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How to Create the ROUTING Section of the Configuration File

The ROUTING section of UBBCONFIG allows you to provide a full definition of the routing criteria named in the SERVICES section (for ATMI data-dependent routing) or in the INTERFACES section (for CORBA factory-based routing).

Note: For more information about configuring factory-based routing for CORBA environments, refer to the Scaling, Distributing, and Tuning CORBA Applications guide.

For each parameter in the ROUTING section, the following table provides a description and links to reference pages and additional information.

To Specify This Information in the ROUTING Section (Optional)

Set This Parameter (Required/Optional)

For More Information, Click the Following

Ranges and associated server groups for the routing field.

RANGES (Required)

Range criteria

The value must be a string with a maximum length of 15 characters.

For ATMI, the routing criteria name specified as the value of the ROUTING parameter in the SERVICES section for data-dependent routing.

For CORBA, the routing criteria name specified in the INTERFACES section as the FACTORYROUTING parameter factory-based routing.

criterion_name (required)

Specifies the routing type.

For ATMI, the default is TYPE=SERVICE to ensure that existing UBBCONFIG files used in Tuxedo ATMI environments continue to work properly.

For CORBA, use TYPE=FACTORY when implementing factory-based routing for a CORBA interface.


Name of the routing field, which is assumed to be an FML buffer, XML element or element attribute, view field name identified in an FML field table (using FLDTBLDIR and FIELDTBLS environment variables), or an FML view table (using the VIEWDIR and VIEWFILES environment variables), respectively. This information is used to obtain the associated field value for data-dependent routing when sending a message.

In CORBA factory-based routing, this value specifies the name of the routing field. The maximum length is 30 characters. It must correspond to a field name specified for factory-based routing in a factory's call to: TP::create_object_reference (C++) or com.beasys.Tobj.TP::create_object_
(Java) for the interface.

FIELD (Required)

Routing buffer field and type

A list of types and subtypes of data buffers for which this routing entry is valid. This parameter may contain up to 256 characters with a maximum of 32 type/subtype combinations.

BUFTYPE (required)

Buffer types and subtypes


ROUTING Section Example

The following is a sample ROUTING section from a configuration file:



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