SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Interface ChangeTracker

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLRSProxyCollection, AbstractLRSProxyMap

public interface ChangeTracker

Interface for components that track changes to containers at a fine-grained level. Proxies that use change trackers might have better update performance than non-tracking proxies.

Method Summary
 void added(Object val)
          Notify the tracker that the given object was added.
 void changed(Object val)
          Notify the tracker that the given object was changed.
 Collection getAdded()
          Return the collection of values that need to be added to the managed container.
 Collection getChanged()
          Return the set of elements that have changed.
 int getNextSequence()
          The next element sequence value for this proxy at load time.
 Collection getRemoved()
          Return the set of values that need to be removed from the managed container.
 boolean isTracking()
          Return true if this tracker has an up-to-date view of all the changes to the container it is managing.
 void removed(Object val)
          Notify the tracker that the given object was removed.
 void setNextSequence(int seq)
          The maximum element sequence value for this proxy at load time.
 void startTracking()
          Reset the state of the change tracker, and turn change tracking back on if it has been disabled.
 void stopTracking()
          Tell the tracker to stop tracking changes for its container.

Method Detail


public boolean isTracking()
Return true if this tracker has an up-to-date view of all the changes to the container it is managing.


public void startTracking()
Reset the state of the change tracker, and turn change tracking back on if it has been disabled.


public void stopTracking()
Tell the tracker to stop tracking changes for its container.


public Collection getAdded()
Return the collection of values that need to be added to the managed container.


public Collection getRemoved()
Return the set of values that need to be removed from the managed container.


public Collection getChanged()
Return the set of elements that have changed. In maps, this marks a possible change in value for a key. In collections, this marks an element that has been removed and re-added.


public void added(Object val)
Notify the tracker that the given object was added.


public void removed(Object val)
Notify the tracker that the given object was removed.


public void changed(Object val)
Notify the tracker that the given object was changed.


public int getNextSequence()
The next element sequence value for this proxy at load time. If the data store keeps this proxy's data in sequence order but allows holes for removed objects, the implementation can set the next sequence at load time, then retrieve it and start from there for added objects at flush time. This value is set back to 0 if the proxy stops tracking changes. For ordered proxies, it is set to the proxy's size when the proxy starts tracking changes again.


public void setNextSequence(int seq)
The maximum element sequence value for this proxy at load time. If the data store keeps this proxy's data in sequence order but allows holes for removed objects, the implementation can set the next sequence at load time, then retrieve it and start from there for added objects at flush time. This value is set back to 0 if the proxy stops tracking changes. For ordered proxies, it is set to the proxy's size when the proxy starts tracking changes again.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.4.1 generated on May 30 2006

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.