Administration Guide

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Administering BEA SALT at Run Time

This section contains the following topics:


Browsing to the WSDL Document from the GWWS Server

Each GWWS server automatically generates a WSDL document for each deployed inbound native WSDF. The WSDL document can be downloaded from any of the HTTP/S listening endpoints via HTTP GET.

Use the following URL to browse the WSDL document:

“http(s)://<host>:<port>/wsdl[? [id=<wsdf_name>] [&mappolicy=<pack|raw|mtom>] [&toolkit=<wls|axis>]]”

Table 3-1 lists all WSDL document download options.

Table 3-1 WSDL Download Options
Value Description
Specifies the native WSDF name for the WSDL document. The specified native WSDF must be imported via inbound direction by the GWWS server. If the option is not specified, the first inbound native WSDF is used.
{ pack | raw | mtom }
Specifies the data mapping policies for certain Tuxedo Typed buffers for the generated WSDL document. Currently, this option impacts CARRAY typed buffers only. If the option is not specified, pack is used as the default value.
{ wls | axis }
Use this option only if you have previously defined mappolicy=raw. Specify the client toolkit used so that the proper WSDL document description for a CARRAY typed buffer MIME attachment is generated. BEA SALT supports WebLogic Server and Axis for SOAP with Attachments. The default value is wls.

Note: The WSDL download URL supported by BEA SALT 2.0 is different from BEA SALT 1.1. In BEA SALT 1.1 release, one GWWS server adaptively supports both RPC/encoded and document/literal message style, both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 version, from a given configuration file. In BEA SALT 2.0 release, each WSDF file associated with the GWWS server must be pre-combined with a certain SOAP version and a certain SOAP message style. So the following WSDL download options for SALT 1.1 GWWS server are deprecated in this release.

Table 3-2 Deprecated WSDL Download Options
Value Description
This deprecated option is used to specify the expected SOAP version defined in the generated WSDL document. Now this option is set in the WSDF file.
This deprecated option is used to specify the expected SOAP message style defined in the generated WSDL document. Now this option is set in the WSDF file.


Tuning the GWWS Server

The GWWS server is a high performance gateway used between external Web Service application and the Tuxedo application. It uses a thread-pool working model to improve performance in a multi-processor server environment. The GWWS server also provides options to control runtime behavior by setting the <WSGateway> element property values in the BEA SALT configuration file. The following topics list deployment considerations based on different scenarios. For more information, see Configuring the GWWS Servers.

Thread Pool Size Tuning

Property: thread_pool_size

The default thread pool size is 16, but in some cases this may not be enough to handle high volume loads. It is recommended to conduct a typical usage analysis in order to better estimate the proper size requirement. Usually, if the concurrent client number is large (for example, more than 500), it is suggested that you deploy the GWWS gateway on a server with at least a 4-way processor and set the thread pool size to 64.

Network Timeout Control

Property: timeout

BEA SALT provides a network timeout tuning parameter in the configuration file. The default timeout value is 300 seconds.The value can be adjusted to reduce timeout errors.

Max Content Length Control

Property: max_content_length

BEA SALT administrators may want to limit the buffer size sent from a client. SALT supports this by using a property value that can be set for particular GWWS instances. By default there is no limit.

Backlog Control

Property: max_backlog

The default backlog socket listen value is 20. On some systems, such as Windows, 20 may not meet heavy load requirements. The client connection is rejected during TCP handshake.

The recommended value for Windows is based on the max concurrent TCP connections you may encounter. For example, if 80 is the peak point, you may configure the max_backlog property value to 60 in the SALT configuration file.

Note: The default backlog value is adequate for most systems. You do not need to tune it unless you experience client connection problems during heavy loads.
WARNING: A large backlog value may increase syn-blood attack risk.


A network receive timeout property is provided in the SALT configuration file. Web service applications are also impacted by the Tuxedo BLOCKTIME parameter. Blocktime accounting begins when a message is transformed from XML to a typed buffer and delivered to the Tuxedo framework.

If no reply is received for a particular Web service client within the BLOCKTIME time frame, the GWWS server sends a SOAP fault message to the client and terminates the connection. If the GWWS server receives a delayed reply, it drops this message because the client has been disconnected.

BLOCKTIME is defined in the UBBCONFIG file *RESOURCE section.

Boost Performance Using Multiple GWWS instances

If one GWWS instance is bottlenecked due to network congestion, low CPU resources and so on, multiple GWWS instances can be deployed with the same Web Service binding on distributed Tuxedo nodes.

Note: Even though multiple GWWS instances can provide the same logic functionality, from a client perspective, they are different Web service endpoints with different HTTP/S listen ports and addresses.


Tracing the GWWS Server

The GWWS server supports Tuxedo TMTRACE functionality (used to dynamically trace messages). All trace points are logged in the ULOG file. Checking the ULOG file trace information helps to evaluate GWWS server SOAP message problems. GWWS server message tracing behavior is set using the TMTRACE environment variable, or by using the tmadmin chtr sub-command command.

The reserved trace category, msg, is used to trace BEA SALT messages. It can be used together with other general trace categories. For example, if trace category “atmi+msg” is specified, both BEA SALT and Tuxedo ATMI trace messages are logged.

