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Administration Guide

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Overview of Liquid Data Administration

Working with WebLogic Domains

Starting the Server and Running the Administration Console

Configuring Access to Data Sources

Data Source Descriptions

Supported Data Source Types

Managing the Server Repository

Implementing Security

Configuring Query Results Caching

Configuring Custom Functions

Importing and Exporting Server Configurations

Deploying Liquid Data in a Production Environment

Generating Web Services from Stored Queries

Ongoing Liquid Data Management Tasks

Creating Liquid Data Domains

Understanding WebLogic Domains and Administration

Understanding the Relationship of Liquid Data to WebLogic Domains

Creating a New Domain

Adding Liquid Data to an Existing Domain

Starting and Stopping the Server

Starting WebLogic Server and the Liquid Data Server

You Must Start the Server in the Appropriate WebLogic Domain

Starting the Server

Stopping the Server

Next Steps

Using the WLS Administration Console

Using the Administration Console to Manage Liquid Data

Starting the Administration Console

Overview of the Administration Console

Finding the Liquid Data Node in the Navigation Tree

Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings

Configuring Server Settings

Modifying Server Settings

Viewing and Accessing All Configured Data Sources

Viewing All Configured Data Sources

Configuring Secure Access to Data Source Descriptions

Removing Data Source Descriptions

Distributing Data Source Descriptions to Other Liquid Data Servers

Configuring Access to Relational Databases

Connection Pool URLs and Driver Names for JDBC Data Sources

Creating a JDBC Connection Pool

Creating a JDBC Data Source

Creating a Relational Database Data Source Description

Summary of Configured Data Sources

Modifying a Relational Database Source Description

Modifying Data Source Description Settings

Modifying JDBC Connection Pools or JDBC Data Sources

Removing a Relational Database Source Description

Configuring Access to XML Files

Creating an XML File Data Source Description

Summary of Configured Data Sources

Modifying an XML File Data Source Description

Removing an XML File Data Source Description

Configuring Access to Web Services

Creating a Web Service Data Source Description

Summary of Configured Data Sources

Modifying a Web Service Data Source Description

Removing a Web Service Data Source Description

Configuring Access to Application Views

Adding Liquid Data to a WebLogic Platform or WebLogic Integration Domain

Starting the Liquid Data Server in the WebLogic Platform or WebLogic Integration Domain

Defining an Application View Using the WebLogic Integration Application View Console

Configuring an Application View Data Source Description

Creating an Application View Data Source Description

Summary of Configured Data Sources

Modifying an Application View Data Source Description

Removing an Application View Data Source Description

Configuring Access to Data Views

Creating a Data View Data Source Description

Summary of Configured Data Sources

Modifying a Data View Data Source Description

Removing a Data View Data Source Description

Deploying Liquid Data Components

Liquid Data Components to Deploy

Navigating to the Deploy Tab

Configuring Access to Custom Functions

About Custom Functions

Use Cases for Custom Functions

Components of Custom Functions

Administration Tasks for Custom Functions

Creating a Custom Function Description

Summary of Configured Custom Function Groups

Configuring Secure Access to Custom Function Descriptions

Modifying a Custom Function Description

Removing a Custom Function Description

Configuring Access to Complex Parameter Types

Creating a Complex Parameter Type Description

Managing Complex Parameter Types

Modifying a Complex Parameter Type Configuration

Removing a Complex Parameter Type Configuration

Importing and Exporting Liquid Data Configurations

About Liquid Data Configurations

What Liquid Data Imports and Exports

What Liquid Data Does Not Import or Export

WebLogic Server Specific Configuration Information

Files Added to the Liquid Data Server Repository

Repository Name

File Swap Configuration

Navigating to the Import/Export Tab

Exporting a Liquid Data Configuration

Importing a Liquid Data Configuration

Managing the Liquid Data Server Repository

About the Liquid Data Server Repository

Contents and Organization of the Server Repository

Server Repository Location

Server Repository File System Hierarchy

Considerations for Evolving the Repository

Navigating to the Repository Tab

Browsing the Server Repository

Working with Folders and Files in the Server Repository

Downloading Files From the Server Repository

Uploading Files to the Server Repository

Creating Sub-Folders

Copying and Pasting Files in the Server Repository

Renaming Folders and Files in the Server Repository

Deleting Folders and Files in the Server Repository

Configuring Secure Access to Items in the Server Repository

Creating Data Views from Stored Queries

Configuring the Results Cache for Stored Queries

Implementing Security

Overview of Liquid Data Security

Administration Console Security

Data Access Security

Query Security

Data Source Security

Repository Directory and File Security

Liquid Data Server Security Implementation Process

Initial Security Setup

Defining a Compatibility Security Realm

Enabling Liquid Data Secure Mode

Configuring Liquid Data Users

Configuring Liquid Data Groups

Group to Add for Liquid Data

Configuring Groups

Assigning ACLs to Liquid Data Resources

Liquid Data Resources Requiring ACL Configuration

Access Levels

How ACLs Affect Access

Assigning Permissions, Users, and Groups to ACLs

Integrating Liquid Data Security With BEA Other Software

Web Services and Liquid Data Security

WebLogic Integration

Application Integration and Liquid Data Security

Business Process Management and Liquid Data Security

B2B Integration and Liquid Data Security

WebLogic Portal and Liquid Data Security

WebLogic Workshop and Liquid Data Security

Monitoring the Server

Monitoring Liquid Data Server Statistics

Monitoring the Server Log

Monitoring a WebLogic Domain

Using Other Monitoring Tools

Configuring the Query Results Cache

Understanding Results Caching

Setting up the Results Cache Database

Step 1: Install and Configure the Database Server

Step 2: Run the SQL Script to Create the Cache Database

Step 3: Create the JDBC Data Source for the Cache Database

Enabling the Results Cache

Configuring Results Caching for Stored Queries

Creating the Cache Policy

Editing the Cache Policy

Removing the Cache Policy

Flushing the Cache

Generating and Publishing Web Services

Viewing a Demo

About Web Services

Creating a New Web Service from a Stored Query

Modifying a Web Service

Deleting a Web Service

Testing a Generated Web Service

Managing the Deployment of a Generated Web Service

Finding the Target Schema for a Generated Web Service

Invoking Published Web Services


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