Installing WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server

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Installing and Updating License Files

The following sections explain how to acquire, install, and update your product licenses:


About BEA Product Licenses

BEA products use an XML-formatted license file called license.bea. This license file, stored in the BEA Home directory, applies to BEA products installed in that directory. Your BEA software checks this file at run time to determine which product components you are authorized to use.

Note: If you have multiple BEA Home directories on your system, each BEA Home must have a license.bea file that authorizes use of the products associated with that directory.

Licenses are release specific. For example, to use WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server 2.0, you must have a valid 2.0 license file.

A purchase of WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server includes:

Note: WebLogic Server software and WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server software are available for download at

The types of license files that can be used as the license.bea file and the technical restrictions that they impose are described in the following table.

Note: See the End User License Agreement for specific license terms and conditions.

Table 6-1 WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server License File Types
License Type
  • Used in a development environment to evaluate the software.
  • Generated by the installer and expires after 30 days.
  • Installed in the BEA Home directory as license.bea.
Production License
  • Used in full-scale production environments.
  • Enables you to run your software on a single machine, even if it is running multiple instances of WebLogic Server or WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server.
  • Must be purchased separately. For information about purchasing a production license, make contact with your sales representative or visit the BEA corporate Web site at

When you install your software, a 30-day evaluation license file (license.bea) is installed on your system. By default, your software uses the evaluation license installed with the product so that you can start using it immediately. Subsequently, when you install additional BEA products that include a license.bea file, the installation program automatically adds the new product licenses to the license.bea file.


Updating Your license.bea File

When you install WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server, the installation program generates an evaluation license.bea file for use with the software and installs it in the BEA Home directory. If you are installing your software in an existing BEA Home, the installation program automatically adds the evaluation license included with your product distribution to the existing license.bea file.

In some cases, however, you must update the license.bea file separately, independent of the installation process. For example, you must update your license file if at least one of the following is true:

In each case, you will receive a new license file from BEA, the contents of which must be included in the license.bea file in the target BEA Home directory. To facilitate the license update process, BEA provides an UpdateLicense utility that merges the new license into the existing license in the BEA Home directory, and deletes any expired or duplicate entries.

The UpdateLicense merge process is not intended to modify the license attributes for any component or feature in the license files being merged. For example: if you merge a license for one version of the product on IP address A with a license for another version of the product on IP address B, the IP addresses for both license versions are retained. The merge process creates a single license file that can be used to run each version on its associated IP address. The merge process does not change the IP address or the product version associated with either entry. In order to change the IP address for a specific license, you must use the BEA eLicense system at

Important Considerations for Updating Your license.bea File

When determining how to update your license.bea file, you should consider the following:

Note: Do not edit the license.bea file manually. Doing so may cause operating problems for the currently installed BEA products, or result in problems later when BEA products are installed for maintenance upgrades.

Updating license.bea by Using the UpdateLicense Utility

To update your license.bea file:

  1. Save the license update file that you received through e-mail, with a name other than license.bea, in the target BEA Home directory. For example, save the file as new_license.bea. Use this file as the license_update_file in step 4 of this procedure.
  2. WARNING: Do not overwrite or change the name of the existing license.bea file.
  3. Perform the step appropriate for your platform:
    • On a Windows system, open an MS-DOS command window and go to the target BEA Home directory.
    • On a Linux system, go to the target BEA Home directory.
  4. If it is not already included, add the JDK to your PATH variable, using the correct pathnames on your system for BEA_HOME and JDK:
    • On a Windows system:
    • set PATH=BEA_HOME\JDK\bin;%PATH%

    • On a Linux system:
      export PATH

      In this command, JDK represents the directory that contains the JDK being used for this installation, for example, jdk150_06.

  5. Merge the license update file into your existing license by entering one of the following commands:
    • On a Windows system:
    • UpdateLicense license_update_file

    • On a Linux system:
    • # sh license_update_file

      license_update_file represents the name to which you saved the license update file in step 1.

  6. Save a copy of your updated license.bea file in a safe place outside your BEA software and application installation directories.
  7. Although no one else can use your license file, you should save a copy of it in a place that is protected from both malicious and innocent tampering.


Upgrading Licenses from Previous Software Releases

Customers who have installed a pre-2.0 version of the WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server software can call BEA customer support for assistance in upgrading to the current version. Mention that you are an existing Enterprise Server customer who is upgrading to WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server 2.0; doing so will help ensure that your request for assistance is routed to the correct people within customer support.

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