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FML Functions


Fintro (3FML)


Fintro-Introduction to FML functions


"#include <fml.h>"
"#include <fml32.h>"


FML is a set of C language functions for defining and manipulating storage structures called fielded buffers, that contain attribute-value pairs called fields. The attribute is the field's identifier, and the associated value represents the field's data content.

Fielded buffers provide an excellent structure for communicating parameterized data between cooperating processes, by providing named access to a set of related fields. Programs that need to communicate with other processes can use the FML software to provide access to fields without concerning themselves with the structures containing them.

FML16 and FML32

There are two "sizes" of FML. The original FML interface is based on 16-bit values for the length of fields and containing information identifying fields. In this introduction, it will be referred to as FML16. FML16 is limited to 8191 unique fields, individual field lengths of up to 64K bytes, and a total fielded buffer size of 64K. The definitions, types, and function prototypes for this interface are in fml.h which must be included in an application program using the FML16 interface; and functions live in -lfml. A second interface, FML32, uses 32-bit values for the field lengths and identifiers. It allows for about 30 million fields, and field and buffer lengths of about 2 billion bytes. The definitions, types, and function prototypes for FML32 are in fml32.h; and functions live in -lfml32. All definitions, types, and function names for FML32 have a "32" suffix (for example, MAXFBLEN32, FLDID32, Fchg32). Also the environment variables are suffixed with "32" (for example, FLDTBLDIR32 and FIELDTBLS32).

FML Buffers

A fielded buffer is composed of field identifier and field value pairs for fixed length fields (for example, long, short), and field identifier, field length, and field value triples for varying length fields.

A field identifier is a tag for an individual data item in a fielded buffer. The field identifier consists of the name of field number and the type of the data in the field. The field number must be in the range 1 to 8191, inclusive, for FML16 and the type definition for a field identifier is FLDID. The field number must be in the range 1 to 33,554,431, inclusive, for FML32 and the type definition for a field identifier is FLDID32. Field numbers 1 to 100 are reserved for system use and should be avoided (although this is not strictly enforced). The field types can be any of the standard C language types: short, long, float, double, and char. Two other types are also supported: string (a series of characters ending with a null character) and carray (character arrays). These types are defined in fml.h and fml32.h as FLD_SHORT, FLD_LONG, FLD_CHAR, FLD_FLOAT, FLD_DOUBLE, FLD_STRING, and FLD_CARRAY.

For FML16, a fielded buffer pointer is of type "FBFR *", a field length has the type FLDLEN, and the number of occurrences of a field has the type FLDOCC. For FML32, a fielded buffer pointer is of type "FBFR32 *", a field length has the type FLDLEN32, and the number of occurrences of a field has the type FLDOCC32.

Fields are referred to by their field identifier in the FML interface. However, it is normally easier for an application programmer to remember a field name. There are two approaches to mapping field names to field identifiers.

Field name/identifier mappings can be made available to FML programs at run-time through field table files, described in field_tables(5). The FML16 interface uses the environment variable FLDTBLDIR to specify a list of directories where field tables can be found, and FIELDTBLS to specify a list of the files in the table directories that are to be used. The FML32 interface uses FLDTBLDIR32 and FIELDTBLS32. Within applications programs, the FML functions Fldid and Fldid32 provide for a run-time translation of a field name to its field identifier and Fname and Fname32 translate a field identifier to its field name.

Compile-time field name/identifier mappings are provided by the use field header files containing macro definitions for the field names. mkfldhdr(1) and mkfldhdr32(1) are provided to make header files out of field table files. These header files are #include'd in C programs, and provide another way to map field names to field identifiers: at compile-time.

Any field in a fielded buffer can occur more than once. Many FML functions take an argument that specifies which occurrence of a field is to be retrieved or modified. If a field occurs more than once, the first occurrence is numbered 0, and additional occurrences are numbered sequentially. The set of all occurrences make up a logical sequence, but no overhead is associated with the occurrence number (that is, it is not stored in the fielded buffer). If another occurrence of a field is added, it is added at the end of the set and is referred to as the next higher occurrence. When an occurrence other than the highest is deleted, all higher occurrences of the field are shifted down by one (for example, occurrence 6 becomes occurrence 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.).

When a fielded buffer has many fields, access is expedited in FML by the use of an internal index. The user is normally unaware of the existence of this index. However, when you store a fielded buffer on disk, or transmit a fielded buffer between processes or between computers, you can save disk space and/or transmittal time by first discarding the index using Funindex or Funindex32, and then reconstructing the index later with Findex or Findex32.

FML16 Conversion to FML32

Existing FML16 applications that are written correctly can easily be changed to use the FML32 interface. All variables used in the calls to the FML functions must use the proper typedefs (FLDID, FLDLEN, and FLDOCC). The application source code can be changed to use the 32-bit functions simply by changing the include of fml.h to inclusion of fml32.h followed by fml1632.h. The fml1632.h contains macros that convert all of the 16-bit type definitions to 32-bit type definitions, and 16-bit functions and macros to 32-bit functions and macros.

Error Handling

Most of the FML functions have one or more error returns. An error condition is indicated by an otherwise impossible returned value. This is usually -1 on error, or 0 for a bad field identifier (BADFLDID) or address. The error type is also made available in the external integer Ferror for FML16 and Ferror32 for FML32. Ferror and Ferror32 are not cleared on successful calls, so they should be tested only after an error has been indicated.

The F_error and F_error32 functions are provided to produce a message on the standard error output. They take one parameter, a string; print the argument string appended with a colon and a blank; and then print an error message followed by a newline character. The error message displayed is the one defined for the error number currently in Ferror or Ferror32, which is set when errors occur.

Fstrerror(3) can be used to retrieve from a message catalog the text of an error message; it returns a pointer that can be used to as an argument to userlog(3).

The error codes that can be produced by an FML function are described on each FML reference page.

See Also

CFadd(3fml), CFchg(3fml), CFfind(3fml), CFfindocc(3fml), CFget(3fml), CFgetalloc(3fml), F_error(3fml), Fadd(3fml), Fadds(3fml), Falloc(3fml), Fboolco(3fml), Fboolev(3fml), Fboolpr(3fml), Fchg(3fml), Fchgs(3fml), Fchksum(3fml), Fcmp(3fml), Fconcat(3fml), Fcpy(3fml), Fdel(3fml), Fdelall(3fml), Fdelete(3fml), Fextread(3fml), Ffind(3fml), Ffindlast(3fml), Ffindocc(3fml), Ffinds(3fml), Ffloatev(3fml), Ffprint(3fml), Ffree(3fml), Fget(3fml), Fgetalloc(3fml), Fgetlast(3fml), Fgets(3fml), Fgetsa(3fml), Fidnm_unload(3fml), Fidxused(3fml), Fielded(3fml), Findex(3fml), Finit(3fml), Fjoin(3fml), Fldid(3fml), Fldno(3fml), Fldtype(3fml), Flen(3fml), Fmkfldid(3fml), Fmove(3fml), Fname(3fml), Fneeded(3fml), Fnext(3fml), Fnmid_unload(3fml), Fnum(3fml), Foccur(3fml), Fojoin(3fml), Fpres(3fml), Fprint(3fml), Fproj(3fml), Fprojcpy(3fml), Fread(3fml), Frealloc(3fml), Frstrindex(3fml), Fsizeof(3fml), Fstrerror(3fml), Ftypcvt(3fml), Ftype(3fml), Funindex(3fml), Funused(3fml), Fupdate(3fml), Fused(3fml), Fvall(3fml),

CFadd (3FML)


CFadd, CFadd32-convert and add field


#include <stdio.h>
#include "fml.h"
int CFadd(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN len, int type)
#include fml32.h>
CFadd32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN32 len, int type)


CFadd() acts like Fadd() but firstconverts the value from the user-specified type to the type of the fieldid for which the field is added to the fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. value is a pointer to the value to be added. len is the length of the value to be added; it is required only if type is FLD_CARRAY. type is the data type of the field in value.

Before the field is added to the buffer,the type of the data item is converted from type supplied by the user to the type specified in in fieldid. If the source type is FLD_CARRAY (arbitrary character array), the len argument should be set to the length of the array; the length is ignored in all other cases. The value for the field to be converted and added must first be put in a variable, value, since C does not permit constructs such as 12345L.

CFadd32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFadd() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, a NULL value parameter was specified).


