeWatch.
getTimeWatch(KodoPersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the JDOConfiguration associated with the passed KodoPersistenceManager.
getTimeWatch(KodoPersistenceManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the JDOConfiguration associated with the passed KodoPersistenceManagerFactory.
getTimeWatch(KodoPersistenceManagerFactory, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the JDOConfiguration associated with the passed KodoPersistenceManagerFactory.
getTimeWatch(KodoPersistenceManager, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the JDOConfiguration associated with the passed KodoPersistenceManager.
getTimeWatch(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get a named TimeWatch.
getTimeWatchManager() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Get the TimeWatch Watchable for this configuration.
getTimeWatchManager() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getToken() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The token to use to separate stringified primary key field values.
getTotal() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.Event
getTrackChanges() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead.
getTrackedResourceName() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTracker
getTrackedResourceName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
getTrackedResourceName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
getTrackedResourceName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getTrackedResourceName() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
getTrackParameters() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getTransactionalObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getTransactionalObjectId(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getTransactionalObjects() - Method in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Return the unmodifiable set of persistence capable objects participating in the transaction.
getTransactionalObjects() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a list of current transaction instances.
getTransactionalObjects() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getTransactionalStates() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Return a copy of all transactional state managers.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
getTransactionIsolationConstant() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getTransactionIsolationConstant() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class
getTransactionManager() - Method in class
getTransactionManager() - Method in class
getTransactionManager() - Method in class
getTransactionManager() - Method in class
getTransactionManager() - Method in interface
Return the TransactionManager for the managed runtime.
getTransactionManagerMethod() - Method in class
Return the method to invoke to get the TransactionManager.
getTransactionManagerName() - Method in class
Return the location of the TransactionManager in JNDI.
getTransactionMode() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the transaction model.
getTransactionMode() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getTransferListeners() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
getTransferListeners(long) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
getTransmitAddObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
getTrimLeading() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then Strings will have any leading whitespace stripped when reading to writing to the data store.
getTrimTrailing() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then Strings will have any trailing whitespace stripped when reading to writing to the data store.
getType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
Return the event's type code.
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The type of this field.
getType() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return the type being enhanced.
getType() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Return the type we are generating an application id for.
getType() - Method in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Return the type of event.
getType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getType() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return the expected type of this value.
getType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return the column's SQL type.
getType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
getType() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getType() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the class of the described field.
getType() - Method in interface kodo.query.Value
Return the expected type for this value, or Object if the type is unknown.
getType() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getType() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getType() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Return the type of this instance.
getType() - Method in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
getType(Class[]) - Method in interface kodo.query.AggregateListener
Return the expected type of the result of this listener.
getType(Class, Class[]) - Method in interface kodo.query.FilterListener
Return the expected type of the result of this listener.
getTypeCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getTypeCode() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return the type code of the described field.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTypeMap() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getTypeMap() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
The Properties in the form of {JDBC name : java type name} that allows the customization of the default java type to create for each raw schema type name.
getTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getTypeMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Convenience method to make casting from FieldMetaData.getTypeMetaData() unnecessary.
getTypeMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
getTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
getTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
getTypeMetaData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getTypeMetaData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
getTypeName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The database-specific SQL type of this column.
getTypeName() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
getTypeName() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
getTypeName(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the preferred database type name for the given column's type from Types.
getTypes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getUnique() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return whether the query expects unique results.
getUniqueName(Class) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
getUnloaded(FetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return a mutable mask of the unloaded fields that need loading based on the given fetch configuration.
getUnsupportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns a set of JDO option names that this store manager does not support.
getUnsupportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
getUpdateCount() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getUpdateCount() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getUpdateCount() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getUpdatedClasses() - Method in class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
Return the unmodifiable the set of classes of persistence capable objects that were modified in the transaction.
getUpdatedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes for objects that have been modified in the current transaction.
getUpdatedClasses() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getUpdatedClassNames() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
When the event type is PAYLOAD_EXTENTS, return the set of class names for the classes of updated objects.
getUpdatedObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
When the event type is not PAYLOAD_EXTENTS, return the set of object IDs for updated objects.
getUpdateManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getUpdateManager() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
getUpdateManagerInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getUpdateManagerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
getUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
getURL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getURL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
getURL(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getURL(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getURL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getURL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getUseDataStoreIdentity() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to use datastore identity when possible.
getUseForeignKeyName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return whether the foreign key name will be used to generate relation names.
getUserName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getUserObject() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getUserObject(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
getUseSchemaName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return true if the schema name will be included in the generated class name for each table.
getValidate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
getValidate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getValidate() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
The metadata validation level.
getValidate() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the validation level.
getValidateExtensionKeys() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
getValidateExtensionKeys() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
getValidateExtensionKeys() - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Whether to validate extension keys against the known set.
getValidColumnName(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Make any necessary changes to the given column name to make it valid for the current DB.
getValidForeignKeyName(String, Table, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Make any necessary changes to the given foreign key name to make it valid for the current DB.
getValidIndexName(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Make any necessary changes to the given index name to make it valid for the current DB.
getValidPrimaryKeyName(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Make any necessary changes to the given primary key name to make it valid for the current DB.
getValidTableName(String, Schema) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Make any necessary changes to the given table name to make it valid for the current DB.
getVals() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
getValue() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the current value of the passed statistic.
getValue() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getValue() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
If this is a constant, return its value, else return null.
getValue() - Method in interface kodo.query.Constant
Returns the constant value that this object represents.
getValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns the field's value for the specified object.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return the Value for the given property, or null if none.
getValueColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the column holding the map value.
getValueColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Return the column holding the map value.
getValueForeignKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
Return the foreign key to the map's value objects table.
getValues() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
getValues() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return the set of all Values.
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Returns the type of the property that this Value represents.
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
getValueType() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
getVariables() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Return the variables statement for generated Query instances.
getVariables() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getVariables() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Return the declared variables.
getVariableTypes() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return a map of variable name to type for this query.
getVariableTypes() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
getVersion() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return the current version indicator for this instance.
getVersion() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Returns the current version object that this data was loaded from.
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Get the version number of the object.
getVersion(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns the current version indicator for o.
getVersionColumns(String, String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
getVersionIndicator() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
getVersionIndicator() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return the version indicator for this class.
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
Return the mapping info for the version indicator, or null if none.
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
getVersionIndicator() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
getVersionIndicatorIndexed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getVersionIndicatorIndexed() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the version indicator indexed extension.
getVersionIndicatorName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
getVersionIndicatorName() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the version indicator name extension.
getWarningAction() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getWarningHandler() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
getWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getWarnings() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getWatchable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
getWhere() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return the WHERE clause, minus any necessary end joins.
getWhere(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
getWhere(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the WHERE portion of the select statement, or null if no where conditions.
getWrapIndent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
getWrapper(Class) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getWrapper(int) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
getWriteLockLevelConstant() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The numeric write lock level.
getWriteLockLevelConstant() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
getWriter() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The writer to write source to, or null to write to default file.
getXAResources(ActivationSpec[]) - Method in class
groupBy(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
groupBy(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
groupBy(Column[], Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
groupBy(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
groupBy(SQLBuffer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
groupBy(SQLBuffer, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add a GROUP BY clause.
grouping - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
GZIPStreamDecorator - class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator.
Adds GZIP compression to IO streams.
GZIPStreamDecorator() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator


handleCheckedException(Exception) - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
handleCheckedException(Exception) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Any checked exceptions that are thrown will be passed to this method.
handleCheckedException(Exception) - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
handleCheckedException(Exception) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
handleCheckedException(Exception) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Throws a JDODataStoreException by default.
handleWarning(SQLWarning) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler
handleWarning(SQLWarning) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Implementation of the LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler interface that allows customization of the actions to perform when a SQLWarning occurs at any point on a Connection, Statement, or ResultSet.
has(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection
has(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
Return whether the collection contains the given element.
hasAutoIncrementConstraints() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
hasConnection() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Returns false.
hasConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
hasConnection() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return true if this store manager has established a dedicated connection to the data store.
hasEagerJoin(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Whether this select has an eager join of the specified type.
hasExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
hasExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return true if the extension with the given key exists for vendor kodo.
hasExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
hasExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return true if the extension with the given key exists for the given vendor.
hasFetchGroup(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return true if the given fetch group has been added.
hasField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return true if the given field has been added.
hasField(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return true if the given fully-qualified field has been added.
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Computes hash code based on the properties returned from ConfigurationImpl.toProperties(boolean).
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
hashCode() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Define a hashing algorithm corresponding to the QueryKey.equals(java.lang.Object) method defined above.
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.StringIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.Id
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.CharIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.LongIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.IntIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
hasJava5() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
hasJava5() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return true if this VM has Java 5 features; otherwise returns false.
hasJoin(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Whether this select has a join of the specified type.
hasKey(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
hasKey(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
Return whether the given key exists in the map.
hasListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Does the statistic have listeners?
hasMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
hasMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
hasMetaData(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Return true if the repository has metadata for the given class.
hasMetaData(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return if the repository has cached a query metadata for the given class/name.
hasMetaData(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Return if the repository has cached a query metadata for the given class/name.
hasResponse() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
hasSubclasses() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
hasSubclasses() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Whether query results will include subclasses of the candidate class.
hasSubclasses() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
hasTransferListeners() - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
hasVariable(Variable) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
hasVariable(Variable) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Return true if this value uses the given variable.
having - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
having(SQLBuffer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add the given having conditions.
having(SQLBuffer, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add the given having conditions.
HOLLOW - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
Hollow; exists in data store
HorizontalClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping.
Mapping that relies on subclass mappings to define the fields.
HorizontalClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
HSQLDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary.
Dictionary for Hypersonic SQL database.
HSQLDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
HTTPTransport - class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport.
HTTP transport layer.
HTTPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport


id - Variable in class kodo.util.Id
Deprecated. Use Id.getKey().
Id - class kodo.util.Id.
Datastore identity type.
ID_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant representing the 'application' JDO identity type.
ID_DATASTORE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant representing the 'datastore' JDO identity type.
ID_NONDURABLE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant representing the 'nondurable' JDO identity type.
Id() - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Id(Class, long) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Construct from key value.
Id(Class, Long) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Construct from key value.
Id(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Construct from the result of a Id.toString() call on another instance.
Id(Id) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Copy constructor.
Id(long, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Deprecated. Use Id.Id(Class, long).
Id(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Create an id from the result of a Id.toString() call on another instance.
Id(String, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Deprecated. Use Id.Id(Class,String).
Id(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Create an id from the result of an Id.toString() call on another instance.
Id(String, JDOConfiguration, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class kodo.util.Id
Create an id from the result of an Id.toString() call on another instance.
identityColumnName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
If SybaseDictionary.createIdentityColumn is true, then the identityColumnName will be the name of the additional unique column that will be created.
ignoreCache - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ignoreErrors - Variable in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags
ImplHelper - class kodo.util.ImplHelper.
Provides static access to the JDOImplHelper without the need for security checks.
ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener - interface kodo.util.ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener.
Simplified register class event interface that just gives the class.
importColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Import a column from another table.
importForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Import a foreign key; column names must match columns of this table.
importIndex(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Import an index; column names must match columns of this table.
importPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Import a primary key; column names must match columns of this table.
importSchema(Schema) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Import a schema from another group.
importTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Import a table from another schema.
InClassNameClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator.
Determines the class of database records using a column holding the class name, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
InClassNameClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
Index - class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index.
Represents a database index.
Index() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Default constructor.
Index(String, Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether data columns are indexed.
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Invoke this database's indexOf function.
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
indexOf(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
Indicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator.
Base class for class and version indicators.
INDICATOR_VALUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
Extension key used to specify the column class indicator value for this class.
Indicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
INFO - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
INFO_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
info(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
info(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
info(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
info(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
InformixDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary.
Dictionary for Informix database.
InformixDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
initializationMillis - Variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The time at which this factory was initialized.
initializationSQL - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
initialize() - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
initialize() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Initialize any resources necessary for this savepoint.
initialize(Class, JDOState) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Initialize the state manager with a new instance of the given persistence capable type and the proper JDO lifecycle state.
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Initialize any resources associated with the given DataCacheManager.
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCResultObjectProvider
Initializes the state manager.
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
This method is invoked when Kodo needs to load an object whose identity is known but which has not yet been loaded from the data store.
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Initialize the given state manager.
initialize(KodoStateManager, JDOState, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
initialize(PersistenceCapable, JDOState) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Initialize the state manager with its managed persistence capable object the proper JDO lifecycle state.
initialize(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl, StoreManager, String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Initialize the persistence manager.
initialize(Select, JDBCStoreManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
initialize(Select, JDBCStoreManager, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Initialize the value.
initializeCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initializeRegion(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
InMemorySavepointManager - class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager.
A SavepointManager implementation which stores all data in memory.
InMemorySavepointManager() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager
innerJoinClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
Packages the version information based on the inserted state.
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Set values for the mapping into the proper rows.
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
insert(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
insertRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
insertsAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
InstanceLifecycleEvent - class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent.
Lifecycle event on a persistent instance.
InstanceLifecycleEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
InstanceLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleListener.
Marker interface for listening to InstanceLifecycleEvents such as deletion, store, etc which correlate to InstanceCallbacks methods.
instantiate(Class, Configuration) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
Instantiate the plugins as instances of the given class.
instantiate(Class, Configuration) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
Instantiate the plugin as an instance of the given class.
instantiate(Class, Configuration, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
Instantiate the plugins as instances of the given class.
instantiate(Class, Configuration, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
Instantiate the plugin as an instance of the given class.
instantiate(Class, Configuration, boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
instantiateCustom(String[], Object[], Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
Fill in the instances array by instantiating the given classnames.
instantiateDecorators(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
instantiateDecorators(Configuration, boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
instantiateTransport(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
instantiateTransport(Configuration, boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
integerTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
InterbaseDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary.
Dictionary for Borland Interbase.
InterbaseDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
IntIdentity - class kodo.util.IntIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for int fields.
IntIdentity(Class, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.IntIdentity
IntIdentity(Class, Integer) - Constructor for class kodo.util.IntIdentity
IntIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.IntIdentity
IntValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue.
An int Value.
IntValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
invalidateResolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
invalidateResolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
invalidateResolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
invalidateResolve() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
invalidateResolve() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
invalidateResolve() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
For implementation use.
invalidateResolve() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
For implementation use.
invalidMapping(String, Mapping, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return an invalid mapping exception.
invalidMapping(String, Mapping, Class, Object[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return an invalid mapping exception.
InValueClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.InValueClassIndicator.
Base class indicator that determines the class of database records using a column holding a value mapped to a class, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
InValueClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.InValueClassIndicator
INVERSE_COLUMNS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
INVERSE_FIELD - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
INVERSE_LOGICAL - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark that this field should be treated as a logical inverse of the named field, and vice versa.
INVERSE_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
INVERSE_OWNER - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark the opposite side of a bi-directional relationship if the opposite side is the one managing data storage for the relationship.
InverseManager - class kodo.runtime.InverseManager.
Class which manages inverse relations before flushing to the datastore.
InverseManager() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
inverseManagerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
InvocationManagedRuntime - class
Implementation of the ManagedRuntime interface that uses a static method call to find the TransactionManager.
InvocationManagedRuntime() - Constructor for class
io - Variable in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
isActive() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Return whether there is a datastore transaction active.
isActive() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
isAfterLast() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isAggregate() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return true if this is an aggregate select.
isAggregate() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return true if the query is an aggregate.
isAggregate() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
isAliasListComprehensive() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Whether or not the alias list defines all possible settings for this value.
isAutoIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isAutoIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isAutoIncrement() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
True if this class uses an auto-increment datastore primary key.
isAutoIncrement() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the auto increment extension.
isAutoIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
isAutoIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Whether this column is auto-incrementing.
isBeforeFirst() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isCachingEnabled() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Whether we're using an L2 cache.
isCatalogAtStart() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
isClosed() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isClosed() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Return true if this server has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultList
Returns true if the list has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
isCollectionTable(Table, ReverseMappingTool) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
Return true if the given table matches the pattern for a collection table.
isCompatible(int, int) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
isCompatible(int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return true if this column is compatible with the given JDBC type from Types and size.
isConstant() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return true if this value represents a constant, such as a literal or parameter.
isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the delete process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the delete, but also relies on the standard delete method being called.
isCustomDeleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isCustomDeleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the delete process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the delete, but also relies on the standard delete method being called.
isCustomDeleteEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the insert process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the insert, but also relies on the standard insert method being called.
isCustomNullEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isCustomNullEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the nulling process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the nulling, but also relies on the standard nulling method being called.
isCustomNullEmbedded(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the update process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the update, but also relies on the standard update method being called.
isDataSourceModeEnlisted() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
isDataSourceModeEnlisted() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.DEBUG log level is enabled.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
isDefaultFetchGroupExplicit() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isDefaultFetchGroupExplicit() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return whether the field explicitly declares its default fetch group status.
isDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return true if this is a deferred constraint.
isDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the delete action extension.
isDeleteActionDeferred(String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return whether the given delete action constant represents a deferred foreign key.
isDeleted() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Equivalent to same-named StateManager method.
isDeleted(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDependent() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
isDependent() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isDependent() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT extension key is true and the field is a first class object.
isDetached(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Returns true if pc is a detached object (one that can be reattached to a PersistenceManager via a call to KodoPersistenceManager.attach(java.lang.Object)); otherwise returns false.
isDirty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
isDirty() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Equivalent to same-named StateManager method.
isDirty(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDistinct() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return true if this is a SELECT DISTINCT.
isDistinct() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Whether the result specifies that this is a distinct query.
isDistinct() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
isEagerJoinToMany() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isEagerJoinToMany() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
isEagerJoinToMany() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Whether the eager joins used by this field are to-many.
isEditable(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
isEditable(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns true if this field is editable; else returns false.
isElementDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isElementDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element delete action extension.
isElementDependent() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isElementDependent() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT/FieldMetaData.VALUE_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the element/value contains first class objects.
isElementEmbedded() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isElementEmbedded() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the arary/collection/map values should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store.
isEmbedded() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isEmbedded() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
This attribute is a hint to the JDO implementation to store this field in the same instance as the class, rather than as a separate datastore instance.
isEmbedded() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return true if this instance has an owner, meaning it is an embedded value.
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Return true if the buffer is emtpy.
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
isEmpty() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Whether we have any joins.
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
isEmpty() - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Return true if there are no keys for any vendor.
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
isEmpty() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
isEnabled(short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
Check to see if the specified logging level is enabled.
isEnabled(short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
isEnhanced() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
isEnhanced() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Returns true if the class has been enhanced.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.ERROR log level is enabled.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
isExplicit() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isExplicit() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return true if the field is explicitly declared in the metadata.
isExternalized() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isExternalized() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Whether the field is externalized.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.FATAL log level is enabled.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
isFirst() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isFlushed() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return whether this object has been flushed to the database in this transaction.
isFlushedDirty() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Return whether this object has been flushed, then dirtied again.
isForeignKeyInversed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
isForeignKeyObjectId(ClassMapping, ForeignKey) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return whether the given foreign key to the given mapping can be used to construct object id values.
isFrozen() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
isFrozen() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Return true if this Configuration has been frozen.
isImplDataCacheable() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Whether the instance-level impl data can be shared among instances in different persistence managers if L2 caching is enabled.
isImplDataCacheable(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Whether the field's impl data is loaded and can be shared among instances in different persistence managers if L2 caching is enabled.
isInDefaultFetchGroup() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isInDefaultFetchGroup() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return true if the field should be fetched at once along with all other default fetch group fields, rather than individually.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.INFO log level is enabled.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
isInnerClass() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Returns true if the application identity class should be an inner class.
isInstanceCallbacks() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
isInstanceCallbacks() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return true if the class implements InstanceCallbacks.
isInvalidProperty(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Returns true if the specified property name should raise a warning if it is not found in the list of known properties.
isInvalidProperty(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
isInvalidProperty(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
isJDBCLogEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
isJoinTable(Table, ReverseMappingTool) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
Return true if the given table matches the pattern for a join table.
isKeyDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isKeyDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key delete action extension.
isKeyDependent() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isKeyDependent() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the key contains first class objects.
isKeyEmbedded() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isKeyEmbedded() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the map keys should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store.
isKnownType(Class) - Static method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Return true if the given type is a known JDO type.
isLargeTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether memory usage is reduced during this transaction at the expense of possibly more aggressive data cache evictions.
isLargeTransaction() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
isLast() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isLoaded(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
isLoaded(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
isLoaded(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
isLoaded(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Whether the given field index has stored data.
isLob() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return true if this select includes a LOB.
isLocking() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
If true, then any results loaded from this Result will be locked in the database.
isLocking() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
isLogical() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Return whether this constraint is a logical constraint only; i.e.
isLogical() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
isLogical() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
isLogical() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
isLRS() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Whether the result of this select should be treated as a large result set.
isLRS() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isLRS() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
isManaged() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether this persistence manager is using managed transactions.
isManaged() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
isMemberField(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
isMemberField(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return whether the given name represents a member field of this class, including superclass fields.
isNameTaken(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.NameSet
Return true if the given name is in use already.
isNew() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Equivalent to same-named StateManager method.
isNew(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isNotNull() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return true if this is a NOT NULL column.
isNullOnNoLocator() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
isOuter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
isOwner(Proxy, KodoStateManager, int) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Used by proxy types to check if the given owners and field names are equivalent.
isPath() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return true if this value represents a persistent field traversal, such as 'this', 'address.street', or 'projectVariable.title'.
isPCObjectRelation(ClassMapping, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isPersistenceCapable() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Return true if the class being enhanced is a PersistenceCapable type.
isPersistenceManagerServerRunning() - Method in class
isPersistenceManagerServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
isPersistenceManagerServerRunning() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return true if a persistence manager server is running.
isPersistent() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Equivalent to same-named StateManager method.
isPersistent(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isPopulateDataCache() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether objects accessed during this transaction will be added to the DataCache.
isPopulateDataCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Return true if this column belongs to the table's primary key.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
If true, the field was specified in the meta data to be a primary key field.
isPrimaryKeyAutoIncrement() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Whether the primary key columns of this key are auto-incrementing.
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return true if the this class' primary key columns correspond to the base class' primary key columns used to construct oid values.
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
isProviderOpen() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultList
Returns true if the provider backign this list is open.
isQueryCacheEnabled() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return whether or not query caching is enabled.
isQueryStringPreferred() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Return true if the preferred style of query representation is with a single query string.
isQueryStringPreferred() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
isRefDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isRefDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isRefDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The reference foreign key action.
isRefDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the ref delete action extension.
isRefDeleteActionDeferred() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
isResolved() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
isResolved() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
isResolved() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isResolved() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
isResolved() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
For implementation use.
isResolved() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return whether this field has been resolved.
isSelected(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return whether the given table is being used in this select.
isSequenceAssigned() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isSequenceAssigned() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether this field (of long, int, short or wrapper type) should have a value assigned to it on flush.
isSingleFieldIdentity() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
isSingleFieldIdentity() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return true if using single field identity.
isSingleFile() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
isSingleOperation() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
isSingleOperation() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
isSingleOperation() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
isSingleOperation() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Return true if this factory reads and writes all system mappings at once.
isSingleRow() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data, or to place the data for each class in a separate row.
isSQLLogEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
isSubclassTable(Table) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Return true if the given table is for a class that is a subclass of another persistent type.
isSubclassTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
isSynthetic() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
Whether the null indicator column is managed by this mapping.
isSystemIndex(String, <>Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
isSystemIndex(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
This method is used to filter system indexes from database metadata.
isSystemIndex(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
isSystemIndex(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
isSystemTable(String, String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
This method is used to filter system tables from database metadata.
isSystemTable(String, String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
isTimedOut() - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCachePCData
Whether this data is timed out.
isTimedOut() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryResult
Whether this data is timed out.
isTimedOut() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.TRACE log level is enabled.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
isTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
isTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
isTracking() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Return true if this tracker has an up-to-date view of all the changes to the container it is managing.
isTransactional() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Equivalent to same-named StateManager method.
isTransactional(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isTransactionModeManaged() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return whether managed transactions are being used.
isTransactionModeManaged() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
isTransient() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
isTransient() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return whether this is a transient field.
isUnique() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Return true if this is a UNIQUE index.
isUnique() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
isUnique() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
The unique flag.
isValidating() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
isValidating() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
isValue(int) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return true if the given type code represents a simple JDBC value.
isVariable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
isVariable() - Method in interface kodo.query.Value
Return true if this value is a variable.
isVirtualMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
isVirtualMapping() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Returns false if this mapping represents a table in the database.
isVirtualMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
isVirtualMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
Returns true, since horizontal mappings do not have their own table.
isVirtualMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
isVirtualMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Returns if the Log.WARN log level is enabled.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
iterator() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
iterator() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
iterator(Proxy, Iterator) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Return an iterator that dirties its own on calls to remove.
itr() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
itr() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping.LRSProxyCollection
itr() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
Implement this method to return an iterator over the entries in the map.
itr() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
Implement this method to return an iterator over the contents of the collection.


javaObjectTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
JDataStoreDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreDictionary.
Dictionary for Borland JDataStore
JDataStoreDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreDictionary
JDBC_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the JDBC type hint of the column to use.
JDBCAggregateListener - interface kodo.jdbc.query.JDBCAggregateListener.
JDBC extension to the AggregateListener.
JDBCConfiguration - interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration.
Configuration that defines the properties necessary to configure runtime and connect to a JDBC DataSource.
JDBCConfigurationImpl - class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.
Default implementation of the JDBCConfiguration interface.
JDBCConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
JDBCConfigurationImpl(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
JDBCConfigurationImpl(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
Copy constructor
JDBCConnectionFactory - class
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining PersistenceManagers.
JDBCConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
JDBCConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class
JDBCConnectionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class
JDBCEvent - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent.
A JDBC event.
JDBCEvent(Connection, short, JDBCEvent, Statement, String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCEvent
JDBCFetchConfiguration - interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration.
JDBC extensions to Kodo's FetchConfiguration.
JDBCFilterListener - interface kodo.jdbc.query.JDBCFilterListener.
JDBC extension to the FilterListener.
JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory - class
JCA 1.5 managed connection factory.
JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
JDBCListener - interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCListener.
A listener for all JDBCEvents that occur on for a given JDBCEventConnectionDecorator.
jdbcListenerPlugins - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
jdbcListeners - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
JDBCLockManager - interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCLockManager.
Extension of the LockManager interface with methods for datastore locking during the select and load process.
JDBCLog - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog.
JDBCLog() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
JDBCLog(Log, Log) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory - class
JCA managed connection factory.
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory.
PersistenceManagerFactory type for use with the JDBC runtime.
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
Default constructor; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
Construct the factory with the given option settings; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
JDBCResourceAdapter - class
A ResourceAdapter implementation for JCA 1.5 support.
JDBCResourceAdapter() - Constructor for class
JDBCStoreManager - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager.
StoreManager plugin that uses JDBC to store persistent data in a relational data store.
JDBCStoreManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
JDBCTypes - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes.
JDBC type constants.
JDOCommandIO - class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO.
JDOCommandIO(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
JDOCommandIO(KodoPersistenceManagerFactory) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
JDOConfiguration - interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration.
Defines the properties necessary to configure runtime properties and connect to a data source.
JDOConfigurationImpl - class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl.
Implementation of the JDOConfiguration interface.
JDOConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
JDOConfigurationImpl(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
JDOConnectionFactory - interface
Marker interface for JCA ConnectionFactories used to obtain PersistenceManagers for a particular runtime.
JDOEnhancer - class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer.
Bytecode enhancer used to create PersistenceCapable classes from JDO metadata.
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration, BCClass, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
JDOManagedConnectionFactory - interface
Marker interface for a managed connection factory for JDO.
JDOMetaDataGenerator - class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator.
Generates default JDO metadata for a given class.
JDOMetaDataGenerator() - Constructor for class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Constructor for use by reflection.
JDOMetaDataGenerator(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
JDOMetaDataParser - class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser.
Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse JDO metadata files.
JDOMetaDataParser() - Constructor for class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Constructor for use by configuration framework.
JDOMetaDataParser(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
JDOMetaDataRepository - interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository.
Repository of JDO metadata.
JDOMetaDataTool - class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool.
Tool for generating default JDO metadata.
JDOMetaDataTool() - Constructor for class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool
jdoPostAttach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostAttachCallback
Invoked on the managed persistent instance after it has been the subject of an attach process.
jdoPostDetach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostDetachCallback
Invoked on the detached copy of the persistent instance after it has been detached.
jdoPreAttach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreAttachCallback
Invoked on the detached instance immediately before it is to be attached.
jdoPreDetach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreDetachCallback
Invoked on the persistent instance before it is detached.
JDOState - class kodo.runtime.JDOState.
Base class for all JDO lifecycle states.
JDOState() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.JDOState
JDOTypes - interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes.
Type constants for JDO managed fields.
JMSRemoteCommitProvider - class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider.
JMS-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other RemoteCommitProviders over a JMS topic.
JMSRemoteCommitProvider() - Constructor for class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
JMXInterface - interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.JMXInterface.
UI for JMX based management.
JNDIManagedRuntime - class
Implementation of the ManagedRuntime interface that uses JNDI to find the TransactionManager.
JNDIManagedRuntime() - Constructor for class
Join - class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join.
Represents a SQL join.
JOIN_SYNTAX_DATABASE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Native database join syntax; outer joins are supported.
JOIN_SYNTAX_SQL92 - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
ANSI SQL 92 join syntax; outer joins are supported.
JOIN_SYNTAX_TRADITIONAL - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Traditional join syntax; outer joins are not supported.
join(Column, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Join a local column to a primary key column of another table.
join(ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
join(ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Join the columns of the given foreign key.
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
join(Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Join this value to the class table.
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
join(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
join(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Joins from the owning class' table to the table where this field lies using the reference foreign key.
JoinableMapping - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping.
Represents a mapping that can be joined to.
joinConstant(Column, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Join a constant value to a local column of this table.
joinConstant(Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Join a constant value to a primary key column of another table.
joinCount() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
joinKey(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
joinKey(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
joinKey(Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Join the key value to the class table.
joinKeyRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
joinKeyRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
joinKeyRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
joinKeyRelation(Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Join this value's table to the table for the related first class object key type, if any.
joinPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class
joinPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
joinPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Join the thread running the persistence manager server for this factory.
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Join this value's table to the table for the related first class object type, if any.
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
joinRelation(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
joinRelation(String, ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
joinRelation(String, ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
Joins - interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins.
Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.
joins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Join the mapping and its superclass.
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
joinSuperclass(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
joinSyntax - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary


KEY_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action to use for the keys of a map, if they represent a foreign key to a related object.
KEY_DEPENDENT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark first class object keys that should be deleted when the owning object is deleted.
KEY_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether key columns are indexed.
KEY_SIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the size of key data columns.
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to indicate the type of keys held by a map field declared to be of a generic interface or object type.
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Invoke when a key is removed from this cache.
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Invoke when a key is removed from this cache.
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Invoked when a key-value pair is evicted from this data structure.
keys(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
keys(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
Return all keys for the given value.
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Return a threadsafe view of the keys in this cache.
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
keySet() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
keySet() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
kodo.abstractstore - package kodo.abstractstore
Abstract StoreManager Implementation
kodo.beans - package kodo.beans
Generic Data Access Layer
kodo.conf - package kodo.conf
Kodo Configuration
kodo.datacache - package kodo.datacache
Kodo Data Cache - package
JDO Enterprise Extensions
kodo.enhance - package kodo.enhance
JDO Enhancer
kodo.event - package kodo.event
Event Notification Framework
kodo.jdbc.conf - package kodo.jdbc.conf
JDBC Configuration - package
JDBC Enterprise
kodo.jdbc.manage - package kodo.jdbc.manage
JDBC Management Extensions
kodo.jdbc.meta - package kodo.jdbc.meta
Object-Relational Mapping
kodo.jdbc.query - package kodo.jdbc.query
JDBC Query
kodo.jdbc.runtime - package kodo.jdbc.runtime
JDBC Runtime
kodo.jdbc.schema - package kodo.jdbc.schema
Schema Management
kodo.jdbc.sql - package kodo.jdbc.sql
SQL Abstraction
kodo.manage - package kodo.manage
Kodo Management / Monitoring
kodo.meta - package kodo.meta
JDO MetaData
kodo.query - package kodo.query
JDO Abstract Query Framework
kodo.remote - package kodo.remote
Remote JDO Layer
kodo.runtime - package kodo.runtime
Common JDO Runtime Environment
kodo.util - package kodo.util
JDO Utilities
kodo.xmlstore - package kodo.xmlstore
XML Store
KodoCompatibility - interface kodo.conf.KodoCompatibility.
Compatibility information regarding how the current environment should behave with respect to old behavior.
KodoExtent - interface kodo.runtime.KodoExtent.
Extension of the Extent interface that adds some Kodo-specific methods.
KodoHelper - class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper.
Helper methods for acquiring PersistenceManagerFactory objects and obtaining information about persistence capable instances.
KodoHelper() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
KodoPersistenceManager - interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager.
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence managers.
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory - interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory.
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence manager factories.
KodoPersistenceManagerSPI - interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI.
Internal persistence manager interface.
KodoQuery - interface kodo.query.KodoQuery.
Extension of the Query interface that adds some Kodo-specific methods.
KodoQuerySPI - interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI.
Internal query interface.
KodoSavepoint - class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint.
Represents a savepoint where operations afterwards can be rolled back and restored to this point
KodoSavepoint(KodoPersistenceManager, String) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
KodoStateManager - interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager.
Interface implemented by Kodo state managers.
KodoStateManagerSPI - interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI.
Internal state manager interface.
KodoTimeWatchManager - class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager.
A KodoTimeWatchManager manages TimeWatch objects.
KodoTimeWatchManager(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager


last() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
last() - Method in interface kodo.query.Path
Return the last field in the path, or null if the path does not not contain a final field.
lastGeneratedKeyQuery - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
LazySchemaFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory.
Factory that uses database metadata to construct the system schema.
LazySchemaFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
length() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
length() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.FilterValue
Return the number of SQL elements in this value.
length() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Return the number of SQL elements in this value.
LEVEL_CLASS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
LEVEL_PACKAGE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
license - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
licenseKey - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
list() - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
list() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent.
listIterator(ProxyCollection, ListIterator, Class) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Return a proxy iterator that dirties its owner on remove, set, and add.
ListResultObjectProvider - class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider.
A result object provider wrapped around a normal list.
ListResultObjectProvider(List) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
LOAD - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is loaded (analagous to InstanceCallbacks#postLoad).
LOAD - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
LOAD_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
LOAD_FGS - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
LOAD_SERIALIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
load(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Bind the MetaDataLoader interface to the CFMetaDataParser infrastructure.
load(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader
Load the metadata for cls into the repository configured via MetaDataLoader.setRepository(kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository).
load(ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Load a pc object using the given store manager.
load(ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
load(ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Load a pc object using the given store manager.
load(ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
load(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLFileHandler
Loads all instances of meta into a list of objects.
load(FetchConfiguration, int, BitSet, Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Load the state of this instance based on the given fetch configuration and load mode.
load(JDBCStoreManager, boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
load(JDBCStoreManager, boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration, long, long) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Override this method to customize obtaining a result containing all instances of this class.
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Load the data and version information for this object into the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
This method is invoked when Kodo needs to load additional data into an object that has already been at least partially loaded by a previous AbstractStoreManager.initialize(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, kodo.runtime.JDOState, kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration, java.lang.Object) invocation.
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Load the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
load(KodoStateManager, BitSet, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Loads some or all of the marked fields from the cache into the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Load data from the current input record into the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Load the data and version information for this object into the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
load(KodoStateManager, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
load(KodoStateManager, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Loads all fields that are currently stored in the cache into the given state manager.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load secondary data using a connection from the store manager.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
Loads the metadata.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Override this method to customize loading a Result into an instance.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load virtual row data; the given result is not guaranteed to contain data for this field, so the field mapping should make sure the result contains its needed column data before loading.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDOState, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDOState, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Override this method to load the state of a given object, returning true if this method handles the load.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDOState, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
Load virtual row data.
load(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
load(KodoStateManager, SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Load data into the given state manager
load(Object, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Load the object with the given oid.
load(Result, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
load(Result, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Load the data for this value.
loadAll(Collection, JDOState, int, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
This implementation just delegates to the proper singular method (StoreManager.initialize(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, kodo.runtime.JDOState, kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration, java.lang.Object) or StoreManager.load(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, java.util.BitSet, kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration, int, java.lang.Object)) depending on each state manager's state.
loadAll(Collection, JDOState, int, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
loadAll(Collection, JDOState, int, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Initialize, load, or validate the existance of all of the given objects.
loadDefaults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Invoke this method to load default values from properties.
loadEagerJoin(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
loadEagerJoin(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
loadEagerJoin(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load the joined eager result.
loadEagerJoin(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
loadEagerParallel(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
loadEagerParallel(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
loadEagerParallel(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Result) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load the batched eager result.
loadedForUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCLockManager
Notification that the given instance was loaded via a result set produced by a FOR UPDATE select.
loadedForUpdate(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
loadField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
loadImplData(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
loadImplData(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
loadIntermediate(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load this field's key value using the given result.
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
loadKeyProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
LoadLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.LoadLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.LOAD events.
loadMappings(ClassMapping, JDBCFetchConfiguration, BitSet, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
For implementation use only.
loadPersistentClasses(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Load the configured persistent classes list.
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Load this field value using the given result.
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
loadProjection(JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
loadSubclasses(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Makes sure all subclasses of the given type are loaded in the JVM.
loadSubclasses(JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Load all subclasses of the owning class mapping into the JVM.
loadSubclasses(JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
Initialize the subclass list for our base class.
loadVersion(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
LOB - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Location - class com.solarmetric.meta.Location.
Location() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
Location(boolean) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
locatorsUpdateCopy() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
LOCK - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
LOCK_GROUP - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to name a lock group for a field.
LOCK_GROUP_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Name of the default lock group.
LOCK_GROUP_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Name of the null lock group.
LOCK_GROUPS - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension key that explicitly lists lock group names used by subclasses of a least-derived type.
LOCK_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
No lock.
LOCK_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
No lock.
LOCK_READ - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Generic read lock level.
LOCK_READ - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Generic read lock level.
LOCK_WRITE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Generic write lock level.
LOCK_WRITE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Generic write lock level.
lock() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Synchronize on the query's internal lock.
lock() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
lock() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Synchronizes on an internal lock.
lock() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lock() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Synchronizes on an internal lock if the Multithreaded flag is set to true.
lock(KodoStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
lock(KodoStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Obtain a lock on the specified object.
lock(KodoStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
lock(KodoStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.NoLockManager
lockAll(Collection, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
Delegates to LockManager.lock(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, int, int, java.lang.Object) with each element of the collection.
lockAll(Collection, int, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Obtain locks on the specified objects.
LockManager - interface kodo.runtime.LockManager.
Handles obtaining and releasing locks on objects.
lockManagerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
lockModeEnabled - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
If true, then we will issue a "SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT N" statement whenever we create a Connection, in order allow waiting on locks.
lockPersistent(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
lockPersistent(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lockPersistent(Object, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistent(Object, int, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lockPersistentAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lockPersistentAll(Collection, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Collection, int, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lockPersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchConfiguration for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
lockPersistentAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
LockTimedOutException - exception kodo.util.LockTimedOutException.
Exception indicating that locks on one or more objects could not be acquired.
LockTimedOutException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(Throwable[], int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
LockTimedOutException(Throwable, Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
lockTimeout - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
lockWaitSeconds - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
If InformixDictionary.lockModeEnabled is true, then this parameter specifies the number of seconds we will wait to obtain a lock for inserts and pessimistic locking.
log - Variable in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
The log to use.
log - Variable in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
The log to use.
log - Variable in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
log - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
log - Variable in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
Runtime log to write locking messages to.
Log - interface com.solarmetric.log.Log.
Logging interface that is independent of other logging frameworks.
LOG_DATACACHE - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for messages from the data cache: kodo.DataCache.
LOG_ENHANCE - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for enhancement-related messages: kodo.Enhance.
LOG_JDBC - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Name of the logger for JDBC-related messages: kodo.jdbc.JDBC.
LOG_MANAGE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.ManageConstants
Name of logger for management-related messages: com.solarmetric.Manage
LOG_METADATA - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for JDO metadata-related messages: kodo.MetaData.
LOG_QUERY - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for JDO query logging: kodo.Query.
LOG_REMOTE - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for messages from the remote persistence manager system: kodo.Remote.
LOG_RUNTIME - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for messages from the runtime system: kodo.Runtime.
LOG_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Name of the logger for schema-related messages: kodo.jdbc.Schema.
LOG_SQL - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Name of the logger for SQL execution messages: kodo.jdbc.SQL.
LOG_TOOL - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Name of logger for messages from the development tools: kodo.Tool.
log(short, String, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
Send the specified log message to the handler.
log(short, String, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
log(String, Mapping, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Log a warning about bad mapping info and return false.
log(String, Mapping, Class, Object[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Log a warning about bad mapping info and return false.
Log4JLogFactory - class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.
LogFactory implementation that delegates to the Log4J framework.
Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter - class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter.
Adapts a Log4J logger to the Log interface.
Log4JLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory
logFactory - Variable in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
LogFactory - interface com.solarmetric.log.LogFactory.
Factory for log instances.
LogFactoryAdapter - class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryAdapter.
Base type that aids in adapting an external log framework to the LogFactory.
LogFactoryAdapter() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryAdapter
LogFactoryImpl - class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.
Default LogFactory implementation.
LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl - class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl.
A simple implementation of the Log interface.
LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl(LogFactoryImpl) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
LogFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
logFactoryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
LoggingConnectionDecorator - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator.
LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler - interface com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler.
LoggingConnectionDecorator() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
logJDBC(String, Connection) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
logJDBC(String, long, Connection) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
LogOrphanedKeyAction - class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction.
Log a message when an orphaned key is discovered.
LogOrphanedKeyAction() - Constructor for class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
LogOutputStream - class com.solarmetric.log.LogOutputStream.
Many standard components log to OutputStreams.
LogOutputStream(Log, int) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.LogOutputStream
logSQL(String, Connection) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
logSQL(String, long, Connection) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
LongIdentity - class kodo.util.LongIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for long fields.
LongIdentity(Class, long) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LongIdentity
LongIdentity(Class, Long) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LongIdentity
LongIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.LongIdentity
longVarbinaryTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
longVarcharTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
LOOKUP_CHECK - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mode to check that oids with no corresponding cached instance represent records in the database for calls to PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
LOOKUP_HOLLOW - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mode to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
LRS - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark containers that should use special large result set handlers.
LRSProxy - interface kodo.util.LRSProxy.
Marker interface for large result set proxies.
lrsSize - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
Usage: java com.solarmetric.manage.RemoteJMXTool [option]* -host/-h <hostname> -port/-p <port> -name/-n <jndiName&gr;
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Usage: java kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer [option]* <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Usage: java kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool [option]* <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool [option]* <.schema file or resource>*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.DBMappingFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop | clean>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool [option]* -action/-a <refresh | drop | validate | buildSchema | revert | import | export> <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.StartPersistenceManagerServer
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.runtime.StartPersistenceManagerServer [option]*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop | increment>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory [option]* [class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file]*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator [option]*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool [option]* -action/-a <add | retain | drop | refresh | createDB | dropDB | build | import | export> <.schema file or resource>*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop | increment>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool
Usage: java kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool [option]* <class name | .java file | .class file>+
MAKE_PERSISTENT - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
makeClassDirty(Class) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
makeClassDirty(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeDirty(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Mark the field with the given index as dirty.
makeDirty(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
makeDirty(Proxy) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Used by proxy types to dirty their owner.
makeEmbedded(Object, Object, KodoStateManager, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeEmbedded(Object, Object, KodoStateManager, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Make the given instance embedded.
makeNameValid(String, NameSet, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Shortens the given name to the given maximum length, then checks that it is not a reserved word.
makeNontransactional(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeNontransactionalAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeNontransactionalAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makePersistent(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makePersistent(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makePersistent(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Make the given instance persistent.
makePersistentAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makePersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransactional(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransactionalAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransactionalAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransient(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransientAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
makeTransientAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
MANAGE_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying the management level of a field.
MANAGE_PERSISTENT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying the management level of a field.
MANAGE_TRANSACTIONAL - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying the management level of a field.
ManageConstants - interface com.solarmetric.manage.ManageConstants.
Constants for use across the management system.
managedRuntime - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ManagedRuntime - interface
This interface must be implemented by concrete plugins to application servers in order to integrate the JDO runtime in a managed environment.
managedRuntimePlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
managementConfig - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
managementConfigPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ManagementConfiguration - interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration.
Interface that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
ManagementConfigurationJDBCProfilingGUI - class kodo.jdbc.manage.ManagementConfigurationJDBCProfilingGUI.
Configuration for local profiling GUI.
ManagementConfigurationJDBCProfilingGUI() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.manage.ManagementConfigurationJDBCProfilingGUI
ManagementConfigurationManagement - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement.
Configuration for generic management.
ManagementConfigurationManagement() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
ManagementConfigurationManagementExport - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81 - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling
ManagementConfigurationNone - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationNone.
Configuration for no management.
ManagementConfigurationNone() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationNone
ManagementConfigurationProfiling - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport.
Configuration for local profiling GUI.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI.
Configuration for local profiling GUI.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI
ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX
ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal - class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal.
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal
ManageRuntimeException - exception com.solarmetric.manage.ManageRuntimeException.
ManageRuntimeException() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManageRuntimeException
ManageRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManageRuntimeException
ManageRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManageRuntimeException
ManageRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManageRuntimeException
ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of persistence capable keys to single-column values.
ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
ManyToManyFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping.
Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an xref table.
ManyToManyFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
ManyToManyMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of FCO key and FCO values.
ManyToManyMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
ManyToNMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of persistence capable keys to simple values.
ManyToNMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping.
A map where the keys are related objects and the values are unknown persistent objects.
ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
map() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Map a new instance of this mapping type.
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
map() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
map(Table, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
MapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of simple values.
MapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
mapping - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.ConnectionInfo
Mapping - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping.
Interface implemented by all mappings.
mappingFactory - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
MappingFactory - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory.
Factory for object-relational mapping information.
mappingFactoryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
MappingInfo - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo.
Base class for ClassMappingInfo and FieldMappingInfo.
MappingInfo() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
MappingInfoNotFoundException - exception kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoNotFoundException.
Exception type reserved for missing or invalid mapping information.
MappingInfoNotFoundException() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoNotFoundException
MappingInfoNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoNotFoundException
MappingInfoNotFoundException(String, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoNotFoundException
MappingInfoRepository - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository.
Simple repository for ClassMappingInfos.
MappingInfoRepository(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
MappingRepository - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository.
Repository of class mapping information.
MappingRepository(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
MappingRepository(JDBCConfiguration, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Mappings - class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings.
Mapping helper class.
Mappings() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
MappingTool - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool.
Tool for manipulating class mappings and associated schema.
MappingTool(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
MAPS - Static variable in class kodo.util.ProxySupplier
matchManagedConnections(Set, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class
max - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory.Seq
maxAutoIncrementNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxCharacterFieldLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxColumnNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxEmbeddedBlobSize - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
The maximum size (in bytes) of blobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
maxEmbeddedClobSize - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
The maximum size (in characters) of clobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
maxForeignKeyNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxIndexesPerTable - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxIndexNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxPrimaryKeyNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
maxStatementTracking - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The number of slow statements we will track.
maxTableNameLength - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
mbeanServer - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
MergedResultObjectProvider - class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider.
A result object provider that merges multiple result object provider delegates.
MergedResultObjectProvider(ResultObjectProvider[]) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
MergedResultObjectProvider(ResultObjectProvider[], Comparator) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
MetaDataLoader - interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader.
The JDOMetaDataRepository uses implementations of this interface to load ClassMetaData instances.
metaDataLoaderPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
MetaDataMappingFactory - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory.
Factory that places mapping information in JDO metadata extensions.
MetaDataMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
MetaDataParser - interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser.
MetaDataValueClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator.
Determines the class of database records using a metadata extensions that map a database value to the class it represents.
MetaDataValueClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
metaRepos - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
MICRO - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
MILLI - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
mod(Object, Class, Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Mod the given values.
MODE_ENTRY - Static variable in class kodo.util.Proxies
MODE_KEY - Static variable in class kodo.util.Proxies
MODE_VALUE - Static variable in class kodo.util.Proxies
moveToCurrentRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
moveToInsertRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
MultiLoaderClassResolver - class kodo.util.MultiLoaderClassResolver.
A simple ClassResolver that uses multiple class loaders to resolve classes.
MultiLoaderClassResolver() - Constructor for class kodo.util.MultiLoaderClassResolver
MultiLoaderClassResolver(ClassLoader[]) - Constructor for class kodo.util.MultiLoaderClassResolver
MultiLogFactory - class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory.
A LogFactory implementation to pass events through multiple LogFactory implementations (such as log4j and LogPanelFactory).
MultiLogFactory(LogFactory[]) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
create an instance with the given delegates
MultiLogFactory(LogFactory, LogFactory) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
create an instance with two delegates
MultiLogFactory(LogFactory, LogFactory, LogFactory) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
multiply(Object, Class, Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Multiply the given values.
multithreaded - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
MySQLDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary.
Dictionary for MySQL.
MySQLDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary


NameSet - class kodo.jdbc.schema.NameSet.
Name sets track what names have been taken, ignoring case.
NameSet() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.NameSet
NANO - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
needsRefresh(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Return true if mem is not up-to-date with db.
needsRefresh(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
needsRefresh(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
NEW_DATASTORE_ID - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
NEW_PM - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
newClassMappingInstance(String, ClassMetaData) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the mapping for the given mapping type.
newClassMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Return a new class metadata object for the given class.
newClassMetaData(Class, Class, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return a new class metadata for the given name and parent.
newCollectionProxy(Class, Class, Comparator) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given collection type.
newCollectionProxy(Class, Class, Comparator) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
newColumn(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a new column from the information in the schema metadata.
newColumn(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
newColumn(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
newColumn(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new column with the given name and owner table.
newColumn(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
newConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Return a new configuration instance for this runtime.
newConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
newContext() - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Returns a new Context object for use by this provider.
newCustomProxy(Class) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
newCustomProxy(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given object, or null if this manager cannot proxy the object.
newCustomProxy(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
newDataCacheInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return a new data cache instance using the configured plugin settings.
newDataCacheInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newDataStoreException(String, SQLException[], Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return a new JDO exception that wraps causes.
newDataStoreException(String, SQLException[], Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreDictionary
newDataStoreException(String, SQLException[], Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
newDataStoreId(long, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Create a new datastore identity object from the given id value and mapping.
newDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
newDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
newDataStoreId(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Create a new unique datastore identity for the given type from the given oid value (presumably pk, stringified oid, or oid instance).
newDateProxy() - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a new date proxy.
newDateProxy() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
newEmbeddedPCData(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
newEmbeddedPCData(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
newExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Create an KodoExtent capable of loading all instances of type, optionally including subclasses as defined by subclasses.
newExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
newExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return an extent of the given candidate class, optionally including subclasses.
newExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
newFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
newFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
newFetchConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return a fetch configuration suitable for this runtime.
newFieldMappingInstance(String, FieldMetaData) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Return the mapping for the given mapping name.
newFieldMetaData(String, Class, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Return a new field metadata for the given name, type, and owner.
newFieldMetaData(String, Class, ClassMetaData, Field) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Return a new field metadata object for a field of the given name and type.
newFieldProxy(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Create a new hollow proxy instance for the given field.
newForeignKey(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a new foreign key from the information in the schema metadata.
newForeignKey(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new foreign key with the given name and owner table.
newForeignKey(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
newIndex(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a new index from the information in the schema metadata.
newIndex(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
newIndex(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new index with the given name and owner table.
newInstance() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
newInstance() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
newInstance() - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
newInstance() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Convenience for empty constructor.
newInstance(Class, Class, Comparator, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyMap
This method should return a new proxy of the same concrete type as the implementing class.
newInstance(Class, Comparator, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyCollection
This method should return a new proxy of the same concrete type as the implementing class.
newInstance(Query) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(Query, Map) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(Query, Object) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(Query, Object[]) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(Query, Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(Query, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cachable.
newInstance(String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
Return the indicator for the given indicator name.
newInstance(String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return the indicator for the given indicator name.
newInstance(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
newInverseManagerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return a new inverse manager instance using the configured plugin settings.
newInverseManagerInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return a new joins instance to use for traversing to related data.
newJoins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Returns a no-op joins object by default.
newJoins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return a new instance to use for joining.
newListenerCollection() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Individual query results will be registered as expiration listeners.
newLock() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Create a new lock.
newLockManagerInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return a new lock manager instance using the configured plugin settings.
newLockManagerInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newLogAdapter(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryAdapter
Return a log adapter for the given channel.
newLogAdapter(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory
newLogAdapter(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory
newLogImpl() - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
Create a new log.
newManagedObjectCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Create a Map to be used for the managed object cache.
newMapProxy(Class, Class, Class, Comparator) - Method in interface kodo.util.ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given map type.
newMapProxy(Class, Class, Class, Comparator) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
newMetaDataGenerator() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Create a new JDOMetaDataGenerator appropriate for use in the current environment.
newMetaDataGenerator() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newMetaDataLoader() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Create a new MetaDataLoader instance for a parser to use
newMetaDataLoader() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newNamedQuery(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
newNamedQuery(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newObjectIdInstance(Class, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
newObjectIdInstance(Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newObjectIdInstance(Class, Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Create a new object id instance from the given value.
newObjectIdInstance(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
newPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Return a PersistenceManager configured with the proper settings.
newPersistenceManagerImplInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Create a new persistence manager instance with the configured plugin data.
newPersistenceManagerImplInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newPrimaryKey(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a new primary key from the information in the schema metadata.
newPrimaryKey(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
newPrimaryKey(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new primary key with the given name and owner table.
newPrimaryKey(String, Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
newProxy(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Create a new hollow proxy instance for the given field.
newQuery() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Class, Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Class, Collection, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Extent) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Extent, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQuery(String) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
newQuery(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
newQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Return a query implementation suitable for this runtime.
newQuery(String, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
newQueryCacheInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return a new query cache instance using the configured plugin settings.
newQueryCacheInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newRemoteCommitProviderInstance() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Create a remote commit provider from the configured plugin.
newRemoteCommitProviderInstance() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
newResultList(ResultObjectProvider) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Return a new result list for the current fetch configuration.
newResultPacker(Class[], String[], Class) - Method in class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl
newResultPacker(Class[], String[], Class) - Method in interface kodo.query.ResultPackerProvider
Create and return a new ResultPacker for use by this query.
newResultPacker(Class, String, Class) - Method in class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl
newResultPacker(Class, String, Class) - Method in interface kodo.query.ResultPackerProvider
Create and return a new ResultPacker for use by this query.
newReverseMappedInstance(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
newReverseMappedInstance(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
newSavepoint(String, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
newSavepoint(String, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.SavepointManager
Return a new savepoint for the given name, which may be null.
newSavepoint(String, KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager
newSchema(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new schema with the given name.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoNotFoundException
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.UserException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CanRetryException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.GeneralException
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.DataStoreException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newStateManager(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.
newStateManager(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Create a new state manager with the given oid and corresponding metadata.
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Return a new StoreManager for this runtime.
newTable(ResultSet) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a new table from the information in the schema metadata.
newTable(String, Schema) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Return a new table with the given name and owner schema.
newTable(String, Schema) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
newTangosolCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying data cache.
newTangosolQueryCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying query cache.
next() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
next() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
next() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Advance the input to the next position.
next() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
next() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Advance to the next row, or return false if there are no more rows in the result.
next() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
next() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
next() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Implement this method to advance the input.
next() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Returns the next long in the sequence.
next() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.TimeSeededSequenceGenerator
nextInternal() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Advance this row.
nextInternal() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
NO_FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Flush mode where no flush method will be called.
NoLockManager - class kodo.runtime.NoLockManager.
A lock managed that does not perform any locking.
NoLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.NoLockManager
NONE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
NoneClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping.
Placeholder mapping for classes that indicate they do not need a mapping because they are never persisted directly.
NoneClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
NoneFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping.
Placeholder mapping for non-persistent fields or fields that do not need mappings.
NoneFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
nontransactionalRead - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
nontransactionalWrite - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
NoOpLogFactory - class com.solarmetric.log.NoOpLogFactory.
A log factory implementation that does not do any logging, as quickly as possible.
NoOpLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.log.NoOpLogFactory
NoOrphanedKeyAction - class kodo.event.NoOrphanedKeyAction.
Does nothing when an orphaned key is discovered.
NoOrphanedKeyAction() - Constructor for class kodo.event.NoOrphanedKeyAction
normalize(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
Perform the String normalization process.
NToManyMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping.
Maps a map of simple keys to related objects.
NToManyMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping.
A map where the keys are simple values and the values are unknown persistent objects.
NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
NULL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
NULL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
NULL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying to use a datastore default value to persist null values in object fields.
NULL_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying to throw an exception when attempting to persist null values in object fields.
NULL_IND - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
Extension key used to specify the field of the embedded class to use as a null-indicator for the embedded object.
NULL_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying to use a datastore null to persist null values in object fields.
NULL_UNSET - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Constant specifying that no null-value was given.
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Override this method to customize nulling the given mapping (used with embedded values only).
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Null values for the mapping.
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
nullEmbedded(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
nullJoins() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
nullPlusNonNullIsNull() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedAtEnd() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedAtStart() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedHigh() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedLow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
NumberVersionIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator.
Handles optimistic lock versioning via a lock column containing numeric version numbers in the data store.
NumberVersionIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
numericTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary


ObjectData - class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData.
In-memory form of data in datastore backing a single persistent object.
ObjectData(Object, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Create the object without underlying data.
objectLookupMode - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
OID_ALLOW_NEW - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
OID_COPY - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
OID_VALIDATE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
OneToManyFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping.
Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an inverse foreign key in the related object table.
OneToManyFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
OneToOneFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping.
Maps a relation to another object.
OneToOneFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
onException(JMSException) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
onExpire(ExpirationEvent) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.ExpirationListener
Notification that an object has expired from the cache.
open() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
open() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Open the result.
open() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
open() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
No-op implementation.
open() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
open() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
open() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
optimistic - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
OPTION_EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_RELATION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Kodo option for runtimes that support collections of embedded relations to other persistence capable objects.
OPTION_EMBEDDED_MAP_RELATION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Kodo option for runtimes that support maps of embedded relations to other persistence capable objects.
OPTION_EMBEDDED_RELATION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Kodo option for runtimes that support embedded relations to other persistence capable objects.
OPTION_ID_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support application identity.
OPTION_ID_DATASTORE - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support application identity.
OPTION_INC_FLUSH - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Kodo option for runtimes that support incremental flushing.
OPTION_NONTRANS_READ - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support nontransactional reads.
OPTION_NULL_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support null collection or map fields.
OPTION_OPTIMISTIC - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support optimistic transactions.
OPTION_QUERY_JDOQL - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for JDOQL Support.
OPTION_QUERY_SQL - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for SQL Support.
OPTION_TYPE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support persistent array fields.
OPTION_TYPE_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support persistent collection fields.
OPTION_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JDO option for runtimes that support persistent map fields.
or(Joins, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
OR the given joins together.
OracleDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary.
Dictionary for Oracle.
OracleDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
OracleSavepointManager - class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager.
SavepointManager implementation that uses Oracle specific calls and savepoint implementation to store state.
OracleSavepointManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
orderBy(Column[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
orderBy(Column[], boolean, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
orderBy(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
orderBy(Column, boolean, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
orderBy(SQLBuffer, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
orderBy(SQLBuffer, boolean, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add an ORDER BY clause.
ORDERED - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether a collection/array mapping should use an extra column to maintain order.
ordering - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
orphan(Object, KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.event.ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction
orphan(Object, KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.event.NoOrphanedKeyAction
orphan(Object, KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.event.OrphanedKeyAction
Callback received when Kodo discovers an orphaned key.
orphan(Object, KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
orphanedKeyAction - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
OrphanedKeyAction - interface kodo.event.OrphanedKeyAction.
Perform an action when Kodo detects an orphaned key in the database.
orphanedKeyPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
othersDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
othersInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
otherTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
outer(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return a join set making the given joins outer joins.
outerJoin(ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
outerJoin(ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Join the columns of the given foreign key.
outerJoinClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
outerJoinRelation(String, ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
outerJoinRelation(String, ForeignKey, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
ownDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
ownInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData


