SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Interface Configuration

All Superinterfaces:
BeanInfo, Cloneable, com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientConfiguration, JDBCConfiguration, JDOConfiguration, JDOConnectionFactory, JDOManagedConnectionFactory
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Configuration
extends BeanInfo, Serializable, com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, Cloneable

Interface for generic configuration objects. Includes the ability to write configuration to and from Properties instances.

Field Summary
          Attribute of returned Value property descriptors listing recognized values for the property.
          Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property' hierarchical category.
          Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's ordering in its category.
static String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's type or category.
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Adds a listener for any property changes.
 Object clone()
          Return a copy of the current configuration.
 void close()
          Free the resources used by this object.
 void fromFile(File f)
          Fill in properties from the given properties file.
 void fromProperties(Properties properties)
          Set this Configuration via the given Properties.
 void fromStream(InputStream in)
          Fill in properties from the given properties stream.
 RuntimeException getConfigurationException(String msg, Throwable cause)
          Return an appropriate exception indicating a configuration error.
 Log getConfigurationLog()
          Return the log to use for configuration messages.
 Log getLog(String category)
          Return the log for the given category.
 LogFactory getLogFactory()
          The log factory.
 Value getValue(String property)
          Return the Value for the given property, or null if none.
 Value[] getValues()
          Return the set of all Values.
 boolean hasJava5()
          Return true if this VM has Java 5 features; otherwise returns false.
 boolean isFrozen()
          Return true if this Configuration has been frozen.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Removes a listener for any property changes.
 void setFrozen(boolean frozen)
          Lock down the configuration's state.
 void setLogFactory(LogFactory factory)
          log factory.
 Properties toProperties(boolean storeDefaults)
          A Properties representation of this Configuration.
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getPropertyDescriptors

Field Detail


public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ALLOWED_VALUES
Attribute of returned Value property descriptors listing recognized values for the property.


public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's type or category.


public static final String ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property' hierarchical category.


public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ORDER
Attribute of the returned Value property descriptors naming the property's ordering in its category.
Method Detail


public LogFactory getLogFactory()
The log factory. If no log factory has been set explicitly, this method will create one.


public void setLogFactory(LogFactory factory)
log factory.


public Log getLog(String category)
Return the log for the given category.
See Also:


public Value getValue(String property)
Return the Value for the given property, or null if none.


public Value[] getValues()
Return the set of all Values.


public Properties toProperties(boolean storeDefaults)
A Properties representation of this Configuration. Note that changes made to this Properties object will not be automatically reflected in this Configuration object.
storeDefaults - if true, then properties will be written out even if they match the default value for a property


public void fromProperties(Properties properties)
Set this Configuration via the given Properties. Any keys missing from the given properties will not be set. Note that changes made to this Properties object will not be automatically reflected in this Configuration object.


public void fromStream(InputStream in)
                throws IOException
Fill in properties from the given properties stream.


public void fromFile(File f)
              throws IOException
Fill in properties from the given properties file.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a listener for any property changes. The property events fired will not include the old value.
listener - the listener to receive notification of property changes


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a listener for any property changes.
listener - the listener to remove


public void setFrozen(boolean frozen)
Lock down the configuration's state. Attempting to set state after a configuration has been frozen results in a IllegalStateException.


public boolean isFrozen()
Return true if this Configuration has been frozen.


public void close()
Free the resources used by this object.
Specified by:
close in interface com.solarmetric.util.Closeable


public Log getConfigurationLog()
Return the log to use for configuration messages.


public RuntimeException getConfigurationException(String msg,
                                                  Throwable cause)
Return an appropriate exception indicating a configuration error. The given cause may be null.


public boolean hasJava5()
Return true if this VM has Java 5 features; otherwise returns false.


public Object clone()
Return a copy of the current configuration.
clone in class Object

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.