Programming Web Services

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Introduction to BEA SALT Programming


BEA SALT Proxy Service

SALT Message Conversion

SALT Programming Tasks Quick Index

Data Type Mapping and Message Conversion

Overview of Data Type Mapping and Message Conversion

Understanding BEA SALT Message Conversion

Inbound Message Conversion

Outbound Message Conversion

Tuxedo-to-XML Data Type Mapping for Tuxedo Services

Tuxedo STRING Typed Buffers

Tuxedo CARRAY Typed Buffers

Mapping Example Using base64Binary

Mapping Example Using MIME Attachment

Tuxedo MBSTRING Typed Buffers

Tuxedo XML Typed Buffers

Tuxedo VIEW/VIEW32 Typed Buffers

VIEW/VIEW32 Considerations

Tuxedo FML/FML32 Typed Buffers

FML Data Mapping Example

FML32 Data Mapping Example

FML/FML32 Considerations

Tuxedo X_C_TYPE Typed Buffers

Tuxedo X_COMMON Typed Buffers

Tuxedo X_OCTET Typed Buffers

Custom Typed Buffers

XML-to-Tuxedo Data Type Mapping for External Web Services

XML Schema Built-In Simple Data Type Mapping

XML Schema User Defined Data Type Mapping

WSDL Message Mapping

Web Service Client Programming


BEA SALT Web Service Client Programming Tips

BEA WebLogic Web Service Client Programming Toolkit

Apache Axis for Java Web Service Client Programming Toolkit

Microsoft .NET Web Service Client Programming Toolkit

Web Service Client Programming References

Online References

Tuxedo ATMI Programming for Web Services


Converting WSDL Model Into Tuxedo Model

WSDL-to-Tuxedo Object Mapping

Invoking SALT Proxy Services

BEA SALT Supported Communication Pattern

Tuxedo Outbound Call Programming: Main Steps

Managing Error Code Returned from GWWS

Handling Fault Messages in a Tuxedo Outbound Application

Using BEA SALT Plug-ins

Understanding BEA SALT Plug-ins

Plug-in Elements

Plug-in ID

Plug-in Name

Plug-In Implementation Functions

Plug-in Register Functions

Information Providing Function

Initiating Function

Exiting Function

vtable Setting Function

Developing a Plug-in Interface

Developing a Plug-in Shared Library

Defining a Plug-in interface in SALT configuration file

Programming Message Conversion Plug-ins

How Message Conversion Plug-ins Work

How Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Inbound Call Scenario

How Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Outbound Call Scenario

When Do We Need Message Conversion Plug-in

Developing a Message Conversion Plug-in Instance

Converting a SOAP Message Payload to a Tuxedo Buffer

Converting a Tuxedo Buffer to a SOAP Message Payload

SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in Compatibility

Programming Outbound Authentication Plug-ins

How Outbound Authentication Plug-ins Work

Implementing a Credential Mapping Interface Plug-In

Mapping the Tuxedo UID and HTTP Username

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