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Planning the Design of Your Application

An administrator needs to know a customer's business requirements and how the software will be used. Once these needs are understood, administrators can work with their system designers and application developers to make sure that the application's configuration can support its requirements.

Answers to the following preliminary questions may help in planning the design of your application.

  1. How many machines will be used? ____________________

  2. Will client applications reside on machines that are remote from the server applications? _______________________

  3. For ATMI, which services will your application offer? _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

  4. For CORBA, which interfaces will your client or server application use? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

  5. What resource managers (database) will the application use and where will they be located? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

  6. What "open" strings will the resource managers need? _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

  7. What setup information will be needed for an RDBMS? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

  8. Will transactions be distributed? ________________

  9. Will the application use global transactions? ________________

  10. What buffer types will be used? ____________________________________________________________

  11. Will data be distributed across machines? _________________________________________________________

  12. To which external domains will the application export services? From which external domains will the application import services? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

  13. Will factory-based or data-dependent routing be used in your application? _________________________________________________________

  14. What are the names of the CORBA interfaces or ATMI services? _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

  15. In what order of priority should the interfaces or services be available? _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

  16. What are the reliability requirements? Will redundant listener and handler ports be needed? Will replicated server applications be needed? _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

  17. For CORBA environments, will the domain need an Interface Repository (IR) database? If so, will the domain benefit from having IR replicas, and how many IR server applications should be defined? _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

  18. Are there any conversational services? What resource managers do they access? What buffer types do they use? _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

See Also


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