Using the Telemetry Console Extension

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Content starts here

Introduction and Roadmap

What Is the Telemetry Console Extension?

Document Scope and Audience

Guide to This Document

Related Documentation

Overview of the Telemetry Console Extension

Displaying the Telemetry Console Extension

Scope of the Telemetry Information Displayed

Two Main Panels

View Panel Overview

Tabs Panel Overview

Toolbar and Status Bar Overview

Working with On-Screen Elements

Displaying Tooltips for Controls, Views, Graphs, and Charts

Creating Views, Graphs, and Charts: Main Steps

Alternative Ways to Manipulate Objects

Working with Views

The Views Tab and the View Panel

Displaying and Modifying an Existing View

Creating a Custom View

Creating a View Based on an Existing View (Cloning)

Saving a Custom View

Deleting a View

Starting and Stopping Views

Working with Charts and Graphs

The Parts of a Chart

Adding Charts to Views

Adding Graphs to Existing Charts

Repositioning a Chart

Merging Charts

Moving a Graph to a Different Chart or to a New Chart

Arranging Charts and Graphs in Views

Starting and Stopping Data Collection for Charts in a View

Scrolling and Zooming the Data Displayed in a Chart

Scrolling Through Data in a Chart

Zooming In and Out of Data in a Chart

Deleting a Graph from a Chart

Deleting a Chart

Setting Chart Properties

Changing a Chart Name

Creating a Y-Axis Label for a Chart

Setting a Chart Graphing Style

Changing the Sample Interval

Turning a Chart Legend On and Off

Turning a Chart Scrollbar On and Off

Changing Chart Foreground and Background Colors

Setting Individual Graph Properties

Changing a Graph Name

Changing a Graph Scaling Factor

Changing a Graph's Colors

Setting Global Properties

Working with Metrics Charts and Graphs

How Metrics Data is Collected and Presented

Available Edge Server and Reader Telemetry Metrics

Selecting a Server

Understanding the Contents of the Metrics Tab

Displaying Items in the Metrics tab

Displaying Details About Instances and Attributes in the Metrics Tab

Displaying Details About Metrics Charts and Graphs

Keyboard Reference

Terms and Conventions

Navigating and Selecting

Keyboard Reference

Selecting Items and Giving Focus to Items Using the Keyboard

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