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Supported Configurations for WebLogic Platform 8.1

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Supported Interoperability Tools

This section describes the following interoperability tools that are supported for use with WebLogic Platform 8.1 and WebLogic Server 8.1:


Platform Support for Jolt

Jolt is a Java-based client API that manages requests to BEA Tuxedo services via a Jolt Service Listener (JSL) running on the Tuxedo server. For more information on Tuxedo and Jolt, see BEA Tuxedo Documentation.

The following table provides support information for Jolt releases when used with a WebLogic Server 8.1 client.

Jolt version

Not using Security

Using Security









Platform Support for WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity is deprecated. Tuxedo CORBA applications using WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity should migrate to WebLogic Tuxedo Connector. For more information, see WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity is an optional component of WebLogic Server version 5.1 and later. It allows you to execute objects and EJBs in WebLogic EnterpriseTM (WLE) 5.1, Tuxedo 8.0, or Tuxedo 8.1 domains from WebLogic Server applications using an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) connection pool and then writing server-side Java code to use the connection pool.

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity supports the following Tuxedo releases:


Platform Support for WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

WebLogic Tuxedo Connector supports the following Tuxedo releases:


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