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How to Route Service Requests to Remote Domains

Data-dependent routing information used by gateways to send service requests to specific remote domains is provided in the DM_ROUTING section of the DMCONFIG file. The FML32, VIEW32, FML, VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON typed buffers are supported.

To create a routing table for a domain, specify the following:

The following table describes these fields.

Routing Table Field


Buffer type

A list of types and subtypes of data buffers for which this routing entry is valid. The types may be included: FML32, VIEW32, FML, VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON. No subtype can be specified for type FML; subtypes are required for the other types. The * (or wildcard) value is not allowed. Duplicate type/subtype pairs cannot be specified for the same routing criteria name; one criteria name can be specified in multiple routing entries as long as the type/subtype pairs are unique. If multiple buffer types are specified for a single routing entry, the data types of the routing field for all buffer types must be the same.

Valid values for type are:
[:subtype1[,subtype2 . . .]]
type2[:subtype3[,subtype4 . . . ]]] . . .

The maximum total length of 32 type/subtype combinations is 256 characters.

Valid values for subtype may not include semicolons, colons, commas, or asterisks.

Example: FML

Domain routing criteria

The name (identifier) of the routing entry.

A valid value is any string of 1-15 characters, inclusive.

Example: ROUTTAB1

Routing field name

The name of the routing field. It is assumed that the value of this field is a name identified in an FML field table (for FML buffers) or an FML VIEW table (for VIEW, X_C_TYPE, or X_COMMON buffers).

A valid value is an identifier string that is 1-30 characters, inclusive.

Example: FIELD1


A value comprised of a set of numbers (that must have numeric values) and an alphanumeric string (that must have string values) associated with remote domain names (RDOM) for the routing field. The routing field can be of any data type supported in FML.

String range values for string, carray, and character field types must meet the following criteria:

When a field value matches a range, the associated RDOM value specifies the remote domains to which the request should be routed. An RDOM value of * indicates that the request can go to any remote domain known by the gateway group.

Valid values for this field are a comma-separated ordered list of range/RDOM pairs where a range is one of two types: (a) a single value (signed numeric value or character string in single quotes); or (b) a range of the form lower-upper (where lower and upper are both signed numeric values or character strings in single quotes). Note that lower must be less than or equal to upper.

Within a range/RDOM pair, the range is separated from the RDOM by a colon ( : ). MIN can be used to indicate the minimum value for the data type of the associated FIELD:

MAX can be used to indicate the maximum value for the data type of the associated FIELD:

Thus, MIN - -5 is all numbers less than or equal to -5; and 6 - MAX is the set of all numbers greater than or equal to 6. The metacharacter * (wildcard) in the range position indicates any values not covered by other ranges previously seen in the entry; one wildcard range is allowed per entry, which should be listed last in the field (ranges following it are ignored).

Example: 1-100:REMDOM3



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