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Specifying Server Command-line Options

The BEA Tuxedo system allows you to specify options that are used when a server processes a request. These options are defined in servopts, which lists the run-time options for server processes. The server may need to obtain information from the command line. The CLOPT parameter allows you to specify command-line options that can change some defaults in the server, or pass user-defined options to the tpsvrinit() function.

The standard main() of a server parses one set of options ending with the argument --, and passes the remaining options to tpsvrinit(). The default for CLOPT is -A, which tells the server to advertise all the services built into it with buildserver(1) or buildobjserver(1). The following table provides a partial list of the available options.

Use This Option


-o filename

Redirect standard output to file filename.

-e filename

Redirect standard error to file filename.

-s services

Advertise services. For example, -s x,y,z to advertise services x, y, and z.

-s x,y,z:funcname

Advertise services x, y, and z, but process requests for those services with function funcname. This is called aliasing a function name.


Specify that the server should log the services performed.


Print out the list of the service name/function name to standard output.

This option cannot be used in the CLOPT in the UBBCONFIG. It must be used when manually invoking the server.


Note: You can find other standard main() options listed on servopts(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

Characteristics of the CLOPT Parameter

In the BANKAPP sample application, command-line options are specified as follows:

CLOPT="-A -- -T 10"

The server is given the option of advertising all services (-A) and teller ID of 10 so it can update a specific teller record with each operation. The use of this option, especially the options passed to tpsvrinit(), require communication between the system administrator and the application programmer.

See Also


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