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Building Queries and Data Views

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Specifying Large Results for File Swapping

Note: The "Large Results" option is a space/performance trade-off. You can expect a query to run more slowly when the this option is set to on. Before using this option, please increase heap size first. For other alternatives, see Performance Tuning in Deploying Liquid Data.

For a query that you know will produce a large result set, you can select "Large Results" in the Query Results panel on the Test tab. (An X next to Large Results indicates that the feature is on.) If the Large Results option is selected for a query, then Liquid Data uses swap files to temporarily store intermediate results on disk in order to prevent an out-of-memory error when the query is run.

You can explicitly specify a directory to use for file swapping on the Liquid Data Administration Console. For more information about this, see Configuring Liquid Data Server Settings in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.


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