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a field buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fadd(3)

CFchg (3FML)


CFchg, CFchg32-convert and change field


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
int CFchg(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *value,
FLDLEN len, int type)
#include "fml32.h"
int CFchg32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc,
char *value,
FLDLEN32 len, int type)


CFchg() acts like Fchg() but first converts the value from the user-specified type to the type of the fieldid for which the field is changed in the fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. value is a pointer to a new value. len is the length of the value to be changed; it is required only if type is FLD_CARRAY. type is the data type of value.

If a field occurrence is specified that does not exist, then NULL values are added for the missing occurrences until the desired value can be added (e.g., changing field occurrence 4 for a field that does not exist in a buffer will cause 3 NULL values to be added followed by the specified field value).

CFchg32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFchg() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, a NULL value parameter was specified).


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a field buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), CFadd(3), Fchg(3)

CFfind (3FML)


CFfind, CFfind32-find, convert and return pointer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
char * CFfind(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, FLDLEN *len,
int type)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
CFfind32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, FLDLEN32 *len, int type)


CFfind() finds a specified field in a buffer, converts it and returns a pointer to the converted value. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. len is used on output and is a pointer to the length of the converted value. type is the data type the user wants the field to be converted to.

Like Ffind(3), the pointer returned by the function should be considered read only. The validity of the pointer returned by CFfind() is guaranteed only until the next buffer operation, even if that operation is non-destructive, since the converted value is retained in a single private buffer. This differs from the value returned by Ffind(3), which is guaranteed until the next modification of the buffer. Unlike Ffind(3), CFfind() aligns the converted value for immediate use by the caller.

CFfind32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

In the SYNOPSIS section above the return value to CFfind() is described as a character pointer data type (char ** in C). Actually, the pointer returned points to an object that has the same type as the stored type of the field.

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFfind() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffind(3)

CFfindocc (3FML)


CFfindocc, CFfindocc32-find occurrence of converted value


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
CFfindocc(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN len, int
#include "fml32.h"
CFfindocc32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN32
len, int type)


CFfindocc() acts like Ffindocc() but first converts the value from the user-specified type to the type of fieldid. CFfindocc() looks for an occurrence of the specified field in the buffer that matches a user-supplied value, length and type. CFfindocc() returns the occurrence number of the first field that matches. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. value is a pointer to the value being sought. len is the length of the value to be compared to input value if type is carray. type is the data type of the field in value.

CFfindocc32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

If the field value is not found or if other errors are detected, -1 is returned and CFfindocc() sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFfindocc() fails and sets Ferror to:


fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, a NULL value parameter was specified).


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffindocc(3)

CFget (3FML)


CFget, CFget32-get field and convert


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
CFget(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *buf, FLDLEN *len,
int type)
#include "fml32.h"
FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, char *buf,
FLDLEN32 *len, int type)


CFget() is the conversion analog of Fget(3). The main difference is that it copies a converted value to the user supplied buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. buf is a pointer to private data area. On input, len is a pointer to the length of the private data area. On return, len is a pointer to the length of the returned value. If the len parameter is NULL on input, it is assumed that the buffer is big enough to contain the field value and the length of the value is not returned. If the buf parameter is NULL, the field value is not returned. type is the data type the user wants the returned value converted to.

CFget32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFget() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"no space in fielded buffer"
The size of the data area, as specified in len, is not large enough to hold the field value.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fget(3)

CFgetalloc (3FML)


CFgetalloc, CFgetalloc32-get field, space, convert


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
char *
CFgetalloc(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, int type, FLDLEN
#include "fml32.h"
char *
CFgetalloc32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, int type,
FLDLEN32 *extralen)


CFgetalloc() gets a specified field from a buffer, allocates space, converts the field to the type specified by the user and returns a pointer to its location. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. type is the data type the user wants the field to be converted to. On call, extralen is a pointer to the length of additional space that may be allocated to receive the value; on return, it is a pointer actual amount of space used. If extralen is NULL, then no additional space is allocated and the actual length is not returned. The user is responsible for freeing the returned (converted) value.

CFgetalloc32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, CFgetalloc() returns a pointer to the converted value. On error, the function returns NULL and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, CFgetalloc() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fgetalloc(3)

F_error (3FML)


F_error, F_error32-print error message for last error


#include stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
extern int Ferror;
F_error(char *msg)
#include "fml32.h"
extern int Ferror32;
F_error32(char *msg)


The function F_error() works like perror(3) for UNIX System errors; that is, it produces a message on the standard error output (file descriptor 2), describing the last error encountered during a call to a system or library function. The argument string msg is printed first, then a colon and a blank, then the message and a newline. If msg is a null pointer or points to a null string, the colon is not printed. To be of most use, the argument string should include the name of the program that incurred the error. The error number is taken from the external variable Ferror, which is set when errors occur but not cleared when non-erroneous calls are made. In the MS-DOS and OS/2 environments, Ferror is redefined to FMLerror.

To immediately print an error message, F_error() should be called on an error return from another FML function. When the error message is FEUNIX. Uunix_err(3) is called.

F_error32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

F_error() is declared a void and as such does not have return values.

See Also

Fintro(3), perror(3) in a UNIX System reference manual

Fadd (3FML)


Fadd, Fadd32-add new field occurrence


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
int Fadd(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN len)
#include "fml32.h"
int Fadd32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN32 len)


Fadd() adds the specified field value to the given buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. value is a pointer to a new value; the pointer's type must be the same fieldid type as the value to be added. len is the length of the value to be added; it is required only if type is FLD_CARRAY

The value to be added is contained in the location pointed to by the value parameter. If one or more occurrences of the field already exist, then the value is added as a new occurrence of the field, and is assigned an occurrence number 1 greater than the current highest occurrence (to add a specific occurrence, Fchg(3) must be used).

In the SYNOPSIS section above the value argument to Fadd() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Fadd(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being added. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Fadd() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the same type as the stored type of the field being added.

For values of type FLD_CARRAY, the length of the value is given in the len argument.For all types other than FLD_CARRAY, the length of the object pointed to by value is inferred from its type (e.g. a value of type FLD_FLOAT is of length sizeof(float)), and the contents of len are ignored.

Fadd32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fadd() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded" The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"invalid argument to function" One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid. (For example, specifying a NULL value parameter to Fadd.)


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field number is specified which is not valid.

See Also


Fadds (3FML)


Fadds, Fadds32-convert value from type FLD_STRING and add to buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fadds(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value)
#include "fml32.h"
Fadds32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value)


Fadds() has been provided to handle the case of conversion from a user type of FLD_STRING to the field type of fieldid and add it to the fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. value is a pointer to the value to be added.

This function calls CFadd providing a type of FLD_STRING, and a len of 0.

Fadds32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fadds() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"invalid field type"
A field type is specified which is not valid.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, specifying a NULL value parameter to Fadds)


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed during conversion of carray to string.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fchgs(3), Fgets(3), Fgetsa(3), Ffinds(3), CFchg(3), CFget(3), CFget(3), CFfind(3)

Falloc (3FML)


Falloc, Falloc32-allocate and initialize fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
#include "fml32.h"
FBFR32 *
Falloc32(FLDOCC32 F, FLDLEN32 V)


Falloc() dynamically allocates space using malloc(3) for a fielded buffer and calls Finit() to initialize it. The parameters are the number of fields, F, and the number of bytes of value space, V, for all fields that are to be stored in the buffer.

Falloc32 is used for larger buffers with more fields.

Return Values

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Falloc() fails and sets Ferror to:


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, number of fields is less than 0, V is 0 or total size is greater than 65534).

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffree(3), Fielded(3), Finit(3), Fneeded(3), Frealloc(3), Fsizeof(3), Funused(3), malloc(3)

Fappend (3FML)


Fappend, Fappend32-append new field occurrence


#include <stdio.h>
#include "fml.h"
Fappend(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN len)
#include "fml32.h"
Fappend32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN32 len)


Fappend() adds the specified field value to the end of thegiven buffer. Fappend() is useful in building large buffers in that it does not maintain the internal structures and ordering necessary for general purpose FML access. The side effect of this optimization is that a call to Fappend() may be followed only by additional calls to Fappend(), calls to the FML indexing routines Findex(3) and Funindex(3), or calls to Free(3), Fused(3), Funused(3) and Fsizeof(3). Calls to other FML routines made before calling Findex(3) or Funindex(3) will result in an error with Ferror set to FNOTFLD.

fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. value is a pointer to a new value;the pointer's type must be the same fieldid type as the value to be added. len is the length of the value to be added; it is required only if type is FLD_CARRAY

The value to be added is contained in the location pointed toby the value parameter. If one or more occurrences of the field already exist, then the value is added as a new occurrence of the field, and is assigned an occurrence number 1 greater than the current highest occurrence (to add a specific occurrence, Fchg(3) must be used).

