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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Configuring a Domains Environment

To configure a Domains environment, an administrator needs to specify all the information a BEA Tuxedo domain needs to know about other domains. This information includes services imported from other domains, addressing and security parameters for contacting remote domains, access control lists, services exported to these domains, whether data-dependent routing is used, and parameters for controlling access to exported services. This information is defined in the UBBCONFIG configuration file and in the DMCONFIG configuration file.

Configuring a Sample Domains Application (simpapp)

The Domains example illustrated in the following figure consists of two applications: lapp, a local application, and rapp, a remote application. Both are based on the simpapp example provided with the BEA Tuxedo system. lapp is configured to allow its clients to access a service called TOUPPER, which is advertised in rapp.

Local and Remote Applications in simpapp


Configuration Tasks

The following tasks are required to configure the simpapp domain consisting of two applications: lapp (the local application) and rapp (the remote application).



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