Understanding the Event, Master Data, and Data Exchange Services

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Data Exchange Service

The primary function of the Data Exchange Service is to configure query subscriptions and send query results formatted in XML to trading partners via HTTP, JMS, and AS2.

The Data Exchange Service provides several access points to the Event Repository, allowing the user to perform queries on these events:

The following sections provide information about query parameters and data security:

Figure 5-1 shows the components in the Data Exchange Service.

Figure 5-1 Data Exchange Service

Data Exchange Service



A SimpleEventQuery filters the Event Repository by various criteria based on the fields in the events. This type of query is the one configured through the Query Subscription Administration Console and available programmatically through a SOAP service.

A query is defined by a set of query parameters, each of which has a name and a value. For each parameter, Table 5-1 provides a description and the following information:


Data Security

A user who has one of the roles that provides the ability to create subscriptions (Administrator, epcis_admin, or rfid_admin) is allowed full access to all events in the Event Repository. For this reason, if you have security concerns about access to event data, BEA recommends that only trusted users be given the right to access the Query Subscription Administration Console or the SOAP service, and that query subscriptions are carefully crafted to expose only the desired data to business partners.

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