Programming with the ALE and ALEPC APIs

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Introduction and Roadmap

The following sections describe the scope and organization of this document, Programming with the ALE and ALEPC APIs:


Document Scope and Audience

This programming guide describes how to use the BEA implementation of the ALE API specification to develop applications that create EPC tag-reading requests in the form of Event Cycle Specifications (ECSpecs). The guide also describes how to use the BEA ALEPC API to develop applications that create EPC tag-writing requests in the form of Programming Cycle Specifications (PCSpecs).

The ALE API is defined by The Application Level Events (ALE) Specification Version 1.0 and by the extensions to that specification provided by BEA. ECSpecs are defined by the EPCglobal ALE specification. The ALEPC API is a BEA-defined interface for writing tag data.

The guide documents the API defined by the specification and the value-added extensions provided by BEA. A prerequisite for using this programming guide is a thorough understanding of the ALE specification, which in addition to defining the API provides necessary background information.

Although the intended audience for this guide is primarily application programmers, administrators might find the general descriptions of the ALE interface useful.


Guide to This Document


Related Documentation

This document is a part of the WebLogic RFID Edge Server documentation set. The other documents are:


EPCglobal Standards Compliance

WebLogic RFID Edge Server is compliant with all relevant EPCglobal standards:


New and Changed Features in This Release

The following API features are new in this release of WebLogic RFID Edge Server.

stableCount Element

Both an ECSpec's associated ECBoundarySpec, and a ReportSpec can contain an optional <stableCount> element, a BEA extension to the ALE. This element modifies the Stable Set Interval (SSI) stop condition on an event cycle by modifying the requirements that must be fulfilled before the SSI will cause an event cycle to terminate. See ECSpec Data Type for more information.

Gen2 Support

API support for advanced tag features, including all features of the EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Air Interface Specification (commonly called Gen2)—This specification includes changes to the ALE and ALEPC APIs, and to the ALE schema and WSDL.

Gen2 introduces a number of new Edge Server features including ALEPC updates to support:

See Gen2 Read Support and BEA Gen2 Write Support for more information.

For the EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Generation 2 specification 1.0.9, see EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz-960 MHz, Version 1.0.9.


Using RFID Samples to Develop Applications

If you install the RFID Sample Code component, the following programming samples are installed by default in the RFID_EDGE_HOME/samples directory, where RFID_EDGE_HOME represents the product installation directory. You can modify these sample applications and use them as a starting point for developing your own applications.

Sample Java Applications provides procedures for setting up your development environment, as well as instructions for compiling, running, and working with some of the sample applications.

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