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How to Create the TUXCONFIG File

The tmloadcf(1) command converts the text configuration file to a binary file called tuxconfig and writes the new file to the location given in the TUXCONFIG variable. Run the command as follows:

$ tmloadcf [-n] [-y] [-c] [-b blocks] {ubbconfig_file | - }

Note: You must be logged in on the MASTER machine and have the effective user ID of the configuration file owner.

The options shown here perform the following functions:

The -c and -n options do not load the TUXCONFIG file. IPC resources are platform specific. If you use the -c option, check the data sheet for your platform in the BEA Tuxedo Installation Guide to judge whether you must make changes. If you do want to change IPC resources, check the administration documentation for your platform. If the -n option checks for syntax errors in the configuration file, correct the errors before you proceed. (For ubbconfig_file, substitute the fully qualified name of your configuration file.)

The -b option takes an argument that limits the number of blocks used to store the TUXCONFIG file. Use it if you are installing TUXCONFIG on a raw disk device that has not been initialized. The option is not recommended if TUXCONFIG is stored in a regular UNIX system file.


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