In the SYNOPSIS section abovethe value argument to Fappend() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Fappend(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being added. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Fappend() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the same type as the stored type of the field being added.

For values of type FLD_CARRAY,the length of the value is given in the len argument. For all types other than FLD_CARRAY, the length of the object pointed to by value is inferred from its type (e.g. a value of type FLD_FLOAT is of length sizeof(float)), and the contents of len are ignored.

Fappend32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferrorto indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fappend() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid. (for example, specifying a NULL value parameter to Fappend)


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field number is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fadd(3, Ffree(3), Findex(3), Fsizeof(3), Funindex(3), Funused(3), Fused(3)

Fboolco (3FML)


Fboolco, Fboolco32-compile expression, return evaluation tree


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
char *
Fboolco(char *expression)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
Fboolco32(char *expression)


Fboolco() compiles a Boolean expression, pointed to by expression, and returns a pointer to the evaluation tree. The expressions recognized are close to the expressions recognized in C. A description of the grammer can be found in the FML Programmer's Guide.

The evaluation tree produced by Fboolco() is used by the other boolean functions listed under SEE ALSO; this avoids having to recompile the expression.

Fboolco32 is used with 32-bit FML.

These functions are not supported on Workstation platforms.

Return Values

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fboolco() fails and sets Ferror to:


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"bad syntax in Boolean expression"
A syntax error was found in a Boolean expression by Fboolco() other than an unrecognized field name.


"unknown field name"
A field name is specified which cannot be found in the field tables.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, expression is NULL).


#include "stdio.h" 
#include "fml.h"
extern char *Fboolco();
char *tree;
if((tree=Fboolco("FIRSTNAME %% 'J.*n' & SEX = 'M'")) == NULL)

compiles a boolean expression that checks if the FIRSTNAME field is in the buffer, begins with 'J' and ends with 'n' (for example, John, Jean, Jurgen, etc.) and the SEX field equal to 'M'.

The first and second characters of the tree array form the least significant byte and the most significant byte, respectively, of an unsigned 16 bit quantity that gives the length, in bytes, of the entire array. This value is useful for copying or otherwise manipulating the array.

See Also

Fboolev(3), Fboolpr(3), Fldid(3)

Fboolev (3FML)


Fboolev, Fboolev32-evaluate buffer against tree


#include stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fboolev(FBFR *fbfr, char *tree)
#include "fml32.h"
Fboolev32(FBFR32 *fbfr, char *tree)


Fboolev() takes a pointer to a fielded buffer, fbfr, and a pointer to the evaluation tree returned from Fboolco(), tree, and returns true (1) if the fielded buffer matches the specified Boolean conditions and false (0) if it does not. This function does not change either the fielded buffer or evaluation tree. The evaluation tree is one previously compiled by Fboolco(3).

Fboolev32 is used with 32-bit FML.

These functions are not supported on Workstation platforms.

Return Values

Fboolev() returns 1 if the expression in the buffer matches the evaluation tree. It returns 0 if the expression fails to match the evaluation tree. This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fboolev() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The fbfr buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The fbfr buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, specifying a NULL tree parameter).


"bad syntax in Boolean expression"
A syntax error was found in a Boolean expression other than an unrecognized field name.


Using the evaluation tree compiled in the example for Fboolco(3):

#include stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
#include "fld.tbl.h"
FBFR *fbfr;
if(Fboolev(fbfr,tree) > 0)
fprintf(stderr,"Buffer selected\\\\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Buffer not selected\\\\n");

would print "Buffer selected".

See Also

Fintro(3), Fboolco(3), Fboolpr(3)

Fboolpr (3FML)


Fboolpr, Fboolpr32-print Boolean expression as parsed


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fboolpr(char *tree, FILE *iop)
#include "fml32.h"
Fboolpr32(char *tree, FILE *iop)


Fboolpr() prints a compiled expression to the specified output stream. The evaluation tree, tree, is one previously created with Fboolco(3). iop is a pointer of type FILE to the output stream. The output is fully parenthesized, as it was parsed (as indicated by the evaluation tree). The function is useful for debugging.

Fboolpr32 is used with 32-bit FML.

These functions are not supported on Workstation platforms.

Return Values

Fboolpr() is declared as returning a void, so there are no return values.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fboolco(3)

Fchg (3FML)


Fchg, Fchg32-change field occurrence value


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fchg(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *value, FLDLEN len)
#include "fml32.h"
Fchg32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, char *value,
FLDLEN32 len)


Fchg() changes the value of a field in the buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. value is a pointer to a new value, its type must be the same type as the value to be changed (see below). len is the length of the value to be changed; it is required only if field type is FLD_CARRAY.

If an occurrence of -1 is specified, then the field value is added as a new occurrence to the buffer. If the specified field occurrence is found, then the field value is modified to the value specified. If a field occurrence is specified that does not exist, then NULL values are added for the missing occurrences until the desired occurrence can be added (for example, changing field occurrence 4 for a field that does not exist on a buffer will cause 3 NULL values to be added followed by the specified field value). NULL values consist of the NULL string (1 byte in length) for string and character values, 0 for long and short fields, 0.0 for float and double values, and a zero-length string for a character array. The new or modified value is contained in value and its length is given in len if it is a character array (ignored in other cases). If value is NULL, then the field occurrence is deleted. A value to be deleted that is not found, is considered an error.

In the SYNOPSIS section above the value argument to Fchg() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Fchg(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being changed. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Fchg() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the same type as the stored type of the field being changed.

Fchg32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fchg() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested for deletion but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also


Fchgs (3FML)


Fchgs, Fchgs32-change field occurrence - caller presents string


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fchgs(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *value)
#include "fml32.h"
Fchgs32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, int oc, char *value)


Fchgs(), is provided to handle the case of conversion from a user type of FLD_STRING. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. value is a pointer to the string to be added. The function calls its non-string-function counterpart, CFchg(3), providing a type of FLD_STRING, and a len of 0 to convert from a string to the field type of fieldid.

Fchgs32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fchgs() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fchg(3), CFchg(3)

Fchksum (3FML)


Fchksum, Fchksum32-compute checksum for fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fchksum(FBFR *fbfr)
#include "fml32.h"
Fchksum32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


For extra-reliable I/O, a checksum may be calculated using Fchksum() and stored in a fielded buffer being written out. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The stored checksum may be inspected by the receiving process to verify that the entire buffer was received.

Fchksum32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, Fchksum returns the checksum. This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fchksum() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fread(3), Fwrite(3)

Fcmp (3FML)


Fcmp, Fcmp32-compare two fielded buffers


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fcmp(FBFR *fbfr1, FBFR *fbfr2)
#include "fml32.h"
Fcmp32(FBFR32 *fbfr1, FBFR32 *fbfr2)


Fcmp() compares the field identifiers and then the field values of two FML buffers. fbfr1 and fbfr2 are pointers to the fielded buffers to be compared.

Fcmp32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

The function returns a 0 if the two buffers are identical. It returns a -1 on any of the following conditions:

Fcmp(\|) returns a 1 if any of the reverse set of conditions is true, for example, the fieldid of a fbfr1 field is greater than the fieldid of the corresponding field of fbfr2. The actual sizes of the buffers (that is, the sizes passed to Falloc()) are not considered; only the data in the buffers. This function returns \-2 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fcmp() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fadd(3), Fchg(3)

Fconcat (3FML)


Fconcat, Fconcat32-concatenate source to destination buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fconcat(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src)
#include "fml32.h"
Fconcat32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fconcat() adds fields from the source buffer to the fields that already exist in the destination buffer. dest and src are pointers to the destination and source fielded buffers, respectively. Occurrences in the destination buffer, if any, are maintained and new occurrences from the source buffer are added with greater occurrence numbers for the field.

Fconcat32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fconcat() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
Either the source or the destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added in a fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fjoin(3), Fupdate(3)

Fcpy (3FML)


Fcpy, Fcpy32-copy source to destination buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fcpy(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src)
#include "fml32.h"
Fcpy32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fcpy() is used to copy the contents of one fielded buffer to another fielded buffer. dest and src are pointers to the destination and source fielded buffers respectively. Fcpy() expects the destination to be a fielded buffer, and thus can check that it is large enough to accommodate the data from the source buffer.

