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How to Run tmconfig

To run tmconfig properly, you must set the required environmental variables. Also, if you have not run tmconfig, we recommend that you walk through a generic tmconfig session, during which you modify entries in your configuration file.

How to Set Environment Variables for tmconfig

Before you can start a tmconfig session, you must set the required environment variables and permissions. For your convenience, you may also want to select a text editor other than the default editor.

Complete the following procedure to set up your working environment properly before running tmconfig.

  1. Log in as the BEA Tuxedo application administrator if you want to add entries to TUXCONFIG, or modify existing entries. (You do not need to log in as the administrator if you only want to view existing configuration file entries without changing or adding to them.)

  2. Assign values to two mandatory environment variables: TUXCONFIG and TUXDIR.

  3. You may also set the EDITOR environment variable; this step is optional. The value of EDITOR must be the name of the text editor you want to use when changing parameter values; the default is ed (a UNIX system command-line editor).

    Note: Many full-screen editors do not function properly unless the TERM environment variable is also set.

How to Conduct a tmconfig Walkthrough Session

The following procedure leads you through a sample tmconfig session.

  1. Enter tmconfig after a shell prompt.
    $ tmconfig

    Note: You can end a session at any time by entering q (short for quit) after the Section menu prompt.

    A menu of sections in the TUXCONFIG file is displayed.


  2. Select the section that you want to change by entering the appropriate menu number, such as 2 for the MACHINES section. The default choice is the RESOURCES section, represented by [1] at the end of the list of sections shown in Step 1. If you specify a section (instead of accepting the default), that section becomes the new default choice and remains so until you specify another section.

    A menu of possible operations is displayed.

    Operation: 1) FIRST 2) NEXT 3) RETRIEVE 4) ADD 5) UPDATE
    6) CLEAR BUFFER 7) QUIT [1]:

    Each operation listed here is available to be performed on one record at a time of one section of the configuration file. The names of most operations (FIRST and NEXT) are self-explanatory. When you select FIRST, you are asking to have the first record (in the specified section of the configuration file) displayed on the screen. When you select NEXT, you are asking to have the contents of the buffer replaced by the second record in the specified section, and to have the new buffer contents displayed on the screen. By repeatedly choosing NEXT, you can view all the records in a given section of the configuration file in the order in which they are listed.

  3. Select the operation that you want to have performed.

    The default choice is the FIRST operation, represented by [1] at the end of the list of operations shown in step 2.

    A prompt is displayed, asking whether you want to enter a text editor to start making changes to the TUXCONFIG section you specified in step 2.

    Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]?

  4. Select y or n (for yes or no, respectively). The default choice (shown at the end of the prompt) is n.

    If you select yes (y), the specified editor is invoked and you can start adding or changing fields. The format of each field is:


    where the name and value of the field are separated by one or more tabs.

    In most cases, the field name is the same as the corresponding KEYWORD in the UBBCONFIG file, prefixed with TA_.

    Note: For details about valid input, see tmconfig Input Buffer Considerations. For descriptions of the field names associated with each section of the UBBCONFIG file, see TM_MIB(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

    When you finish editing the input buffer, tmconfig reads it. If any errors are found, a syntax error is displayed and tmconfig prompts you to decide whether to correct the problem.

    Enter editor to correct?

  5. Select n or y.

    If you decide not to correct the problem (by entering n), the input buffer contains no fields; otherwise, the editor is executed again.

    When you finish editing the input buffer, a prompt is displayed, asking whether you want to have the operation you specified (in step 3) performed now.

    Perform operation [y]?

  6. Select n or y. The default choice (shown at the end of the prompt) is y.

  7. Continue your tmconfig session by requesting more operations, or quit the session.

  8. After you end your tmconfig session, you can make a backup copy, in text format, of your newly modified TUXCONFIG file. In the following example, the administrator chooses the default response to the offer of a backup (yes) and overrides the default name of the backup file (UBBCONFIG) by specifying another name (backup).
    Unload TUXCONFIG file into ASCII backup [y]? 
    Backup filename [UBBCONFIG]? backup
    Configuration backed up in backup

tmconfig Input Buffer Considerations

The following considerations apply to the input buffer used with tmconfig:


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