pack(Object) - Method in interface kodo.query.ResultPacker
pack(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.query.ResultPacker
parse(Class) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
parse(Class) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
parse(File) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
parse(File) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
parse(Reader, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
parse(Reader, String) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
parse(URL) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
parse(URL) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
ParsedQuery - class kodo.query.ParsedQuery.
Struct to hold the state of a parsed query.
ParsedQuery() - Constructor for class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
parseNew(Reader, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
Path - interface kodo.query.Path.
A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object.
path() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
PAYLOAD_EXTENTS - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
Names of added, updated, and deleted classes only.
PAYLOAD_OIDS - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
Names of added classes, upated, and deleted Object IDs.
PAYLOAD_OIDS_WITH_ADDS - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
Names of added classes, added, upated, and deleted Object IDs.
PC_CLASS - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
PCData - interface kodo.runtime.PCData.
Holds data about a single persistence capable instance.
PCDataGenerator - class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator.
Generates PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData instances which avoid primitve wrappers to optimize memory use and performance at the cost of slightly higher startup time.
PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData - interface kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData.
Dynamic PCDatas generated will implement this interface to simplify initialization.
PCDataGenerator(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
PCDataImpl - class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl.
PCDataImpl(Object, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
PCLEAN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping.
Maps a collection of unknown persistent objects.
PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
PCObjectMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping.
A map where both the keys and values are unknown persistent objects.
PCObjectMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping.
Maps a 1-1 relation to an unknown persistent object.
PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping.
A map where both the keys are unknown persistent objects and the values are related objects.
PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping.
A map where the keys are unknown persistent objects and the values are simple values.
PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
PCResultObjectProvider - interface kodo.runtime.PCResultObjectProvider.
Variant of ResultObjectProvider that populates a KodoStateManager object in an application-defined manner.
PDELETED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PDELETEDFLUSHED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PDIRTY - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PerformanceTracker - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker.
A global tracker of performance-related statistics.
PerformanceTracker() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl - class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl.
Abstract implementation of the PersistenceManagerFactory that must be subclassed for a specific runtime.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
PersistenceManagerImpl - class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl.
Concrete PersistenceManager for use with this common runtime.
PersistenceManagerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
PersistenceManagerServerServlet - class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet.
Servlet that creates a server-side persistence manager factory and listens for requests from remote persistence managers configured with the HTTP remote transport.
PersistenceManagerServerServlet() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.PersistenceManagerServerServlet
persistentClasses - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
PessimisticLockManager - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager.
Lock manager that uses exclusive database locks.
PessimisticLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
pin(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
pin(Object) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Pin the value stored under oid into the cache.
pin(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Locks the key-value pair identified by key into the map.
pin(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
pin(QueryKey) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Pin the value stored under qk into the cache.
pinAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
pinAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Pin all oids to the cache.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Pin an object to the cache.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Pin an object to the cache.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
platform - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
PluginListValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue.
A list of plugins.
PluginListValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
PluginValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue.
A plugin Value consisting of plugin name and properties.
PluginValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
pm - Variable in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
The PersistenceManager against which this LockManager is operating.
pm - Variable in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
The KodoPersistenceManager that this result object provider will load objects into.
pmFactoryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
pmPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
pmServer - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
pmServerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
PNEW - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PNEWDELETED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PNEWFLUSHEDDELETED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PNEWFLUSHEDDELETEDFLUSHED - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PNONTRANS - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
PointbaseDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary.
Dictionary for Pointbase Embedded.
PointbaseDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
POLICY_EMPTY - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
POLICY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
POLICY_SILENT - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
pool() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Add the factory to the pool.
PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider - class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider.
TCP-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other RemoteCommitProviders over TCP sockets.
PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider() - Constructor for class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
PostAttachCallback - interface kodo.runtime.PostAttachCallback.
Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it was attached.
postClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.ClearLifecycleListener
postClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
postCreate(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.CreateLifecycleListener
postCreate(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
postDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DeleteLifecycleListener
postDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
PostDetachCallback - interface kodo.runtime.PostDetachCallback.
Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it was detached.
postDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
postDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DirtyLifecycleListener
postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
The contained flushed source has been dirtied again, such that another flush is required.
postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
POSTFIX - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
PostgresDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary.
Dictionary for Postgres.
PostgresDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
postLoad(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.LoadLifecycleListener
postLoad(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
postLoad(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
This method is called after data is loaded into the instance, in case the version indicator works off of a state image.
postLoad(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
postStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.StoreLifecycleListener
postStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
PRE_FLUSH - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Flush mode where KodoSavepoint.initialize() will call {@KodoPersistenceManager#preFlush}
PreAttachCallback - interface kodo.runtime.PreAttachCallback.
Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it is about to be attached.
preClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.ClearLifecycleListener
preClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
preDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DeleteLifecycleListener
preDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
PreDetachCallback - interface kodo.runtime.PreDetachCallback.
Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it is about to be detached.
preDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
preDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DirtyLifecycleListener
preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
The contained flushed source has been dirtied again, such that another flush is required.
preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
PREFIX - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
preFlush() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks.
preFlush() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
prepareCall(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepared statement using the SQL in this buffer.
prepareCall(Connection, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepared statement using the SQL in this buffer.
prepareCall(Connection, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepred statement using the SQL in this buffer and the given fetch configuration.
prepareCall(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareCall(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Prepare a call, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingCallableStatement, which is the default.
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Prepare a call, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingCallableStatement, which is the default.
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepared statement using the SQL in this buffer.
prepareStatement(Connection, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepared statement using the SQL in this buffer.
prepareStatement(Connection, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Create and populate the parameters of a prepred statement using the SQL in this buffer and the given fetch configuration.
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Prepare a statement, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingPreparedStatement, which is the default.
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int[], boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Prepare a statement, with the option of not wrapping it in a DelegatingPreparedStatement, which is the default.
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
preStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.event.StoreLifecycleListener
preStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractInstanceLifecycleListener
prettyPrint(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
previous() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
PrimaryKey - class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey.
Represents a table primary key.
PrimaryKey() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Default constructor.
PrimaryKey(String, Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
PRIORITY_DIRECT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
PRIORITY_FK - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
PRIORITY_FK_CONST - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
PRIORITY_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
PRIORITY_PK - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
profilingAgent - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
promote(Class, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Given two numeric types, return type they should both be converted to before performing any mathematical operations between them.
PROP_ABSTRACT_STORE - Static variable in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStorePersistenceManagerFactory
The property name under which to name the concrete store manager class for this runtime.
PropertiesReverseCustomizer - class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer.
Simple ReverseCustomizer that uses a properties file to to allow customization of basic class and field properties.
PropertiesReverseCustomizer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
props - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
Proxies - class kodo.util.Proxies.
Utility methods for managing proxies.
Proxies() - Constructor for class kodo.util.Proxies
Proxy - interface kodo.util.Proxy.
Interface implemented by all proxy types to allow setting and nulling of their owning JDO instance.
ProxyCollection - interface kodo.util.ProxyCollection.
Interface implemented by all built-in proxies on Collection types.
ProxyDate - class kodo.util.ProxyDate.
Extension of the Date type that calls the PersistenceCapable.jdoMakeDirty(java.lang.String) method on its owning persistence capable instance on modification.
ProxyDate() - Constructor for class kodo.util.ProxyDate
ProxyDate(long) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ProxyDate
proxyManager - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ProxyManager - interface kodo.util.ProxyManager.
Manager for copying and proxying second class objects.
ProxyManagerImpl - class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl.
Default implementation of the ProxyManager interface.
ProxyManagerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
proxyManagerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
ProxyMap - interface kodo.util.ProxyMap.
Interface implemented by all built-in proxies on Map types.
ProxySupplier - class kodo.util.ProxySupplier.
Supplies default implementations of proxies.
ProxySupplier() - Constructor for class kodo.util.ProxySupplier
pushBack() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Push back the last result.
pushBack() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
put(DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
put(DataCachePCData) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Set the cached value for the given instance.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
put(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
put(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
put(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Set the list of OIDs for the given query key.
putAll(Map) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
putAllInternal(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
All all of the given objects to the cache.
putBytes(Object, byte[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
Invoke the oracle-specific putBytes method on the given BLOB object.
putEager(Object, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Add the given object to the cache, returning the old object under the given oid.
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Add the given result to the cache, returning the old result under the given key.
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
putProcessed(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Set the data resulting from processing an eager result.
putProcessed(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
putString(Object, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
Invoke the oracle-specific putString method on the given CLOB object.
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl


QUERY_BASE_TABLES - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Query mode to select only base class fields when selecting vertical subclasses.
QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant denoting that queries should never flush data to the database automatically before executing a query, but should instead execute queries in-memory if necessary.
QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically whenever Kodo determines that relevant modifications have been made and IgnoreCache is false.
QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically when Kodo determines that relevant modifications have been made and the current PersistenceManager already has a dedicated connection.
QUERY_PER_SUBCLASS - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Query mode to issue one select per vertical subclass.
QUERY_RESULT - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
QueryCache - interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache.
Interface that must be implemented by any level 2 query cache used by Kodo.
QueryCacheImpl - class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl.
Default query cache implementation.
QueryCacheImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
queryCachePlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
queryCompilationCache - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
queryCompilationCachePlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
QueryKey - class kodo.datacache.QueryKey.
This class stores information about a particular invocation of a query.
QueryKey() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
Public constructor meant for use by serialization only.
QueryMetaData - class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData.
Holds metadata about named queries.
QueryMetaData(String, KodoQuery) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
QueryMetaData(String, String) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Construct a QueryMetaData with the given candidate class and name.
QueryMetaDataParser - class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser.
Custom SAX parser used by the system to parse JDO metadata files for named queries.
QueryMetaDataParser(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
QueryMetaDataRepository - class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository.
Repository for QueryMetaData instances.
QueryMetaDataRepository(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
queryRepos - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
QueryResult - class kodo.datacache.QueryResult.
A query result.
QueryResult(Collection, long) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.QueryResult
Constructor; to build up from raw values (e.g.
QueryResult(QueryKey, Collection) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.QueryResult
Constructor; supply corresponding query key and result data.


RANGE_POST_DISTINCT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
RANGE_POST_LOCK - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
RANGE_POST_SELECT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
RANGE_PRE_DISTINCT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
rangePosition - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
read(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read in the state of the sent command from the given stream.
readData(SQLInput, int, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Read data from the given input and store in our intermediate array
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Implementation of the Externalizable interface to read from the properties written by ConfigurationImpl.writeExternal(
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate
readLockLevel - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
readMapping(ClassMetaData, MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
readMapping(ClassMetaData, MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
readMapping(ClassMetaData, MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
readMapping(ClassMetaData, MappingInfoRepository) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Read the object-relational mapping for the given persistent type and add it to the given repository.
readMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Returns the mapping as an XML string, or null if none.
readResolve() - Method in class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate
readResolve() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Replaces the factory with this JVMs pooled version if it exists.
readResolve() - Method in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
readResponse(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read the server's response to this command.
readSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
readSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
readSchema() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaFactory
Return the schema group for the current object model and database.
readSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
readSchema() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
readSchemaColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Returns the schema as an XML string.
readType(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Read the command type from the given stream and return a new command of the proper type.
readType(ObjectInput) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
realTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Return true if updates to data already in the cache (either in AbstractDataCache.commit(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection) or the AbstractDataCache.update(kodo.datacache.DataCachePCData)) should be put back into the cache.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
record() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Records the changes that have been made to both the mappings and the associated schema, and clears the tool for further use.
record() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Record the changes made to the DB in the current SchemaFactory.
REF_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action on vertically- mapped tables.
REF_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action on reference columns.
REF_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether reference columns are indexed.
ref() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
ref(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
refColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Ref all columns in this key.
refColumns() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Ref all columns in this key.
ReferenceFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping.
Base class of most field mappings.
ReferenceFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
ReferentialIntegrityException - exception kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException.
Exception type reserved for violations of integrity constraints.
ReferentialIntegrityException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Throwable[], int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Throwable, Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
refresh() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Adds any components present in the schema repository but absent from the database, and drops unused database components.
refresh(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Refresh or add the mapping for the given instance.
refresh(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
refreshAll() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
refreshAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
refreshAll(JDOException) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
refreshAll(JDOException) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
refreshAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
refreshRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Creates the mapping table in the DB.
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Creates the sequence table in the DB.
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Creates the schema table in the DB.
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Increment the reference count of all used schema components.
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
refSchemaComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
refSchemaComponents(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Increment the reference count of any table components that this dictionary adds that are not used by mappings.
refSchemaComponents(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
refTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
registerClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
registerClass(Class) - Method in interface kodo.util.ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener
registerClass(RegisterClassEvent) - Method in class kodo.util.ImplHelper
Implementation of the ImplHelper.RegisterClassListener interface.
registerListener(RemoteCommitListener) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
registerListener(TransactionListener) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Register a listener for transaction-related events.
registerListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Deprecated. replaced by ClientPersistenceManagerFactory.addTransferListener(kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener)
relative(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
release(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Release this savepoint and any associated resources.
release(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
release(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Release the lock on the given object.
release(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
release(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.NoLockManager
releaseSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the last set savepoint and any resources associated with it.
releaseSavepoint() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the savepoint and any resources associated with it.
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
RemoteCommitEvent - class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent.
Utility structure to hold the IDs of additions, updates, and deletes.
RemoteCommitEvent() - Constructor for class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
Constructor used during externalization.
RemoteCommitEvent(Collection, Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
RemoteCommitEvent(Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, int) - Constructor for class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
RemoteCommitEventManager - class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager.
Manager that can be used to track and notify RemoteCommitListeners on remote commit events.
RemoteCommitEventManager(JDOConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
RemoteCommitListener - interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitListener.
An entity that wishes to be notified when PersistenceManagers associated with remote PersistenceManagerFactories commit.
RemoteCommitProvider - interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitProvider.
An entity that is responsible for communicating commit notification to other RemoteCommitEventManagers.
remoteEventManager - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
RemoteJMXTool - class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool.
Tool for remotely monitoring Kodo based application.
RemoteJMXTool() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate - class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate.
RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate
RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate(PCData, Class) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate
remoteProviderPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
RemoteTransferListener - interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener.
A class that implements this interface can be registered with the ClientPersistenceManagerFactory.
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
remove(Object) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Remove the value stored under the given oid.
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
If key is pinned into the cache, the pin is cleared and the object is removed.
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
remove(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
remove(QueryKey) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Remove the value stored under the given query key.
removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Remove an aggregate listener from the query.
removeAll(Class) - Method in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
Removes all objects of the specified instantiable class.
removeAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Remove the objects of the given class from the cache.
removeAll(Class, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Evict those values that are of a specific class type.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
removeAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Remove the values stored under the given oids.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
removeAllClassNamesInternal(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Remove all objects of the given class names from the cache.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Evict objects in cache by class.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Evict objects in cache by class.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Evict objects in cache by class.
removeAllInternal(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Remove all objects under the given oids from the cache.
removeAllInternal(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Remove all results under the given keys from the cache.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Remove the given attribute from the mapping information.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Remove the given column from the table.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Remove a column from the index.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Remove a column from the primary key.
removed(int, Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Notification given by proxies that the given object was removed from the given container field, and whether removed from its key set or from its elements/values.
removed(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
removed(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
removed(Object) - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Notify the tracker that the given object was removed.
removed(Proxy, Object, boolean) - Static method in class kodo.util.Proxies
Used by proxy types to notify their owner that an element has been removed.
removeDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
removeDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
removeDeclaredField(FieldMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Remove the given field from management.
removeEmbeddedExtensions(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
removeEmbeddedExtensions(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Remove the embedded extensions for the given key.
removeEmbeddedExtensions(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
removeEmbeddedExtensions(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Remove the embedded extensions for the given key.
removeExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
removeExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
removeExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Remove an expiration event listener from this cache.
removeExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Remove an expiration event listener from this cache.
removeExtension(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
removeExtension(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Remove a kodo vendor extension to this entity.
removeExtension(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
removeExtension(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.Extensions
Remove a vendor extension to this entity.
removeFetchGroup(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Remove the given fetch group.
removeFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes groups from the set of fetch group names to use when loading objects.
removeFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes groups from the set of fetch group names to use when loading objects.
removeField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Remove the given field.
removeField(FieldMappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Remove the embedded field mapping info.
removeField(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Remove the field information stored for the given field name.
removeField(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Remove the given fully-qualified field.
removeFields(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes fields from the set of field names to use when loading objects.
removeFields(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes fields from the set of field names to use when loading objects.
removeFields(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes fields from the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
removeFields(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Removes fields from the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
removeFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
removeFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Remove a filter listener from the query.
removeForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Remove the given foreign key from the table.
removeFromCache(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Remove a mapping from the cache.
removeFromCollection(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Remove the given instance from the collection.
removeFromSchedule(DataCache) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
Remove the given cache from scheduling.
removeIndex(Index) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Remove the given index from the table.
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
JDO 2.0 Preview.
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Remove the object under the given oid from the cache.
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Remove the result under the given key from the cache.
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
removeJoin(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Remove any joins inolving the given column.
removeListener(SchemaGenerator.Listener) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Removes a schema generation listener for schema events.
removeListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Remove a listener.
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Remove a listener.
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Remove a listener.
removeLogFactory(LogFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.MultiLogFactory
removeMappingInfo(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove the given mapping from the set stored.
removeMappingInfo(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove the given mappings's info from the set stored.
removeMappingInfo(ClassMappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove the given mapping from the set stored.
removeMappingInfo(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove the given mappings's info from the set stored.
removeMappingInfos(MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove all mappings in the given repository from the set stored.
removeMappingInfos(MappingRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfoRepository
Remove all mappings in the given repository from the set stored.
removeMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
removeMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
removeMetaData(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Remove a metadata instance from the repository.
removeMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
removeMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
removeMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Remove a metadata instance from the repository.
removeMetaData(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Remove query metadata for the given class name if in the repository.
removeMetaData(QueryMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Remove the given query metadata from the repository.
removeMetaData(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Remove query metadata for the given class name if in the repository.
removeName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.NameSet
Remove the given name from the table.
removePrimaryKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Remove the primary key from this table.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Removes a listener for any property changes.
removeSchema(Schema) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Remove the given schema from the group.
removeTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Remove the given table from the schema.
removeTransferListener(long) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientPersistenceManagerFactory
Deregisters a previously registered RemoteTransferListener.
removeUnusedComponents() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
Remove unreferenced or emtpy components from the schema.
removeUserObject(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
removeUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
replaceMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
replaceMapping(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
replaceMapping(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
replaceMethod(BCClass, String, Class, Class[], boolean) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
replaceType(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
Return a valid JDOTypes constant for the given field
requiresAliasForSubselect - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
requiresAutoCommitForMetadata - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
requiresConditionForCrossJoin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
reservedWords - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
reservedWordSet - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
reset() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Reset all global statistics to their default values.
reset() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
reset() - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
reset() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
reset() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Reset this provider.
reset() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
reset() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
reset() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
reset() - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
reset() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
resetFetchGroups() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Resets the set of fetch groups to the list in the global configuration.
resetPriority() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
resolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
resolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
resolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
resolve() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
resolve() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
resolve() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
resolve() - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
For implementation use.
resolve() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
For implementation use.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
restart() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Restart the timer.
restoreMutableValues - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
restoreValues - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
restoreValues - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
result - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.ConnectionInfo
Result - interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result.
A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.
RESULT_SIZE - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
resultClass - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
ResultList - interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultList.
List interface that represents a potentially lazy ResultList instantiation.
ResultObjectProvider - interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider.
Interface that allows lazy/custom instantiation of input objects.
ResultPacker - interface kodo.query.ResultPacker.
ResultPackerProvider - interface kodo.query.ResultPackerProvider.
Responsible for providing a ResultPacker implementation for query packing needs.
ResultPackerProviderImpl - class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl.
This implementation returns a new ResultPackerImpl instance; overridden implementations might return a subclass.
ResultPackerProviderImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl
results - Variable in class kodo.query.ParsedQuery
ResultSetResult - class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult.
Base Result implementation wrapped around a result set.
ResultSetResult(Connection, Statement, ResultSet, DBDictionary) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
ResultSetResult(ResultSet, DBDictionary) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
JDBC 2 constructor.
resultSetType - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
retain() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Drops database components that are not mentioned in the schema repository.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
retainValues - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
retainValuesInOptimistic - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
retrieve(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retrieve(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Immediately load the given object's persistent fields.
retrieve(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retrieveAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retrieveAll(Collection, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retrieveAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retrieveAll(Object[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
retryClassRegistration - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
reverse() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
Return a join that is this join in reverse.
ReverseCustomizer - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer.
Plugin in interface to customize the output of the ReverseMappingTool.
reverseMap(Column, ClassMapping, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Create mappings from the schema, using the given tool.
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
reverseMap(SchemaGroup, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
reverseMap(Table, ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
ReverseMappingTool - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool.
Reverse-maps a schema into class mappings and the assiciated java code.
ReverseMappingTool(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
revert(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Revert the given mapping to its previous state.
revertMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
revertMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
revertMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
revertMappings(ClassMetaData[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Revert the mappings to their last saved state, or return false if any cannot be reverted.
ROLLBACK - Static variable in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO
rollback() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
rollback() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
This is a no-op implementation.
rollback() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
rollback() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Rollback the current data store transaction.
rollback() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
rollback() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
rollback(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
rollback(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Handle the rolled back state, returning saved data.
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
rollbackAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction.
rollbackAndResume() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
rollbackDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
Rollback the datastore savepoint.
rollbackDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
rollbackMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbackMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbackOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
No-op implementation.
rollbackOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
rollbackOptimistic() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Notification that an optimistic transaction was rolled back before a data store transaction ever began.
rollbacks - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of rollbacks made on a Connection.
rollbackTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of rollbacks made on all Connections.
rollbackToSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the last savepoint.
rollbackToSavepoint() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the given savepoint name.
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Row - interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row.
Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete.
rowDeleted() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
RowImpl - class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.
RowImpl(Table, int) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
rowInserted() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
RowManager - interface kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager.
Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.
RowManagerImpl - class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl.
RowManagerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManagerImpl
rowUpdated() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
run() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
run(JDBCConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.StartPersistenceManagerServer
Start a server with the given configuration.
run(JDBCConfiguration, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Writer) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], MappingRepository, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], String, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, ReverseCustomizer, CodeFormat, ClassLoader, Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String, String[], Writer, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String, String[], Writer, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Writer, Writer, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String, Writer) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String, Writer) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], ApplicationIdTool.Flags, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Run the tool.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], boolean, File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool
Run the tool.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], boolean, Writer, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool
Run the tool.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], JDOMetaDataRepository, File, ClassLoader, BytecodeWriter, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Enhance the given class.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Run the tool.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Run the application id tool with the given command-line and given configuration.
run(JDOConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataTool
Run the tool.


