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Deploying Liquid Data

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Tuning Performance

This topic describes how to tune performance in a BEA Liquid Data for WebLogicTM deployment. It includes the following sections:

In a production environment, Liquid Data performance is generally measured by the speed with which queries are processed and results are returned. This topic describes general guidelines for performance and, where possible, provides specific guidelines for tuning a Liquid Data deployment.

In addition to the material described in this topic, you can refer to the following documentation to tune WebLogic Server and WebLogic Integration performance:


Where to Begin

This topic describes where to begin tuning a Liquid Data deployment. It contains the following sections:

Checking the System Configuration

Before you begin to investigate how to tune Liquid Data performance, make sure that the system on which Liquid Data runs is reasonably configured.

Tuning Queries

In addition to the system configuration, Liquid Data performance is greatly affected by the query design, as described in Query Performance Factors. Therefore, make sure that the queries running on the Liquid Data server are reasonably designed:


Liquid Data Performance Factors

Many factors influence overall Liquid Data performance. Certain factors, such as query design, are within the scope of Liquid Data's control, while other factors, such as data source processing speed, are outside the scope of Liquid Data control. This topic identifies the main factors that can affect Liquid Data performance. It  includes the following sections:

Query Performance Factors

Liquid Data performance depends on the way queries are designed and configured for execution. The following query factors affect Liquid Data performance:

Table 3-1 Query Performance Factors  



Query complexity

Some query operations are more resource intensive than others.

  • Simple queries perform basic operations, such as retrieving a customer list or an employee's profile.

  • Analytical queries, such as complex joins or aggregates, perform interim processing steps that produce intermediate result sets.

Recommendations: Because analytical queries generally consume more memory and CPU resources than simple queries, see the sections later in this table on caching and large result sets.

Query type

The type of query (stored or ad hoc) affects performance:

  • For stored queries, the query is compiled only once and query execution plan is cached. In addition, the query result can be cached for faster retrieval if the query is executed subsequently with the same parameters. For more information, see Configuring the Query Results Cache in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

  • Ad hoc queries are always compiled and executed. No caching is involved.

For certain queries, the time to compile the query might take much longer then the time to execute.

Recommendation: Use stored queries in a production system.

Design pattern used (query hints)

When building queries, the appropriate design patterns must be used to ensure the fastest possible execution speed. For example, for joins, you should use a query hint to supply more information to the execution engine about the amount of data to search when processing a query.


Use hints, if applicable. A query with an appropriate hint may perform substantially better than one without a hint. Hints are particularly significant with large data sources. If you are using the Data View Builder tool, design patterns for target schema are also very important. For more information, see "Understanding Query Design Patterns" in Designing Queries and Optimizing Queries in Building Queries and Data Views.


Caching improves performance for stored queries. Liquid Data supports two types of caching:

  • Query plan cache, which is always enabled, allows Liquid Data to retrieve the query plan for a repeated query from cache rather than regenerating the query plan.

  • Query results cache, which allows Liquid Data to retrieve the results for a repeated query from in-memory cache rather than running the query against the data source each time. Stored query results that are configured to expire sooner must be executed against the data source(s) more frequently.


  • Always use stored queries in a production system.

  • Using query results caching, if applicable. For a complex query, or for a query that retrieves data from slower data sources, caching the query result provides a substantial performance gain. Once the query is cached, the query execution time is the fixed cost of retrieving the results cache from the database, and returns it as an XML document. For more information, see Configuring the Query Results Cache in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

Size of intermediate or final results returned and memory usage

The larger the result size (final or intermediate results), the longer it takes to retrieve and process the results.


  • Queries should be designed to retrieve only the required results. Restrict the number of elements in the target schema (project). Specify strict conditions that limit the number of rows returned in the result set.

  • Increase the heap size to as high as the system can allow. In general, increasing the heap size increases performance. If increasing the heap size solves the out of memory problem, then no further action is required.

