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Search Master Data Entries

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Use this page to search for master data entries, based on the search parameters you enter here. You must specify a master data type, but all other fields are optional.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Master Data Type

This drop down list lists all of your defined master data types. You must select a master data type to restrict a search to master data entries based on that type.

ID Search Pattern

Enter a master data entry ID. Wildcards are allowed, for example, * (match multiple characters) and ? (match a single character).

Modified Since (MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM)

Enter a time in the appropriate format to search for all entries modified since that time (and meeting the other search criteria).

The default required format is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM. You must supply values for every part of the pattern, for example, 03/23/2006 12:00:00 AM.

Note: You can enter a time in the Modified Since field and the Modified Before field to specify a range of time.

Modified Before (MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM)

Enter a time in the appropriate format to search for all entries modified before that time (and meeting the other search criteria).

The default required format is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM. You must supply values for every part of the pattern, for example, 03/23/2006 12:00:00 AM.

Note: You can enter a time in the Modified Since field and the Modified Before field to specify a range of time.

Select Attribute

This drop down list contains all the attributes defined for the master data type you selected from the Master Data Type list at the top of the page.

Select one or more attributes you want to use as search criteria. The attribute or attributes are added to the Attributes table at the bottom of the page. Click in the Value cell for an attribute type to enter the value on which you want to search.


The name of an attribute you selected from the Select Attribute list above.


Click in the cell to enter the value on which you want to search. The value you enter here must match a target exactly. That is, wildcards are not allowed.


Name Description

Searches master data entries, based on the specified criteria.


Clears all specified search criteria.


Deletes selected attributes from the search criteria.

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