save(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
save(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Set this savepoint, saving any state for the passed-in KodoStateManagers as necessary.
savepointManager - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
SavepointManager - interface kodo.runtime.SavepointManager.
A manager for handling savepoints.
savepointManagerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
scheduleEviction(DataCache, String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
Schedule the given cache for eviction.
Schema - class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema.
Represents a database schema.
SCHEMA_CASE_LOWER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
SCHEMA_CASE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
SCHEMA_CASE_UPPER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Schema() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Default constructor.
Schema(String, SchemaGroup) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
schemaCase - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
schemaFactory - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
SchemaFactory - interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaFactory.
Factory for SchemaGroups.
schemaFactoryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
SchemaGenerator - class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.
The SchemaGenerator creates Schemas matching the current database.
SchemaGenerator.Event - class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.Event.
An event corresponding to the generation of a schema object.
SchemaGenerator.Event(SchemaGenerator, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.Event
SchemaGenerator.Listener - interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.Listener.
A listener for a potentially lengthy schema generation process.
SchemaGenerator(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
SchemaGroup - class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup.
Represents a grouping of schemas used in a database.
SchemaGroup() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
schemaObjectGenerated(SchemaGenerator.Event) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.Listener
schemas - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
SchemaTool - class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool.
The SchemaTool is used to manage the database schema.
SchemaTool(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Construct a SchemaTool that will use the given database.
SEC - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Select - class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select.
Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.
select(ClassMapping, int, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
select(ClassMapping, int, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
select(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given column.
select(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given columns.
select(Column[], Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given columns.
select(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given column.
Select(JDBCConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
Select the virtual row columns of this mapping.
select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
select(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
select(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Select the data for this value.
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
Selects the metadata column if there is one and the metadata hasn't been loaded.
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Select the virtual row columns of this mapping.
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
select(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
select(SQLBuffer, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given buffer; the given id object is an identifier to use when retrieving the corresponding value from a Result.
select(SQLBuffer, Object, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given buffer; the given id object is an identifier to use when retrieving the corresponding value from a Result.
selectColumns(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
selectColumns(Select, JDBCStoreManager, Object[], boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val
Select just the columns for this value.
selectEagerJoin(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
selectEagerJoin(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
selectEagerJoin(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Use eager joins to select related objects.
selectEagerJoin(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
selectEagerParallel(Select, Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
selectEagerParallel(Select, Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
selectEagerParallel(Select, Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Create a parallel eager select for related objects.
selectForUpdate(Select, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCLockManager
Return whether to issue the given select FOR UPDATE, depending on the capabilities of the dictionary and the fetch configuration.
selectForUpdate(Select, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
selectIdentifier(ClassMapping, int, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
selectIdentifier(ClassMapping, int, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
selectIdentifier(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given column as one that can be used to get a count of distinct matches.
selectIdentifier(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given columns as ones that can be used to get a count of distinct matches.
selectIdentifier(Column[], Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given columns as ones that can be used to get a count of distinct matches.
selectIdentifier(Column, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the given column as one that can be used to get a count of distinct matches.
selectKeys(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
Implement this method to select the keys of this mapping.
selectKeys(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
selectKeys(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
selectKeys(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
selectKeys(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
selectMappings(Select, ClassMapping, int, KodoStateManager, BitSet, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
For implementation use only.
selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping, boolean, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Select the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
selectProjection(Select, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Implement this method to select the projection of this field.
selectProjection(Select, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
selectProjection(Select, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
selectProjection(Select, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
selectValues(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping
Implement this method to select the values of this mapping.
selectValues(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
selectValues(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
selectValues(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
selectValues(Select, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
send(Command, Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Send a command via the given channel.
seq - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory.Seq
SEQUENCE_ASSIGNED - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key indicating whether this field should be assigned a value from a sequence.
SEQUENCE_EXT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
The the class metadata extension that stores the sequence name to use for the class: jdbc-sequence-name
SEQUENCE_FACTORY - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to indicate the sequence factory for this persistent type.
SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The name of the sequence that we will use, in the case of a custom sequence factory that uses database sequences.
sequenceFactory - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
SequenceFactory - interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SequenceFactory.
An implementation of the SequenceFactory interface is used to generate unique primary key values for newly persisted JDO instances.
sequenceFactoryPlugin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
SequenceGenerator - interface kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator.
A generator for datastore sequences.
serialize(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return the serialized bytes for the given object.
serialize(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
set(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
The internal value.
set(double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
The internal value.
set(File) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
The internal value.
set(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
The internal value.
set(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
The internal value.
set(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
The internal value.
setAction(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Set the action constant to use during relationship checking.
setAction(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Set the action string to use during relationship checking.
setAddDefaultConstructor(boolean) - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class.
setAddresses(String) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
Sets the list of addresses of peers to which this provider will send events to.
setAddresses(String) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
Sets the list of addresses of peers to which this provider will send events to.
setAggregate(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Set to true for aggregate selects.
setAggregateListeners(AggregateListener[]) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the query function listeners.
setAggregateListeners(AggregateListener[]) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setAggregateListeners(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.
setAggregateListeners(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setAliases(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Aliases for the value in the form key1, value1, key2, value2, ...
setAliasListComprehensive(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Whether or not the alias list defines all possible settings for this value.
setArray(Column, Array) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setArray(Column, Array) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setArray(PreparedStatement, int, Array) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setArray(PreparedStatement, int, Array, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setAsciiStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setAsciiStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setAsciiStream(PreparedStatement, int, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setAsciiStream(PreparedStatement, int, InputStream, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setAssertAllowedType(boolean) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the JDO metadata.
setAssumePCSuperclass(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Set whether or not to assume user-defined superclasses are assumed to be PersistenceCapable.
setAttachFetchFields(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
See KodoPersistenceManager.getAttachFetchFields().
setAttachFetchFields(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
True if this class uses an auto-increment datastore primary key.
setAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the auto increment extension.
setAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Whether this column is auto-incrementing.
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, long) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JoinableMapping
Use the given auto-incremented value to set this join value's field on the given instance.
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DelegatingJoinableMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, Column, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setAutoIncrementValue(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, Column, Connection) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Set the next auto increment value for the given column into the given instance.
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setBigDecimal(Column, BigDecimal) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBigDecimal(Column, BigDecimal) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBigDecimal(PreparedStatement, int, BigDecimal) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBigDecimal(PreparedStatement, int, BigDecimal, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBigInteger(Column, BigInteger) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBigInteger(Column, BigInteger) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBigInteger(PreparedStatement, int, BigInteger) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBigInteger(PreparedStatement, int, BigInteger, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBigInteger(PreparedStatement, int, BigInteger, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
setBinaryStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBinaryStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBinaryStream(PreparedStatement, int, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBinaryStream(PreparedStatement, int, InputStream, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBlankAsNull(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then 0-length Strings will be converted to null when reading or writing to the data store.
setBlob(Column, Blob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBlob(Column, Blob) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBlob(PreparedStatement, int, Blob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBlob(PreparedStatement, int, Blob, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBlobAsObject(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to reverse-map blob columns as containing serialized Java objects, rather than the default of using a byte[] field.
setBlobObject(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBlobObject(PreparedStatement, int, Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBoolean(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBoolean(Column, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setBoolean(PreparedStatement, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBoolean(PreparedStatement, int, boolean, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBoolean(PreparedStatement, int, boolean, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
setBoolean(PreparedStatement, int, boolean, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setByte(Column, byte) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setByte(Column, byte) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setByte(PreparedStatement, int, byte) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setByte(PreparedStatement, int, byte, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBytecodeWriter(BytecodeWriter) - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Set the BytecodeWriter to write the bytecode to or null if none.
setBytes(Column, byte[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setBytes(Column, byte[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBytes(PreparedStatement, int, byte[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setBytes(PreparedStatement, int, byte[], Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCandidates(Collection) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setCandidates(Extent) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setCatalog(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setChannel(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
setChannel(String) - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
The channel to log to.
setChar(Column, char) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setChar(Column, char) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setChar(int, char) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setChar(PreparedStatement, int, char) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setChar(PreparedStatement, int, char, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setCharacterStream(Column, Reader, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setCharacterStream(Column, Reader, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCharacterStream(PreparedStatement, int, Reader, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setCharacterStream(PreparedStatement, int, Reader, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setClassCriteria(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
Whether to use the exepected type of the related object as a criteria when selecting it.
setClassCriteria(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Whether to use the exepected type of the related object as a criteria when selecting it.
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Set the class indicator for this class.
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
Class indicators are ignored for horizontal mappings.
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
setClassIndicator(ClassIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
setClassIndicator(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
Set the mapping info for the class indicator, or null if none.
setClassIndicator(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setClassIndicator(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The full class or type name of the ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
setClassIndicatorIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setClassIndicatorIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class indicator indexed extension.
setClassIndicatorName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setClassIndicatorName(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class indicator name extension.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader
Set the class loader to use for loading related types.
setClassMappingName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setClassMappingName(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the class mapping name extension.
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
The plugin class name.
setClassNames(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
The plugin class names.
setClassResolver(ClassResolver) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The ClassResolver to use.
setClassResolver(ClassResolver) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setClassResolver(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.
setClassResolver(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setClassResolverInstance(ClassResolver) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setClauseIndent(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
setClob(Column, Clob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setClob(Column, Clob) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setClob(PreparedStatement, int, Clob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setClob(PreparedStatement, int, Clob, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setClobString(PreparedStatement, int, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setClobString(PreparedStatement, int, String, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setCloseConnection(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Whether to close the backing connection when this result is closed.
setCloseOnManagedCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Whether to really close in a managed environment if the close method has been called and the transaction subsequently ends.
setCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Set the code formatter for the generated Java code.
setCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set the code formatter for the generated Java code.
setColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Set the data column for this value.
setColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
Set the column used to hold version info.
setColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
Set the column holding the collection data.
setColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
Set the column used to hold class info.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Set the column's name.
setColumns(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Set the index's columns.
setColumns(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
Set the columns the primary key spans.
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
setCompatibility(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Plugin string describing whether and how this factory will act as a server to remote persistence managers.
setCompatibility(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configurable
Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
Set the configuration to use.
setConfiguration(JDOConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
setConfiguration(JDOConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Set configuration properties given by the user.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
setConnection2DriverName(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Class name of the non-XA connection driver.
setConnection2DriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnection2Password(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The password for the non-XA data store connection.
setConnection2Password(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnection2Properties(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.
setConnection2Properties(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnection2URL(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The URL for the non-XA data store connection.
setConnection2URL(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnection2UserName(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The user name for the non-XA data store connection.
setConnection2UserName(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The ConnectionDecorators to use.
setConnectionDecorators(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setConnectionDecorators(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Class name of the connection driver.
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The connection factory.
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The name for the second data store connection factory.
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2Properties(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.
setConnectionFactory2Properties(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The name for the data store connection factory.
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactoryProperties(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Configuration properties for the connection factory.
setConnectionFactoryProperties(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The password for the data store connection.
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionProperties(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.
setConnectionProperties(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionRetainMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants: KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_PM KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_TRANS KodoPersistenceManager.CONN_RETAIN_DEMAND
setConnectionRetainMode(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionRetainMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the persistence manager with respect to data store connections.
setConnectionRetainMode(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The URL for the data store connection.
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The user name for the data store connection.
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConstantJoins(Column[], Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Set the foreign key's constant joins.
setConstantJoins(Object[], Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Set the foreign key's constant joins.
setContainerMeta(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
setContextFactory(ContextFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
setCopyFields(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Set whether to copy state into memory
setCopyObjectIds(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to copy identity objects before returning them to client code.
setCopyObjectIds(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setCopyObjectIds(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to copy identity objects before returning them to client code.
setCopyObjectIds(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setCursorName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setCursorName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setCursorName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCustomizer(ReverseCustomizer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set the customizer.
setData(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setData(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setDataCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.
setDataCache(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setDataCacheManager(DataCacheManager) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
setDataCacheManager(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setDataCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDataCacheName(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the value of the ClassMetaData.DATA_CACHE extension.
setDataCacheTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Default data cache timeout.
setDataCacheTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setDataCacheTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDataCacheTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the value of the ClassMetaData.DATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT standard extension.
setDataCacheTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setDataCacheTimeout(int).
setDataCacheTimeout(Integer) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setDataSourceMode(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setDataSourceMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The mode of the JDBC data source in use.
setDataSourceModeEnlisted(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setDataSourceModeEnlisted(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.
setDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
Set the datastore savepoint.
setDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
setDataStoreSavepoint(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint
Set the implementation specific savepoint object
setDate(Column, Date) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setDate(Column, Date) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setDate(Column, Date, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setDate(Column, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setDate(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDate(PreparedStatement, int, Date) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setDate(PreparedStatement, int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setDate(PreparedStatement, int, Date, Calendar, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setDate(PreparedStatement, int, Date, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDBDictionary(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setDBDictionary(DBDictionary) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use.
setDBDictionary(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setDBDictionary(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
setDBSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Set the database schema.
setDecimalDigits(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set the number of decimal digits for the column.
setDeclaredElementType(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredElementType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the element class for this array/collection/map field.
setDeclaredElementTypeCode(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredElementTypeCode(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the element type code for the described field.
setDeclaredIndex(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredIndex(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
setDeclaredKeyType(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredKeyType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the key type for this map field.
setDeclaredKeyTypeCode(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredKeyTypeCode(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the key type code for the described field.
setDeclaredPrimaryKeyIndex(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredPrimaryKeyIndex(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
setDeclaredType(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the class of the described field.
setDeclaredTypeCode(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDeclaredTypeCode(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the type code for the described field.
setDefault(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
The default value for the property.
setDefault(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set the default value for the column.
setDefaultLevel(short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The default level for unconfigured log channels.
setDefaultLevel(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The string name of the default level for unconfigured log channels; used for automatic configuration.
setDeferred(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Make this constrain deferred.
setDeleteAction(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Set the delete action for the key.
setDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the delete action extension.
setDependent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setDependent(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT standard extension.
setDescribedType(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDescribedType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Return the persistence capable class described by this metadata.
setDetachable(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDetachable(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The detach constant for this class.
setDetachedObjectId(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Set the stringified object id into the detached persistent instance.
setDetachedState(Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
Set the state for a detached instance.
setDetachFields(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
setDetachFields(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setDetachFields(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
For string-based auto-configuration of detach fields mode.
setDetachObjectId(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDetachObjectId(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The name of the detach object id field, or null if none.
setDetachOnClose(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all persistent managed objects when the persistence manager closes.
setDetachOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setDetachState(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setDetachState(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The name of the detach state field, or null if none.
setDiagnosticContext(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
A string to prefix all log messages with.
setDictionary(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Set a statically stored dictionary
setDirectory(File) - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
The base build directory to generate code to.
setDirectory(File) - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The directory to write source to.
setDirectory(File) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
The file to output the generated code to, or null for the current directory.
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Override the default DISTINCT setting of this select.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setDouble(Column, double) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setDouble(Column, double) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setDouble(PreparedStatement, int, double) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setDouble(PreparedStatement, int, double, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setDouble(PreparedStatement, int, double, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDoubleSpace(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
If true, then output two lines after multi-line statements.
setDropTables(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
If true, tables that appear to be unused will be dropped.
setDropUnusedComponents(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether schema components that are unused by any mapping will be dropped from this tool's SchemaGroup, and, depending on the schema action, from the database.
setDynamicDataStructs(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.
setDynamicDataStructs(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setDynamicDataStructs(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setDynamicDataStructs(boolean).
setDynamicDataStructs(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: FetchConfiguration.EAGER_NONE FetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN FetchConfiguration.EAGER_PARALLEL
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The eager fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in FetchConfiguration.
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Set the eager fetch mode.
setEagerFetchMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use.
setEagerFetchMode(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setElementDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setElementDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element delete action extension.
setElementDependent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setElementDependent(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT extension key.
setElementEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setElementEmbedded(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether the elements should be embedded.
setElementIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setElementIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element indexed extension.
setElementSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setElementSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the element size extension.
setElementTypeName(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setElementTypeName(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the embedded value for the field.
setEmbeddedMapping(EmbeddedClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
The embedded class mapping.
setEmbeddedMapping(EmbeddedClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
The embedded class mapping.
setEnableLogMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEnableRuntimeMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEnvironmentClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Set the persistence manager class loader to pass on to parsed metadata instances.
setEnvironmentClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader
Set the persistence environment class loader to pass on to parsed metadata instances.
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setEvictFromDataCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through the persistence manager.
setEvictionSchedule(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
setEvictionTimes(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Set a comma separated list of eviction times when all elements in the cache should be evicted.
setExceptionReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
The number of times to attempt to reconnect after a JMS send exception is detected.
setExplicit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setExplicit(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether the field was explicitly declared in the metadata.
setExtensions(Map) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setExtensions(Map) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setExternalizer(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setExternalizer(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
setExternalValues(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setExternalValues(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Properties string mapping field values to external values.
setFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setFactory(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
setFailedObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setFailedObject(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the failed object to include in the optimistic lock exception that will be thrown if this update results in an update count of 0 when executed.
setFetchBatchSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship.
setFetchBatchSize(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFetchBatchSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Set the fetch batch size for large result set support.
setFetchBatchSize(Integer) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setFetchBatchSize(int).
setFetchBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the result set fetch direction constant.
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setFetchDirection(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setFetchDirection(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC fetch direction.
setFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setFetchGroup(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the name of the custom fetch group for this field.
setFetchGroups(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Sets a list of fetch groups with which all PersistenceManager objects obtained from a PersistenceManagerFactory should be configured.
setFetchGroups(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The separated list of fetch groups.
setFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setField(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Set the data for the field with the given index.
setFieldMappingName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setFieldMappingName(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the field mapping name extension.
setFile(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The stream to write to.
setFileName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
setFileName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
Set the XML resource defining this schema.
setFilter(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Set the query filter for queries generated from this instance.
setFilter(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setFilterListeners(FilterListener[]) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the query filter listeners.
setFilterListeners(FilterListener[]) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFilterListeners(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.
setFilterListeners(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFirstPersistenceManagerPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setFirstPersistenceManagerPassword(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the first connection password used to obtain a persistence manager.
setFirstPersistenceManagerUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setFirstPersistenceManagerUserName(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the first connection user name used to obtain a persistence manager.
setFloat(Column, float) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setFloat(Column, float) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setFloat(int, float) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setFloat(PreparedStatement, int, float) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setFloat(PreparedStatement, int, float, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setFloat(PreparedStatement, int, float, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set to one of FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE, FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE, or FetchConfiguration.QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION.
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The query automatic flush configuration.
setFlushBeforeQueries(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Sets whether or not Kodo should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.
setFlushBeforeQueries(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setFlushMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoSavepoint
Set the flush operation to use on initialize.
setForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the map's key objects table.
setForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the map's value objects table.
setForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the other table.
setForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the related object.
setForeignKey(ForeignKey, KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setForeignKey(ForeignKey, KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given foreign key to the given object.
setForeignKey(MappingInfo, String, ForeignKey) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Sets the attributes for linking with the given foreign key into the given mapping info.
setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints.
setForeignKeyConstraints(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setForeignKeyConstraints(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDBCConfiguration.setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean).
setForeignKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set whether foreign keys should be generated.
setForeignKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
setForeignKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Set whether foreign keys should be generated.
setForeignKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Set whether foreign keys should be generated.
setFormat(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Set the string used for MessageFormat to generate the sequence selecting SQL.
setFrom(KodoQuery) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Initialize this instance from the values held in the specified KodoQuery.
setFromSelect(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Another select instance that creates a temporary table from which this select pulls data.
setFrozen(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
setFrozen(boolean) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Lock down the configuration's state.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Sets the name of the GemFire region to use.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Sets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
setGenerator(JDOMetaDataGenerator) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
setGenerator(JDOMetaDataGenerator) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Set the generator to use to create default metadata.
setGrouping(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query#setGrouping.
setGrouping(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setGrouping(String) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setHasResponse(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
setHoldability(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setHost(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setHours(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setId(Object) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData
setIdentityType(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setIdentityType(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the type of JDO identity used by this class.
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default IgnoreCache setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.setIgnoreCache(boolean).
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.ExtentImpl
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
Whether this extent will ignore the persistence manager cache.
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setIgnoreCache(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setIgnoreCache(boolean).
setIgnoreCache(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setIgnoreErrors(boolean) - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Set to false if this tool should throw an exception on an attempt to generate an id class for a type that does not use application identity.
setIgnoreErrors(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether and SQL errors should cause a failure or just issue a warning.
setIgnoreErrors(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
If true, SQLExceptions thrown during schema manipulation will be printed but ignored.
setIgnoreNonPersistent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataGenerator
Set whether to ignore fields which are not persistent by default during field metadata generation by reflection.
setIgnoreVirtual(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassDBSequenceFactory
Set to true if virtually mapped (i.e.
setImplData(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setImplData(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setImplData(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Field-level impl data.
setImplData(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setImplData(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
setImplData(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setImplData(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Sets the stored instance-level impl data.
setImplData(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
An object that concrete back ends can associate with each instance.
setImplicitType(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
setImplicitType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.query.Value
Set the implicit type of the value, based on how it is used in the filter.
setImports(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.declareImports(java.lang.String).
setIncludeSubclasses(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Indicate whether queries generated should include subclasses.
setIncrement(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
Set the increment to use when updating the sequence table.
setInDefaultFetchGroup(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setInDefaultFetchGroup(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether the field is in the default fetch group.
setIndex(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setIndex(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
setIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the indexed extension.
setIndexes(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set whether indexes should be manipulated.
setIndexes(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
setIndexes(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Set whether indexes should be generated.
setIndexes(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Set whether indexes should be manipulated.
setIndicatorValue(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
setInnerObjectIdClasses(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether or not to generate inner classes when creating application identity classes.
setInt(Column, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setInt(Column, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setInt(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setInt(PreparedStatement, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setInt(PreparedStatement, int, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setIntermediate(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setIntermediate(int, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setIntermediate(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Use intermediate field data to store intermediate information that might be available before the field is fully loaded.
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Set this value from the given string.
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.BooleanValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.DoubleValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.IntValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
setInternalString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.FileValue
setInterval(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
The interval time in minutes between cache checks.
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setInto(KodoQuery) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Set query template information into the given concrete query instance.
setInto(Map) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.GenericConfigurable
Perform any generic configuration based on the data in m.
setInto(Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
setInto(Map) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Set a map of properties to pass to the InitialContext constructor for JNDI lookups.
setInverseLogical(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setInverseLogical(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the field marked as a logical inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_LOGICAL extension key.
setInverseManager(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.
setInverseManager(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setInverseOwner(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setInverseOwner(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBCListeners to use.
setJDBCListeners(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setJDBCListeners(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
setJDBCLog(JDBCLog) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setJDBCLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
setJDBCTypeCode(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setJDBCTypeCode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the jdbc-type extension.
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setJoins(Column[], Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
Set the foreign key's joins.
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The join syntax to use.
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
The join syntax for this select, as one of the syntax constants from Join.
setJoinSyntax(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the name of the join syntax to use: sql92, traditional, database
setKeyColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Set the column holding the map key.
setKeyColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
Set the column holding the map key.
setKeyDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setKeyDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key delete action extension.
setKeyDependent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setKeyDependent(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key.
setKeyEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setKeyEmbedded(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether the keys are embedded.
setKeyForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the map's key objects table.
setKeyIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setKeyIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key indexed extension.
setKeySequence(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The sequence of this join in the foreign key.
setKeySize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setKeySize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the key size extension.
setKeyTypeName(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setKeyTypeName(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
setKodoTables(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Whether to generate info on special tables used by Kodo components for bookkeeping.
setKodoTables(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Whether to act on special tables used by Kodo components for bookkeeping.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Set the language for this query.
setLargeTransaction(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
If a large number of objects will be created, modified, or deleted during this transaction setting this option to true will reduce memory usage if you perform periodic flushes.
setLargeTransaction(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setLevel(short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl.LogImpl
setLevel(short) - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
The level to log at.
setLevel(String) - Method in class kodo.event.LogOrphanedKeyAction
The level to log at.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The license key for Kodo.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setLineLength(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
setListener(ValueListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Listener for value changes.
setListingIndex(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setListingIndex(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the index in which this field was listed in the JDO metadata.
setLoaded(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setLoaded(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setLob(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Set to true for selects that include LOB columns.
setLocale(Column, Locale) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setLocale(Column, Locale) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setLocale(PreparedStatement, int, Locale) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setLocale(PreparedStatement, int, Locale, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
setLock(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
The lock object set for this instance.
setLockGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setLockGroup(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the name of the lock group for this field.
setLocking(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
setLockManager(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for datastore lock management.
setLockManager(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
setLockTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setLockTimeout(int).
setLockTimeout(Integer) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setLog(Log) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Set the log to write to.
setLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setLog(Log) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
setLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and recieved a commands.
setLog(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the log plugin string to use.
setLog(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setLogFactory(LogFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
setLogFactory(LogFactory) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
log factory.
setLogical(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class
setLong(Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setLong(Column, long) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setLong(int, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setLong(PreparedStatement, int, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setLong(PreparedStatement, int, long, <>Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary
setLong(PreparedStatement, int, long, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setLong(PreparedStatement, int, long, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessDictionary
setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setLRS(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Whether the result of this select should be treated as a large result set.
setLRS(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setLRS(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
setLRSSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setLRSSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.
setLRSSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The large result set size mode to use.
setLRSSize(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setLRSSize(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
How to obtain the size of large result sets.
setManagedRuntime(ManagedRuntime) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.
setManagedRuntime(ManagedRuntime) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setManagedRuntime(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.
setManagedRuntime(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setManageLRS(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Set whether to false LRS relations.
setManagement(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setManagement(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the management level for the field.
setManagementConfiguration(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the ManagementConfiguration plugin string.
setManagementConfiguration(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setMappingFactory(MappingFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setMappingFactory(MappingFactory) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.
setMappingFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setMappingFactory(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings.
setMappingInfo(ClassMappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setMappingInfo(ClassMappingInfo) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Set the mapping info that was used to create this class.
setMappingInfoRepository(MappingInfoRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Set the system mappings.
setMappingProvider(MappingProvider) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Set the mapping provider to use.
setMappingType(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Set the type for this mapping.
setMappingWriter(Writer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The stream to export the planned mappings to as an XML document.
setMaxActive(int) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The maximum number of sockets that this provider can simetaneously open to each peer in the cluster.
setMaxActive(int) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The maximum number of sockets that this provider can simetaneously open to each peer in the cluster.
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setMaxIdle(int) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of idle sockets that this provider can keep open to each peer in the cluster.
setMaxIdle(int) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of idle sockets that this provider can keep open to each peer in the cluster.
setMaximizeBatchSize(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.JMXInterface
setMBeanServerStrategy(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.query.Args
setMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.query.Value
Associate a persistent type with this value.
setMetaDataColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
Set the column holding the collection meta data.
setMetaDataLoader(MetaDataLoader) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
setMetaDataLoader(MetaDataLoader) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Set the loader to use to load jdo metadata instances.
setMetaDataLoader(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the MetaDataLoader implementation to use
setMetaDataLoader(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setMetaDataRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The metadata repository of managed class information.
setMetaDataRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setMinutes(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setMonth(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setMultiLine(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
If true, then try to parse multi-line SQL statements.
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default Multithreaded setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setMultithreaded(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setMultithreaded(boolean).
setMultithreaded(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
setName(String) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Sets a string name to be used to identify this cache to end-user needs.
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Set the name of the table.
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Set the name of the constraint.
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set the column's name.
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
Set the name of the schema.
setName(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setName(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the name of the described field.
setNamingImpl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setNewline(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
setNextSequence(int) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
setNextSequence(int) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
setNextSequence(int) - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
The maximum element sequence value for this proxy at load time.
setNextVersion(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Set the next version indicator in the datastore pending a successful flush.
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default NontransactionalRead setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setNontransactionalRead(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setNontransactionalRead(boolean).
setNontransactionalRead(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default NontransactionalWrite setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setNontransactionalWrite(boolean).
setNontransactionalWrite(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setNonVirtualOwner(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setNonVirtualOwner(ClassMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The non-virtual owner for the field.
setNotNull(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set whether this is a NOT NULL column.
setNull(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setNull(Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setNull(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNull(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNull(PreparedStatement, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setNull(PreparedStatement, int, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameters to the statement.
setNull(PreparedStatement, int, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProDictionary
setNull(PreparedStatement, int, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
setNull(PreparedStatement, int, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
setNull(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNullableAsObject(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set whether even nullable columns will be mapped to wrappers rather than primitives.
setNullAsBlank(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then null Strings will be converted to blank Strings when reading or writing to the data store.
setNullIndicator(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
setNullIndicatorColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
Set the column used as a null indicator for the embedded value.
setNullOnNoLocator(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.Location
setNullValue(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setNullValue(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the null action for the field.
setNumBroadcastThreads(int) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of worker threads that are used for transmitting packets to peers in the cluster.
setNumBroadcastThreads(int) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of worker threads that are used for transmitting packets to peers in the cluster.
setObject(Column, Object, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate
setObject(Column, Object, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setObject(Column, Object, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(PreparedStatement, int, Object, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setObject(PreparedStatement, int, Object, int, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameters to the statement.
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObjectId(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Set the object id for the managed instance.
setObjectIdClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setObjectIdClass(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the metadata-specified class to use for the object ID.
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the object lookup mode as one of these constants: KodoPersistenceManager.LOOKUP_CHECK KodoPersistenceManager.LOOKUP_HOLLOW
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to return hollow objects from PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) when the validate parameter is false.
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setObjectLookupMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the persistence manager during PersistenceManager.getObjectById(java.lang.Object, boolean) with the validate parameter set to false.
setObjectLookupMode(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setOneToManyRelations(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to generate inverse 1-many relations for all 1-1 relations.
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default Optimistic setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setOptimistic(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setOptimistic(boolean).
setOptimistic(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setOrderColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Set the column holding the ordering data.
setOrdered(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
setOrdering(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.setOrdering(java.lang.String).
setOrdering(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setOrphanedKeyAction(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
setOrphanedKeyAction(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setOuter(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
setOwner(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setOwner(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setOwner(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set the owning metadata for this field.
setOwner(KodoStateManager, int) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
setOwner(KodoStateManager, int) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
setOwner(KodoStateManager, int) - Method in interface kodo.util.Proxy
Reset the state of the proxy, and set the owning JDO instance of the proxy and the name of the field it is assigned to.
setOwner(KodoStateManager, int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setOwnerMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
Set the class mapping that uses this indicator.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set the default package for the generated classes; use null to indicate no package.
setPad(Integer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If non-zero, then Strings will be padded with whitespace or trimmed down so that they are the specific length when reading or writing to the data store.
setParameters(PreparedStatement) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Populate the parameters of an existing PreparedStatement with values from this buffer.
setParameters(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.declareImports(java.lang.String).
setParent(Select, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Turn this select into a subselect of the given instance.
setParsedQuery(ParsedQuery, long, long) - Method in interface kodo.query.Subquery
Set the parsed subquery.
setParser(QueryMetaDataParser) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataRepository
Set or replace the query metadata parser.
setParseText(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setPCSuperclass(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setPCSuperclass(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the persistence capable superclass of the described type.
setPCSuperclassMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setPCSuperclassMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Set the superclass mapping.
setPCSuperclassMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setPCSuperclassMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setPCSuperclassMetaData(ClassMetaData) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the metadata for this class' superclass.
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.PessimisticLockManager
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
Set the PersistenceManager this StoreManager is owned by.
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractLockManager
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Set a reference to the corresponding PersistenceManager.
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Called automatically by the system to associate the fetch configuration with a persistence manager before use.
setPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.LockManager
Set the persistence manager this lock manager is associated with.
setPersistenceManagerFactoryClass(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The PersistenceManagerFactory class name.
setPersistenceManagerFactoryClass(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPersistenceManagerImpl(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string of the PersistenceManagerImpl extension to create.
setPersistenceManagerImpl(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPersistenceManagerServer(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Plugin string describing whether and how this factory will act as a server to remote persistence managers.
setPersistenceManagerServer(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPersistenceManagerServer(Transport) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The transport layer for remote persistence manager clients.
setPersistenceManagerServer(Transport) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPersistentClasses(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
A ','-separted list of the class names of persistent types to register each time a persistence manager is obtained.
setPersistentClasses(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPersistentClasses(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The separated persistent class names.
setPersistentClasses(String[]) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setPMClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setPMClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The class persistence manager loader used when parsing this metadata.
setPopulateDataCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to populate the DataCache with objects used by this transaction.
setPopulateDataCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setPort(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The port that this provider should listen on.
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The port that this provider should listen on.
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setPreFlush(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager
Set whether to call KodoPersistenceManager.preFlush() when a savepoint is set.
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setPrettyPrintLineLength(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setPrimaryKey(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setPrimaryKey(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether this is a primary key field.
setPrimaryKey(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setPrimaryKey(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the primary key to represent the given object.
setPrimaryKeyColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The name of the table's primary key column.
setPrimaryKeyColumnName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key column.
setPrimaryKeyColumns(Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
Set the primary key columns for the mapping.
setPrimaryKeyOnJoin(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set to true if join tables are allowed to have primary keys, false if all primary key tables will be mapped as persistent classes.
setPrimaryKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set whether primary keys should be generated.
setPrimaryKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
setPrimaryKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Set whether primary keys should be generated.
setPrimaryKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Set whether primary keys should be generated.
setPrimaryKeySchemaName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key table's schema.
setPrimaryKeyTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey
The name of the primary key table.
setProperties(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
This method loads the named resource as a properties file.
setProperties(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
The plugin properties.
setProperties(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
setProperties(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
The plugin properties.
setPropertiesFile(File) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
This method loads the named file as a properties file.
setProperty(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
The property name that will be used when setting or getting this value in a Properties object.
setProxyManager(ProxyManager) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The ProxyManager to use.
setProxyManager(ProxyManager) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setProxyManager(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.
setProxyManager(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setProxyType(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setProxyType(Class) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
setQuery(Object) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Fill in query state from a query string or template.
setQuery(Object) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setQueryCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.
setQueryCache(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setQueryCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Control whether or not query caching is enabled.
setQueryCompilationCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for caching of query compilation data.
setQueryCompilationCache(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setQueryMetaDataRepository(QueryMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The repository of named query information.
setQueryMetaDataRepository(QueryMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setQueryString(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
The full query string, or null if none.
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setQuotedNumbersInJDOQL(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.KodoCompatibility
How to deal with single-quoted and double-quoted single-digit numbers in JDOQL.
setRange(long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Set the result range for this select.
setRange(long, long) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query#setRange.
setRange(long, long) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setRange(long, long) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setRaw(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setRaw(Column, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set a DB understood value for the given column.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The numeric read lock level.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
setReadLockLevel(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
setReadLockLevel(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setReadSchema(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set to true to read the entire schema before mapping.
setRecoveryTimeMillis(int) - Method in class kodo.event.PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying to reconnect to a peer after it becomes unreachable.
setRecoveryTimeMillis(int) - Method in class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying to reconnect to a peer after it becomes unreachable.
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setRef(PreparedStatement, int, Ref) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setRef(PreparedStatement, int, Ref, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setRefDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setRefDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setRefDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The reference foreign key action.
setRefDeleteAction(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the ref delete action extension.
setReference(Reference) - Method in class
setRefForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Set the foreign key linking this mapping to the parent table.
setRefForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
Set the foreign key linking this mapping to the parent table.
setRefForeignKey(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Set the reference foreign key if it exists.
setRefIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setRefIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the ref indexed extension.
setRefJoinType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Set the reference join type.
setReinstallInfo(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Whether mappings should be re-installed into the mapping factory on record.
setRemote(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given field to the given value.
setRemoteBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given boolean field to the given value.
setRemoteByte(int, byte) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given byte field to the given value.
setRemoteChar(int, char) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given char field to the given value.
setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.
setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager) - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager) - Method in interface kodo.event.RemoteCommitProvider
Set the "owning" remote event manager to notify when remote events are received from remote sources.
setRemoteCommitProvider(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for remote commit notification.
setRemoteCommitProvider(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default TransmitAddObjectIds setting for all RemoteCommitEvents created.
setRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of #setTransmitAddObjectIds(boolean).
setRemoteCommitTransmitAddObjectIds(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRemoteDouble(int, double) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given double field to the given value.
setRemoteFloat(int, float) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given float field to the given value.
setRemoteInt(int, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given int field to the given value.
setRemoteLong(int, long) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given long field to the given value.
setRemoteObject(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given object field to the given value.
setRemoteShort(int, short) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given short field to the given value.
setRemoteString(int, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManagerSPI
Set the given string field to the given value.
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The supplied repository must be a MappingRepository.
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the owning repository.
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
Set the metadata repository for this parser.
setRepository(JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.meta.MetaDataLoader
Set the JDOMetaDataRepository that this loader should load classes into.
setRepository(MappingRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set the repository to use.
setRepository(MappingRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set the repository to use to access mapping information.
setRepository(QueryMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
The repository this metadata belongs to.
setRepository(QueryMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
Set the metadata repository for this parser.
setRequiresExtent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setRequiresExtent(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set whether the type requires extent management.
setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter) - Method in class
setRestoreMutableValues(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether mutable second class objects are restored on rollback.
setRestoreMutableValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRestoreMutableValues(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JCA wrapper for JDOConfiguration.setRestoreMutableValues(boolean).
setRestoreMutableValues(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default RestoreValues setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
Set whether to retain in-memory copies of field values for restore on rollback.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setRestoreValues(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setRestoreValues(boolean).
setRestoreValues(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setResult(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query#setResult.
setResult(String) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setResult(String) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setResultClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query#setResultClass.
setResultClass(Class) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setResultClass(Class) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setResultPackerProvider(ResultPackerProvider) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Sets the ResultPackerProvider that this query should use.
setResultPackerProvider(ResultPackerProvider) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setResultSetType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setResultSetType(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the result set constant type.
setResultSetType(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setResultSetType(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setResultSetType(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC result set type.
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default RetainValues setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory.
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setRetainValues(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setRetainValues(boolean).
setRetainValues(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to allow nontransactional instances to retain their values when modified in an optimistic transaction.
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Per-persistence manager configuration of whether to retain values when entering an optimistic transaction.
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
JCA wrapper for JDOConfiguration.setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean).
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRetryClassRegistration(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed.
setRetryClassRegistration(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRetryClassRegistration(Boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of JDOConfiguration.setRetryClassRegistration(boolean).
setRetryClassRegistration(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setSavepoint() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
Set a transactional savepoint where operations after this savepoint will be rolled back.
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setSavepointManager(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The plugin to use for savepoint management.
setSavepointManager(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setSchemaAction(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The schema modification policy.
setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
setSchemaFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSchemaFactory(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
setSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set the schema to reverse map.
setSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
Set the runtime schema.
setSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set the schema to use in mapping.
setSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator
Set the schema group to add generated schemas to.
setSchemaGroup(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
Set the schema group the tool will act on.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
The table's schema name.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Set the column table's schema name.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The column's schema name.
setSchemas(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSchemas(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.
setSchemas(String[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSchemas(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Modifiable schema components.
setSchemaTool(SchemaTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Set the schema tool to use for schema modification.
setSchemaWriter(Writer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
The stream to export the planned schema to as an XML document.
setScriptWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool
The stream to write to for the creation of SQL scripts.
setSeconds(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setSequenceAssigned(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setSequenceAssigned(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether this field (of long, int, short or wrapper type) should have a value assigned to it on flush.
setSequenceColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The name of the column that holds the sequence value.
setSequenceFactory(SequenceFactory) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSequenceFactory(SequenceFactory) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The SequenceFactory to use.
setSequenceFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSequenceFactory(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.
setSequenceFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setSequenceFactory(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the sequence factory extension.
setSequenceGenerator(String) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
The sequence generator plugin value.
setSequenceName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Set the default sequence used.
setServerName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setServiceURL(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setShort(Column, short) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setShort(Column, short) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setShort(int, short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setShort(int, short) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.DynamicStorage
setShort(PreparedStatement, int, short) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setShort(PreparedStatement, int, short, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setShort(String, short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setSingleFieldIdentity(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setSingleFieldIdentity(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set whether this class should use single field identity.
setSingleFile(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
setSingleRow(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data, or to place the data for each class in a separate row.
setSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The value of the size extension.
setSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set the column's size.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
setSourceFile(File) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
setSourceFile(File) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Set the source file the table was parsed from, if any.
setSourceFile(File) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setSourceFile(File) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the source file the metadata was parsed from.
setSourceFile(File) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
setSourceIsSystemId(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setSourceIsSystemId(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
Whether to set the source name as the system id when parsing metadata.
setSQLLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.JDBCLog
setSQLType(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
setSQLType(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
The sql type name extension.
setStackStyle(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
setStackStyle(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setStorageGenerator(PCDataGenerator) - Method in interface kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData
setStream(PrintStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
The stream to write to.
setStreamDecorators(StreamDecorator[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
setStreamDecorators(StreamDecorator[]) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The stream decorators to use with the persistence manager server.
setStreamDecorators(StreamDecorator[]) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setString(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setString(Column, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setString(int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setString(int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setString(PreparedStatement, int, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setString(PreparedStatement, int, String, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setString(PreparedStatement, int, String, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
setString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Set this value from the given string.
setString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginListValue
Override to recognize aliases of the plugin name without the attached properties string.
setString(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.PluginValue
setString(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.TransportValue
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setSubclassesLoaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Set whether subclasses have been loaded.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: FetchConfiguration.EAGER_NONE FetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN FetchConfiguration.EAGER_PARALLEL
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
The subclass fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in FetchConfiguration.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
Set the subclass fetch mode.
setSubclassFetchMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use.
setSubclassFetchMode(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setSubclassMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSubclassMapping(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses.
setSubselect(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
setSubselect(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Set the subquery alias.
setSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setSynchronizeMappings(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setSynchronizeMappings(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
setSynthetic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
Whether the null indicator column is managed by this mapping.
setTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
Set the table for the mapping.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
The name of the mapping information table.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
The sequence table name.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory
Set the table name to run sequence queries against.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
Set the column's table name.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The column's table name.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
The name of the mapping information table.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTarget(Instruction, Collection) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
setTime(Column, Time, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setTime(Column, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTime(long) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
setTime(PreparedStatement, int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setTime(PreparedStatement, int, Time, Calendar, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setTime(String, Time) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
setTimeout(long) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataGenerator.Timed
setTimestamp(Column, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
setTimestamp(Column, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the value of the given column in this row.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Timestamp, Calendar, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setToken(String) - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The token to use to separate stringified primary key field values.
setTool(ReverseMappingTool) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Set the reverse mapping tool using this customizer.
setTool(ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
setTopic(String) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Sets the JMS Topic name.
setTopicConnectionFactory(String) - Method in class kodo.event.JMSRemoteCommitProvider
Sets the JMS TopicConnectionFactory name.
setTrackChanges(boolean) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead.
setTrackParameters(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
setTransactionIsolation(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setTransactionIsolation(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
setTransactionManagerMethod(String) - Method in class
Set the method to invoke to get the TransactionManager.
setTransactionManagerName(String) - Method in class
Set the location of the TransactionManager in JNDI.
setTransactionMode(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the transaction model.
setTransactionMode(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setTransactionModeManaged(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Set whether managed transactions are being used.
setTransactionModeManaged(boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setTransient(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Set whether this is a transient field.
setTransmitAddObjectIds(boolean) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEventManager
setTrimLeading(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then Strings will have any leading whitespace stripped when reading to writing to the data store.
setTrimTrailing(Boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
If true, then Strings will have any trailing whitespace stripped when reading to writing to the data store.
setType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Set the column's SQL type.
setType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
setType(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
setTypeMap(Map) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setTypeMap(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
The Properties in the form of {JDBC name : java type name} that allows the customization of the default java type to create for each raw schema type name.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
The database-specific SQL type of this column.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
setTypeName(String) - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Set whether this is a UNIQUE index.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query#setUnique.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
setUnique(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview.
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setUnknown(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
setUnknown(PreparedStatement, int, Object, Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Set a completely unknown parameter into a prepared statement.
setup() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Setup transient state used by this factory based on the current configuration, which will subsequently be locked down.
setUpdateManager(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setUpdateManager(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
setUpdateManager(UpdateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setUpdateManager(UpdateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setUrl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setURL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
setURL(String, URL) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setUseDataStoreIdentity(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Whether to use datastore identity when possible.
setUseForeignKeyName(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set whether the foreign key name will be used to generate relation names.
setUsername(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
setUseSchemaName(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Set whether the schema name will be included in the generated class name for each table.
setValidate(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
setValidate(int) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
setValidate(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
The metadata validation level.
setValidate(int) - Method in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Set the validation level.
setValidateExtensionKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository
setValidateExtensionKeys(boolean) - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
setValidateExtensionKeys(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataRepository
Whether to validate extension keys against the known set.
setValidating(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
setValidating(boolean) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.meta.MetaDataParser
setValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.query.Constant
Sets the constant value that this object represents.
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Set the value of the specified field.
setValueColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
Set the column holding the map value.
setValueColumn(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
Set the column holding the map value.
setValueForeignKey(ForeignKey) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
Set the foreign key to the map's value objects table.
setVariable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
setVariable(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Joins
Set the variable name being traversed into with the next join.
setVariables(String) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaData
Corresponds to Query.declareImports(java.lang.String).
setVersion(Long) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Set the version number of the object.
setVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
setVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
setVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
setVersion(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Set the version indicator for this instance, as loaded from the data store.
setVersion(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Sets the current version object that this data was loaded from.
setVersionIndicator(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
Set the mapping info for the version indicator, or null if none.
setVersionIndicator(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
setVersionIndicator(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Set the version indicator for this class.
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
Version indicators are ignored for horizontal mappings.
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
setVersionIndicator(VersionIndicator) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
setVersionIndicatorIndexed(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setVersionIndicatorIndexed(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the version indicator indexed extension.
setVersionIndicatorName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
setVersionIndicatorName(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
The value of the version indicator name extension.
setWarningAction(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setWarningHandler(LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.LoggingConnectionDecorator
setWrapIndent(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The numeric write lock level.
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
setWriteLockLevel(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
setWriteLockLevel(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
The writer to write source to, or null to write to default file.
setYear(int) - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
ShortIdentity - class kodo.util.ShortIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for short fields.
ShortIdentity(Class, short) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
ShortIdentity(Class, Short) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
ShortIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
SimpleSequenceFactory - class kodo.jdbc.schema.SimpleSequenceFactory.
Very simple sequence factory that uses a static counter initialized to the current time to create unique id values.
SimpleSequenceFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.SimpleSequenceFactory
simulateLocking - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
SingleFieldIdentity - class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity.
JDO 2 Preview.
SingleFieldIdentity(Class) - Constructor for class kodo.util.SingleFieldIdentity
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager - class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager.
An exclusive write single-JVM lock manager.
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider - class kodo.event.SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider.
Single-JVM-only implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other SingleJVMRemoteCommitProviders in the same JVM.
SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider() - Constructor for class kodo.event.SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider
SIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the size of data columns.
SIZE_LAST - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Mode for using ResultSet.last() to calcualte the size of large result sets.
SIZE_QUERY - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Mode for using a query to calculate the size of large result sets.
SIZE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
Mode for returning Integer.MAX_VALUE for the size of large result sets.
size() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
size() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Return the number of items in the input, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if the size in unknown.
size() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
size() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return the number of rows in this result.
size() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
size() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
size() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
size() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
size() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
size() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
slowestStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A Map of SQLString : time, to track the slowest statements we have seen.
sm - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.ConnectionInfo
smallintTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
sortTables(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.TableLockUpdateManagerImpl
Sort tables.
SourceTracker - interface com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTracker.
SourceTrackers - class com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTrackers.
Utility class for performing common operations on SourceTrackers.
SourceTrackers() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.meta.SourceTrackers
SpecClassResolver - class kodo.util.SpecClassResolver.
Class resolver implementation that operates according to the JDO spec section 12.5.
SpecClassResolver() - Constructor for class kodo.util.SpecClassResolver
SQL_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the SQL type name hint for the column to use.
SQLBuffer - class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.
Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements.
SQLBuffer(DBDictionary) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Default constructor.
SQLBuffer(SQLBuffer) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer
Copy constructor.
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.
Maps an embedded 1-1 relation by using SQLData and related methods to store and retrieve struct data.
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data - class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data.
Class which provides SQLData access to struct data.
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping.
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping(ClassMetaData, FieldMapping) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.SQLEmbeddedClassMapping
SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
SQLDataValueFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping.
Limited field mapping used exclusively for fields of embedded classes using SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.
SQLDataValueFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
SQLFormatter - class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter.
Converts single-line SQL strings into nicely-formatted multi-line, indented statements.
SQLFormatter() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.SQLFormatter
SQLResultObjectProvider - class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider.
Object provider implementation wrapped around a Result.
SQLResultObjectProvider(Class, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
SQLResultObjectProvider(ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
SQLServerDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary.
Dictionary for MS SQLServer.
SQLServerDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
start(BootstrapContext) - Method in class
startArray(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startClass(String, Attributes) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
startClass(String, Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startClass(String, Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
startClassElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
startClassElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startClassElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
startCollection(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startConfiguration() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configurable
Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class
startConfiguration() - Method in class
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.event.AbstractRemoteCommitProvider
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSequenceFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl
startDeclarations(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
startElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
startElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.CFMetaDataParser
startElement(String, Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
startExtension(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startField(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
startMap(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataParser
StartPersistenceManagerServer - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.StartPersistenceManagerServer.
Script to start a persistence manager server.
startPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class
startPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
startPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Start the persistence manager server.
StartPersistenceManagerServer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.StartPersistenceManagerServer
startQuery(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
startResult(Attributes) - Method in class kodo.meta.QueryMetaDataParser
startTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
startTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
startTracking() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Reset the state of the change tracker, and turn change tracking back on if it has been disabled.
StateClassAccessor - class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.
Implementation of ClassAccessor that uses a KodoStateManager and a ClassMetaData to set and get field values.
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor - class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor.
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor(StateClassAccessor, FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
StateClassAccessor(Class, PersistenceManager) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
StateClassAccessor(Object) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
StateClassAccessorFactory - class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory.
Implementation of ClassAccessorFactory that uses a StateClassAccessor.
StateClassAccessorFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
StateImageVersionIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.
Bases versioning on the values of the object's persistent state.
StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate - class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator.CustomUpdate.
Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
StateImageVersionIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
statementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A cache of the time elements in PerformanceTracker.slowestStatements.
Statistic - interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic.
Defines an interface for a statistic.
statisticChanged(StatisticEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticListener
StatisticEvent - class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent.
Event produced by the Statistic class and sent to StatisticListeners.
StatisticEvent(Statistic, long, double) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
StatisticListener - interface com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticListener.
The listener interface for receiving statistic events.
STDERR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
STDOUT - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
stop() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Write out a statistic value and restart the timer.
stop() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheScheduler
Stop the associated thread if there and stop the current runnable.
stop() - Method in class
stopDataCacheScheduler() - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheManager
Stops the eviction scheduler
stopPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class
stopPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
stopPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Stop the persistence manager server.
stopTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
stopTracking() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
stopTracking() - Method in interface kodo.util.ChangeTracker
Tell the tracker to stop tracking changes for its container.
storageLimitationsFatal - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
storageWarning(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Warn that a particular value could not be stored precisely.
STORE - Static variable in class kodo.event.InstanceLifecycleEvent
Event type when an instance is loaded (analagous to InstanceCallbacks#preStore).
store(ClassMetaData, Collection) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLFileHandler
Stores all instances in datas into the appropriate file, as dictated by meta.
store(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Set the value of the field with the given index as from the external object value.
store(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
store(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
store(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
store(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Store all loaded fields of the state manager.
store(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
Store the data and version information for this object from the given state manager.
store(KodoStateManager, BitSet) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
store(KodoStateManager, BitSet) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
store(KodoStateManager, BitSet) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
store(KodoStateManager, BitSet) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PCData
Store the given fields from the state manager.
store(KodoStateManager, SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
Store data from the given state manager
storeBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeByte(int, byte) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeChar(int, char) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeCharsAsNumbers - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
storeData(SQLOutput, int, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping.Data
storeDouble(int, double) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeField(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Set the value of the field with the given index as an object.
storeField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
storeField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Store a given value at the given field.
storeFloat(int, float) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeImplData(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
storeImplData(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
storeInt(int, int) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeIntermediate(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
storeLargeNumbersAsStrings - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
StoreLifecycleListener - interface kodo.event.StoreLifecycleListener.
Listener for InstanceLifecycleEvent.STORE events.
storeLong(int, long) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
StoreManager - interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager.
Interface to be implemented by data store mechanisms to interact with this JDO runtime.
storeMappings(MappingInfoRepository, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FileMappingFactory
storeMappings(MappingInfoRepository, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataMappingFactory
storeMappings(MappingInfoRepository, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
storeMappings(MappingInfoRepository, JDOMetaDataRepository) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingFactory
Store any changes made to the given mappings, including their field mappings.
storeNull(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Store null value at the given field.
storeObject(int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storeSchema(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
storeSchema(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DynamicSchemaFactory
storeSchema(SchemaGroup) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.schema.SchemaFactory
Record the schema group after changes may have been made.
storeSchema(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
storeSchema(SchemaGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.FileSchemaFactory
storeShort(int, short) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storeString(int, String) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager
Store the given external value back into the given field.
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storeVersion(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.runtime.PCDataImpl
StreamDecorator - interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator.
Decorator that wraps IO streams for added functionality.
streamDecs - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
StringIdentity - class kodo.util.StringIdentity.
SingleFieldIdentity subclass appropriate for String fields.
StringIdentity(Class, String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.StringIdentity
stringLengthFunction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
StringListValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue.
A comma-separated list of string values.
StringListValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.StringListValue
StringNormalizationFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping.
Mapping for string fields that handle databases that will perform simple common transformations.
StringNormalizationFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
StringValue - class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue.
A string Value.
StringValue(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.StringValue
structTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
SUBCLASS_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Extension key used to specify whether the subclass fetch mode for this type.
subclassesLoaded() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
Return true if subclasses have been loaded.
subclassFetchMode - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
SubclassJoinClassIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator.
Class indicator that outer joins to all possible subclass tables to determine the class of an instance.
SubclassJoinClassIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
subclassMapping - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
Subquery - interface kodo.query.Subquery.
Query value representing a subquery.
SUBS_ANY - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to select subclasses but without adding any class conditions to the select.
SUBS_EXACT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to select this class but without adding any class conditions to the select.
SUBS_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to add conditions to the select to select this class only.
SUBS_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating to add conditions to the selcet to select this class and subclasses only.
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Invoke this database's substring function.
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PointbaseDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.FirebirdDictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
substring(SQLBuffer, FilterValue, FilterValue, FilterValue) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
substringFunctionName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
subtract(Object, Class, Object, Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Subtract the given values.
summarizePerformance() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
SunOneManagedRuntime - class
ManagedRuntime implementation for SunONE.
SunOneManagedRuntime() - Constructor for class
supportedOptions() - Method in interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Return the set of JDO and Kodo option strings supported by this runtime.
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92FullSQL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsAutoIncrement - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsBatchUpdates() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCascadeDeleteAction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsColumnAliasing() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsConvert() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsConvert(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCoreSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDefaultDeleteAction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsDeferredConstraints - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsEagerSelect(Select, KodoStateManager, ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
supportsEagerSelect(Select, KodoStateManager, ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Return true if this mapping can perform the given select from the given base mapping.
supportsEagerSelect(Select, KodoStateManager, ClassMapping, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsForeignKeys - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsFullOuterJoins() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGetGeneratedKeys() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupBy() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupByUnrelated() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsHaving - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsIncrementalFlush() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.AbstractJDBCSavepointManager
supportsIncrementalFlush() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.SavepointManager
Return whether the savepoints generated by this manager can handle incremental flushes to the datastore.
supportsIncrementalFlush() - Method in class kodo.runtime.InMemorySavepointManager
Cannot incrementally flush as saved fields may become out of synch.
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsLikeEscapeClause() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsLimitedOuterJoins() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsLocking() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Whether this select can be executed for update.
supportsLocking(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Returns true if a "FOR UPDATE" clause can be used for the specified Select object.
supportsLocking(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
supportsLockingWithDistinctClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsLockingWithInnerJoin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsLockingWithMultipleTables - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsLockingWithOrderClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsLockingWithOuterJoin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsLockingWithSelectRange - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsMultipleOpenResults() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleResultSets() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleTransactions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsNamedParameters() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsNonNullableColumns() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsNullDeleteAction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsNullTableForGetColumns - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOrderByUnrelated() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOuterJoins() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsPositionedDelete() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsPositionedUpdate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsQueryTimeout - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.ListResultObjectProvider
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.rop.ResultObjectProvider
Return true if this provider supports random access.
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class com.solarmetric.rop.MergedResultObjectProvider
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return true if the result supports random access.
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
Returns false by default.
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLResultObjectProvider
supportsRandomAccess() - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCResultObjectProvider
Override if desired.
supportsRandomAccess(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return whether this select can support a random access result set type.
supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Return false if the given select requires a forward-only result set.
supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2Dictionary
supportsRestrictDeleteAction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsResultSetHoldability(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsResultSetType(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSavepoints() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemaForGetColumns - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsSchemaForGetTables - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Return true if this mapping can perform the given select type.
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
supportsSelect(Select, int, KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
supportsSelectEndIndex - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsSelectForUpdate - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsSelectForUpdate() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSelectStartIndex - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsSetFetchSize - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary
Some Postgres drivers do not support the Statement.setFetchSize(int) method.
supportsStatementPooling() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsStoredProcedures() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInExists() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInIns() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubselect - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsTotalCountsForBatch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsTransactions() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsUnion() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsUnionAll() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsUpdateCountsForBatch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
swapSchemaAndCatalog - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixDictionary
Informix JDBC metadata for all known drivers returns with the table catalog and the table schema name swapped.
SybaseDictionary - class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary.
Dictionary for Sybase.
SybaseDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
synchronizeMappings - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
Synchronize the version of the given state manager with the version stored in memory.
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.abstractstore.AbstractStoreManager
Since this store manager does not provide optimistic locking support, this method always returns true.
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
Update the version information in the given state manager to the version stored in the data store.
synchVersion(KodoStateManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager
SYNTAX_DATABASE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
Native database join syntax; outer joins are supported.
SYNTAX_SQL92 - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
ANSI SQL 92 join syntax; outer joins are supported.
SYNTAX_TRADITIONAL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
Traditional join syntax; outer joins are not supported.
SYNTHETIC - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
systemSchemas - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
systemSchemaSet - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
systemTables - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
systemTableSet - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary


Table - class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table.
Represents a database table.
Table() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
Default constructor.
Table(String, Schema) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
tableForUpdateClause - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
TableLockUpdateManagerImpl - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.TableLockUpdateManagerImpl.
Example update manager, capable of statement batching, that ignores foreign keys and autoincrement, but optimizes for table level locking.
TableLockUpdateManagerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.TableLockUpdateManagerImpl
tableType - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
The MySQL table type to use when creating tables; defaults to innodb.
tableTypes - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
TangosolCache - class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache.
A PersistenceManagerFactory cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
TangosolQueryCache - class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache.
A PersistenceManagerFactory query cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TCLEAN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
TCPRemoteCommitProvider - class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider.
TCP-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other RemoteCommitProviders over TCP sockets.
TCPRemoteCommitProvider() - Constructor for class kodo.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider
TCPTransport - class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport.
TCP transport layer.
TCPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
TDIRTY - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
test(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Test that the given client channel is still connected.
throwException(Code, Class) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
throwException(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Throw an inconsistency exception
throwException(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
throwException(String, Exception) - Method in class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
time(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
TimeSeededSequenceGenerator - class kodo.xmlstore.TimeSeededSequenceGenerator.
A simplistic implementation of a SequenceGenerator used to provide datastore ids.
TimeSeededSequenceGenerator() - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.TimeSeededSequenceGenerator
timestampTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
timeTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
TimeWatch - class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.
A TimeWatch allows for marking code blocks and recording execution time statistics.
TimeWatch.Token - class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token.
A timer token.
TimeWatch() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a new TimeWatch Watchable with the passed name.
timeWatchManager - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
tinyintTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
toArray() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
toArray(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Helper method to return the given collection as an array.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
toCollection(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
Helper method to return the given array as a collection.
toData(FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
toData(FieldMetaData, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toEmbeddedData(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
toEmbeddedData(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toEmbeddedField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
token - Variable in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool.Flags
TOKEN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
toLowerCaseFunction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractCollectionFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnClassIndicator
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Serialize this mapping to a simple MappingInfo instance for transfer to XML or some other format.
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
toMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
toNativeJoin(Join) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the database's native syntax.
toNativeJoin(Join) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
toNestedData(int, Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCachePCDataImpl
toNestedData(int, Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toNestedField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, int, Object, boolean, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
tool - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
toProperties(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Properties objects are cached once created so that calls to this method are relatively cheap (the properties object is still cloned for each call).
toProperties(boolean) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
A Properties representation of this Configuration.
toRelationData(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toRelationField(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData, Object, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.AbstractPCData
toSelect(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return this select as a SQL statement formatted for the given dictionary.
toSelect(Select, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a SELECT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
toSelect(SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, boolean, boolean, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement.
toSelect(SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, boolean, boolean, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressDictionary
toSelect(SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, SQLBuffer, boolean, boolean, long, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
toSelectCount() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return this select as a COUNT SQL statement formatted for the given dictionary.
toSelectCount(Select) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Create a SELECT COUNT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
toSQL92Join(Join, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the SQL92 style.
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Summarize the statistics.
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
toString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMappingInfo
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Table
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Constraint
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Column
Returns the column name.
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Index
Returns the index name.
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.Schema
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Implement toString to generate SQL string for profiling/debuggging.
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
toString() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
toString() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingClassMetaData
toString() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingJDOMetaDataRepository
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.UserException
Bypass the standard JDOException.toString() method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.CanRetryException
Bypass the standard JDOException.toString() method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.GeneralException
Bypass the standard JDOException#toString method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.StringIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.ShortIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.DataStoreException
Bypass the standard JDOException.toString() method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.Id
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
Bypass the standard JDOException.toString() method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.CharIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.LongIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.IntIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.ByteIdentity
toString() - Method in class kodo.util.LockTimedOutException
Bypass the standard JDOException.toString() method, since it has the potential for infinite recursion if the failed object references persistent fields whose access may cause another exception.
toString() - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.ObjectData
toStrings(Class[]) - Static method in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
toTraditionalJoin(Join) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the traditional style.
toUpperCaseFunction - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
TRACE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
TRACE_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
trace(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
trace(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
trace(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message.
trace(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
trackSlowStatements(String, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
TransactionEvent - class kodo.event.TransactionEvent.
A transactional event on a persistence manager.
TransactionEvent(KodoPersistenceManager, short, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class kodo.event.TransactionEvent
transactionIsolation - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
TransactionListener - interface kodo.event.TransactionListener.
An entity that wishes to be notified on certain PersistenceManager transactional status changes.
transactionMode - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
transferRead(Object, ObjectInput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
transferWrite(Object, ObjectOutput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
Notification that your persistent capable object (pcObject) is being transfered between the remote persistent manager and the server persistent manager.
TransformationFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping.
Easily-extendable mapping for transforming a field value from one simple type to another.
TransformationFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
TRANSIENT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.JDOState
Transient; unmanaged instance
transmitAddObjectIds - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
Transport - interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.
Abstraction of the transport layer.
Transport.Channel - interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel.
A communications channel.
Transport.Server - interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server.
Server side transport layer handler.
TransportValue - class kodo.conf.TransportValue.
TransportValue(String) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.TransportValue
TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
type - Variable in class kodo.util.Id
Deprecated. Use Id.getTargetClass().
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StringNormalizationFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DateVersionIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NumberVersionIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.CollectionFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SubclassJoinClassIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MetaDataValueClassIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToNMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.InClassNameClassIndicator
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToManyMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
TYPE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to indicate the type of values held by a field declared to be of a generic interface or object type.
TYPE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_ASCII_STREAM - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BIGINTEGER - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BINARY_STREAM - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_BLOB - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface kodo.query.Constant
TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BYTE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BYTE_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_BYTES - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_CHAR - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_CHAR_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_CHAR_STREAM - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_CLOB - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_CROSS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_DOUBLE_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_DUPLICATE_OID - Static variable in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
TYPE_EXTENT - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
TYPE_FCO - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_FLOAT_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_INNER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
TYPE_INT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_INT_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_JDBC_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_JOINLESS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating a select can be made without joins.
TYPE_LOCALE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_LONG - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_LONG_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_MAP - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_MIXED - Static variable in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface kodo.query.Constant
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_OBJECTS - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
TYPE_OBJECTS_W_ADDS - Static variable in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
TYPE_OUTER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Join
TYPE_PC_OBJECT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_REF - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_SHORT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_SHORT_OBJ - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in interface kodo.query.Constant
TYPE_SQL_ARRAY - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_SQL_DATE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_SQL_OBJECT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface kodo.query.Constant
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.JDBCTypes
TYPE_TWO_PART - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Constant indicating a two-part select and load.
TYPE_UNIQUE - Static variable in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface kodo.query.Constant
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class kodo.util.ReferentialIntegrityException
TYPES - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator


