Installing WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server

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Post-Installation Information

The following sections provide post-installation information:


Starting the Configuration Wizard

The Configuration Wizard runs in graphical mode only; there is no support for console mode.

You can start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode from either the Windows Start menu or from the command line.


Configuration Wizard Screens

Table 7-1 describes the screens displayed by the Configuration Wizard. Use the Configuration Wizard to create a domain and configure WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server components.

Table 7-1 Configuration Wizard Screens
In this window . . .
Perform the following action . . .
Decide whether to create or extend a WebLogic domain.

Note: BEA recommends that you create a new domain for use with WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server.

Click Next to proceed with the configuration. You may cancel the configuration at any time by clicking Exit.
Select Domain Source
From the following choices, select WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server components for configuration in the domain:
  • Event Service and Data Exchange Service (includes Master Data Service)
  • Reporting Service (selecting the Reporting Service automatically selects the Event Service and Data Exchange Service)
  • Serial Number Assignment Service
  • Edge Management

Note: BEA recommends that you select "Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following" and select all WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server components for configuration.

Configure Administrator Username and Password
The default username is weblogic. You can change the name. You must enter and confirm a password.
Configure Server Start Mode and JDK
Select a start mode: Development or Production depending on how you will use the domain. For an explanation of the differences between the two modes, see Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard at:
Select a JDK from the list or provide the location of a JDK.

Note: The Configuration Wizard displays a list of all the JDKs found in BEA Home. When selecting a JDK for use with WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server 2.0, you must select a JDK version 1.5 or higher.

Customize Environment and Services Setting
Select Yes or No.

Note: If creating a new domain (recommended), select Yes because you should at least configure the Kodo properties for your database. If you select No, the domain is automatically configured to use PointBase, which is not recommended for use in a production environment.

The customize screens provide options for the following configurations:
  • Admin Server listen address and ports
  • Managed servers
  • Machines
  • Kodo1
  • JMS file stores
Create WebLogic Domain
Enter the domain name and the directories for domain and application files.
The Configuration Wizard creates the domain and provides a check box that lets you start the Administration Server when the Configuration Wizard exits.

Note: Make sure the database is running before starting the Administration Server.

1On the Configure Kodo screen, you can click a radio button that will result in the automatic initialization of the database. If your are initializing a SQL Server database for use with Enterprise Server, do not click the radio button unless you have already configured the database with a case-insensitive collation option (for example, _CI); otherwise, the Enterprise Server database initialization scripts will fail. For information about initializing the database after creating the domain; see Initializing Databases.


Understanding the Windows Shortcuts

When you install your BEA WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server software on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut entries on the Start Menu.

Note: If the user performing the installation has Administrator privileges, the shortcut entries can be created in the All Users Start menu folder or in the user's local Start menu folder. For more information, see Administrator Privileges (Windows).

Options on the Start Menu vary, according to the components you choose to install.

The BEA WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server folder (Start Arrow symbolPrograms Arrow symbolBEA WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server <version>) contains the shortcuts shown in the following list:

When you run the Configuration Wizard, additional shortcuts are added to the WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server folder.

Note: If the user performing the configuration has Administrator privileges, the shortcut entries can be created in the All Users Start menu folder or in the user's local Start menu folder. For more information, see Administrator Privileges (Windows).

The Configuration Wizard adds the following shortcuts:


Understanding the Product Directory Structure

During the product installation, you are asked to select or create a BEA Home directory and a product installation directory. For information about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory. For a complete installation, the installation program creates a dedicated directory structure for the BEA Products software. It may or may not reside in the BEA Home directory. Table 7-2 describes the contents of each directory.

Note: The installation program does not create directories for components that are not installed.

Table 7-2 Product Installation Directory Structure
This directory . . .
Contains . . .
The bin, help, html, lib, nodemanager, and template directories
Java libraries used by RFID Enterprise Server components.
Command for uninstalling the BEA software.


What's Next: Configuring RFID Enterprise Server

You can now configure your RFID Enterprise Server; see Configuring WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server.

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