Installation Guide

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Post BEA SALT Installation

The following sections describe post-installation tasks after installing BEA SALT:


Understanding the BEA SALT Directory Structure

During the BEA SALT software installation, all BEA SALT files are decompressed within the BEA Tuxedo TUXDIR directory.

Table 5-1 lists brief descriptions of BEA SALT directories and files.

Table 5-1 BEA SALT Directory and File Structure
Directory Name
Contains SALT executable programs, including:
  • GWWS
  • tmwsdlgen
  • wsadmin
  • wsdlcvt
  • wsloadcf
  • tmwsdlflt (internally used)
Contains C language header files for SALT plug-in development and administrative development, including:
  • auth_pi_ex.h
  • credmap_pi_ex.h
  • custtype_pi_ex.h
  • wsadmflds.h
  • wssoapflds.h
Contains dynamic shared libraries needed to run BEA SALT programs, including:
  • libwsbase.* (shared library suffix is variant on different platforms)
  • libwsconf.*
  • libsoapeng.*
  • libwsdomconv.*
Contains the localization of system messages used by SALT.
C subdirectory contains the following SALT specific message catalogs for the default locale (U.S. English): GWWS, WSBASE, WSCFG, WSCMD.
file CATNAMES is the Tuxedo catalog name definition file that includes the above message catalog names used by SALT.
A collection of simple applications that demonstrate the BEA SALT features.
Contains the following information files for BEA SALT:
  • 3rd_party_licenses_salt.txt
  • License information for 3rd party software used by BEA SALT

  • wsadmflds
  • SALT administrative FML32 field definitions

  • wssoapflds
  • SALT pre-defined FML32 fields for outbound Web Service call

salt subdirectory contains other files required by BEA SALT.
Contains sub-directories and files required by BEA SALT, including:
  • policy subdirectory
  • Contains SALT pre-defined WS-* policy files.

  • WS subdirectory
  • Contains various external XML Schema files required by BEA SALT.

  • xalan subdirectory
  • Contains Apache Xalan Java 2.7 class library files and corresponding license information.

  • xslt files
  • wsdl*.xsl files are used by BEA SALT WSDL converter (wsdlcvt).

  • SALT XML Schema files
  • *.xsd files are XML Schema files of SALT configuration file format.

Contains files required to uninstall the BEA SALT 2.0 software.


Uninstalling BEA SALT

Uninstalling BEA SALT in GUI-Mode

Perform the following steps to uninstall BEA SALT software using GUI-Mode:


Choose StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA WebLogic E-Business PlatformArrow symbolSALT 2.0 for Tuxedo 9.1Arrow symbolUninstall SALT 2.0 for Tuxedo 9.1 from the Start menu.
You can also uninstall via StartArrow symbolControl PanelArrow symbolAdd or Remove Programs.


Execute the command $TUXDIR/uninst_salt_2_0/Uninstall_SALT_2.0_for_ Tuxedo_9.1

The BEA SALT Uninstaller screen appears (Figure 5-1).

Figure 5-1 Uninstall SALT 2.0 for Tuxedo 9.1 Screen

Uninstall SALT 2.0 for Tuxedo 9.1 Screen

Click Uninstall to start uninstalling BEA SALT. When the process is complete, the screen shown in Figure 5-2 is displayed.

Figure 5-2 Uninstall Complete Screen

Uninstall Complete Screen

  1. Click Done to complete the uninstall.

Uninstalling BEA SALT in Console-Mode

To uninstall BEA SALT on a UNIX platform using console mode:

  1. Change to your uninstall directory using the following command:
  2. > cd $TUXDIR/uninst_salt_1_1/Uninstall_SALT_2.0_for_Tuxedo_9.1
  3. Start the uninstallation program with the following command:
  4. <bea/home> sh Uninstall_SALT_2.0_for_Tuxedo_9.1 -i console

    Listing 5-1 displays a BEA SALT component uninstallation.

    Listing 5-1 UNIX Uninstallation Example
    Preparing CONSOLE Uninstall...

    About to uninstall...

    SALT 2.0 for Tuxedo 9.1

    This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere. It will not remove files and folders created after the installation.




    Uninstall Complete

    All items were successfully uninstalled.



Reinstalling BEA SALT

When you start the BEA SALT Installation program on the target BEA Tuxedo directory that already has a copy of the same version BEA SALT installed, the installation program detects the existing BEA SALT and a warning screen is shown to ask if you want to:


Installing BEA SALT Rolling Patches

BEA SALT 2.0 uses rolling patches to maintain product fixes. A rolling patch installation is a complete BEA SALT package containing the most recent software fixes. Rolling patches can be installed as follows:

Rolling Back to A Previous Installation

To roll back a higher-level patched BEA SALT 2.0 installation to a lower one, you must do the following:

  1. Un-install BEA SALT 2.0.
  2. Re-install the lower-level SALT 2.0 rolling patch installation program.

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