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Querying and Updating the MIB with ud32


ud32 is a client program delivered with the BEA Tuxedo system that reads input consisting of text representation of FML buffers. You can use ud32 for ad hoc queries and updates to the MIB. It creates an FML32 buffer, makes a service call with the buffer, receives a reply (also in an FML32 buffer) from the service call, and displays the results on screen or in a file in text format.

ud32 builds an FML32-type buffer with the FML fields and values that you represent in text format, makes a service call to the identified service in the buffer, and waits for the reply. The reply then comes back in FML32 format as a report. Now, because the MIB is FML32-based, ud32 becomes the scripting tool for the MIB.

For example, suppose you write a small file that contains the following text:

service name=.tmib and ta_operation=get, TACLASSES=T_SERVER

When you type this file into ud32, you receive an FML output buffer listing all the data in the system about the servers.


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