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Assigning a BRIDGE Network Address

To specify the complete network address to be used by the BRIDGE process placed on the LMID as its listening address, set the NADDR parameter as follows:

NADDR = string_value

The listening address for a BRIDGE is the location at which it is contacted by other BRIDGE processes participating in the application.

The listening address for a BRIDGE may also be specified in one of the following three forms:

In the first of these formats, is resolved to the address of the TCP/IP host address at the time the address is bound. This format is based on locally configured name resolution facilities accessed via an operating system command. The value of port_number can be a symbolic name or a decimal number.

In the second format, the string #.#.#.# represents four decimal numbers (each of which is between 0 and 255), separated by periods. The value of port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65,535 (the hexadecimal representations of the string specified). The value of port_number can be a symbolic name or a decimal number.

In the third format, the string 0xhex-digits or \\xhex-digits must contain an even number of valid hex digits. A string in either of these forms is translated internally into a character array containing TCP/IP addresses.

Note: On some platforms lower numbers may be reserved for the system.


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