Product Overview

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WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server Overview

This overview introduces the features and capabilities of WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server and shows how it fits into the suite of WebLogic RFID products. It includes the following sections:


Overview of WebLogic RFID Technology

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to identify objects. Typically, a unique identifier (such as an EPC code) that identifies an object, and perhaps other information, is stored on a microchip that is attached to an antenna (the chip and the antenna together constitute an RFID tag). The antenna enables the chip to transmit the identification information to a reader. The reader converts the radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digital information that computers can receive and process on behalf of user applications.

BEA WebLogic RFID technology includes the following products:


RFID Enterprise Server Capabilities

WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server provides services, resources, and APIs for managing and coordinating large, multi-location RFID deployments. It links real-time RFID data gathered at the edge of the enterprise with enterprise applications and provides the means for sharing enterprise RFID data with partners.

RFID Enterprise Server provides the means to:

WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server provides full support for the EPCglobal EPC Information Services (EPCIS) standard.


Overview of RFID Enterprise Server Components

WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server has the following services, components, and Web-based consoles (graphical user interfaces, or GUIs):

These components are discussed in more detail in WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server Architecture.


Industry Standards Support

RFID Enterprise Server complies with and extends industry standards, including those of EPCglobal, the international RFID industry standards group (see the EPCglobal Web site at

RFID Enterprise Server implements the EPCglobal EPC Information Services (EPCIS) 1.0 specification, defining the structure of EPC-related event data and the mechanisms for data exchange.

Note: While this specification is still in draft form, BEA's active participation in defining this standard insures that BEA users will always be up to date as the standard evolves.


Accessing the RFID Enterprise Server Consoles

As introduced above, RFID Enterprise Server provides five GUIs, or consoles, for interacting with your RFID enterprise. These consoles are all Web-browser based, so you can access them from any computer with a Web browser and access to the enterprise network. The consoles are:

When you install RFID Enterprise Server on Microsoft Windows, a link to the RFID Enterprise Server Home page is added to the Start menu. To access the Home page directly, open a Web browser and follow this link: http://server:port/enterprise/.

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