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Creating the SERVICES Section

The SERVICES section contains parameters that determine how application services are handled. Every line of every entry in this section is associated with a service by its identifier name.

You must identify the service provided by each server group in the SERVICES section. Because the same service can be link edited with more than one server, the SRVGRP parameter is provided to tie the parameters for an instance of a service to a particular group of servers.

The following table describes the parameters in the SERVICES section that are available for defining distributed applications.

SERVICES Section Parameters



LOAD (Optional)

LOAD specifies the size of the load imposed by SVCNM on the system.

The value of LOAD must be a number between 1 and 32,767, inclusive. A higher number indicates a greater load. The default is 50.

PRIO (Optional)

PRIO specifies the dequeuing priority of SVCNM.

The value of PRIO must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100, with 100 being the highest priority. The default is 50.

ROUTING (optional)

ROUTING specifies the name of the routing criteria used for this service when data-dependent routing is being performed. If this parameter is not specified, data-dependent routing is not performed for this service.

The value of ROUTING may contain up to 15 characters. If multiple entries exist for the same service name but with different SRVGRP parameters, the ROUTING parameter must be the same for all entries.

SRVGRP (Optional)

SRVGRP specifies the host server group for the service that is specified by SVCNM and controlled by the parameters set in this section.

By setting SRVGRP, you can assign different parameter settings to the same service when it is offered by different server groups. For example, suppose your application provides two server groups, GROUP1 and GROUP2, that offer a service called WITHDRAW. By setting SRVGRP you can assign different load factors to each copy of the service, as follows:


The value of SRVGRP may contain up to 30 characters.


SVCTIMEOUT specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that is allowed for processing of the indicated service. A timed-out service causes the server processing the service request to be terminated with a SIGKILL signal.

The value of SVCTIMEOUT must be greater than or equal to 0. A value of 0 indicates that the service will not be timed out. The default is 0.


If your application includes transaction processing, you may also want to set three other parameters in the SERVICES section: AUTOTRAN, ROUTING, and TRANTIME. These parameters are described in Configuring Your ATMI Application to Use Transactions.

The following listing shows a sample of the SERVICES section.




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