Fcpy32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fcpy() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
Either the source or the destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
The destination buffer is not large enough to hold the source buffer.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fmove(3)

Fdel (3FML)


Fdel, Fdel32-delete field occurrence from buffer


#include stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fdel(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)
#include "fml32.h"
Fdel32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Fdel() deletes the specified field occurrence from the buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field.

Note that when multiple occurrences of a field exist in the fielded buffer and a field occurrence is deleted that is not the last occurrence, also higher occurrences in the buffer are shifted down by one. To maintain the same occurrence number for all occurrences, use Fchg(3) to set the field occurrence value to a "null" value.

Fdel32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fdel() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fadd(3), Fchg(3), Fdelall(3), Fdelete(3)

Fdelall (3FML)


Fdelall, Fdelall32-delete all field occurrences from buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fdelall(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid)
#include "fml32.h"
Fdelall32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid)


Fdelall() deletes all occurrences of the specified field in the buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. If no occurrences of the field are found, it is considered an error.

Fdelall32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fdelall() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field is requested but the specified field was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fdel(3), Fdelete(3)

Fdelete (3FML)


Fdelete, Fdelete32-delete list of fields from buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fdelete(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID *fieldid)
#include "fml32.h"
Fdelete32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 *fieldid)


Fdelete() deletes all occurrences of all fields listed in the array of field identifiers, fieldid[]. The last entry in the array must be BADFLDID. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a pointer to an array of field identifiers. This is a more efficient way of deleting several fields from a buffer instead of using several Fdelall() calls. The update is done in-place. The array of field identifiers may be re-arranged by Fdelete() (they are sorted, if not already, in numeric order).

Fdelete() returns success even if no fields are deleted from the fielded buffer.

Fdelete32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fdelete() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fdel(3), Fdelall(3)

Fextread (3FML)


Fextread, Fextread32-build fielded buffer from printed format


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fextread(FBFR *fbfr, FILE *iop)
#include "fml32.h"
Fextread32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FILE *iop)


Fextread() may be used to construct a fielded buffer from its printed format (that is, from the output of Fprint(3)). The parameters are a pointer to a fielded buffer, fbfr, and a pointer to a file stream, iop. The input file format is basically the same as the output format of Fprint(3), that is:

[flag] fldname or fldid tab> fldval (or fldname, if flag is \Q\Q='')

The optional flags and their meanings are as follows:


occurrence 0 of the field in the fielded buffer should be changed to the value provided.


occurrence 0 of the field named should be deleted from the fielded buffer. The tab character is required; any field value is ignored.


In this case, the last field on the input line is the name of a field in the fielded buffer. The value of occurrence 0 of that field should be assigned to occurrence 0 of the first field named on the input line.


the line is treated as a comment and is ignored.

If no flag is specified, a new occurrence of the field named by fldname with value fldval is added to the fielded buffer. A trailing newline (-) must be provided following each completed input buffer.

Fextread32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fextread() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a field buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field number is specified which is not valid.


"UNIX system call error"
A UNIX system call error occurred. The external integer errno should have been set to indicate the error by the system call, and the external integer Uunixerr (values defined in Uunix.h) is set to the system call that returned the error.


"unknown field name"
A field name is specified which cannot be found in the field tables.


"bad syntax in format"
A syntax error was found in the external buffer format. Possible errors are: an unexpected end-of-file indicator, input lines not in the form fieldid or name tab> value two control characters, field values greater than 1000 characters, or an invalid hex escape sequence.


"field not present"
A field to be deleted is not found in the fielded buffer.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"invalid parameter"
The value of iop is NULL.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fprint(3)

Ffind (3FML)


Ffind, Ffind32-find field occurrence in buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
char *
Ffind(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, FLDLEN *len)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
Ffind32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, FLDLEN32 *len)


Ffind() finds the value of the specified field occurrence in the buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. If the field is found, its length is set into *len, and its location is returned as the value of the function. If the value of len is NULL, then the field length is not returned. Ffind() is useful for gaining read-only access to a field. In no case should the value returned by Ffind() be used to modify the buffer.

In general, the locations of values of types FLD_LONG, FLD_FLOAT, and FLD_DOUBLE are not suitable for direct use as their stored type, since proper alignment within the buffer is not guaranteed. Such values must be copied first to a suitably aligned memory location. Accessing such fields through the conversion function CFfind(3) does guarantee the proper alignment of the found converted value. Buffer modification should only be done by the functions Fadd(3) or Fchg(3). The values returned by Ffind() and Ffindlast() are valid only so long as the buffer remains unmodified.

Ffind32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

In the SYNOPSIS section above the return value to Ffind() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Actually, the pointer returned points to an object that has the same type as the stored type of the field.

This function returns a pointer to NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffind() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), Ffindlast(3fml), Ffindocc(3fml), Ffinds(3fml)

Ffindlast (3FML)


Ffindlast, Ffindlast32-find last occurrence of field in buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
char *
Ffindlast(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC *oc, FLDLEN *len) #include "fml32.h"
char *
Ffindlast32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 *oc, FLDLEN32 *len)


Ffindlast() finds the last occurrence of a field in a buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is a pointer to an integer that is used to receive the occurrence number of the field. len is the length of the value. If there are no occurrences of the field in the buffer, NULL is returned. Generally, Ffindlast() acts like Ffind(3). The major difference is that with Ffindlast the user does not supply a field occurrence. Instead, both the value and occurrence number of the last occurrence of the field are returned. In order to return the occurrence number of the last field, the occurrence argument, oc, to Ffindlast() is a pointer-to-integer, and not an integer, as it is to Ffind(). If oc is specified to be NULL, the occurrence number of the last occurrence is not returned. If the value of len is NULL, then the field length is not returned.

In general, the locations of values of types FLD_LONG, FLD_FLOAT, and FLD_DOUBLE are not suitable for direct use as their stored type, since proper alignment within the buffer is not guaranteed. Such values must be copied first to a suitably aligned memory location. Accessing such fields through the conversion function CFfind(3) does guarantee the proper alignment of the found converted value. Buffer modification should only be done by the functions Fadd(3) or Fchg(3). The values returned by Ffind() and Ffindlast() are valid only so long as the buffer remains unmodified.

Ffindlast32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

In the SYNOPSIS section above the return value to Ffindlast() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Actually, the pointer returned points to an object that has the same type as the stored type of the field.

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffindlast() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field is requested but the specified field was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), CFfind(3fml), Fadd(3fml), Fchg(3fml), Ffind(3fml), Ffindocc(3fml), Ffinds(3fml)

Ffindocc (3FML)


Ffindocc, Ffindocc32-find occurrence of field value


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Ffindocc(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN len) #include "fml32.h"
Ffindocc32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, char *value, FLDLEN32 len)


Ffindocc() looks at occurrences of the specified field in the buffer and returns the occurrence number of the first field occurrence that matches the user specified field value. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. The value to be found is contained in the location pointed to by the value parameter. len is the length of the value if its type is FLD_CARRAY. If fieldid is field type FLD_STRING and if len is not 0, pattern matching is done on the string. The pattern match supported is the same as the patterns described in regcmp(3) (in UNIX reference manuals). In addition, the alternation of regular expressions is supported (for example, \Q\QA|B'' matches with \Q\QA'' or \Q\QB''). The pattern must match the entire field value (that is, the pattern \Q\Qvalue'' is implicitly treated as \Q\Q^value$''). The version of Ffindocc() provided for use in the MS-DOS and OS/2 environments does not support the regcmp(3) pattern matching for FLD_STRING fields; it uses strcmp(3) (in UNIX reference manuals).

In the SYNOPSIS section above the value argument to Ffindocc() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Ffindocc(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being found. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Ffindocc() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the same type as the stored type of the field being found.

Ffindocc32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffindocc() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field value is requested but the specified field and/or value was not found in the fielded buffer.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, passing a NULL value parameter to Ffindocc or specifying an invalid string pattern).


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), Ffind(3fml), Ffindlast(3fml), Ffinds(3fml), regcmp(3) in a UNIX System reference manual

Ffinds (3FML)


Ffinds, Ffinds32-return ptr to string representation


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
char *
Ffinds(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
Ffinds32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Ffinds() is provided to handle the case of conversion to a user type of FLD_STRING. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. The specified field occurrence is found and converted from its type in the buffer to a null-terminated string. Basically, this macro calls its conversion function counterpart, CFfind(3), providing a utype of FLD_STRING, and a ulen of 0. The duration of the validity of the pointer returned by Ffinds() is the same as that described for CFfind(3).

