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Setting the Maximum Number of Remote CORBA Clients

To join remote clients to an application, you must specify the MAXWSCLIENTS parameter in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

MAXWSCLIENTS tells the BEA Tuxedo system at boot time how many accesser slots to reserve exclusively for remote clients. For native clients, each accesser slot requires one semaphore. However, the ISH process (executing on the native platform on behalf of remote clients) multiplexes remote client accessers through a single accesser slot and, therefore, requires only one semaphore. This points out an additional benefit of the remote extension. By putting more clients out on remote systems and taking them off the native platform, an application reduces its IPC resource requirements.

MAXWSCLIENTS takes its specified number of accesser slots from the total set in MAXACCESSERS. This is important to remember when specifying MAXWSCLIENTS; enough slots must remain to accommodate native clients as well as servers. Do not specify a value for MAXWSCLIENTS greater than MAXACCESSERS. The following table describes the MAXWSCLIENTS parameter.




Specifies the maximum number of remote clients that may connect to a machine.

The default is 0. If a value is not specified, remote clients may not connect to the machine being described.

The syntax is MAXWSCLIENTS=number.



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