Chapter 2 . Installing the MessageQ Client

This chapter describes how to install the MessageQ Client for Windows software. It includes the following topics:

Installation Prerequisites

To successfully install MessageQ Client software on your client machine, you must ensure that your environment meets the following installation requirements:

Hardware Requirements

To perform the installation, you need the following hardware:

Software Requirements

Your system must meet the following software requirements before you can run the MessageQ Client software.

For a complete description of MessageQ server systems and TCP/IP transports supported by the MessageQ Client, see the MessageQ Client for Windows Release Notes.

Platforms and Transports Supported

This section describes the hardware, operating systems, and network transports supported by MessageQ Client for Windows, Version 4.0.

Client Platforms Supported

The MessageQ Client supports operating system and network environments as listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Supported Client Platforms

Operating System Transports

Windows NT 3.51 (Intel or Alpha)

Windows NT TCP/IP
PATHWORKS V4.1B for Windows NT

Windows 95

Windows 95 TCP/IP

MessageQ Server Compatibility

The MessageQ Client runs with all MessageQ, Version 2.1 or higher message server implementations with the following exceptions:

Client DECnet Support

The MessageQ Client supports the DECnet network transport using the PATHWORKS products listed in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 MessageQ Client DECnet Support

Operating System PATHWORKS Version

Windows NT V3.51 (Intel or Alpha)

PATHWORKS for Windows NT V4.1B

Windows 95

Not supported

Disk Space Requirements

MessageQ Client systems require approximately 3 megabytes of free disk space to hold the MessageQ installation files.

Backing Up Your System Disk

We recommend that you back up your system disk before installing any software. For details on performing a system disk backup, see your Microsoft Windows system documentation.

Installing on Systems Already Running the MessageQ Client

If you have a previous version of the MessageQ Client already installed on your system, we recommend that you install Version 4.0 software in the default installation directory, c:\...\BEA Systems\MessageQ.

Regardless of the directory in which the product is installed, the icons for the Program Manager are overwritten to point to the new installation. If a previous version is installed, you will not be able to access it from the Program Manager using the icons.

Installing the MessageQ Client

The MessageQ Client is installed from the distribution media using a Windows setup.exe installation program.

Table 2-3 describes the MessageQ Client installation options.
Table 2-3 MessageQ Client Installation Options

Installation Option Description

MessageQ Client and Utilities

A Windows dynamic link library (DLL) and utilities that support MessageQ-enabled applications

Sample Programs

Programming examples that show how applications can use interprocess message queuing to exchange information. For more information about the programming examples, see the MessageQ Programmer's Guide.

Online Documentation

Online documentation available for Introduction to MessageQ, MessageQ Programmer's Guide, Client User's Guide, Client Readme and Release Notes

PowerBuilder Support

PowerBuilder support is provided by:

Visual Basic Support

Support for Visual Basic, including the MessageQ Custom Controls and example programs in Visual Basic, Version 4.0

To install the MessageQ Client, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the MessageQ Client CD-ROM into the appropriate disk drive.

  2. Run \client\setup.exe to start the installation.

  3. The Welcome screen is shown in Figure 2-1.

    During the installation process, clicking on Next advances you to the next dialog box, and clicking on Back returns you to the previous dialog box.

    Figure 2-1 The Welcome Screen

  4. The installation program displays the Choose Destination Location dialog box with the default location (c:\...\BEA Systems\MessageQ) as shown in Figure 2-2. Click the Browse button if you wish to specify a different installation directory.

    Note: The installation replaces any files from a previous installation of the MessageQ Client.

    Figure 2-2 Choose Destination Location Dialog Box

  5. Next, the installation program displays the Setup Type dialog box that describes the three choices you have for setting up MessageQ (Custom is selected in this example).

    Figure 2-3 Setup Type Dialog Box

  6. Select the components you want to install from the Custom setup dialog box.

    Note: This dialog box does not appear if you selected the Typical or Compact installation.

    Figure 2-4 Select Component Dialog Box

  7. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

  8. When all components are installed, the last dialog box informs you that the installation is complete. Click on OK to finish the installation.

Recovering from Errors During the Installation

If errors occur during the MessageQ Client installation procedure, see the Installation Prerequisites topic to ensure that the correct versions of the prerequisite software have been installed. If the installation fails, SETUP displays a dialog indicating that the installation failed. The installation will fail if the following conditions exist:

If you encounter a problem while using MessageQ and you believe the error is caused by a problem with MessageQ, call your BEA Support Center for high-level advisory and remedial assistance.

Adding the MessageQ Client File Drive and Directory to Your Path

After completing the installation procedure, you can verify that the MessageQ Client software is successfully installed on your system.

Ensure that the files listed in Table 2-4 are located in directories identified by the PATH environment variable:
Table 2-4 PATH Environment Variable

Windows NT or Windows 95


dmq.ini (Optional: Configuration can be stored in the Registry)


Uninstalling the MessageQ Client

To remove the MessageQ Client from your system, run the Client Uninstaller program. The Client Uninstaller program deletes MessageQ files, directories, and registry entries created during the installation process. Configuration settings stored in the Registry are not removed by the Client Uninstaller program.

Note also that the Client Uninstaller program cannot remove MessageQ directories if they contain files which were not created during the installation process (for example, log files). You must delete these files manually before you can delete the directories.