Ffinds32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffinds() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field type is specified which is not valid.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed while converting carray to string.

See Also

Fintro(3), CFfind(3), Ffind(3)

Ffloatev (3FML)


Ffloatev, Ffloatev32-return value of expression as a double


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Ffloatev(FBFR *fbfr, char *tree)
#include "fml32.h"
Ffloatev32(FBFR32 *fbfr, char *tree)


Ffloatev() takes a pointer to a fielded buffer, fbfr, and a pointer to the evaluation tree returned from Fboolco(3), tree, and returns the value of the (arithmetic) expression, represented by the tree, as a double. This function does not change either the fielded buffer or the evaluation tree.

Ffloatev32 is used with 32-bit FML.

These functions are not supported on /WS platforms.

Return Values

On success Ffloatev() returns the value of an expression as a double.

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffloatev() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.


"bad syntax in Boolean expression"
A syntax error was found in a Boolean expression tree.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fboolco(3), Fboolev(3)

Ffprint (3FML)


Ffprint, Ffprint32-print fielded buffer to specified stream


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Ffprint(FBFR *fbfr, FILE *iop)
#include "fml32.h"
Ffprint32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FILE *iop)


Ffprint is similar to Fprint(3), except the text is printed to a specified output stream. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. iop is a pointer of type FILE that points to the output stream.

For each field in the buffer, the output prints the field name and field value separated by a tab. Fname(3) is used to determine the field name; if the field name cannot be determined, then the field identifier is printed. Non-printable characters in string and character array field values are represented by a backslash followed by their two-character hexadecimal value. A newline is printed following the output of the printed buffer.

Ffprint32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffprint() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fprint(3)

Ffree (3FML)


Ffree, Ffree32-free space allocated for fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Ffree(FBFR *fbfr)
#include "fml32.h"
Ffree32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Ffree() is used to recover space allocated to its argument fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The fielded buffer is invalidated, that is, made non-fielded, and then freed.

Ffree() is recommended as opposed to free(3) (in UNIX System reference manuals), because Ffree() invalidates a fielded buffer whereas free(3) does not. It is important to invalidate fielded buffers because malloc(3) (in UNIX System reference manuals) re-uses memory that has been freed without clearing it. Thus, if free(3) were used, it would be possible for malloc to return a piece of memory that looks like a valid fielded buffer but is not.

Ffree32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffree() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned" The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded" The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), malloc(3), free(3) in UNIX reference manuals, Falloc(3), Frealloc(3)

Fget (3FML)


Fget, Fget32-get copy and length of field occurrence


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Fget(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *value, FLDLEN
#include "fml32.h"
Fget32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, char *value,
FLDLEN32 *maxlen)


Fget() should be used to retrieve a field from a fielded buffer when the value is to be modified. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. The caller provides Fget() with a pointer to a private data area, loc, as well as the length of the data area, *maxlen, and the length of the field is returned in *maxlen. If maxlen is NULL when the function is called, then it is assumed that the data area for the field value loc is big enough to contain the field value and the length of the value is not returned. If loc is NULL, the value is not retrieved. Thus, the function call can be used to determine the existence of the field.

In the SYNOPSIS section above the value argument to Fget() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Fget(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being retrieved. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Fget() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the same type as the stored type of the field being retrieved.

Fget32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fget() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space"
The size of the data area, as specified in maxlen, is not large enough to hold the field value.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), CFget(3c), Fgetalloc(3fml), Fgetlast(3fml),Fgets(3fml), Fgetsa(3fml)

Fgetalloc (3FML)


Fgetalloc, Fgetalloc32-allocate space and get copy of field occurrence


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
char *
Fgetalloc(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, FLDLEN *extralen)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
Fgetalloc32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, FLDLEN32


Like Fget(3), Fgetalloc() finds and makes a copy of a buffer field, but it acquires space for the field via a call to malloc(3) (in UNIX System programmer's reference manuals). fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. The last argument to Fgetalloc(), extralen, provides an extra amount of space to be acquired in addition to the field value size. It can be used if the retrieved value is to be expanded before re-insertion into the fielded-buffer. If extralen is NULL, then no additional space is allocated and the actual length is not returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free(3) space acquired by Fgetalloc(). The buffer will be aligned properly for any field type.

Fgetalloc32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

In the SYNOPSIS section above the return value to Fgetalloc() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Actually, the pointer returned points to an object that has the same type as the stored type of the field. This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fgetalloc() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), CFget(3c), Fget(3fml), Fgetlast(3fml), Fgets(3fml), Fgetsa(3fml) free(3), malloc(3) in a UNIX System reference manual

Fgetlast (3FML)


Fgetlast, Fgetlast32-get copy of last occurrence


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fgetlast(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC *oc, char *value, FLDLEN
#include "fml32.h"
Fgetlast32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 *oc, char
*value, FLDLEN32 *maxlen)


Fgetlast() is used to retrieve both the value and occurrence number of the last occurrence of the field identified by fieldid. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. In order to return the occurrence number of the last field, the occurrence argument, oc, is a pointer-to-integer, not an integer.

The caller provides Fgetlast() with a pointer to a private buffer, loc, as well as the length of the buffer, *maxlen, and the length of the field is returned in *maxlen. If maxlen is NULL when the function is called, then it is assumed that the buffer for the field value is big enough to contain the field value and the length of the value is not returned. If loc is NULL, the value is not returned. If oc is NULL, the occurrence is not returned.

In the SYNOPSIS section above the value argument to Fgetlast() is described as a character pointer data type (char * in C). Technically, this describes only one particular kind of value passable to Fgetlast(). In fact, the type of the value argument should be a pointer to an object of the same type as the type of the fielded-buffer representation of the field being retrieved. For example, if the field is stored in the buffer as type FLD_LONG, then value should be of type pointer-to-long (long * in C). Similarly, if the field is stored as FLD_SHORT, then value should be of type pointer-to-short (short * in C). The important thing is that Fgetlast() assumes that the object pointed to by value has the sametype as the stored type of the field being retrieved.

Fgetlast32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fgetlast() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space"
The size of the data area, as specified in maxlen, is not large enough to hold the field value.


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
|A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), Fget(3fml), Fgetalloc(3fml), Fgets(3fml), Fgetsa(3fml)

Fgets (3FML)


Fgets, Fgets32-get value converted to string


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fgets(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, char *buf)
#include "fml32.h"
Fgets32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, char *buf)


Fgets() retrieves a field occurrence from the fielded buffer first converting the value to a user type of FLD_STRING. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. The caller of Fgets() provides buf, a pointer to a private buffer, which is used for the retrieved field value. It is assumed that buf is large enough to hold the value. Basically, Fgets() calls CFget(3) with an assumed utype of FLD_STRING, and a ulen of 0.

Fgets32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fgets() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), CFget(3), Fget(3), Fgetalloc(3), Fgetlast(3), Fgetsa(3)

Fgetsa (3FML)


Fgetsa, Fgetsa32-malloc space and get converted value


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
char *
Fgetsa(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc, FLDLEN *extra)
#include "fml32.h"
char *
Fgetsa32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc, FLDLEN32


Fgetsa() is a macro that calls CFgetalloc(3). fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field. The function uses malloc(3) (in UNIX System programmer's reference manuals) to allocate space for the retireved field value that has been converted to a string. If extra is not NULL, it specifies the extra space to allocate in addition to the field value size; the total size is returned in extra.

It is the responsibility of the user to free(3) (in UNIX System reference manuals) the space malloc'd.

Fgetsa32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, the function returns a pointer to the allocated buffer.

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fgetsa() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), malloc(3), free(3) in UNIX System reference manuals, CFget(3), Fget(3), Fgetlast(3), Fgets(3),

Fidnm_unload (3FML)


Fidnm_unload, Fidnm_unload32-recover space from id->nm mapping tables


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
#include "fml32.h"


Fidnm_unload() recovers space allocated by Fname(3) for field identifier to field name mapping tables.