  • For relational database data sources, use the {--! merge !-- } query hint, if applicable. The effect is similar to a database merge join. Using this technique has a space/performance trade-off: a merge hint provides better memory usage but it might also slow performance if extra sorting is required to perform the merge join.

  • For queries that perform joins on multiple data sources, specify the sequence of data sources in ascending order by increasing size: the smallest resource should appear in the first FOR loop, and the largest resource should appear in the last one. For more information, see "Source Order Optimization" in Optimizing Queries in Building Queries and Data Views.

  • Use the disk swapping option, which allows Liquid Data to store intermediate results on disk when the results exceed the MEM_SORT_BUF size specified in the server startup script (startWebLogic.cmd on Windows or on Unix). The default setting for MEM_SORT_BUF size is 50MB. The recommended size is less than one third (1/3) of the maximum memory size defined in MEM_ARGS in the server startup script. To  configure disk swapping, see Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

Note: Liquid Data queries do not retrieve binary large object (BLOB) data from relational databases. For a list of supported data types, see Supported Data Types in Building Queries and Data Views.

Number of concurrent queries

The higher the number of concurrent queries, the slower the performance, particularly during peak loads. Performance improves through the use of additional CPUs and WebLogic Server clusters, as described in Clustered Deployments, and with tuning the thread pool, as described in Using the Administration Console to Monitor Performance.


Data Source Performance Factors

In general, Liquid Data performance depends on the speed at which the data source host system is able to process query requests and return results.

Performance Factors for All Data Sources

The following data source factors affect Liquid Data performance:

Table 3-2 Data Source Performance Factors  



Data source type

Some types of data sources offer higher performance (such as relational databases) than other types (such as application integrations or Web services). For more information, see Table  3-3.

Data source size

The size of the data source always affects performance. In general, the larger the data source, the longer it takes to retrieve the query results. For example, a large XML document takes longer to process than a small XML document. For relational databases, indexing substantially improves performance, particularly for large databases.

Number of data sources

For queries that access multiple data sources, data is retrieved from each data source in sequence, one data source at a time, for all data source types except application views, web services, and custom functions (which are processed asynchronously). For application views, web services, and custom functions, you can configure the maximum number of connections or the maximum number of concurrent threads to be used. If queries use web services, application views, or custom functions extensively, then consider tuning this setting.

Data source performance and availability

  • A query fails if a required data source is unavailable during query execution due to server failure, insufficient available connections, failed authentication, or other factor.

  • Performance delays result if the server hosting the data source is congested

  • Faster hardware (storage, memory, and CPU throughput) for the data source host machine generally provides higher performance, particularly for larger data sources.

  • Except for any XML files stored locally on the host system, all data sources are remote. Therefore, network connection availability and speed affects how quickly the query results are returned. In addition to network capacity and throughput speeds, the number of hops between nodes can greatly affect performance. Secure connections, such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) increase security but slow performance. Network speed is not a factor with local data sources, such as XML files stored locally on the host system. However, network speed is a factor with XML files stored remotely.

Transaction isolation level (relational databases only)

For relational databases, the transaction isolation level setting can affect query performance:

  • For databases containing static or read-only data, in general, use the default setting (TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED).

  • For databases containing dynamic or updateable data, use the transaction isolation level that supports the degree of concurrency required. However, increased concurrency can result in slower query performance. Using a transaction level of TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, the highest level of concurrency, is more likely to reduce performance than using a lower level of concurrency, such as TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ or TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.

For more information about configuring the transaction isolation level for a relational database, see "Creating a Relational Database Data Source Description" in Configuring Access to Relational Databases in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.


Performance Factors for Data Source Types

The following table describes the most important performance factors for each supported data source type:

Table 3-3 Performance Factors for Data Source Types  


Important Performance Factor(s)

Relational databases

  • A fast host machine is especially important for large databases.

  • An optimized database design and a highly tuned configuration substantially improves performance. For example, indexing improves performance, particularly for large databases. For more information, see your database vendor's documentation.

  • The JDBC driver configuration can affect query performance, and JDBC connection pool settings must be properly tuned. For more information, see Managing JDBC Connectivity in the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Guide.