unalias(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Unalias the given setting.
UNIQUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
uniqueIdentifierAsVarbinary - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
unlock() - Method in interface kodo.query.KodoQuerySPI
Unlock the query's internal lock.
unlock() - Method in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
unlock() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Releases the internal lock.
unlock() - Method in class kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl
unlock() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerSPI
Releases the internal lock.
unmappedTable(Table) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseCustomizer
Notification that a table has gone unmapped.
unmappedTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PropertiesReverseCustomizer
unpin(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
unpin(Object) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Unpin the value stored under oid from the cache.
unpin(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
Removes the key-value pair identified by key from the set of pinned objects.
unpin(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
unpin(QueryKey) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.QueryCache
Unpin the value stored under key into the cache.
unpinAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
unpinAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Unpin all oids from the cache.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
Unpin an object from the cache.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.DataCacheImpl
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractQueryCache
Unpin an object from the cache.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryCacheImpl
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
UNSET - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
unwrap(Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Return the correct primitive type for the given class, if it is a wrapper.
update(DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.AbstractDataCache
update(DataCachePCData) - Method in interface kodo.datacache.DataCache
Update the cached value for the given instance.
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, JDBCStoreManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
Update this column with the current value into the given row.
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataOneToOneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClobFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ByteArrayFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BlobFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.FlatClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ContainerFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyMapFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.StateImageVersionIndicator
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnMapFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnVersionIndicator
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToManyFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnCollectionFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.BaseClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.HorizontalClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.Mapping
Set values for the mapping into the proper rows.
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ManyToManyFieldMapping
update(KodoStateManager, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.NoneClassMapping
updateArray(int, Array) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateArray(String, Array) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(int, Clob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(String, Clob) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDate(int, Date) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDate(String, Date) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateFloat(int, float) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateInt(int, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateInt(String, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateLong(int, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateLong(String, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateManager - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
UpdateManager - interface kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManager.
This interface is used to customize the way that updates are made to database records.
UpdateManagerImpl - class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl.
Standard update manager, capable of statement batching and foreign key constraint evaluation.
UpdateManagerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.UpdateManagerImpl
updateManagerPlugin - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
updateNull(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNull(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRef(int, Ref) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRef(String, Ref) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRow() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updatesAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
updateShort(int, short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateShort(String, short) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateString(int, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateString(String, String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTime(int, Time) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTime(String, Time) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
useClobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary
Whether to use clobs.
useGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
useGetBytesForBlobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
useGetObjectForBlobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
useGetStringForClobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
UserException - exception kodo.util.UserException.
Serializable extensions of the JDOUserException.
UserException() - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
UserException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for class kodo.util.UserException
usesCachableImplData(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
useSchemaName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
useSetBytesForBlobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
useSetFormOfUseForUnicode - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
If true, then Kodo will attempt to use the special OraclePreparedStatement.setFormOfUse method to configure statements that it detects are operating on unicode fields.
useSetStringForClobs - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
usesImplData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
Returns false.
usesImplData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
Returns true if using state image version indicator.
usesImplData() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
usesImplData() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return whether this field uses impl data in conjunction with standard field data when acting on a KodoStateManager.
usesIntermediate() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractFieldMapping
Returns false.
usesIntermediate() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.SQLDataValueFieldMapping
usesIntermediate() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.OneToOneFieldMapping
Override to return true (i.e.
usesIntermediate() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping
usesIntermediate() - Method in class kodo.meta.DelegatingFieldMetaData
usesIntermediate() - Method in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Return whether this field uses intermediate data when loading/storing information through a KodoStateManager.
usesIntermediate(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.enhance.PCDataGenerator
usesLocalFilePerTable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
usesLocalFiles() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
useTriggersForAutoIncrement - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
If true, then simulate auto-increment in Oracle by using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the primary key value when a row is inserted.