Fidnm_unload32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function is declared as a void and so does not return anything.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fname(3), Fnmid_unload(3)

Fidxused (3FML)


Fidxused, Fidxused32-return amount of space used


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fidxused(FBFR *fbfr)
#include "fml32.h"
Fidxused32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Fidxused() indicates the current amount of space used by the buffer's index. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Fidxused32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, the function returns the amount of space in the buffer used by the index. This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fidxused() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Findex(3), Frstrindex(3), Funused(3), Fused(3)

Fielded (3FML)


Fielded, Fielded32-return true if buffer is fielded


#include stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fielded(FBFR *fbfr)
#include "fml32.h"
Fielded32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Fielded() is used to test whether the specified buffer is fielded. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Fielded32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

Fielded() returns true (1) if the buffer is fielded. It returns false (0) if the buffer is not fielded and does not set Ferror in this case.

See Also

Fintro(3), Finit(3), Fneeded(3), Fsizeof(3)

Findex (3FML)


Findex, Findex32-index a fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Findex(FBFR *fbfr, FLDOCC intvl)
#include "fml32.h"
Findex32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDOCC32 intvl)


The function Findex() is called explicitly to index a fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The second parameter, intvl, gives the indexing interval, that is, the ideal separation of indexed fields. If this argument has value 0, then the buffer's current indexing value is used. If the current value itself is 0, the value FSTDXINTVL (defaults to 16) is used. Using an indexing value of 1 will ensure that every field in the buffer is indexed. The size of the index interval and the amount of space allocated to a buffer's index are inversely proportional: the smaller the interval, the more fields are indexed and thus the larger the amount of space used for indexing.

Findex32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Findex() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
An ENTRY is to be added to the index but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), Fidxused(3fml), Frstrindex(3fml), Funindex(3fml)

Finit (3FML)


Finit, Finit32-initialize fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Finit(FBFR *fbfr, FLDLEN buflen)
#include "fml32.h"
Finit32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDLEN32 buflen)


Finit() can be called to initialize a fielded buffer statically. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. buflen is the length of the buffer. The function takes the buffer pointer and buffer length, and sets up the internal structure for a buffer with no fields. Finit() can also be used to re-initialize a previously used buffer.

Finit32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Finit() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer pointer is NULL.


"no space in fielded buffer"
The buffer size specified is too small for a fielded buffer.


The correct way to re-initialize a buffer to have no fields is: Finit(fbfr, (FLDLEN)Fsizeof(fbfr));

See Also

Fintro(3), Falloc(3), Fneeded(3), Frealloc(3)

Fjoin (3FML)


Fjoin, Fjoin32-join source into destination buffer


#include stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
Fjoin(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src)
#include "fml32.h"
Fjoin32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fjoin() is used to join two fielded buffers based on matching fieldid/occurrence. dest and src are pointers to the destination and source fielded buffers respectively. For fields that match on fieldid/occurrence, the field value is updated in the destination buffer with the value in the source buffer. Fields in the destination buffer that have no corresponding fieldid/occurrence in the source buffer are deleted.

This function may fail due to lack of space if the new values are larger than the old; in this case, the destination buffer will have been modified. However, if this happens, the destination buffer may be re-allocated using Frealloc(3) and the Fjoin() function repeated. Even if the destination buffer has been partially updated, repeating the function will give the correct results.

Fjoin32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fjoin() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a field buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


In the following example:

FBFR *src, *dest;  ...  if(Fjoin(dest,src)  0)  F_error("pgm_name");

if dest has fields A, B, and two occurrences of C, and src has fields A, C, and D, the resultant dest will have source field value A and source field value C.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fconcat(3), Fojoin(3), Fproj(3), Fprojcpy(3), Frealloc(3)

Fldid (3FML)


Fldid, Fldid32-map field name to field identifier


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fldid(char *name)

#include "fml32.h"

Fldid32(char *name)


Fldid() provides a runtime translation of a field-name to its field identifier and returns a FLDID corresponding to its field name parameter. The first invocation causes space to be dynamically allocated for the field tables and the tables to be loaded. To recover data space used by the field tables loaded by Fldid(), the user may unload the files by a call to the Fnmid_unload(3) function.

Fldid32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns BADFLDID on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fldid() fails and sets Ferror to:


"unknown field name"
A field name is specified which cannot be found in the field tables.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), malloc(3) in UNIX System reference manuals, Fldno(3), Fname(3), Fnmid_unload(3)

Fldno (3FML)


Fldno, Fldno32-map field identifier to field number

#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fldno(FLDID fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

Fldno32(FLDID32 fieldid)


Fldno() accepts a field identifier, fieldid, as a parameter and returns the field number contained in the identifier.

Fldno32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns the field number and does not return an error.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fldid(3), Fldtype(3)

Fldtype (3FML)


Fldtype, Fldtype32-map field identifier to field type


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fldtype(FLDID fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

Fldtype32(FLDID32 fieldid)


Fldtype() accepts a field identifier, fieldid, and returns the field type contained in the identifier (an integer), as defined in fml.h.

Fldtype32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns the field type.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fldid(3), Fldno(3)

Flen (3FML)


Flen, Flen32-return len of field occurrence in buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"

Flen(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)

#include "fml32.h"

Flen32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Flen() finds the value of the specified field occurrence in the buffer and returns its length. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field.

Flen32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, Flen() returns the field length.

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Flen() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"field not present"
A field occurrence is requested but the specified field and/or occurrence was not found in the fielded buffer.


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fnum(3), Fpres(3)

Fmkfldid (3FML)


Fmkfldid, Fmkfldid32-make a field identifier

#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fmkfldid(int type, FLDID num)

#include "fml.h"

Fmkfldid32(int type, FLDID32 num)


Fmkfldid() allows the creation of a valid field identifier from a valid type (as defined in fml.h) and a field number. This is useful for writing an application generator that chooses field numbers sequentially, or for recreating a field identifier.

type is a valid type (an integer; see Fldtype(3)). num is a field number (it should be an unused field number, to avoid confusion with existing fields)

Fmkfldid32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns BADFLDID on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fmkfldid() fails and sets Ferror to:


"unknown field number or type"
A field number is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
A field type is specified which is not valid (as defined in fml.h).

See Also

Fintro(3), Fldtype(3)

Fmove (3FML)


Fmove, Fmove32-move fielded buffer to destination


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fmove(char *dest, FBFR *src)

#include "fml32.h"

Fmove32(char *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fmove() should be used when copying from a fielded buffer to any type of buffer. dest and src are pointers to the destination buffer and the source fielded buffers respectively.

The difference between Fmove() and Fcpy(3) is that Fcpy(3) expects the destination to be a fielded buffer and thus can make sure it is of sufficient size to accommodate the data from the source buffer. Fmove() makes no such check, blindly moving Fsizeof(3) bytes of data from the source fielded buffer to the target buffer. The destination buffer must be aligned on a short boundary.

Fmove32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fmove() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The source or destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The source buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fcpy(3), Fsizeof(3)

Fname (3FML)


Fname, Fname32-map field identifier to field name


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

char *
Fname(FLDID fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

char *
Fname32(FLDID32 fieldid)


Fname() provides a runtime translation of a field identifier, fieldid, to its field name and returns a pointer to a character string containing the name corresponding to its argument. The first invocation causes space to be dynamically allocated for the field tables and the tables to be loaded. The table space used by the mapping tables created by Fname() may be recovered by a call to the function Fidnm_unload(3).

Fname32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fname() fails and sets Ferror to:


"unknown field number or type"
A field number is specified for which a field name cannot be found or is invalid (0).


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffprint(3), Fidnm_unload(3), Fldid(3), Fprint(3)

Fneeded (3FML)


Fneeded, Fneeded32-compute size needed for buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"


#include "fml32.h"

Fneeded32(FLDOCC32 F, FLDLEN32 V)


Fneeded() if used to determine the space that must be allocated for F fields and V bytes of value space.

Fneeded32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fneeded() fails and sets Ferror to:


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, number of fields is less than 0, V is 0 or total size is greater than 65534).

See Also

Fintro(3), Falloc(3), Finit(3), Fielded(3), Fsizeof(3), Funused(3), Fused(3)

Fnext (3FML)


Fnext, Fnext32-get next field occurrence


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fnext(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID *fieldid, FLDOCC *oc, char *value, FLDLEN *len)

#include "fml32.h"

Fnext32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 *fieldid, FLDOCC32 *oc, char *value, FLDLEN32 *len)


Fnext() finds the next field in the buffer after the specified field occurrence. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a pointer to a field identifier. oc is a pointer to the occurrence number of the field. value is a pointer to the value of the next field. len is the length of the next value.

