Administration Guide

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BEA SALT Administration Overview

Basic Concepts for Administering BEA SALT

Tuxedo Service Metadata

BEA SALT Deployment Model

SALT Web Service Definition File

SALT Deployment File

BEA SALT Administrative Tasks and Tools

Configuring Your SALT Application Using Command-Line Utilities

Administering Your SALT Application Using Command-Line Utilities

Setting Up a BEA SALT Application

Using Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository for BEA SALT

Defining Service-Level Keywords for BEA SALT

Defining Service Parameters for BEA SALT

Configuring Native Tuxedo Services

Creating a Native WSDF

Defining WSBinding Object

Defining Service Object

Configuring Message Conversion Handler

Using WS-Policy Files

Generating a WSDL File from a Native WSDF

Configuring External Web Services

Converting a WSDL file into Tuxedo Definitions

WSDL-to-Tuxedo Service Metadata Keyword Mapping

WSDL-to-WSDF Mapping

Post Conversion Tasks

Resolving Naming Conflict For the Generated SALT Proxy Service Definitions

Loading the Generated SALT Proxy Service Metadata Definitions

Setting Environment Variables for GWWS Runtime

Creating the SALT Deployment File

Importing the WSDF Files

Configuring the GWWS Servers

Configuring GWWS Server Level Properties

Configuring Multiple Encoding Support

Configuring System Level Resources

Configuring Certificates

Configuring Plug-in Libraries

Configuring Advanced Web Service Messaging Features

Web Service Addressing

Configuring the Addressing Endpoint for Outbound Services

Disabling WS-Addressing

Web Service Reliable Messaging

Creating the Reliable Messaging Policy File

Specifying the Reliable Messaging Policy File in the WSDF File

Configuring Security Features

Configuring Transport Level Security

Setting Up SSL Link-Level Security

Configuring Inbound HTTP Basic Authentication

Configuring Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication

Configuring Message Level Web Service Security

Main Use Cases of Web Service Security

Using WS-SecurityPolicy Files

Compiling SALT Configuration

Configuring the UBBCONFIG File for BEA SALT

Configuring the TMMETADATA Server in the *SERVERS Section

Configuring the GWWS Servers in the *SERVERS Section

Updating System Limitations in the UBBCONFIG File

Configuring Certificate Password Phrase For the GWWS Servers

Configuring Tuxedo Authentication for Web Service Clients

Configuring Tuxedo Security Level for Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication

Configuring BEA SALT In Tuxedo MP Mode

Migrating from BEA SALT 1.1

Running GWWS servers with SALT 1.1 Configuration File

Adopting SALT 2.0 Configuration Style by Converting SALT 1.1 Configuration File

Administering BEA SALT at Run Time

Browsing to the WSDL Document from the GWWS Server

Tuning the GWWS Server

Thread Pool Size Tuning

Network Timeout Control

Max Content Length Control

Backlog Control


Boost Performance Using Multiple GWWS instances

Tracing the GWWS Server

Monitoring the GWWS Server

Troubleshooting BEA SALT

GWWS Start Up Failure

GWWS Rejects SOAP Request

WSDL Document Generated Incorrectly or Rejected by SOAP Client Toolkit

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