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Protecting Shared Memory

You can shield system tables kept in shared memory from application clients and/or servers using the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter. This parameter is useful when applications are being developed because faulty application code can inadvertently corrupt shared memory with a bad pointer. Once an application is fully debugged and tested, the value of this parameter can be changed to allow for faster responses. Following are valid values for this parameter:

Once you select a value, you can specify NO_OVERRIDE, which means that the selected option cannot be changed either by the client, in the TPINIT structure of the tpinit() call, or by the administrator, in the SERVERS section for servers.

Characteristics of the PROTECTED, FASTPATH, and NO_OVERRIDE Parameters




Internal structures in shared memory are not corrupted inadvertently by application processes.

FASTPATH (Default)

Application processes join the application with access to shared memory at all times.


The specified option (either PROTECTED or FASTPATH) cannot be changed.


Example Settings



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