  • The JDBC transaction isolation level can affect query performance. For more information, see the discussion of transaction isolation levels in Table  3-2.

XML files

  • Smaller XML files are generally processed more quickly than larger ones.

Web services

  • Query performance depends primarily on the web service implementation and the speed at which the Web Service returns results, as well as the network connection speed.

  • Liquid Data runs query requests on web services asynchronously. If a query uses multiple data sources, the query can continue processing while waiting for a response from a web service. For web services, therefore, performance also depends on the Maximum Threads specified on the General tab in the Liquid Data node in the Administration Console, as described in Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

Application views

  • Query performance depends on the performance of the EIS and its associated adapter.

  • The Application View connections pool must be properly tuned. For more information, see "Monitoring and Tuning Application View Connections" in Tuning Performance in Deploying Solutions in the WebLogic Integration documentation.

  • Liquid Data runs query requests on application views asynchronously. If a query uses multiple data sources, the query can continue processing while waiting for a response from an application view. For application views, therefore, performance also depends on the Maximum Threads specified on the General tab in the Liquid Data node in the Administration Console, as described in Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

Data views


Platform Performance Factors

This section describes performance factors associated with the Liquid Data server, including the host server hardware, clustering Liquid Data servers, tuning threads, tuning WebLogic Server, and tuning WebLogic Integration. The most important factor is running Liquid Data on a very fast server machine with the maximum amount of available memory. For general information about platform performance, see Tuning Hardware, Operating System, and Network Performance in BEA WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning.

This section describes the following platform performance factors:

General Platform Performance Factors

The following general performance factors are associated with a Liquid Data deployment:

Table 3-4 Server Hardware Performance Factors  



Network connection speed

For remote resources such as data sources, the speed and capacity of the network connection is an important factor. In addition to network capacity and throughput speeds, the number of hops between nodes can greatly affect performance. Secure connections, such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) increase security but slow performance.

Distribution of resources across servers

Performance is greatly affected by the way in which Liquid Data, WebLogic Server, and other WebLogic Platform resources are distributed across servers. For example:

  • If a Liquid Data deployment uses application views as data sources, it is generally optimal to run Liquid Data and Application Integration on separate server machines, as described in Multi-Node Deployments.

  • Liquid Data is built on the scalable WebLogic Server platform. In deployments that support a high volume of concurrent query requests, you can increase system performance by deploying on a WebLogic Server cluster—a group of WebLogic Servers that are managed as a single unit and distribute the load for processing query requests. For more information, see Clustered Deployments.

For more information, see Designing a Deployment.


WebLogic Server Performance Factors

Liquid Data performance is affected by WebLogic Server performance. The WebLogic Server documentation provides a detailed suggestions for monitoring and tuning run-time performance. For detailed information, see BEA WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning in the WebLogic Server documentation.

The following table provides a summary of tuning factors, which are described at length in the WebLogic Server documentation:

Table 3-5 Summary of WebLogic Server Performance Factors  


Tunable Performance Factor(s)

Hardware Resources

  • CPU—maximize speed and throughput

  • Memory—maximize capacity and speed

  • Network resources—maximum bandwidth and speed

  • Disk I/O and controllers—maximize disk speed and capacity

  • Number of machines—increase as needed

Operating System

  • Configurable file descriptor limits

  • Memory allocation for user processes

  • Configurable TCP tuning parameters

  • Configurable settings for the threading model

Network Resources

  • Network hardware and software

  • Network bandwidth

  • LAN infrastructure

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • JVM vendor and version

  • JVM heap size and garbage collection

  • Generational garbage collection

  • Mixed client/server JVMs

  • Unix threading models

  • Just-in-time (JIT) JVMs

WebLogic Server

  • config.xml file parameters

  • weblogic-ejb-jar.xml parameters

  • WebLogic Server startup parameters

  • Java compiler

  • WebLogic Server clusters

  • JDBC driver and JDBC connection pool

WebLogic Server Applications

  • Performance analysis tools

  • JDBC application tuning

  • Session persistence

  • Minimizing sessions

  • Execute queues and thread usage


Liquid Data Host Server Machine

Faster hardware (storage, memory, and CPU throughput), large capacity storage (for caching and disk swapping), and for the Liquid Data server host machine generally provides higher performance. The following performance factors are associated with the host server machine:

Table 3-6 Liquid Data Host Server Machine Performance Factors  



CPU utilization

Optimal utilization is up to 80%.

