Product Overview

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Introduction and Roadmap

The following sections describe the contents, audience, and organization of this guide— WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server Product Overview.


Document Scope and Audience

This document provides an overview of WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server components and architecture.

The audience for this document includes RFID enterprise system administrators, support engineers, application developers, and anyone who wants an overview of WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server and how it can be used to manage RFID data in the enterprise.


Guide to This Document

This document is organized as follows:


Related Documentation

This document is a part of the WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server documentation set. The other documents are:


New Features in This Release

WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server 2.0 is the first release of RFID Enterprise Server from BEA Systems. This product builds on the ConnecTerra RFTagAware Enterprise Server 1.1, including the following new Web-based features:

Note: The Serial Number Assignment Service, included in this release of RFID Enterprise Server was called the Provisioning Service in earlier releases.

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