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Identifying the Locations of the System Software and Application Server Software

Each machine in an application that supports servers must have a copy of the BEA Tuxedo system software and application software. You identify the location of system software with the TUXDIR parameter. You identify the location of the application software with the APPDIR parameter. Both parameters are mandatory. The APPDIR parameter becomes the current working directory of all server processes. The BEA Tuxedo software looks in TUXDIR/bin and APPDIR for executables.

Characteristics of the APPDIR and TUXDIR Parameters




The syntax requires a full pathname enclosed in double quotes: APPDIR="APPDIR".

APPDIR identifies the location of application software.

APPDIR is a required parameter.

APPDIR becomes the current working directory of server processes.


The syntax requires a full pathname enclosed in double quotes: TUXDIR="TUXDIR".

TUXDIR identifies the location of the BEA Tuxedo software.

TUXDIR is a required parameter.



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