Release Notes

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BEA SALT 1.1 Release Notes

The following topics are discussed in this document:


About BEA SALT 1.1

BEA SALT (Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo) 1.1 provides a native Web service stack for Tuxedo. It enables you to access Tuxedo services via the SOAP/WS-* protocol. BEA SALT is configuration-driven. No programming tasks are required and you can easily export existing Tuxedo services as Web services.

Used in conjunction with the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository, BEA SALT publishes industry-standard WSDL documents/files which can be used transparently by any Web service client.

BEA SALT implements a standard Tuxedo system process, The GWWS server, which acts as a gateway between Tuxedo applications and Web service clients. Existing Tuxedo applications can be published as Web services without requiring modification or programming tasks.

BEA SALT includes a WSDL document file generation utility, tmwsdlgen. Another included utility, wsadmin, allows the administrator to dynamically reload service definitions to the GWWS server and monitor runtime statistics.

For more GWWS, tmwsdlgen, and wsadmin, information, see the BEA SALT Reference Guide.

Product Packaging

If you purchased BEA SALT from your local sales representative, you will find the following items in the BEA SALT product box:

Shortly after purchasing BEA SALT on CD-ROM, you will receive a non-expiring BEA SALT product license via e-mail.


BEA SALT Installation Prerequisites

Before installing BEA SALT 1.1, ensure that you have successfully installed BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or Tuxedo 9.1.

Notes: For Tuxedo 8.1 (Windows), rolling patch 268 or above is required.
Note: For Tuxedo 8.1 (UNIX), rolling patch 265 or above is required.
Note: For Tuxedo 9.1 (Windows and UNIX), rolling patch 003 or above is required.
Note: The rolling patch can be found on the product CD. You can also contact
BEA Support for the latest rolling patch version.

For more information, see the BEA SALT Installation Guide.


BEA SALT Platform Support

BEA SALT 1.1-supported platforms are listed in Appendix A: BEA SALT 1.1 Supported Platforms in the BEA SALT Installation Guide.


Interoperability Considerations

BEA SALT 1.1 is compatible with and fully supports most industry-standard Web services development toolkits. For more information see, Interoperability Considerations in the BEA SALT Administration Guide.


Licensing Requirements

As a prerequisite, BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or Tuxedo 9.1 must be installed and operational with its license key file available. During installation, you will be requested to select the BEA SALT license key directory in order to enable BEA SALT software. The BEA SALT license key is then appended to the BEA Tuxedo license key file.

Note: You can also enter your BEA SALT license key manually. For more information, see Post BEA SALT Installation in the BEA SALT Installation Guide.


Known Issues

The following section lists known problems with BEA SALT 1.1 software and include recommended workarounds. The problems are listed by the Change Request (CR) number. The CR number is provided to facilitate the tracking of these problems.

Table 1 BEA SALT Known Issues
BEA SALT does not support SOAP message multi-reference option.
Web Service Client
Disable the multi-reference option in the Web services client toolkit. If it is not optional, client code should not contain references to a variable in different parts of the input data structure.
WebLogic Server 9.1 client-side stub code cannot handle HTTPS and HTTP Basic Authentication simultaneously.
Web Service Client
WebLogic server 9.1
Change the generated stub code.
In function getXXXX_HTTPSPort in file, change the httpInfo variable type from weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.http.HttpTransportInfo to weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.https.HttpsTransportInfo
before compiling the code.
WebLogic server 9.1 Web services client:
Using WS-ReliableMessaging "AtLeastOnce" delivery policy does not send reply message acknowledgment to the GWWS server.
Web Service Client
WebLogic server 9.1
Use "ExactlyOnce" delivery policy
WebLogic server 9.1 Web services client:
Using WS-ReliableMessaging "AtMostOnce" delivery policy does not send reply message acknowledgment to the GWWS server.
Web Service Client
WebLogic server 9.1
Use "ExactlyOnce" delivery policy
When using SOAP1.2 and RPC style, Axis/Java 1.2 Web services client sends invalid SOAP attachment to GWWS;
When using SOAP1.1 and RPC style, WebLogic Server 9.1 Web services client sends invalid SOAP attachment to GWWS.
Web Service Client
Axis/Java 1.2
WebLogic Server 9.1
Axis/Java 1.2: Use SOAP1.1 or DOC style.
WebLogic Server 9.1: Use DOC style.
Some invalid SOAP message byte/short/long/float/double type values are converted to valid values and processed by the GWWS server.
For example, "1.23.45" is converted to "1.23".
Web Service Client


Where to Get Product Documentation

Documentation for this product is available from the BEA corporate Web site. From the BEA home page at, click on Product Documentation or go directly to the "e-docs" Product Documentation page at

To access the .PDF files, open the BEA SALT documentation home page, click the PDF files button and select the document you want to view or print. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can get it for free from the Adobe Web site at


Contacting BEA Customer Support

If you have any questions about this BEA SALT version, or if you have problems installing and running BEA SALT, contact BEA Customer Support through BEA WebSupport at

You can also contact Customer Support by using the contact information provided on the Customer Support Card, which is included in the product package.

When contacting Customer Support, be prepared to provide the following information:


See Also

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