The field identifier, FIRSTFLDID, should be specified to get the first field in the buffer (for example, on the first call to Fnext()). If value is not NULL, the next field value is copied into value; *len is used to determine if the buffer has enough space allocated to contain the value. The value's length is returned in *len. If len is NULL when the function is called, it is assumed that there is enough space and the new value length is not returned. If value is NULL, the value is not retrieved and only fieldid and oc are updated. The *fieldid and *oc parameters are respectively set to the next found field and occurrence. If no more fields are found, 0 is returned (end of buffer) and *fieldid, *oc, and *value are left unchanged. Fields are returned in field identifier order.

Although the type of value is char *, the value returned will be of the same type as the next field being retrieved.

Fnext32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

Fnext() returns 1 when the next occurrence is successfully found. It returns 0 when the end of the buffer is reached.

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fnext() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space"
The size of value, as specified in len, is not large enough to hold the field value.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, specifying NULL for fieldid or oc).

See Also

Fintro(3), Fget(3), Fnum(3)

Fnmid_unload (3FML)


Fnmid_unload, Fnmid_unload32-recover space from nm->id mapping tables


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"
void Fnmid_unload(void)
#include "fml32.h"
void Fnmid_unload32(void)


To recover data space used by the field tables loaded by Fldid(3), the user may unload the files by a call to the Fnmid_unload() function.

Fnmid_unload32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function is declared as a void and so does not return anything.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fidnm_unload(3), Fldid(3)

Fnum (3FML)


Fnum, Fnum32-return count of all occurrences in buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"

Fnum(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Fnum32(FBFR *fbfr)


Fnum() returns the number of fields contained in the specified buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Fnum32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fnum() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Foccur(3), Fpres(3)

Foccur (3FML)


Foccur, Foccur32-return count of field occurrences in buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"

Foccur(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

FLDOCC32 Foccur32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid)


Foccur() is used to determine the number of occurrences of the field specified by fieldid in the buffer pointed to by fbfr.

Foccur32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, Foccur() returns the number of occurrences; if none are found, it returns 0.

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Foccur() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fnum(3), Fpres(3)

Fojoin (3FML)


Fojoin, Fojoin32-outer join source into destination buffer

#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fojoin(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src)

#include "fml32.h"

Fojoin32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fojoin() is similar to Fjoin(3), but it keeps fields from the destination buffer, dest, that have no corresponding fieldid/occurrence in the source buffer, src. Fields that exist in the source buffer that have no corresponding fieldid/occurrence in the destination buffer are not added to the destination buffer.

As with Fjoin(3), this function can fail for lack of space; it can be re-issued again after allocating more space to complete the operation.

Fojoin32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fojoin() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in a field buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.


In the following example,

if(Fojoin(dest,src)  0)

if dest has fields A, B, and two occurrences of C, and src has fields A, C, and D, the resultant dest will contain the source field value A, the destination field value B,the source field value C, and the second destination field value C.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fconcat(3), Fjoin(3), Fproj(3)

Fpres (3FML)


Fpres, Fpres32-true if field occurrence is present in buffer

#include <stdio.h>  

#include "fml.h"

Fpres(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)

#include "fml32.h"

Fpres32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Fpres() is used to detect if a given occurrence, oc, of a specified field, fieldid, exists in the buffer pointed to by fbfr.

Fpres32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

Fpres() returns true (1) if the specified occurrence exists and false (0) otherwise.

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffind(3), Fnum(3), Foccur(3)

Fprint (3FML)


Fprint, Fprint32-print buffer to standard output


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fprint(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Fprint32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Fprint() prints the specified buffer to the standard output. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. For each field in the buffer, the output prints the field name and field value separated by a tab. Fname(3) is used to determine the field name; if the field name cannot be determined, then the field identifier is printed. Non-printable characters in string and character array field values are represented by a backslash followed by their two-character hexadecimal value. A newline is printed following the output of the printed buffer.

Fprint32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fprint() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fextread(3), Fname(3), Ffprint(3)

Fproj (3FML)


Fproj, Fproj32-projection on buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fproj(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID *fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

Fproj32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 *fieldid)


Fproj() is used to update a buffer so as to keep only the desired fields. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The desired fields are specified in an array of field identifiers pointed to by fieldid. The last entry in the array must be BADFLDID. The update is done in-place; fields that are not in the result of the projection are deleted from the fielded buffer. The array of field identifiers may be re-arranged (if they are not already in numeric order, they are sorted).

Fproj32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fproj() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


#include "fld.tbl.h"  
FBFR *fbfr;
FLDID fieldid[20];
fieldid[0] = A; /* field id for field A */
fieldid[1] = D; /* field id for field D */
fieldid[2] = BADFLDID; /* sentinel value */
if(Fproj(fbfr, fieldid) 0)

If the buffer has fields A, B, C, and D, the example results in a buffer that contains only occurrences of fields A and D. The entries in the array of field identifiers do not need to be in any specific order, but the last value in the array of field identifiers must be field identifier 0 (BADFLDID).

See Also

Fintro(3), Fjoin(3), Fojoin(3), Fprojcpy(3)

Fprojcpy (3FML)


Fprojcpy, Fprojcpy32-projection and copy on buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fprojcpy(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src, FLDID *fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

Fprojcpy32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src, FLDID32 *fieldid)


Fprojcpy() is similar to Fproj(3) but the projection is done into a destination buffer instead of in-place. dest and src are pointers to the destination and source fielded buffers respectively. fieldid is a pointer to an array of field identifiers. Any fields in the destination buffer are first deleted and the results of the projection on the source buffer are put into the destination buffer. The source buffer is not changed. The array of field identifiers may be re-arranged (if they are not already in numeric order, they are sorted).

This function can fail for lack of space; it can be re-issued after allocating enough additional space to complete the operation.

Fprojcpy32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fprojcpy() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be copied to the destination fielded buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fjoin(3), Fojoin(3), Fproj(3)

Fread (3FML)


Fread, Fread32-read fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fread(FBFR *fbfr, FILE *iop)

#include "fml32.h"

Fread32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FILE32 *iop)


Fielded buffers may be read from file streams using Fread(). fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. iop is a pointer of type FILE to the input stream. (See stdio(3S) in a UNIX System reference manual for a discussion of streams). Fread() reads the fielded buffer from the stream into fbfr, clearing any data previously stored in the buffer, and recreates the buffer's index.

Fread32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fread() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit(). This error is also returned if the data that is read is not a fielded buffer.


"no space in fielded buffer"
There is not enough space in the buffer to hold the fielded buffer being read from the stream.


"UNIX system call error"
The read() system call failed. The external integer errno should have been set to indicate the error by the system call.

See Also

Fintro(3), stdio(3S) in UNIX System reference manuals, Findex(3), Fwrite(3)

Frealloc (3FML)


Frealloc, Frealloc32-re-allocate fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Frealloc(FBFR *fbfr, FLDOCC nf, FLDLEN nv)

#include "fml32.h"

FBFR32 *
Frealloc32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDOCC32 nf, FLDLEN32 nv)


Frealloc() can be used to re-allocate space to enlarge a fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The second and third parameters are the new number of fields, nf, and the new number of bytes value space, nv. These are not increments.

Frealloc32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, Frealloc returns a pointer to the re-allocated FBFR.

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Frealloc() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, number of fields is less than 0, V is 0 or total size is greater than 65534).


"malloc failed"
The new size is smaller than what is currently in the buffer, or allocation of space dynamically using realloc(3) failed.

See Also

Fintro(3), Falloc(3), Ffree(3)

Frstrindex (3FML)


Frstrindex, Frstrindex32-restore index in a buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Frstrindex(FBFR *fbfr, FLDOCC numidx)

#include "fml32.h"

Frstrindex32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDOCC32 numidx)


A fielded buffer that has been unindexed may be reindexed by either calling Findex(3) or Frstrindx(). fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The former performs a total index calculation on the buffer, and is fairly expensive (requiring a full scan of the buffer). It should be used when an unindexed buffer has been altered, or the previous state of the buffer is unknown (for example, when it has been sent from one process to another without an index). Frstrindex() is much faster, but may only be used if the buffer has not been altered since its previous unindexing operation. The second argument to Frstrindx(), numidx, is the return from the Funindex(3) function.

