SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Interface Configurable

All Known Subinterfaces:
JMXInterface, ManagementConfiguration
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDataCache, AbstractQueryCache, InvocationManagedRuntime, AutomaticManagedRuntime, AbstractRemoteCommitProvider, PooledTCPRemoteCommitProvider, JMSRemoteCommitProvider, TCPRemoteCommitProvider, FileMappingFactory, MetaDataMappingFactory, DBMappingFactory, AbstractJDBCSavepointManager, UpdateManagerImpl, DBSequenceFactory, LazySchemaFactory, DynamicSchemaFactory, DBSchemaFactory, FileSchemaFactory, DBDictionary, InverseManager, ProxyManagerImpl

public interface Configurable

This interface provides a mechanism for notifying interested objects when configuration events occur. It provides an object with the opportunity to set itself up for configuration and to perform any necessary post-configuration.

Method Summary
 void endConfiguration()
          Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
          Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
 void startConfiguration()
          Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.

Method Detail


public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
Invoked prior to setting bean properties.


public void startConfiguration()
Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.


public void endConfiguration()
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.