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Administration Guide

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Starting and Stopping the Server

This section describes how to start and stop the BEA Liquid Data for WebLogicTM server. It includes the following sections:


Starting WebLogic Server and the Liquid Data Server

Before you can configure or manage Liquid Data, you must start the Liquid Data server, which runs as an application in a WebLogic domain. Starting the WebLogic Server in the appropriate WebLogic domain automatically starts Liquid Data.

When you run the startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command for a domain, WebLogic Server is started, and the Liquid Data applications and resources specified in the configuration file for the domain are automatically deployed on the server. The Liquid Data preconfigured domains are shown in You Must Start the Server in the Appropriate WebLogic Domain along with quick summary of Windows menu paths and UNIX command line paths for starting the server.

Note: The instructions that follow are tailored for starting the WebLogic Server in conjunction with Liquid Data. For general information on starting the WebLogic Server, see Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide

You Must Start the Server in the Appropriate WebLogic Domain

You must start the Liquid Data server in the appropriate WebLogic domain. A preconfigured domain is provided for the Samples server. To create new Liquid Data servers of your own, you need to use the WebLogic Platform Configuration Wizard. For  more information, see Deployment Tasks in Deploying Liquid Data and Creating a New WebLogic Domain in Using the Configuration Wizard in the WebLogic Platform documentation.

Note: Make sure you run the First-Time Samples Configuration before running the Samples server for the first time.

Table 3-1 Liquid Data Samples Preconfigured Domain and Start Commands for Samples Server  


Windows and UNIX Paths to Start Samples Server in Each Domain


  • Start—>Programs—>Liquid Data for WebLogic 1.0—>Launch Liquid Data Server


  • WL_HOME\liquiddata\samples\config\




Which server you start depends upon whether you want to use the Samples server which comes with preconfigured data sources, or one of your own servers in a new domain you create with the WebLogic Platform Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Server

The instructions in this section describe how to start WebLogic Server in a standalone WebLogic domain. For multi-node or clustered domains, see the instructions in Deployment Tasks in Deploying Liquid Data.

Note: If you are already running an instance of WebLogic Server that uses the same listen port as the one to be used by the server you are starting, you must stop the first server before starting the second server.

To start the server:

  1. At the command prompt, go to the domain directory (BEA_HOME/user_projects/domain_name), such as c:\bea\user_projects\mydomain.

  2. Run the server startup script: startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or (Unix).

    The startup script displays a series of messages, finally displaying something similar to the following message when the server has started successfully:

    <Oct 8, 2002 3:50:42 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>


Stopping the Server

You can stop your entire Liquid Data system—WebLogic Server (WLS), the Liquid Data server, and its resources deployed in a preconfigured domain—from the WLS Administration Console.

The instructions in this section describe how to stop WebLogic Server in a standalone WebLogic domain. For multi-node or clustered domains, see the instructions in Deployment Tasks in Deploying Liquid Data.

Note: We recommend using the Administration Console to shut down the server gracefully rather than shutting down from a DOS window or UNIX shell.

To stop the WLS server using the Administration Console:

  1. If you have not already done so, start the Administration console in a Web browser and open the URL for your server in the form:

    For example, to start the Administration Console for a local instance of WebLogic Server (running on your own machine), type the following URL in a Web browser address field:


    Note: For complete details on how to start the Administration Console see Starting the Administration Console in Starting and Stopping the Server.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Servers node.

  3. Click on the server running in your Liquid Data domain that you want to stop.

    A set of tabs for configuring and monitoring the server is shown.

  4. Click on the Control tab.

  5. Click on the Shut down this server... link.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the server shutdown.

Note: On Unix, you must also manually kill the running Pointbase instance.


Next Steps

Once you have the server started, you need to start the WLS Administration Console. You can use the WLS Administration Console to perform all Liquid Data configuration, management, and monitoring tasks. For information on how to start the console and find the Liquid Data node on the console, see Using the WLS Administration Console.


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