Notes: Message tracing is recommended for diagnostic treatment only.
Note: The following trigger specifications are not recommended for GWWS servers:
Note: abort, system, sleep
Note: In any of these trigger specifications are used, GWWS servers may be unexpectedly terminated.

For more tmtrace and trace specification information, see tmtrace(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

TMTRACE specification examples for BEA SALT message tracing are shown below:

export TMTRACE=msg:ulog:
export TMTRACE=atmi+msg:ulog:

Listing 3-1 shows a ULOG file example containing BEA SALT tracing messages.

Listing 3-1 TMTRACE Messages Logged By the GWWS Server
183632.BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP message is received, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:A SOAP message is received, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:Begin data transformation of request message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:End of data transformation of request message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.840.0: TRACE:ms:Delivering a message to Tuxedo, service name =TOUPPER, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.840.0: TRACE:ms:Got a message from Tuxedo, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:Begin data transformation of reply message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:End of data transformation of reply message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1023

183632. BOX1!GWWS.4612.4540.0: TRACE:ms:Send a http message to net, SCO index=1023

A more complex log is generated by TMTRACE=msg:ulog, used in WS-ReliableMessaging communication. All the application and infrastructure messages are sent to ULOG. Listing 3-2 shows a ULOG file example containing WS-ReliableMessaging TMTRACE messages.

Listing 3-2 WS-ReliableMessaging TMTRACE Messages
184706.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP message is received, SCO index=1023

184706.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP Get request is received, SCO index=1023

184706.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:Send a http message to net, SCO index=1023

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP message is received, SCO index=1022

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:A SOAP message is received, SCO index=1022

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:Create a new inbound sequence, ID=uuid:4F1FEE40-72CB-118C-FFFFFFC0FFFFFFA8FFFFFFEB010000-1811

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:Create a new outbound sequence, ID=uuid:f7f76200-f612-11da-990d-9f37c3d14ba7

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:Send CreateSequenceResponse message for sequence uuid:4F1FEE40-72CB-118C-FFFFFFC0FFFFFFA8FFFFFFEB010000-1811

184710.BOX1!GWWS.3640.4772.0: TRACE:ms:Send a http message to net, SCO index=1022

184712.BOX1!GWWS.3640.3260.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP message is received, SCO index=1022

184712.BOX1!GWWS.3640.3260.0: TRACE:ms:A SOAP message is received, SCO index=1022

184712.BOX1!GWWS.3640.3260.0: TRACE:ms:Begin data transformation of request message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1022

184712.BOX1!GWWS.3640.3260.0: TRACE:ms:End of data transformation of request message, buffer type = STRING, SCO index=1022

184712.BOX1!GWWS.3640.3260.0: TRACE:ms:Received a request message in sequence uuid:4F1FEE40-72CB-118C-FFFFFFC0FFFFFFA8FFFFFFEB010000-1811

Checking the ULOG tracing information helps to evaluate GWWS server SOAP message problem status.


Monitoring the GWWS Server

The GWWS server can be monitored with wsadmin utility, which is a command line tool. This tool can show the running status of GWWS.

An example is shown in Listing 3-3.

Listing 3-3 Use wsadmin to monitor GWWS
wsadmin - Copyright (c) 2005-2006 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
SALT is a registered trademark.

> gwstats -i abcd
GWWS Instance : abcd

Inbound Statistics :
      Request Response Succ : 74
      Request Response Fail : 32
                Oneway Succ : 0
                Oneway Fail : 0

                 Total Succ : 74
                 Total Fail : 32

       Avg. Processing Time : 210.726 (ms)
Outbound Statistics :
      Request Response Succ : 0
      Request Response Fail : 0
                Oneway Succ : 0
                Oneway Fail : 0

                 Total Succ : 0
                 Total Fail : 0

       Avg. Processing Time : 0.000 (ms)
      Total request Pending : 0
   Outbound request Pending : 0
       Active Thread Number : 2

> gws -i out -s getTemp
GWWS Instance : out

Service : getTemp

Outboud Statistics :
      Request Response Succ : 333
      Request Response Fail : 139
       Avg. Processing Time : 143.064 (ms)


Command gwstats (abbreviated as gws) can display the statistics data of GWWS server with specific instance ID or of certain service of the GWWS server. The data include the amount of successful and failed request, etc.

Before wsadmin is executed, both TUXCONFIG and SALTCONFIG environment variable must be set. wsadmin supports both active mode and in-active mode, which means wsadmin is able to launch with/without booting the Tuxedo domain.

The following table lists wsadmin sub-commands.

Table 3-3 wsadmin sub-commands
Show statistics information of GWWS server
Show configuration information
Specify the default -i option
Switch on/off echo of input
Switch on/off paging the output
Switch on/off verbose output
Quit wsadmin


Troubleshooting BEA SALT

The following sections explain how to troubleshoot a BEA SALT run-time failure:

GWWS Start Up Failure

If the GWWS server fails to start, check the following:

GWWS Rejects SOAP Request

In some cases, the GWWS server may reject SOAP requests. The most common causes are:

WSDL Document Generated Incorrectly or Rejected by SOAP Client Toolkit

If the WSDL document is rejected by the Web Service client toolkit, do the following:

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