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Defining Transaction and Blocking Timeouts in Domains

The BEA Tuxedo system provides two timeout mechanisms: a transaction timeout mechanism and a blocking timeout mechanism. The transaction timeout is used to define the duration of a transaction, which may involve several service requests. The timeout value is defined when the transaction is started (with tpbegin(3c)). The blocking timeout is used to define the duration of individual service requests, that is, how long the application is willing to wait for a reply to one service request.

The BEA Tuxedo transaction timeout mechanism is used unchanged in the Domains framework. Use of the same transaction timeout mechanism is necessary because domain gateways implement the TMS functionality and therefore are required to handle the TMS_TIMEOUT messages generated by the Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL).

Domain gateways, however, cannot use the BEA Tuxedo blocking timeout mechanism. The blocking timeout mechanism uses information stored in the registry slot assigned to each client or server. (Information in the registry slot is used by the local BBL to detect requesters that have been blocked for a time greater than BLOCKTIME.) Domain gateways, however, are multitasking servers that can process several service requests at a time, which means they cannot use the registry slot mechanism. When a blocking timeout condition arises, the domain gateway sends an error/failure reply message to the requester, and cleans any context associated with the service request.


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