Val - interface kodo.jdbc.query.Val.
A Value represents any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields.
VALIDATE_ALL - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant to validate all metadata.
VALIDATE_NONE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant to not validate any metadata.
VALIDATE_NORESOLVE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant to not even resolve metadata; useful when building up new metadata in dev tools.
VALIDATE_RUNTIME - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Runtime validation.
VALIDATE_UNENHANCED - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.ClassMetaData
Constant to validate only metadata for unenhanced classes.
validate(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Validate the mappings for the given class and its fields.
validateMappingInfoAttributes(Mapping, MappingInfo) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.Mappings
Validate the specified mapping by checking its mapping information attributes against a set of pre-defined valid names.
validationSQL - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Value - class com.solarmetric.conf.Value.
A configuration value.
Value - interface kodo.query.Value.
Interface for any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields.
VALUE_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the foreign key delete action to use for the values of a map, if they represent a foreign key to a related object.
VALUE_DEPENDENT - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to mark first class object values that should be deleted when the owning object is deleted.
VALUE_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark whether value columns are indexed.
VALUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping
Extension key used to mark the size of value data columns.
VALUE_TYPE - Static variable in interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Extension key used to indicate the type of values held by a map field declared to be of a generic interface or object type.
Value() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Default constructor.
value(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.AbstractMapFieldMapping.LRSProxyMap
value(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
Return the value of the given key.
Value(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
valueChanged() - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.Value
Subclasses should call this method when their inernal value changes.
valueChanged(Value) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.conf.ValueListener
Callback used by Value objects to notify listener of change.
valueChanged(Value) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
ValueFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping.
Maps a single-column value.
ValueFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
ValueListener - interface com.solarmetric.conf.ValueListener.
Components can listen on Value objects for changes directly.
values() - Method in class kodo.util.CacheMap
values() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
varbinaryTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
varcharTypeName - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
VENDOR_DATADIRECT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
VENDOR_DATADIRECT_31 - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
VENDOR_JTDS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
VENDOR_MICROSOFT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
VENDOR_NETDIRECT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary
VENDOR_ORACLE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
VENDOR_ORACLE_92 - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary
VENDOR_OTHER - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
VERSION_DIFFERENT - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
VERSION_EARLIER - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
VERSION_IND - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Extension key used to indicate the type of version indicator to use, or "none" for none.
VERSION_INDEXED - Static variable in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping
Whether the version indicator is indexed.
VERSION_LATER - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
VERSION_SAME - Static variable in interface kodo.runtime.StoreManager
VersionableFieldMapping - interface kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionableFieldMapping.
Field mappings for fields that can be used to determine whether object state has changed during an optimistic transaction must implement this interface.
versionIndicator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
VersionIndicator - class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator.
Handles optimistic lock versioning for a class.
VersionIndicator() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionIndicator
VerticalClassMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping.
Mapping for classes that use a separate primary table than their parent class.
VerticalClassMapping(ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.VerticalClassMapping
VirtualFieldMapping - class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping.
Placeholder mapping for virtual fields that are unmapped by the superclass.
VirtualFieldMapping(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.VirtualFieldMapping


WARN - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
WARN_STR - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.log.LogFactoryImpl
warn(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
warn(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
warn(Object) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
warn(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.CommonsLogFactory.LogAdapter
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.AbstractLog
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.log.Log
Write out a log message at the Log.TRACE level with the stringification of o as the body of the message, also outputting t to the log.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.solarmetric.log.Log4JLogFactory.LogAdapter
warnConsistency(KodoStateManager, FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.runtime.InverseManager
Log an inconsistency warning
wasNull() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
wasNull() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
wasNull() - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Result
Return true if the last value fetched was null.
wasNull() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult
wasNull() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult
Watchable - interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable.
The Watchable interface specifies an interface for watching statistics.
watchableChanged(WatchableEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableListener
Called on the listener when a new watchable is registered.
WatchableEvent - class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent.
Event produced by the Watchable class and sent to WatchableListeners.
WatchableEvent(Watchable, Statistic) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Create a new event holding a reference to the watchable, and a reference to the newly registered statistic.
WatchableListener - interface com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableListener.
The listener interface for receiving watchable events.
where(Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add the given where conditions.
where(KodoStateManager, RowManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.TransformationFieldMapping
where(KodoStateManager, RowManager, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.meta.VersionableFieldMapping
Add a WHERE condition to the row for this field such that the field's current DB value must equal the given previous value.
where(KodoStateManager, RowManager, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ValueFieldMapping
where(SQLBuffer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add the given where conditions.
where(SQLBuffer, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add the given where conditions.
whereArray(Column, Array) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereArray(Column, Array) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereAsciiStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereAsciiStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBigDecimal(Column, BigDecimal) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBigDecimal(Column, BigDecimal) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBigInteger(Column, BigInteger) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBigInteger(Column, BigInteger) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBinaryStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBinaryStream(Column, InputStream, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBlob(Column, Blob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBlob(Column, Blob) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBoolean(Column, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBoolean(Column, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereByte(Column, byte) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereByte(Column, byte) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereBytes(Column, byte[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereBytes(Column, byte[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereChar(Column, char) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereChar(Column, char) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereCharacterStream(Column, Reader, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereCharacterStream(Column, Reader, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereClob(Column, Clob) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereClob(Column, Clob) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereClone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Return a SELECT with the same joins and where conditions as this one.
whereDate(Column, Date) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereDate(Column, Date) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereDate(Column, Date, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereDate(Column, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereDouble(Column, double) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereDouble(Column, double) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereFloat(Column, float) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereFloat(Column, float) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereForeignKey(ForeignKey, KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereForeignKey(ForeignKey, KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the foreign key equality criteria to link to the given object.
whereForeignKey(ForeignKey, Object, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add where conditions setting the given foreign key to the given oid values.
whereForeignKey(ForeignKey, Object, ClassMapping, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add where conditions setting the given foreign key to the given oid values.
whereInt(Column, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereInt(Column, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereLocale(Column, Locale) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereLocale(Column, Locale) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereLong(Column, long) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereLong(Column, long) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereNull(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereNull(Column) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereObject(Column, Object, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereObject(Column, Object, int, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
wherePrimaryKey(KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
wherePrimaryKey(KodoStateManager) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set the primary key equality criteria for this row.
wherePrimaryKey(Object, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add where conditions setting the mapping's primary key to the given oid values.
wherePrimaryKey(Object, ClassMapping, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.Select
Add where conditions setting the mapping's primary key to the given oid values.
wherePrimaryKey(Select, KodoStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Add a wherePrimaryKey or whereForeignKey condition to the given select, depending on whether we have a reference foreign key.
whereRefForeignKey(KodoStateManager, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReferenceFieldMapping
Add a WHERE condition matching the reference foreign key to the given value on the given row.
whereShort(Column, short) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereShort(Column, short) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereString(Column, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereString(Column, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereTime(Column, Time, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereTime(Column, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
whereTimestamp(Column, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl
whereTimestamp(Column, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface kodo.jdbc.sql.Row
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
WLSManagedRuntime - class
ManagedRuntime implementation that directly accesses the transaction manager via WebLogic Server helper classes.
WLSManagedRuntime() - Constructor for class
wrap(Class) - Static method in class kodo.query.Filters
Return the correct wrapper type for the given class.
WRAPPERS - Static variable in class kodo.enhance.DynamicStorageGenerator
wrapResult(boolean, ResultSet) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
wrapResult(boolean, ResultSet) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
write(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write this command to the given stream.
write(PrintStream) - Method in class
writeBytecode() - Method in class kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer
Write the generated bytecode.
writeCode() - Method in class kodo.enhance.ApplicationIdTool
Writes the generated code to the proper file.
writeCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Uses CodeGenerators to write the Java code for the generated mappings to the proper packages.
writeCode(Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Write the code for the tool.
writeDataValue(Writer, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.xmlstore.XMLFileHandler
Write out the data value.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Implementation of the Externalizable interface to write the properties returned by ConfigurationImpl.toProperties(boolean).
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class kodo.datacache.QueryKey
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class kodo.event.RemoteCommitEvent
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class kodo.query.ResultPackerProviderImpl
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class kodo.remote.RemotePCDataGenerator.PCDataTemplate
writeLockLevel - Variable in class kodo.conf.JDOConfigurationImpl
writeMappingColumn(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.DBMappingFactory
Writes the mappings as a string to the database.
writeMappings(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Uses the XMLMappingInfoSerializer to write the generated metadata to the proper packages.
writeMappings(boolean, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
writeMetaData(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
Uses the JDOMetaDataSerializer to write the generated metadata to the proper packages.
writeMetaData(boolean, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.ReverseMappingTool
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.UserException
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyMap
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.AbstractLRSProxyCollection
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.CanRetryException
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.ProxyDate
writeReplace() - Method in class kodo.util.DataStoreException
writeResponse(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write the server's response to this command.
writeSchemaColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.DBSchemaFactory
Writes the schema as a string to the database.
writeType(Command, ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Write the type of this command to the given stream so that CommandIO.readType( will be able to reconstruct the command.
writeType(Command, ObjectOutput) - Method in class kodo.remote.JDOCommandIO


XMLConfiguration - class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration.
Configuration implementation for the XML file store.
XMLConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
Default constructor.
XMLConfiguration(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLConfiguration
XMLFileHandler - class kodo.xmlstore.XMLFileHandler.
Stores ObjectData objects by serializing a collection of them into and out of an XML file.
XMLFileHandler(XMLConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLFileHandler
Constructor; supply configuration.
XMLMetaDataParser - class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser.
XMLMetaDataParser() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.meta.XMLMetaDataParser
XMLStore - class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore.
Represents a store of object data encoded in XML.
XMLStore(XMLConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStore
Constructor; supply configuration.
XMLStoreManager - class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager.
Store manager to a back-end consisting of XML files.
XMLStoreManager.XMLExtent - class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager.XMLExtent.
Extent implementation for the XMLStoreManager.
XMLStoreManager.XMLExtent(XMLStoreManager, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager.XMLExtent
XMLStoreManager() - Constructor for class kodo.xmlstore.XMLStoreManager


_cache - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
_cache - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
_cache - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
_conf - Variable in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
_delegate - Variable in class kodo.query.DelegatingKodoQuerySPI
_log - Variable in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
_log - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
_lruMap - Variable in class kodo.util.CacheMap
The map for non-expired and pinned references.
_pinnedMap - Variable in class kodo.util.CacheMap
The set of objects pinned into the cache.
_plugins - Variable in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
_refsByClass - Variable in class kodo.datacache.ClassRefCacheMap
An auxilarily dictionary so we can find all the objects in the cache of a particular class.
_region - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
_regionName - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
_regionName - Variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
_softMap - Variable in class kodo.util.CacheMap
The map for expired references.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _
SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.