Frstrindex32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Frstrindex() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


In order to transmit a buffer without its index, something like the following should be performed:

save = Funindex(fbfr);  
num_to_send = Fused(fbfr);
transmit(fbfr,num_to_send); /* A hypothetical function */ Frstrindx(fbfr,save);

These four statements do the following:

1. - /* unindex, saving for Frstrindx */  
2. - /* determine number of bytes to send */
3. - /* send fbfr, without index */
4. - /* restore index */

In this case, transmit() is passed a memory pointer and a length. The data to be transmitted begins at the memory pointer and has num_to_send number of significant bytes. Once the buffer has been sent, its index may be restored (assuming transmit() does not alter it in any way) using Frstrindex(). On the receiving end of the transmission, the process accepting the fielded buffer would index it with Findex(3), as in:

receive(fbfr); /* get fbfr from wherever .. into fbfr */  
Findex(fbfr); /* index it */

The receiving process cannot call Frstrindx() because:

  1. it did not call Funindex(3) and so has no idea of what the value of the numidx argument to Frstrindex() should be

  2. the index itself is not available because it was not sent.

The solution is to call Findex(3) explicitly. Of course, the user is always free to transmit the indexed versions of a fielded buffer (that is, send Fsizeof(*fbfr) bytes) and avoid the cost of Findex(3) on the receiving side.

See Also

Fintro(3), Findex(3), Fsizeof(3), Funindex(3)

Fsizeof (3FML)


Fsizeof, Fsizeof32-return size of fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fsizeof(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Fsizeof32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Fsizeof() returns the size of a fielded buffer in bytes. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Fsizeof32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fsizeof() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fidxused(3), Fused(3), Funused(3)

Fstrerror (3FML)


Fstrerror, Fstrerror32-get error message string for FML error


#include <fml.h> 

char *
Fstrerror(int err)

#include <fml32.h>

char *
Fstrerror32(int err)


Fstrerror is used to retrieve the text of an error message from LIBFML_CAT. err is the error code set in F_error when a FML function call returns a -1 or other failure value.

The user can use the pointer returned by Fstrerror as an argument to userlog or F_error.

Fstrerror32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

If err is an invalid error code, Fstrerror returns a NULL. On success, the function returns a pointer to a string that contains the error message text.


Fstrerror returns a NULL on error, but does not set F_error.

See Also

Fintro(3fml), tpstrerror(3c), F_error(3fml), userlog(3c)

Ftypcvt (3FML)


Ftypcvt, Ftypcvt32-convert from one field type to another


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

char *
Ftypcvt(FLDLEN *tolen, int totype, char *fromval, int fromtype,
FLDLEN fromlen)

#include "fml32.h"

char *
Ftypcvt32(FLDLEN32 *tolen, int totype, char *fromval, int fromtype,
FLDLEN32 fromlen)


Ftypcvt() converts the value *fromval, which has type fromtype, and length fromlen (if fromtype is FLD\_CARRAY; otherwise, fromlen is inferred from fromtype), to a value of type totype. Ftypcvt() returns a pointer to the converted value, and sets *tolen to the converted length, upon success. Upon failure, Ftypcvt() returns NULL.

Ftypcvt32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ftypcvt() fails and sets Ferror to:


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc(3) failed when converting from a carray to string.


"invalid argument to function"
One of the arguments to the function invoked was invalid, (for example, a NULL tolen or fromval parameter was specified).


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), CFadd(3), CFchg(3), CFget(3), CFgetalloc(3), CFfind(3)

Ftype (3FML)


Ftype, Ftype32-return pointer to type of field


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

char *
Ftype(FLDID fieldid)

#include "fml32.h"

char *
Ftype32(FLDID32 fieldid)


Ftype() returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the type of a field, given a field identifier, fieldid. For example, if the FLDID of a field of type short is supplied to Ftype(), a pointer is returned to the string "short." This data area is "read-only."

Ftype32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

On success, Ftype() returns a pointer to a character string that identifies the field type.

This function returns NULL on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ftype() fails and sets Ferror to:


"invalid field type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fldid(3), Fldno(3)

Funindex (3FML)


Funindex, Funindex32-discard fielded buffer's index


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Funindex(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Funindex32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Funindex() discards a fielded buffer's index. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. When the function returns successfully, the buffer is unindexed. As a result, none of the buffer's space is allocated to an index and more space is available to user fields (at the cost of potentially slower access time). Unindexing a buffer is useful when it is to be stored on disk or to be transmitted somewhere. In the first case disk space is conserved, in the second, transmission costs may be reduced.

The number of significant bytes from the buffer start, after a buffer has been unindexed is determined by the function call: Fused(fbfr)

Funindex32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

Funindex() returns the number of index elements the buffer has before the index is stripped.

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Funindex() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Findex(3), Frstrindex(3), Fsizeof(3), Funused(3)

Funused (3FML)


Funused, Funused32-return number of unused bytes in fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Funused(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Funused32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Funused() returns the amount of space currently unused in the buffer. Space is unused if it contains neither user data nor overhead data such as the header and index.

fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Funused32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Funused() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fidxused(3), Fused(3)

Fupdate (3FML)


Fupdate, Fupdate32-update destination buffer with source


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fupdate(FBFR *dest, FBFR *src)

#include "fml32.h"

Fupdate32(FBFR32 *dest, FBFR32 *src)


Fupdate() updates the destination buffer with the field values in the source buffer. dest and src are pointers to fielded buffers. For fields that match on fieldid/occurrence, the field value is updated in the destination buffer with the value in the source buffer. Fields in the destination buffer that have no corresponding field in the source buffer are left untouched. Fields in the source buffer that have no corresponding field in the destination buffer are added to the destination buffer.

Fupdate32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fupdate() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
Either the source buffer or the destination buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The source or destination buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"no space in fielded buffer"
A field value is to be added or changed in the destination buffer but there is not enough space remaining in the buffer.

See Also

Fintro(3), Fjoin(3), Fojoin(3), Fproj(3), Fprojcpy(3)

Fused (3FML)


Fused, Fused32-return number of used bytes in fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fused(FBFR *fbfr)

#include "fml32.h"

Fused32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Fused() returns the amount of used space in a fielded buffer in bytes, including both user data and the header (but not the index, which can be dropped at any time). fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

Fused32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fused() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Fintro(3), Fidxused(3), Funused(3)

Fvall (3FML)


Fvall, Fvall32-return long value of field occurrence

#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fvall(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)

#include "fml32.h"

Fvall32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Fvall() works like Ffind(3) for long and short values, but returns the actual value of the field as a long, instead of a pointer to the value. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field.

If the specified field occurrence is not found, then 0 is returned. This function is useful for passing the value of a field to another function without checking the return value. This function is valid only for fields of type FLD_LONG or FLD_SHORT.

Fvall32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

For fields of types other than FLD_LONG or FLD_SHORT, Fvall() returns 0 and sets Ferror to FTYPERR.

This function returns 0 on other errors and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fvall() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
Bad fieldid or the field type is not FLD_SHORT or FLD_LONG.

See Also

Fintro(3), Ffind(3), Fvals(3)

Fvals (3FML)


Fvals, Fvals32-return string value of field occurrence


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

char *
Fvals(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)

#include "fml32.h"

char *
Fvals32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Fvals() works like Ffind(3) for string values but guarantees that a value is returned. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. fieldid is a field identifier. oc is the occurrence number of the field.

If the specified field occurrence is not found, then the null string is returned. This function is useful for passing the value of a field to another function without checking the return value. This function is valid only for fields of type FLD_STRING; the null string is automatically returned for other field types (that is, no conversion is done).

Fvals32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns the null string on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fvals() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"unknown field number or type"
A field identifier is specified which is not valid.


"invalid field type"
Bad fieldid or the field type is not FLD_STRING.

See Also

Fintro(3), CFfind(3), Ffind(3), Fvall(3)

Fwrite (3FML)


Fwrite, Fwrite32-write fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h>  
#include "fml.h"

Fwrite(FBFR *fbfr, FILE *iop)

#include "fml32.h"

Fwrite32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FILE *iop)


Fielded buffers may be written to streams by Fwrite(). (See stdio(3S) in a UNIX System reference manual for a discussion of streams). Fwrite() discards a buffer's index.

fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. iop is a pointer of type FILE to the output stream.

Fwrite32 is used with 32-bit FML.

Return Values

This function returns \-1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fwrite() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"UNIX system call error"
The write system call failed. The external integer errno should have been set to indicate the error by the system call, and the external integer Uunixerr (values defined in Uunix.h) is set to the system call that returned the error.

See Also

Fintro(3), stdio(3S) in UNIX System reference manuals, Findex(3), Fread(3)