Generated Service Implementation



Module1 · Interface1 (Abstract Base Class) · Interface1Impl (Generated Interface Implementation)


For each Control class in a module in the Rose Model, a class of this type is derived from the Abstract Interface class Module1::Interface1. The member functions of this class are mapped onto BEA TUXEDO service functions.

You use this class to implement BEA TUXEDO service functions by writing code for each of the generated member functions. You write your application code within the protected sections that are generated into the Interface1Impl.cpp file. Placing your code in a protected section guarantees that it will not be overwritten when the Rose Expert re-generates this file. If the "Service Test Logic" setting is used during generation (see Generation Settings), then some simple test application code is generated for you within the protected section as an example.

The member functions of this class can throw operation specific exceptions. Refer to Operation1Exception (Generated Exception) for more information about these exceptions.

Client applications cannot instantiate Interface1Impl directly, to prevent confusion between this class and the Interface1 class. Client applications use Interface1 to provide a representation of the remote Interface1Impl in their local address space.

Interface1Impl does not support copy semantics.

For each operation defined in Interface1, a global scope C++ function is generated by the Rose Expert. When a service request is received by a BEA TUXEDO server, execution control is passed to the C++ function with the same name. That function calls Instance to get a reference to Interface1Impl, providing a global access point to the single object of this class. If Interface1Impl does not exist, Instance instantiates Interface1Impl. Instance uses lazy initialization so no objects are created until an operation on them is requested. In each BEA TUXEDO server process, one Interface1Impl object is created and retained until the server is terminated.

Member Functions

This section lists the member functions of Interface1Impl (Generated Service Implementation).

Table 4-18 Generated Service Implementation Member Functions

Member Function Access Documented in



Generated Service Implementation



Generated Service Implementation



Instance returns a reference to the single instance of Interface1Impl in a BEA TUXEDO server.


static Interface1Impl* Instance()



Operation1 performs the service actions, as specified by the application developer.


Operation1Reply* Operation1(char* parameter1) 
throw(TuxException*, Operation1Exception*)