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Resetting the Jolt Connection Pool

You can reset the Jolt connection pool without having to restart WebLogic Server. The resetConnectionPool() method calls the SessionPoolManager.stopSessionPool() method to shut down all the connections in the pool. It then calls the SessionPoolManager.createSessionPool() method to restart the connection pool.

Command-line Method

The resetConnectionPool method can be invoked from the Admininstration Console command-line interface by using the following command:

java weblogic.Admin -url t3://localhost:7001 -username system -password gumby1234 -invoke -mbean mydomain:Name=myserver.jolt.demojoltpool,Type=JoltConnectionPoolRuntime,Location=myserver -method resetConnectionPool

Administration Console Method

The Jolt connection pool can also be reset from the GUI console by using the following method:

  1. Under Services in the left frame, click the Jolt service folder.

  2. Click the configured Jolt Connection Pool that you would like to monitor.

  3. In the right frame, click the Monitoring tab, and then click the Monitor all Active Pools link. The console lists all the connection pools that have been configured.

  4. Click the Monitor all instances of... link next to the Jolt connection pool that you would like to monitor. The console displays the Active Jolt Connection Pool.

  1. Click the Reset Connection Pool icon at the end of the row to reset the connection pool.


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