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ECSpec Reports

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ECSpecs must contain specifications for one or more reports. A report is based on the tags that were detected by the specified readers during the event cycle. It may have more or less information, based on the conditions of the report specification and any report filters or groups that have been defined. When an event cycle completes, a set of reports for an ECSpec is generated and may be sent to subscribers or other clients.

Note that an ECSpec must contain at least one report before being deployed.

Column Display

Name Description

The name of the ECSpec report.


List (EPC or tag URIs) or Count (number of EPCs).


The set of tags to include in the report.

Include Filters

Number of Include Filters.

Exclude Filters

Number of Exclude Filters.

Group Patterns

Number of Group patterns.

User Memory Regions

Number of Group patterns.


Name Description
New Report

Create a new ECSpec report.

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