4.4. Lifecycle Callbacks

4.4.1. InstanceCallbacks
4.4.2. InstanceLifecycleListener

It is often necessary to perform various actions at different stages of a persistent object's lifecycle. JDO includes two mechanisms for monitoring changes in the lifecycle of your persistent objects: the InstanceCallbacks interface, and the InstanceLifecycleListener event framework.

4.4.1. InstanceCallbacks

Your persistent classes can implement the InstanceCallbacks family of interfaces to to receive callbacks when certain JDO lifecycle events take place. There are four callbacks available:

  • The LoadCallback.jdoPostLoad method is called by the JDO implementation after the default fetch group fields of your class have been loaded from the datastore. Default fetch groups are explained in Chapter 5, Metadata; for now think of the default fetch group as all of the primitive fields of the object. No other persistent fields can be accessed in this method.

    jdoPostLoad is often used to initialize non-persistent fields whose values depend on the values of persistent fields. An example of this is presented below.

  • StoreCallback.jdoPreStore is called just before the persistent values in your object are flushed to the datastore. You can access all persistent fields in this method.

    jdoPreStore is the complement to jdoPostLoad. While jdoPostLoad is most often used to initialize non-persistent values from persistent data, jdoPreStore is usually used to set persistent fields with information cached in non-persistent ones. See the example below. Note that the persistent identity of the object may not have been assigned yet when this method is called.

  • The ClearCallback.jdoPreClear method is called before the persistent fields of your object are cleared. JDO implementations clear the persistent state of objects for several reasons, most of which will be covered later in this document. You can use jdoPreClear to clear non-persistent cached data and null relations to other objects. You should not access the values of persistent fields in this method.

  • DeleteCallback.jdoPreDelete is called before an object transitions to the deleted state. Access to persistent fields is valid within this method. You might use this method to cascade the deletion to related objects based on complex criteria, or to perform other cleanup.

Unlike the PersistenceCapable interface, you must implement the InstanceCallbacks interfaces explicitly if you want to receive lifecycle callbacks.


The javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks interface is mainly present for backwards compatibility with previous JDO versions. You will typically implement the specific javax.jdo.listener package interfaces for the callbacks you want to receive. However, it may be convenient to implement InstanceCallbacks rather than the individual interfaces when your class utilizes several callbacks.

Example 4.3. Using Callback Interfaces

 * Example demonstrating the use of the InstanceCallbacks interface to
 * persist a java.net.InetAddress and implement a privately-owned relation.
public class Host
    implements LoadCallback, StoreCallback, DeleteCallback
    // the InetAddress field cannot be persisted directly by JDO, so we
    // use the jdoPostLoad and jdoPreStore methods below to persist it
    // indirectly through its host name string
    private transient InetAddress address;    // non-persistent
    private String                hostName;   // persistent

    // set of devices attached to this host
    private Set devices = new HashSet ();

    // setters, getters, and business logic omitted

    public void jdoPostLoad ()
        // form the InetAddress using the persistent host name
            address = InetAddress.getByName (hostName);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new JDOException ("Invalid host name: " + hostName, ioe);

    public void jdoPreStore ()
        // store the host name information based on the InetAddress values
        hostName = address.getHostName ();

    public void jdoPreDelete ()
        // delete certain related devices when this object is deleted, based
        // on business logic
        PersistenceManager pm = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager (this);
        pm.deletePersistentAll (filterDependents (devices));

4.4.2. InstanceLifecycleListener


The kodo.event package contains additional Kodo events beyond the JDO standard; see Section 9.8, “Transaction Events” of the Reference Guide and the package Javadoc for details.

Only persistent classes can implement the InstanceCallbacks interfaces. This makes sense for lifecycle actions such as caching internal state and deleting dependent relations, but is clumsy for cross-cutting concerns like logging and auditing. The lifecycle listener event framework solves this problem by allowing non-persistent classes to subscribe to lifecycle events. The framework consists of a common event class, a common super-interface for event listeners, and several individual listener interfaces. A concrete listener class can implement any combination of listener interfaces.

  • InstanceLifecycleEvent: The event class. The source of a lifecycle event is the persistent object for which the event was triggered.

  • InstanceLifecycleListener: Common base interface for all listener types. InstanceLifecycleListener has no operations, but gives a measure of type safety when adding listener objects to a PersistenceManager or PersistenceManagerFactory. See Chapter 8, PersistenceManager and Chapter 7, PersistenceManagerFactory.

  • LoadLifecycleListener: Listens for persistent state loading events. Its postLoad method is equivalent to the InstanceCallbacks.jdoPostLoad method described above.

  • StoreLifecycleListener: Listens for persistent state flushes. Its preStore method is equivalent to the InstanceCallbacks.jdoPreStore method described above. Its postStore handler is invoked after the data for the source object has been flushed to the database. Unlike preStore, the source object is guaranteed to have a persistent identity by the time postStore is triggered.

  • ClearLifecycleListener: Receives notifications when objects clear their persistent state. Its preClear method is equivalent to InstanceCallbacks.jdoPreClear. The postClear event is sent just after the source object's state is cleared.

  • DeleteLifecycleListener: Listens for object deletion events. Its preDelete method is equivalent to InstanceCallbacks.jdoPreDelete. Its postDelete handler is triggered after the source object has transitioned to the deleted state. Access to persistent fields is not allowed in postDelete.

  • CreateLifecycleListener: The postCreate event is fired when an object first transitions from unmanaged to persistent-new, such as during a call to PersistenceManager.makePersistent.

  • DirtyLifecycleListener: Dirty events fire when an object is first modified (in JDO parlance, becomes dirty) within a transaction. The runtime invokes preDirty before applying the change to the object, and postDirty after applying the change.