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Installation Guide

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Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes tasks you can perform following installation of BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic, including verifying the installation, starting development of applications, and exploring Windows shortcuts and UNIX paths. The chapter also describes how to uninstall Liquid Data, if required.

The chapter includes the following sections:

Figure 4-1 illustrates the current step in the overall installation process.

Figure 4-1 Post-Installation Step

Post-Installation Step



Verifying the Installation

After you have installed Liquid Data, you can verify that the installation was successful by building the RTLApp sample application and testing a page flow using WebLogic Workshop.

To verify the installation:

  1. Start the Liquid Data sample domain using the Windows Start menu:
  2. Start —> All Programs —> BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 —> BEA WebLogic LiquidData 8.5 —> Examples —> RTL Demo —> Launch RTL Demo Sample Server

    Note: You can go on to Step 2 while the sample domain server is starting.

  3. Open WebLogic Workshop and the RTLApp by executing the file located in the following directory:
  4. <WL_HOME>/samples/liquiddata/RTLApp/
  5. Build the RTLApp.
  6. Right-click RTLApp in the navigation tree, and choose Build Application from the context-sensitive menu. WebLogic Workshop displays the status of the build. Confirm that the build was successful, as indicated by the build status messages.

  7. Start a page flow.
  8. Double-click on the Java page flow file demoPageFlowController.jpf. It is located in the following folder:
  9. RTLSelfService\Pages
  10. With the page flow diagram in your work area choose the Start option from the Workshop Debug menu.
  11. Debug —> Start

    The appearance of a login page in the Workshop Test Browser, as illustrated in Figure 4-2, indicates that Liquid Data is correctly installed and running.

    Figure 4-2 Login Page in the Workshop Test Browser

    Login Page in the Workshop Test Browser


For an overview of the Retail Sample Application (RTLApp), including a description of data sources, queries, and other application components, see Sample Retail Application Overview.


Exploring Liquid Data Windows Shortcuts and UNIX Paths

When installing Liquid Data on a Windows system, the installer program uses the BEA WebLogic Platform home directory (<WL_HOME>) as the parent folder for WebLogic Server and BEA Liquid Data. BEA Liquid Data then appears in the Start menu as follows:

Start —> Programs —> BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 —> 
Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.5

The Liquid Data folder contains the following shortcuts:

Table 4-1 Liquid Data Shortcuts and Paths  



Examples —> RTL Demo —> Launch RTL Demo Sample Server

Starts the Liquid Data RTL Demo server by running the startWebLogic.cmd command in the following domain:


Examples —> Other Sample —> Launch Other Demo Sample Server

Starts the Liquid Data Other Demo server by running the startWebLogic.cmd command in the following domain:


Examples —> RTL Demo —> PointBase

Launches the PointBase database console. In order to access the console, you need to enter the Samples URL, such as:


You can determine the URL in use through the WebLogic Administration Console. In the Console select Service —> JDBC —> Connection Pools. All the pools use the same URL.

The default user and password are both PBPUBLIC.

For additional information see How Do I: Administer the Default PointBase Database in WebLogic Workshop documentation.

Examples —> RTL Demo —> WebLogic Server Console

Starts the WebLogic Administration Console for the Liquid Data server that is currently running.

Examples —> RTL Demo —> Liquid Data Console

Starts the Liquid Data Administration Console.

Online Documentation

Launches the Liquid Data online documentation in your default Web browser. The path to the Liquid Data documentation is:

Uninstall WebLogic Liquid Data 8.5

Uninstalls the Liquid Data software. After a full installation, you may need to manually remove some of the sample files that have been placed in:



Starting the Development of a Data Integration Solution

Developing your own data integration solution consists of a design phase and an implementation phase.


Uninstalling Liquid Data

You can remove Liquid Data from your system using an uninstaller application. Once Liquid Data has been removed, you can manually remove any extra files, such as installed samples or other user-created files, that were not removed automatically by the uninstaller.

You should also undeploy any Liquid Data applications before uninstalling Liquid Data from your system. For information about undeploying, see the topic Undeploying Deployed Applications in the WebLogic Server documentation.

Note: The <WL_HOME> directory into which you plan to install a new version of Liquid Data should not contain any files from a previously installed version of Liquid Data.

To uninstall Liquid Data:

  1. Run the Liquid Data uninstaller application.
  2. When the uninstall is complete, you may be notified that some files could not be removed by the automated uninstall. This could be a result of new files that were either generated or user-created after Liquid Data was installed.

    For example if you added new target schemas, stored queries, Web services, and so on to the Liquid Data repository, the uninstaller will not remove these files. If you need these files, be sure to save them elsewhere before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Remove remaining files, as appropriate.
  4. You can manually delete remaining files by removing the directories specified in Table 4-2.

    Table 4-2 Directories to Remove Manually Following an Uninstall




    Liquid Data home directory





    Liquid Data samples directory





    Liquid Data samples domain directory






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