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ECSpec Editor

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Use the Event Cycle specification (ECSpec) Editor to:

Use this page to create or edit ECSpecs.

An ECSpec must contain at least one report before being deployed.
You can create or edit only one ECSpec at a time. If you create or edit a second ECSpec simultaneously, you will overwrite the properties in the first ECSpec. To preserve your data, click Save Properties.

Configuration Options

Name Description
ECSpec Name

The name of this ECSpec. You assign this name when you create the ECSpec.

Select Readers to be included

The logical readers included in this ECSpec.


Start the next event cycle as soon as the previous event cycle ends.

Repeat Period (Milliseconds):

Start the next event cycle after a specified amount of time has elapsed from the start of the previous event cycle.

Trigger URI:

Start the event cycle when a trigger is received.

Duration (Milliseconds):

Stop reading tags after the stated number of milliseconds.

Duration (Read Cycles):

Stop reading tags after the stated number of read cycles.

Stable Set Interval (Milliseconds):

Stop reading tags after the stated number of milliseconds have elapsed with no new tags seen.

Stable Set Interval (Read Cycles):

Stop reading tags after the stated number of read cycles have elapsed with no new tags seen.

Trigger URI:

Stop reading tags when a trigger condition is received.

Min Stable Count:

Stop reading tags after the stated number of tags have been seen and, for each report, the stated number of tags are included in that report.

Include ECSpec in each report.

Include ECSpec in each report.

Application Data

Application-specific data, if any. Data entered here is copied to every report generated from this ECSpec.

Logical Readers

One or more logical readers.


Add a Start condition to the ECSpec.


Add one or more Stop conditions to the ECSpec.




Name Description

Deploys this ECSpec using the current name.


Name Description
Save Properties

Save the properties on this page

Related Tasks

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