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Using the ISL Command to Configure Outbound IIOP Support

Outbound IIOP support is used when a native C++ or Java client, or a server acting as a native client, invokes on an object reference that is a remote object reference. The routing code recognizes that the object reference is from a non-BEA Tuxedo CORBA ORB or from a remote BEA Tuxedo CORBA joint client/server.

Types of Object References

There are two kinds of remote object references:

Both are detected by the routing code and sent to the outbound IIOP support for handling.

User Interface

The user interface to outbound IIOP support is the commandline interface for booting the ISL process(es). New command-line options to configure the outbound IIOP processing were added to the ISL command in this release of the BEA Tuxedo software. These options enable support for asymmetric IIOP to object references not located in clients connected to an ISH.

The ISL command syntax listed below shows the new options for outbound IIOP support:

ISL SRVGRP="identifier"


CLOPT="[ -A ] [ servopts options ] -- -n netaddr
[ -C {detect|warn|none} ]
[ -d device ]
[ -K {client|handler|both|none} ]
[ -m minh ]
[ -M maxh ]
[ -T Client-timeout]
[ -x mpx-factor ]
[-H external-netaddr]
#NEW options for outbound IIOP
[-o outbound-max-connections]
[-s Server-timeout]
[-u out-mpx-users] "

For a detailed description of the CLOPT command-line options, see the ISL command in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.


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