Storage utilization

Machine should have sufficient available workspace for disk swapping and other storage operations. For recommendations, see "Installation Prerequisites" in Preparing to Install WebLogic Server in the WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

Memory utilization

  • The default memory size is 256MB, but it is recommended that you add as much memory as the server machine can support. Memory size is one of the most significant factors for Liquid Data performance.

  • If Liquid Data uses application views or web services as data sources, the Maximum Threads specified on the General tab in the Liquid Data node in the Administration Console determines the number of threads available for asynchronous requests to application views and web services. For more information, see Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.

Thread pools

  • The pool size for execute threads should be optimized. Liquid Data uses WebLogic Server's sophisticated multi-threading capabilities to process concurrent query requests more efficiently. By default, WebLogic Server uses 15 threads for the thread pool size. For more information, see "Tuning Threads" on page 3-14.

  • You need to tune the thread pool size according to the characteristics of the query request load on the Liquid Data server. Too many or too few threads can impede performance. In general, increase the number of threads if CPU utilization for the workload is low, and decrease the number of threads if CPU utilization exceeds 80%. You might need to experiment by repeatedly changing the maximum number of threads until you determine the optimum setting for your deployment.


WebLogic Integration Performance Factors

If Liquid Data is deployed with WebLogic Integration, then WebLogic Integration performance might affect Liquid Data performance, depending on how the two components interact. The WebLogic Integration documentation provides a detailed suggestions for monitoring and tuning run-time performance. For detailed information, see Tuning Performance in Deploying Solutions in the WebLogic Integration documentation.

The following table provides a summary of tuning factors, which are described at length in the WebLogic Integration documentation.

Table 3-7 Summary of WebLogic Integration Performance Factors  


Tunable Performance Factor(s)

Business Process Management

  • Event listener message-driven bean for event-driven workflows

Application Integration

  • application view bean for synchronous service invocations

  • thread pool size of the asynchronous request processor for asynchronous service invocations

  • J2EE-CA resource pool size for each adapter

B2B integration

There are no primary resources that can be tuned

WebLogic Server

  • EJB pool and cache sizes

  • JDBC connection pool sizes

  • Execution thread pool size

  • Resource connection pools for J2EE Connector Architecture adapters

  • Large message support for B2B

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • JVM vendor and version

  • JVM heap size

  • Garbage Collection Control (Hotspot JVM)

Hardware Resources

  • CPU—maximize speed and throughput

  • Memory—maximize capacity and speed

  • Network resources—maximum bandwidth and speed

  • Disk I/O and controllers—maximize disk speed and capacity

  • Number of machines—increase as needed

Operating System

  • Configurable file descriptor limits

  • Memory allocation for user processes

  • Configurable TCP tuning parameters

  • Configurable settings for the threading model

JDBC Databases

  • Number of concurrently opened cursors

  • Disk I/O optimization

  • Database sizing and organization of table spaces

  • Checkpointing

  • Database compatibility

  • Database monitoring



Monitoring Liquid Data Performance

This section describes how to monitor Liquid Data performance. It includes the following sections:

For detailed information about monitoring resources for the Liquid Data Server, see Monitoring the Server in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.

Monitoring Guidelines

When monitoring Liquid Data performance, consider the following guidelines:

Using the Administration Console to Monitor Performance

You can use the Administration Console to monitor performance on a Liquid Data server, including the following areas:

For detailed information about using the Administration Console to monitor server performance, see the following topics in the WebLogic Server documentation:


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