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You use ECSpecs to tell the Edge Server what information you want from the readers, and how you want that reader information reported. Use this page to work with individual ECSpec objects: create, edit, import, delete, suspend and resume, test an ECSpec (via "Activate Once"), and view subscribers associated with ECSpecs.

The Create button opens the ECSpec Editor in a pop-up window. You must turn off pop-up blockers to use it.

Column Display

Name Description

The name of the ECSpec.

Last Reported

The last time this ECSpec generated a report. Not every ECSpec activation will produce a report.

Last Activated

The last time this ECSpec was activated.

Activation Count

How many times this ECSpec has been activated since its creation. An ECSpec is activated each time the start condition is met.

Subscriber Count

The number of subscribers associated with this ECSpec.


Name Description

Imports an ECSpec definition.


Creates a new ECSpec.

Activate Once

Generates a test report for an ECSpec. A report will be displayed after the ECSpec has completed one activation (for example, the start and stop conditions have been met). The report window displays the XML report data from the Edge Server.


Suspends an ECSpec. While an ECSpec is suspended, no information is sent to any of the subscribers associated with that ECSpec. Suspending an ECSpec may turn off any readers used only by that ECSpec.


Resumes a suspended ECSpec. The ECSpec resumes sending information to subscribers. Resuming an ECSpec will turn on any readers used by that ECSpec when the start condition is met.


Deletes an ECSpec including all associated subscribers.

View Subscribers

Displays a list of subscribers (destinations for ECSpec report information) and associated status information.

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