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Defining IPC Limits

Because most interprocess communication (IPC) and shared memory bulletin board tables are statically allocated for speedy processing, it is important to tune them correctly. If they are sized too generously, memory and IPC resources are wasted; if too small, processes fail when the limits are exceeded. You can use the tmloadcf -c command to find out the maximum IPC resources required by a specific application. (See tmloadcf(1) in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.)

MAXACCESSERS, MAXSERVERS, MAXSERVICES, MAXINTERFACES, and MAXOBJECTS are the tunable parameters that control IPC sizing. The amount of shared memory allocated in an application is controlled by the MAXGTT and MAXCONV parameters.





Maximum number of overall processes that can be simultaneously connected to the bulletin board at any particular site in the BEA Tuxedo application. This number includes all clients and system-supplied and application servers, but does not include administrative processes such as the Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) and tmadmin(), which have reserved access slots to the bulletin board.

The value of MAXACCESSERS must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 50. You can overwrite MAXACCESSERS, on a per-machine basis, in the MACHINES section.


Maximum number of server processes available to the application. This number includes all system-supplied and application servers.

The value of MAXSERVERS must be greater than 0 and less than 8,192. If not specified, the default is 50.


Maximum number of different BEA Tuxedo services that can be advertised in the application. The value of MAXSERVICES must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 100.

Note: For CORBA environments, each CORBA interface is mapped to a BEA Tuxedo service. Make sure you account for the number of services generated.


For CORBA environments, the maximum number of CORBA interfaces that can be advertised in the application. The value of MAXINTERFACES must be greater than 0 and less than 32,766. If not specified, the default is 100.

Note: All instances of an interface occupy and reuse the same slot in the interface table in the bulletin board. For example, if server SVR1 advertises interfaces IF1 and IF2, server SVR2 advertises interfaces IF2 and IF3, and server SVR3 advertises interfaces IF3 and IF4, the interface count is 4 (not 6) when calculating MAXINTERFACES.


For CORBA environments, the maximum number of active CORBA objects in the application. The value of MAXOBJECTS must be greater than 0 and less than 32,766. If not specified, the default is 100.


Note: Examples of system-supplied servers are AUTHSVR, TMQUEUE, TMQFORWARD, TMUSREVT, TMSYSEVT, TMS, TMS_QM, GWTDOMAIN, and WSL.

The cost incurred by increasing MAXACCESSERS is one additional semaphore per site per client or server process (accesser—see note that follows). There is a small fixed semaphore overhead for system processes in addition to that added by the MAXACCESSERS value. The cost of increasing MAXSERVERS and MAXSERVICES is a small amount of shared memory that is kept for each server, service, and client entry, respectively. The general idea for these parameters is to allow for future growth of the application. It is more important to scrutinize MAXACCESSERS.

Note: The system allocates one semaphore for each access slot to the bulletin board. A semaphore is a latch circuit that prevents more than one process from accessing the same shared memory in the bulletin board at the same time.

For BEA Tuxedo releases prior to release 7.1, both the MAXACCESSERS and MAXSERVERS parameters for an application play a part in the user license checking scheme. Specifically, a machine is not allowed to boot if the number of MAXACCESSERS for that machine + the number of MAXACCESSERS for the machine (or machines) already running in the application is greater than the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application. Thus, the total number of MAXACCESSERS for an application must be less than or equal to the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application.

The user license checking scheme in BEA Tuxedo release 7.1 or later considers only the following two factors when performing its checks: the number of user licenses for an application and the number of licenses currently in use for the application. When all user licenses are in use, no new clients are allowed to join the application.

Example Settings

In this example, at most 75 processes (clients and servers) can access the system at any one time. There is room for 40 servers advertising 55 services in the bulletin board.



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