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Configuring the Connections Between Your Domains

You can specify the conditions under which a local domain gateway tries to establish a connection to a remote domain. To specify these conditions, assign a value to the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter in the Domains configuration file. You can select any of the following connection policies:

For connection policies of ON_STARTUP and INCOMING_ONLY, Dynamic Status is invoked. Dynamic Status is a BEA Tuxedo Domains capability that checks and reports the status of remote services.

How to Request Connections at Boot Time (ON_STARTUP Policy)

A policy of ON_STARTUP means that a domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with its remote domains when the gateway server is initialized. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds, but you can specify a different value for this interval (using the RETRY_INTERVAL parameter). This policy invokes Dynamic Status.


The following diagram shows how connections are attempted and made by a gateway for which the connection policy is ON_STARTUP.

Connections Made with an ON_STARTUP Policy


How to Request Connections for Client Demands (ON_DEMAND Policy)

A connection policy of ON_DEMAND means that a connection is attempted only when either a client requests a remote service or an administrative "connect" command is run. The default setting for CONNECTION_POLICY is ON_DEMAND. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is ON_DEMAND. This policy does not invoke Dynamic Status.


The following diagram shows how connections are attempted and made by a gateway for which the connection policy is ON_DEMAND.

Connections Made with an ON_DEMAND Policy


How to Limit Connections to Incoming Messages Only (INCOMING_ONLY Policy)

A connection policy of INCOMING_ONLY means that a domain gateway does not try to establish a connection to remote domains upon starting. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is INCOMING_ONLY. This policy invokes Dynamic Status.

To use this policy, enter the following line in your Domains configuration file:


Note: You can also establish a connection manually using the dmadmin connect command.

The following diagram shows how connections are attempted and made by a gateway for which the connection policy is INCOMING_ONLY.

Connections Made with an INCOMING_ONLY Policy (accept incoming connections)


How to Configure the Connection Retry Interval for ON_STARTUP Only

When the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter is set to ON_STARTUP, then the connection retry capability is available. The connection retry capability enables a domain gateway to retry, automatically, a failed attempt to connect to a remote domain. As an administrator, you can control the frequency of automatic connection attempts. To do so, specify the length (in seconds) of the interval during which the gateway should wait before trying, again, to establish a connection. You can specify the retry interval by setting the RETRY_INTERVAL parameter in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section of the Domains configuration file as follows:


Note: You can specify between 0 and 2147483647 seconds.

If the connection policy is ON_STARTUP and you do not specify a value for the RETRY_INTERVAL parameter, a default of 60 is used.

The RETRY_INTERVAL parameter is valid only when the connection policy is ON_STARTUP. For the other connection policies (ON_DEMAND and INCOMING_ONLY), retry processing is disabled.

How to Configure the Maximum Retry Number

You indicate the number of times that a domain gateway tries to establish connections to remote domains before quitting by assigning a value to the MAXRETRY parameter: the minimum value is 0; the default and maximum value is the value of the MAXLONG parameter.

The MAXRETRY parameter is valid only when the connection policy is ON_STARTUP. For the other connection policies (ON_DEMAND and INCOMING_ONLY), retry processing is disabled.

Example Settings of the MAXRETRY and RETRY_INTERVAL Parameters

If You Set...



The gateway makes 3 attempts to establish a connection, at 30 seconds intervals, before quitting.


The gateway attempts to establish a connection at initialization time but does not retry if the first attempt fails.


The gateway attempts to establish a connection every 30 seconds until a connection is established.


See Also


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